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14878016 No.14878016 [Reply] [Original]

She argues particle phisicists are testing hypothesis not because they solve problems, but to explain statistical anomalies, which is useless. She also claims the field became a race to test new particles that arent found at the end. What do you think?

>> No.14878122

>Guardian article

>> No.14878214

>I believe there are breakthroughs waiting to be made in the foundations of physics; the world needs technological advances more than ever before, and now is not the time to idle around inventing particles, arguing that even a blind chicken sometimes finds a grain. As a former particle physicist, it saddens me to see that the field has become a factory for useless academic papers.
What's her alternative though, exit the field to study something more productive (Astrophysics) like she did? She doesn't propose an alternative, seems like Veblen sabotage to bad-mouth a competitor to grant funding by governments: "This other field is a waste of money, give my field the grants".

>> No.14878219

I like hossenfelder but she is an extremely pessimistic person and is quick to call theories useless or pointless if they're not immediately useful or already proven. Which is a very rational way of thinking but I don't agree that it is the best mindset to actually push our knowledge

>> No.14878232

If anything astrophysics is worse than particle physics. All of their predictions turn out fake, like "Dark Matter." At least we nominally got positive results from the Higgs Boson. They can't even detect Gravitons or WIMPs.

>> No.14878246

If astrophysicist want to find a wimp they should look in a mirror

>> No.14878252

Ugly insignificant runt talking

>> No.14878264

You don't understand, our understanding of gravity can't possibly be wrong, that'd be too hard to figure out, it needs to be a magical form of matter that conveniently evades any form of direct observation despite decades of intense research.

>> No.14878288
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She's so close... yet still so far away...

>> No.14878335

Theres nothing wrong with explaining statistical anomalies. It just feels like insignificant progress so she says its not worth it. Defeatist cunt throwing everyone under the bus just to feel she did something that mattered

>> No.14878339

kek good one

>> No.14878576

Meanwhile the world waits for some absolute genius to present an entirely new model of subatomic physics to make sense of the current mess.

>> No.14878586

>Meanwhile the world waits for some absolute genius to present an entirely new model of subatomic physics to make sense of the current mess.
The problem isn't that people can't figure it out. The problem is that TPTB won't accept the solution.

>> No.14878595

another fuckwit
total fuckwit
more fuckwittery
fuckwit with mommy issues
fuckwit's twin brother

It would be great if all you fuckwits would just fuck up and let the adults talk.

>> No.14878635

is this the woman who claims it's not unfair for troons to participate in women's sports because sports aren't fair to begin with?

>> No.14878638
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>listening to anything this person has to say outside of published papers

>> No.14878672

In fairness - standard approach to refining models is to start with simplest explanations first and work your way up from there.

"Maybe there's mass we're not detecting" is simpler then "Maybe we need to completely rebuild our understanding of gravity from the ground up in a way which is simultaneously consistent with the correct predictions made in Newtonian and Einsteinian gravitation, but also matches all of the exceptions we currently attribute to dark matter".

They've been steadily working their way through the list of viable dark matter candidates - massive compact objects have been more or less ruled out at this point, interstellar/intergalactic dust is unlikely and isn't supported by observation, weakly interacting particles are kind of on their last leg, and if they're ruled out than that really only leaves strongly interacting particles. If nothing is found then you'll see more serious discussion about going back to the drawing board.

>> No.14880049

She is an astrophysicist

>> No.14880716

i think someone should annihilate that dumb grin from the cunt's face
just like every failed physishit, when she realized she'll never be good enough for hep-th or hep-ph, she defaulted to trying to ruin the fun for others

>> No.14880749
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>son, read this news article
>"40 year old Autistic German Woman Defeats Siyence"
>When asked for comment, Sabine mentioned how her online userbase was constantly telling her to "Tits or GTFO"
>So telling *sigh*ence to GTFO is exactly what she did
Where were u when see-saw was kil?

>> No.14880765

She an instrumentalist first, astrophysicist second. This means her opinions are safe but proveable, she doesnt operate on theory at all.

>> No.14880909

They wasted trillions searching for unobservable matter when every year advances in telescope technology show more and more normal Baryonic matter in the universe, and a much stronger electromagnetic attraction between particles. Galaxies now have visible magnetic current sheets that can be viewed on telescopes but somehow nobody thinks to just plug in electromagnetism as part of the equation.

>> No.14880916

>What's her alternative though, exit the field to study something more productive [anything else] like she did?

>> No.14880922

>simplest explanations
Dogmatically taking the path of lease resistance is how you get stuck in local minima.

>> No.14880943

the field of research is dead because they'd need a particle accelerator the circles the earth to get the energies required to see smaller stuff. astrophysical observations may still have some relevance.

>> No.14881048

>just plug in electromagnetism as part of the equation.

>> No.14881310

But call the astrophysicist ignorant of fundamental forces and see how he recoils "I've been found out!"

>> No.14881333

I was saying this all along.
When it comes to the discovery of the Higgs boson itself, they set the threshold of rarity to 98% certainty a new particle had been discovered, but with this standard they were "discovering" too many new types of particles. They raised the standard to 99.9% certainty and the discoveries went down, as one would expect.

