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1488104 No.1488104 [Reply] [Original]

I know most people here, including me, don't believe in god, the afterlife, ghost, etc.

But I wanted to ask: do you want to? Would you like to believe there is a place where you would meet again all of your dead relatives? Would you like to believe there's some sort of being watching over you?

I would like to, but I can't.

What about you?

>> No.1488126

I sometimes wish i could. Ignorance is bliss and all

>> No.1488155

I would like to. I just don't think there is. I guess I hope so.

>> No.1488278

Of course the ideas of a blissful eternal life, and a "guardian angel" are attractive to the gullible, the superstitious, and innocent children.. What's interesting is the acceptance of eternal torment by the same people. My guess is that it serves as a disincentive to forsake religious beliefs once they are acquired.

>> No.1488291

i would like to very much. i literally wish christianity was true (because not only is it reassuring, but it would give me a much greater sense of community with my fellow worshipers).

turns out we all die alone and slip into the void though, LOL!

>> No.1488304

The Bible, Koran, Torah, Talmud, ALL OF IT is bullshit.

God may well exist, but there is no enlightenment to be found in these books, unless you want to see what the minds of primitive misogynistic men where thousands of years ago.

>> No.1488301

It would be nice if there were an afterlife, that this isn't the end.

But the evidence does not suggest that.

We shouldn't try to justify our desires with religion, etc.

>> No.1488344

ITT: atheists admit that deep down inside they believe in God

>> No.1488357

I don't want to believe in anything that doesn't exist. I value knowledge.

>> No.1488361


>> No.1488364

I wouldn't want to. Afterlives would suck.

>> No.1488372


>ITT: atheists admit that deep down inside they believe in God

You're thinking of rebelling Theists. Not true Atheists. Please stfu.

>> No.1488376

If Christianity were true, that would be fucking awesome. I would probably pray erry day till I died

>> No.1488386

all of you guys are faggots
agnosticism for the win.

>> No.1488397

Agnostic= not knowing

Theists are gnostic, atheists are... well, atheists.

But faggots like you who straddle the line and just shrug your shoulders saying "I dunno" are the worst of all. Especially when you say "not knowing is the best". Enjoy spouting bullshit about ignorance being better than truth, and contributing nothing to the discovery of the truth.

>> No.1488559

Now back to science, your current surrogate religion.

>> No.1488560

>PhD in mathematica
>any job i want
>300k starting

>> No.1488577

Even if Christianity was true, I still wouldn't worship its god. I'd rather burn in hell than worship the sadistic, emo attentionwhore god of the bible.

>> No.1488586

wow, you are horribly misinformed

>> No.1488592

nope, i just know what the bible says.

>> No.1488601

I take solace in the fact that there are no fairy tale kingdoms and no higher orders to be judged by. Holy fuck I'm glad there's no god/heaven/afterlife.

>> No.1488663

the reason he did what he did was because he loves man so much but, he wants man to want salvation. he could just say FU satin i win, everyone is saved. its like most parents, they don't want you to leave the house but they know you would be unhappy staying so they let you go. but apparently you absolutely refuse salvation so i will push this no further

>> No.1488698

fuck man, I could only wish reincarnation were real

when I think about all the crazy stuff I'll be missing in the distant future because I'm dead...

of course, I could be reincarnated as some fuck up who doesn't appreciate science, or even worse, a fundie. so maybe it's for the best.

>> No.1488704

>implying he wiped out humanity with a flood because he loves us


Your yahweh, if he exists, is just a minor, unimportant deity anyway. He started out in ancient Levantine mythology as one of the seventy sons of El, and he was merely the patron god of Israel.

Also, if christianity was true, everyone in heaven would inevitably rebel and get thrown into hell eventually anyway. In an infinite amount of time, anything that can happen, will happen.

>> No.1488758

corruption only seeds more corruption, at a certain point there is no saving a corrupt society, therefor to stop the spread of corruption, he removed it.
if a person with caring parents is having a drinking problem, at some point they will force the person to stop even if it requires pain

>> No.1488778

I see that you ignored my other two points. Anyway, caring parents wouldn't start killing their children to "cure" them.

And the bible doesn't really go into what exactly that "corruption" was; it could have just been people giving attention to deities that aren't Yahweh.

