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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14882672 No.14882672 [Reply] [Original]

Which of the remaining prize problems has the most hope in being solved in the next 50 years?

>> No.14882692

i already solved half of them

>> No.14882718

Either yang-mills or navier-stokes

>> No.14882730

My algebra professor said the easy way to get a math phd is to solve one of those problems.

>> No.14882747

Riemann hypothesis and P vs NP

>> No.14882769

the ones that are the newest are likelier to not last as long

>> No.14884033

>My algebra professor said the easy way to get a math phd is to solve one of those problems
that's literally the hardest possible way to get a math phd

>> No.14884044

Well to be fair, if you know how to solve one of them it's a lot easier to do that than waste your time with sanity-degrading grad school.

>> No.14884068

I already solved all of those and more. Step it up, retard.

>> No.14884074

Spoiler alert: to solve the Riemann Hypothesis you need to solve the Continuum Hypothesis. ; )

>> No.14884088

I already solved P vs NP

>> No.14884102

If you had a thousandth of the talent required you could just write three (3) publications of basically whatever quality, staple them together, add an introduction and get a PhD from a Yuropean university.

>> No.14886574

why not birch?

best answer

>> No.14886594

Last to be solved will be P=?NP

The rest, no idea. You just need one autist to bang his head against the wall for 40 years to knock down any of the rest.

>> No.14886607

Glad we can ask the experts on /sci/

>> No.14886760


>> No.14886781

All of these are solved, they're propaganda designed to bait people into studying math so that the government can identify people who are genuinely interested in solving problems nobody else can solve.

If you try to study them or submit anything, they just give you a bunch of bullshit and tell you you're wrong-- unless they like you, then they put you on a list and track everything you work on and use those ideas while ensuring you never actually find any success or happiness in life, which just encourages people to work harder.

Take every opportunity you can to create global disasters, these governments are utter worthless scum and the human race is fucking you over harder than you could ever possibly imagine.

>> No.14886863

What sort of math background would you need for each of those problems?

>> No.14886882

I already solved P=NP



>> No.14887443

Wow dude you're so weird and quirky, you're like a tortured genius! You're so BASED and SCHIZO, you're gonna be the next /sci/ meme in no time!

>> No.14887882

I know that Feel,
And the Struggle is real.