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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14874549 No.14874549 [Reply] [Original]

Now that almost everyone using /sci/ unanimously agree that /sci/ is shit, where should one go?

>> No.14874557

Who are you trying to kid? You come here because it's shit and you're shit.

>> No.14874560

Wherever the /sci/ elders went

>> No.14874561
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Where? into the trash.

>> No.14874606


>> No.14874614

mailing lists are the ultimate pill
for example https://cs.nyu.edu/mailman/listinfo/fom

>> No.14874620

Holy keyed.

>> No.14874686


>> No.14876543
File: 855 KB, 3025x1961, 1663971225126911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is going to be riddled with redditors and normies by the end of 2025, I am 100% sure that this decade shall be the last decade of 4chan and its glory, but the biggest problem is already stated by op and alas I don't know the answer nor do I know where to go

>> No.14876559

If you (and other mongrels like you) go back to >>>/pol/ that would make /sci/ much better

>> No.14876592
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what made you think that i go to /pol/ ? i just lurk on /an/, /lit/, /diy/ and /ck/ these days along with some neocity sites
you are the one behaving like a redditor here, blaming people left and right like a lunatic

>> No.14876604

You called out redditors so a redditor responded. lol

>> No.14876606

I use reddit frequently.
> i just lurk on /an/, /lit/, /diy/ and /ck/ these days
So you clearly don't know much about /sci/. Please fuck off, then.

>> No.14876616

>dissatisfied with quality of /sci/
>should I make a thread about something that interests me?
>no I'll just make a thread about how /sci/ sucks

>> No.14876622

Why would you want to make good food in a pile of shit? The first thing to do would be to clean the shit

>> No.14876629
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>So you clearly don't know much about /sci/. Please fuck off, then.
When did I say that, just because I dwell in one of the last decent boards doesn't mean I never browsed boards which were once decent
>I use reddit frequently.
why don't you go back then and take those IQ threads along with that katana sheath back with you

>> No.14876635

In this analogy, what is cleaning the shit? If it's "ban the retards" then it's a shit analogy, since the cook is you and you are not a janny

>> No.14876647

Cleaning the shit = driving away the poltards and other retards. I don't know what the proper method for this would be, but it's definitely worth complaining about.

You are very confused. I'm a /sci/ regular so just accept that I know much more about the state of /sci/ than you.

>> No.14876648
File: 458 KB, 1608x1915, 20 year old man of inaction 1783 colorized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleaning the shit is more for calling out the shit takers and either drive them out or leave the place to its demise in search of a new place in remembrance and glory of our old place

>> No.14876656

>driving them out
impossible. The only power you have there is kvetching, which only increases trolling since the point is to piss you off.
The correct solution is to contribute quality content while ignoring the posts and threads that piss you off.

>> No.14876674

>while ignoring the posts and threads that piss you off.
That would be a large majority of all the threads and posts on /sci/ so that solution doesn't work.

>> No.14876689

Doesn't work perfectly but it's the best solution. If you disagree, name a better one.
>inb4 ban /pol/fags
restricting to solutions that you the non-janny anon can implement

>> No.14876697
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>I'm a /sci/ regular so just accept that I know much more about the state of /sci/ than you
I don't know which extra lore you posses that makes you superior and different to me who participates and observes the state of the board like every 1 or 2 day compared to you who maybe just browses like 10 hours of more content on this board weekly so please do not hesitate to show more of your knowledge about this le ebic place
>The correct solution is to contribute quality content while ignoring the posts and threads that piss you off.
Simply derail their threads, it's a very effective solution that I have seen on boards like /an/ and /fit/ where every off topic thread is derailed into a crude mockery of OP and a reminder to others who may indulge in similar behavior in the future.
Few quality posts can ever take over the whole waves of these troll posts and the only solution is to derail any potential troll posts to the point they migrate somewhere else or just stop posting

>> No.14876705

"derail the thread" might work if your objective is to drive away points of view that you find unsavory (although as I said, many people make such posts with the intent of getting attention and provoking you), but if the problem is a proliferation of low-quality posts in general then you are only adding to it