>> No.1488798

My personal believe is kind of a combination.I believe that when you die, you end up in some kind of a 'cosmic waiting room' where you will wait until your ideal re-incarnation is ready to go.

The waiting room is paradise. YOUR paradise, as no two forms of paradise are the same.

>> No.1488802

Good point OP. I feel the same way, a heavenly father that wants me to do good in life, an afterlife where I can live splendidly with my dead family and friends, and the security of always having someone to turn to when life turns bad.

Part of me really wants that. I'm a very spiritual person, and if only faith could solve my existential problems, I wouldn't have to read philosophy and contemplate life. I could just believe, and then that would be it.

Knowledge stands in my way though. And rationale.

>> No.1488837
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>this thread

>> No.1488857
File: 153 KB, 505x500, margaretmark2lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get trolled by pseudo biblefags my kind friend...

>> No.1488861

Trolling is a art...

>> No.1488876
File: 76 KB, 560x375, Bananaforeskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here.
I couldn't worship someone knowing that he will make a lot of innocents suffer for all of eternity

>> No.1488886
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>> No.1488891

The Corruption was simply that all of the humans on earth at that time were fucking giant offspring of angels. Noah and his family didn't have any of those genes, which is why god saved them. See The Book of Enoch, it's also good for some flat-earth fun.

>> No.1488895


Elves don't have foreskins.
Or penises for that matter.

>> No.1488901

Ignorance is bliss

>> No.1488908

neither do Orks

>> No.1488911

In the Book of Genesis the Watchers and the Nephilim were not depicted in a negative light at all; in fact the Nephilim were described as "men of renown, heroes of old" and they don't seem to have anything to do with the "wickedness" that Genesis mentions.

>> No.1488916

I like this.
It was a pretty good view on things.

>> No.1488925

also the Book of Enoch wasn't written until like, the first century BC, and it's obviously shit that the Jews made up long after Genesis was written. Even most christians realize how retarded it is and they don't accept it as part of their canon.

>> No.1488929

From what I understand the flood story in genesis doesn't even mention the watchers at all. It's all in the Book of Enoch. Honestly this is the only way any of this stupid crap makes sense.

>> No.1488934

The Book of the Watchers was written at around 300bc, actually.

>> No.1488938

it calls them "Sons of God," which have been interpreted as either the angelic watchers or the descendants of Seth.

>> No.1488940

I guess it would be nice on some level to believe in that stuff, but unless you are a complete nihilist and feel bad about not knowing what sense our whole existence makes, you will be just fine being a skeptic atheist.

This is the problem with placebo products tho. They don't work on rational people, so we are missing out on the fun. (like Power Belts and other bullshit of that kind)

>> No.1488945

Either way, long after Genesis was written, obviously shit that the Jews made up later.

>> No.1488947
File: 58 KB, 748x486, 1280138519129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed your image buddy.

>> No.1488954

All of this is just shit the Jews made up man. Fucking kikes.

>> No.1488960


Wow. I really liked that.

>> No.1488961

ITT: People who don't seem to have ever looked up the definitions of faith and acceptance.

>> No.1488986

Recently, I attended a sermon at my old church after years of absence. It was pretty uplifting and had a nice sense of community. Only real problem is it's full of old people now and there are no chicks to pick up.

I feel bad that I can't tap into that sort of social gathering without feeling like a liar. I think it could do be a lot of good.

>> No.1489077

My dad died unexpectedly in his sleep four weeks ago. After seeing the police cars, a neighbor came to the house, gave my mom a hug, and said, "He's with the angels now". While I appreciated my neighbor's intentions, I had to mentally take her baseless bullshit superstition, put it in a mental box, and put it on a mental shelf. The experience reminded me of a guy I know who lost a leg to cancer in high school. He said dealing with the cancer and losing his leg was one thing, but dealing with people trying to make him feel better was worse. It's extra baggage. Fuck that noise.

