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File: 39 KB, 1200x801, 463480main_lagrange_point_lg_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14883020 No.14883020 [Reply] [Original]

Despite there being no mass at L2 and earth's and sun's gravity both pulling in the same direction.

Am i the only one to notice this stinks of bullshit?

>> No.14883055

Not one kike on this board can explain where the centrifugal force supposedly drawing this scam to L2 comes from.

>> No.14883091
File: 36 KB, 551x551, very.smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14883108

The centrifugal force comes from the earth's orbiting around the sun. L2 is far enough away from earth to be only weakly influenced by its gravity, such that it is balanced by the centrifugal force going the other way.
Earth and the moon have an L2 as well, on the other side of the moon, though I guess we haven't done anything with it.
Saying JWST orbits L2 might not be entirely accurate, it's not perfectly balanced and is having to constantly expend propellant to stay where it is

>> No.14883112

I've spent so much time explaining GR on this board that I don't want to anymore, do your own research, retard.

>> No.14883173

>L2 is far enough away from earth to be only weakly influenced by its gravity, such that it is balanced by the centrifugal force going the other way
Wrong. Sun's pull is the same direction as Earth's gravity and there's no other forces to speak of.

>> No.14883177

Ok, so how is anything able to orbit around the sun at all? Rather than just being pulled straight into it

>> No.14883184
File: 130 KB, 768x512, lagrange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like this

>> No.14883188

By having initial speed, whose vector slowly turns in the direction of the where the Sun is. Not in the opposite direction

Accoding to kikes, this telescope is "falling backwards"

>> No.14883194

>meme picture

>> No.14883201

OPs post convinces me that jews are rightfully the masters of humanity.

>> No.14883202

lol what, how is it a meme?

>> No.14883207 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 750x755, JWST pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>differentiating between a picture of sausage and a picture of space?
>no i cannot do that.

>> No.14883227

>be me
>OP piques my curiosity
>google "can something orbit an empty Lagrange point"
>first page is a wikipedia which adequately explains it in the first paragraph

>> No.14883230

>Although a Lagrange point is just a point in empty space, its peculiar characteristic is that it can be orbited by a Lissajous orbit or a halo orbit.
kike nonsense

>> No.14883245

The actual answer is pretty trivial.
Under normal circumstances it's not possible to orbit the sun at the same position as the earth but just further away, that's not an orbit that's possible without active maneuvering. To be on that orbit without earth would mean that you would have to orbit slower around the sun as larger orbits always go around slower, which in turn desynchs earth and that orbit. But of course there's earth there giving a body in that position just the extra boost needed to keep up with earth on it's orbit around the sun.

>> No.14883256 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1200x801, 1664382717255079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14883362

its a dip in space time, a harmonic of the system of motion our solar system is engaged in. because its only a harmonic the dip isnt deep enough for a light satellite to just sit there in orbit with l2. however if you add moments onto the space craft so that it swirls around in the dip, it stays stable and can continue following along with l2.

without enough mass or without the right orbit and RCS objects fall out of l2 points as they move with the earth as it orbits the sun

>> No.14883524

The Star of David is not a hexagon
JWST's mirror is not a hexagram

>> No.14883570

all shapes have a star version, therefore theyre the same

>> No.14883587 [DELETED] 

They named it after a guy who tried to purge NASA of homosexuals, and during the final year before launch they refused to change the name despite what you'd probably call a woke mob urging them to. Bit contrary to the "kike agenda" isn't?

>> No.14883592

They named it after a guy who tried to purge NASA of homosexuals, and during the final year before launch they refused to change the name despite what you'd probably call a woke mob urging them to. Doesn't that seem a bit contrary to the "kike agenda"?

>> No.14883595

I want to have a threesome with kronii and yelan!

>> No.14883676
File: 3 KB, 339x158, 2022-09-28 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Despite there being no mass at L2 and earth's and sun's gravity both pulling in the same direction.

in void, an object orbiting there would orbit slower than the earth. The earth being directly between that point and the sun makes a balance; the combined pull of both makes the orbit at that exact point the same length as the orbit of the earth. if you put something there it won't stay there because it's not a well per se

>> No.14883680 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 768x1024, James Ebinezer Webb J.E.W..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14883745

You can overlay them but they do not match.
If you removed a segment from each side length of the mirror then it would be a bit closer

>> No.14883748

His middle name was Edwin not Ebinezer

>> No.14884069

The Earth's gravity adds to the Sun's gravity and allows objects at the L2 point to orbit the Sun faster than they would at that distance (objects at L1 take 12 months to go around the Sun when discounting Earth's gravity a circular orbit at that distance would take more than 12 months). Nothing actually orbits around anything but the sun when it's at a lagrange point with respect to a planet and the sun. You are simply too dumb to model gravitational strength gradients in your mind.

>> No.14884073
File: 138 KB, 1024x750, spurdo sparde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14884104

its one of those things brainlets cant understand. sorry you had to find out like this. you have my condolences.

>> No.14884150

Those darn Jews really make some hum-dinger meme graphs.

>> No.14884217

GR is false, so your imaginary orbit is total bullshit which is why there is no orbit and Jwst is effectively driving itself around in a pseudo orbit. Trying to appease you delusionals.

>> No.14884225

It makes how much you think you can understand something that is fantasy. Jwst is still driving itself around in a pseudo orbit to appease a bunch of idiots who imagine an orbit where none exists.

>> No.14884228

You are too delusional to consider the possibility that you are wrong. So you are going to imagine that a craft literally steering itself around a circle is actually in “orbit”. Retard.

>> No.14884284
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finds a counter-intuitive fact about physics they teach high schoolers
>da jooz must be wasting fuel to pilot this spaceship into a FAKE orbit to trick schizos on 4chan

>> No.14884292

“Counter intuitive “ is a faggot excuse for a theory that is total bullshit and should be rejected because it contradicts reality but faggots are too invested in falsehood to do science.

>> No.14884393

Being a retarded layman is a faggot excuse for a conspiracy that is total bullshit and should be rejected because it contradicts reality but faggots are too invested in falsehood to do science.

>> No.14884435

Conservation of angular momentum is bullshit.

Retarded faggot protecting COAM because he saw an ice skater spin faster when he was five is delusional anti scientific nonsense.

Stop trolling and behave reasonably.

>> No.14884473

you are being trolled

>> No.14884485

You are busy trolling. What is wrong with you. Why do you find it difficult to behave reasonably?

>> No.14884556


>> No.14884646

>Nothing actually orbits around anything but the sun when it's at a lagrange point with respect to a planet and the sun.

wikipedia says you're wrong lel