Then when it comes to the Higgs boson itself, two groups of scientists found a bump of data in the same region. One team found an additional bump but they regarded this as a statistical fluke. However, the congruency between data sets could have just been a larger "statistical fluke."

>> No.14881351

Basically what they were doing were looking at products of a collision.
The theory was a higgs boson would decay into 2 photons and then some other particles I don't remember.
Now, these assemble can be found naturally due to randomness, but if there is a higher amount than one would expect from randomness, one could use this to infer the existence of another particle.
They tried their best to prove their case using statistics, but it could alternatively been a case of rare phenomena occurring.

>> No.14881372

I know some people working on the project and I would bet it's confirmation bias. Their entire careers were in the project, 5+ years of work. They were psychologically primed to want to see something when nothing was really there.

>> No.14881377

I didn't read the article, but in general Sabine offers the alternative of investing more resources in research that will try to "solve logical inconsistencies" in current paradigms with new paradigms (not just fixing/adding hypothesis to the current ones) with practically (not just in principle) physically testable models (contrary to string theory for example).

That "investing more resources" part is deep, it means putting PhDs to look for alternative models and fund researchers outside the string theory bubble. So yeah, she has a point.

>> No.14881380
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>The theory was a higgs boson would decay into 2 photons and then some other particles I don't remember.
They can't even ""measure"" photons, and yet they're measuring the absolute, fundamental smallest ""particles"" in the universe?

>I know some people working on the project and I would bet it's confirmation bias. Their entire careers were in the project, 5+ years of work. They were psychologically primed to want to see something when nothing was really there.
That's what's funny about it. You wouldn't even necessarily have to be ""aware and in"" on the "Lies & Deception"; if you're a scientist crunching data, you could be getting completely falsified/fictitious data for all you know.

>> No.14881383

>That's what's funny about it. You wouldn't even necessarily have to be ""aware and in"" on the "Lies & Deception"; if you're a scientist crunching data, you could be getting completely falsified/fictitious data for all you know.
This was the case with the gravity wave guys, do you remember that? They went on this blitz week-long press tour and then the guys in the back were like "surprise! it was just a test of the equipment haha." Nobody doing the analysis had even bothered to check their results before they ran to the media.

>> No.14881424
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>This was the case with the gravity wave guys, do you remember that?
I don't remember how the scientific communities responded necessarily; but yeah, every other day I'm reading some science headline about how
>Science Researchers just 100% Confirmed Their Current Theories With This New, Revolutionary, Groundbreaking Discovery!
>Read article, and it sounds almost exactly like something that was being discussed on /sci/, /x/, or /pol/ within the past few days of the new "Groundbreaking Discoveries!"
>The ironic part is, the (((Scientists))) just rip off Anons and claim that """their research""" confirms """"their"""" theory that they either completely plagiarized and blatantly ripped off; or they try to insist the Opposite of what was claimed from the discussions.
It's honestly just sad.
You always hear shit like "ohhh China and Russia are stealing our technology!!!!", but in reality, Western Academia is beyond corrupt, and the current people seem to gladly fuck over our own people just so they can claw their name on Walls, receive unending Grants and Financial-Resources, and unrivaled Academic opportunities.
And not only do we have to worry about """our teammates""" fucking us over- they'll be sure to kick you down every step of the way, because it's not enough that **they** succeed(regardless if they completely cheated and lied for their undeserved success), but they also seem to have some fixation on oppressing everyone else around them so that NO ONE else is allowed to succeed, except themselves.

>> No.14881786

>And not only do we have to worry about """our teammates""" fucking us over- they'll be sure to kick you down every step of the way, because it's not enough that **they** succeed(regardless if they completely cheated and lied for their undeserved success), but they also seem to have some fixation on oppressing everyone else around them so that NO ONE else is allowed to succeed, except themselves.
Yeah this is a huge shame about modern academia. It's not about producing anything of value, it's about maintaining the sinecure of some midwit research director who has never produced a valuable idea in her life.

>> No.14881825
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>> No.14883140

Funny how you claim others are ignorant of fundamental forces when you can do a few quick calculations to show that electromagnetic forces absolutely, positively cannot explain gravitationally-driven phenomena such as planetary orbits

>> No.14883144

>listening to women
that's no way to fix science

>> No.14883147

>>When asked for comment, Sabine mentioned how her online userbase was constantly telling her to "Tits or GTFO"
did she ever show them?

>> No.14883150

Only to me.

>> No.14883152

so higgs is fake and just a coverup for people with useless jobs?

>> No.14883153

>Nobody doing the analysis had even bothered to check their results before they ran to the media.
lmao, burning billions just so a couple of nerds can think they are relevant

>> No.14883338

Gravity + Electromagnetism together explain galaxy-scale motion. We know for a provable fact that the spiral arms of galaxies are dominated by field lines relating to the shape of the galaxies themselves. That must impart some binding energy to the matter therein.

>> No.14883340

Potentially. The results are extremely unconvincing.