I accept my dad's death. I stared at his dead eyes and his dead mouth for as long as I could (until we could get permission from the police to remove his body, and get a funeral home to come with a van). To me, his face was beautiful in death. When I took off his watch (a Timex still ticking), I felt his cool skin, and when my nose was low to his body, I could smell perfume high notes that were something like fish gone bad, but not that far gone. I've seen bodies at funerals, where they pin the eyes and mouth shut, and they airbrush color on the skin so people can say, "He looks so peaceful," and "He looks like he's sleeping". But to see and feel and smell my dad's dead body was completely different. This was the reality, not what some people would airbrush it to be.

My dad lived a great life! His house is full of gifts he got from people over the years who thanked him for his teaching. But now he is dead. Sometimes I feel sad (mainly when I work with my mom to deal with this shock, after 56 years of marriage), but I keep coming back to feeling invigorated, to hurry the fuck up and do what I *can* do in my one life.

To me, the concept of an afterlife is like tuning a TV between channels and turning the volume up -- just white noise in my ears and eyes. That bullshit jams reality. Fuck that noise, I have some living to do.

>> No.1489440

Very nice.

>> No.1489446

Something I read a while ago:

Down through the centuries the notion that life is rounded in a dream
has been a pervasive theme of philosophers and poets.
So doesn't it make sense that death, too, would be wrapped in dream?
That after death, your conscious life would continue,
in what might be called a dream body?
It would be the same dream body you experience in your everyday dream life,
except that in the post-mortal state - you could never again wake up.
Never again return to your physical body.

>> No.1489542

a corpse is a corpse, were you at all temped to just eat abit of him?

>> No.1489567
File: 65 KB, 682x335, maxtrolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1489613

No. One eternal leader is communism.


>> No.1489620

I believe in some form of afterlife, simply because I have trouble comprehending nothing after I've had thought for so long.

>> No.1489638

>PhD in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300000k starting

>> No.1489698

Could you compare it to sleep? Without dreaming because you have no recollection of what happened... until you wake up of course.

>> No.1489716

You couldn't compare it to sleep, even when you aren't dreaming, you're still aware of body functions and existence. It's impossible to just imagine nothing in the pure sense of the word.

>> No.1489721

To add on to that, a form of sleep after death would still constitute to a form of afterlife.

>> No.1489741

what is this from? Sauce?

>> No.1489743


>> No.1489748

I turned from god because it would always make me sad that god can't overlook my habit of beating the bishop, except for that I was a good kid and wanted to believe.

Now I don't though, the notion of nonexistence is much more appealing to me than some kind of eternal life, because it allows the idea of existing in some way many times, and if that is not true, I won't even care.

>> No.1489755

>Not a atheism vs religion thread.
>a atheism

>> No.1489783

lol. the bile is just a bunch of storys.
you're not meant to believe in it.

>> No.1489811


I liked your story, man

>> No.1489886

I had a dream once where I was in a Martial Arts fighter tournament. In a massive tomb-raider like setting I was fighting against all types of fighters in a epic melee struggle. In the middle of the room was a golden orb which we were killing each other over to get.

I wrote about It when I woke up because It was the best dream so far I had ever had.

The orb was just pure power.The pull I felt. A being placed us all in the temple. We all knew this was God placing all of his power into a object for one of us to obtain.

I killed every last motherfucker using just my rage and hate. No one had weapons. No clothes. Just males and females of all races, sizes and colours.

I was ready to fuck this orb the power was to great. I held it and waited for something to happen.

He flew back down.

"What does it do?"


I thought I killed so many I'll kill God.

I had no power. It dissolved in my hand.

"Fooled you..."

"...Power, there is no power.There has never been The only power that exists is manipulating one to believe you have power and you create that power over him. He owes you his life because he believe you can take it away... There is no Greater and Lesser."

"The Power to give and to taketh away...and in this you will achieve power because it is but a word..."

"Now wake, see your true identity and take your..power."

Fucking dreams how do they work?

>> No.1489968


You watch too much gay anime, that's how they work

>> No.1490871

>watches zeitgeist
>provides sufficient information for me to never believe in anything, including religion and government
>3k starting

>> No.1490989

I suggest that everyone ITT go read the Brothers Karamazov, the chapter about "The Grand Inquisitor".

Truly an enlightening piece of philosophy.

Why? Because it accurately explains the role of religion and its actual relationship to its subject matter accurately.

>> No.1490993


>> Implying zeitgeist gives any information