>> No.14876707

It would work if maybe 40 or even 50 percent of the posts were shit but it's not practical when 95+ percent are shit. Like I said, I don't know the proper solution but I will keep complaining about it

>> No.14876715
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>> No.14876728
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these threads may proliferate for a certain amount of time but derailing them along with saging them and overall just not letting the seed of the troll to grow would be more efficient in the long run as /sci/ is not busy enough to attract attention seekers, rather it attracts people with a certain agenda who would be more happy to see people having a schizo meltdown in there threads as compared to people cursing out the op

>> No.14876756

what a lame attempt at shifting the blame from yourself /pol/fag, that pic is more than a year old now, when will you develop brain cells?

>> No.14876763
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interesting perspective

>> No.14876770

What do you mean it's not practical? Ignoring posts you don't like and responding to posts you do is extremely do-able.
I'm not even asking for "the" proper solution, I'm just asking for one that would be better. Your preferred solution seems to be complaining

>> No.14876772

>derailing them along with saging them and overall just not letting the seed of the troll to grow
the seed of the troll is growing in you responding like that. The only way to not let the seed grow is to ignore it. If a thread is bothering you, shift+click it

>> No.14876777

The solution is a forum with sign-up, manual account activation to gatekeep, and heavy handed moderation to ensure quality, but for some reason this really triggers imageboard schizos. I guess the idea of being held accountable for what you post is terrifying.

>> No.14876789
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Your solution is extremely practical and logically correct but the problem is that this passive approach has been discussed and implemented since the end of the lockdown with almost 0 success due to its recessive nature
If our ways are just a little more aggressive then maybe the good anons may not wither away like the previous times and we can have a more dedicated alliance in resisting the trolls

>> No.14876803
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As i said previously, either we clean the shit and the shit takers or we leave the place to its destruction for a better place
The imageboard culture is known to attract certain type of people who are distinct from the outer world and provide out of the box dedication and perspectives to usual problems, I do not approve of sign up and heavily moderated forums because they have their own problem which are much cruel and harder to fix as we saw in the case of reddit and stack exchange
I want to believe in a place whose mere autism may scare away the ill wishers so that we do not have to be dependent on a higher force to function properly

>> No.14876816

>The solution is a forum with sign-up, manual account activation to gatekeep, and heavy handed moderation
Imagine going out of your way to post on an anonymous image board and then shedding bitter tears of rage about how it's not reddit enough. You have to go back.

>I guess the idea of being held accountable for what you post is terrifying.
I guess the idea that someone out there could be saying something that fails to conform to your corporate programming, just doesn't let you sleep at night.

>> No.14876832

it works fine, it's just that at any given time there are only 0-5 good threads

>> No.14876840

Thank you for perfectly illustrating yourself as the exact kind of person we would like to keep out.

>> No.14876843
File: 22 KB, 468x60, diy snoose.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the exact type of post i was talking about when i told how they would be more happy if people would have a meltdown over their posts and this anon is just in the hopes for that
also, pic rel is for you op

>> No.14876847
File: 1.06 MB, 1800x1000, 2022-09-26-114305_1920x1080_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lambdaplusjs has a /math/ board

>> No.14876850
File: 150 KB, 800x750, 1649798919312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your friends aren't here. Your likes are unwanted here, whether they come from /r/science or /r/thedonald.

>> No.14876859

this is the exact sort of post we were talking about. thanks for demonstrating why we want usernames and heavy moderation

>> No.14876862

Your fixation on the "Reddit vs 4chan" false dichotomy blinds you.
It's likely that I was using the internet when you were in diapers. I've participated in many forums. You can cultivate any type of culture you want. Many great forums operated on a sign-up basis. In my opinion it's superior to the system we have on 4cha now.
4chan relies on a system of self-accountability to ensure quality. As we now see, nu-internet users are not capable of that, and the vast majority of them have nothing interesting to say anyways. Their mere presence drives away the type of people you would want to keep around.

>> No.14876866
File: 418 KB, 1024x1024, 1649798777102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your fixation on the "Reddit vs 4chan" false dichotomy blinds you.
>Many great forums operated on a sign-up basis. In my opinion it's superior to the system we have on 4cha now.
If this is a troll, well done.

>> No.14876869

The only purpose you have here is to actively lower the discourse.
In a way, your posts are actually anti-posts in that they are specifically designed to stop thought.

>> No.14876870

and that is such a r*dditoid response

>> No.14876872

Stop what thought? You're a fully automated drone.

>> No.14876873

If you are being bothered by posts then you are not in fact implementing the system.

>> No.14876876

There are many websites already like that. Why not enjoy those instead of changing the one outlier to conform to the rest?

>> No.14876878

>Stop what thought? You're a fully automated drone.
This post struck me as rather tragic. I consider you a casualty of the rot that has been allowed to fester here.

>> No.14876880

I like these threads because they create a good a lot of positive discourse.

>> No.14876884

No one's saying to change 4chan. The premise of the thread was "where should one go?"

>> No.14876885

because we've been here longer than you, kid. we've participated in all kinds of social networks and we've determined that the ones that work best are the ones that use your real name and have professional moderation teams. 4chan needs to be like this because we love our community and we need to save it from russian trolls

>> No.14876888

You will never be fully human. You will never have an inner word. You will never deserve moral consideration or legal protection.

>> No.14876891

You will never be a woman

>> No.14876894


>> No.14876899

>two posts in the last day
how the fuck am I supposed to get dopamine hits from this

>> No.14876902
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that was not me anon

>> No.14876910

>not in fact implementing the system.
what system ?

>> No.14876914

Solve the problem in 10629 then come back to read the new posts.

>> No.14876919

the system of
>ignore posts that bother you
>respond to posts that engage you
>create engaging posts of your own

>> No.14876935
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As I said, I don't want to try that system out again because our efforts just gets swarmed away by the massive amounts of troll posts with effort posts reaching the archive section with maximum 30 replies, I want a more aggressive approach
>enter the troll thread
>enable sage
>tell other anons having a meltdown to enable sage and see through op's bs
>derail the thread and post links to effort posts so that anons can give attention to the deserving posts

>> No.14876964

sage is a pretty meaningless tool on a slow board
Agreed with your last point though, linking to good posts absolutely raises the quality of the board
You should drop your "we're under seige" mindset. Compared to most websites, 4chan is a discussion free-for-all, and this should be celebrated. Enjoy the posts that you like, ignore the ones you don't. Doesn't matter that the thread you started only got 30 replies, it cost you nothing to start it in the first place.

>> No.14876965

>4chan needs to be like this because we love our community
I'm pretty sure a chunk of your community will leave at the mere idea of sitting in a sign up forum with the forum taking the same route other forums took
sciencemadness.org is the only place I can see right now which has retained its old state and successfully fought its troll problem while functioning properly but its just another chemistry forum

>> No.14876973

nowhere. we need network of trusted friends, like Fidonet

>> No.14876995

In my experience you go to sign-up forums when you want to post about a real topic and you want to talk to knowledgeable people.
You go to anonymous image boards when you want to post BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP and kill brain cells.

>> No.14877910

fuck off and die troon

>> No.14877949

I don't care about anonymity, I'm just too lazy to sign up anywhere. That's why 4chan is one of the only few places I post in these days. I have a graduate degree and would like to think I know my field and can contribute to discussions on it but that'll filter out people like me.

>> No.14878172
File: 150 KB, 1508x1508, image-20161005-15882-13x0gd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where should one go?

You could try to stop being the problem and be part of the solution. It's simple, just making a good thread, and also remember to ignore /pol/-tards and encourage others to do so. Seriously, this entire thread, and posts like it are exactly what trolls want most.

Why is it so hard to newfags to understand you don't encourage bad behavior designed to elicit an enflamed response by giving it the inflamed response it desires?? Is this arcane 4chan knowledge lost through the ages or something?

>> No.14878295

redit, and dont come back

>> No.14878300

stfu you retarded little bitch