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File: 294 KB, 1300x1065, stone-and-wooden-medieval-castle-G34ATM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14872171 No.14872171 [Reply] [Original]

If value is determined by scarcity.
Is wood the most valuable material in the universe?

>> No.14872187

Scarcity alone doesn’t determine value. Also, wood is relatively easy to produce and replace by other materials. Please stop being retarded and think more

>> No.14872214

Value is determined by the marginal utility in a local setting. So the rest of the universe isn't relevant.

>> No.14872215

no - purely synthetic compounds would be the most valuable materials based on scarcity

>> No.14872219
File: 58 KB, 1030x772, 1641749032255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scarcity alone doesn’t determine value.
Isn't it the most important factor to determine value? If not, then what is?
>wood is relatively easy to produce and replace by other materials.
It's easy to pruduce here on earth, not outside of it. We have managed to apply better materials for construction and other things but wood is still widely used. Also, I'm not asking if wood is the "best" material, I'm asking if it would be the most scarce across the universe(as far as we know) and thus the most valuable.
For example, gold and diamonds are not valuable because of their applications, scarcity is the main factor that sets their value.

>> No.14872221

Elaborate, I know nothing about economy

>> No.14872230

There's a classic example: diamond-water paradox.

Extreme example: you're dying in the desert and only have diamonds, you only need 1 glass of water to survive and comeback, which is the price of that glass of water? very extreme example but still related to marginalism.

>> No.14872248

It the vast scale of the universe, if life is extremely rare, wouldn't that make wood more valuable than diamonds? What if most of that rare life is also silicon based?

>> No.14872254

You cant use the "vast universe" here and now, there is a cost to use something. Meanwhile a can just cut a tree and burn it after is dry.

>> No.14872258

No Aryan genes are

>> No.14872263

I can just cut*

>> No.14872264

In this scenario you are like mansa musa or aztecs with gold.

>> No.14872338

I don't either - I'm responding to OP's assertion that scarcity = value

Planets that have trees on them are more common than planets that have intelligent life capable of synthesizing compounds that do not occur naturally.

>> No.14872700

Unironically, yes
Protein and Chlorophyl are the rarest things in the universe

Wood holds massive potential for any possible alien lifeform due to how effective it is at trapping carbon. Baring that, weeds are nature's way of breaking down and transporting nutrients from bedrock up to the surface in order to make the topsoil much more fertile.

Wood is so overpowered, it took an entire billion year before decomposers finally arrived to break them down

Depending on their planet, aliens would most likely treat wood as the Brits treated tea.
Wood is not as strong as steel but boy does it convert rock into food for everything

>> No.14872703

*rock and air.
I forgot that bark is made from carbon captured from the air

>> No.14872711

This but unironically.

>> No.14872809
File: 569 KB, 1200x1600, WhatsApp+Image+2020-03-10+at+7.56.09+PM+(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if there is an intelligent civilization out there from a planet entirely populated by silicon based lifeforms and with an enough advanced material science to create the same or better artificial/synthetic materials we have?
How hard and expensive would it be to artificially create wood from scratch without the hundreds of millions of years of evolution that it took for wood to form here on earth?

>> No.14872817

You cannot create producers.
Producers create you.

>> No.14872857

>Protein and Chlorophyl are the rarest things in the universe
Rarer than cyanocobalamin?

>> No.14872876

Rarer than testosterone?

>> No.14872886

testosterone is made by billions of organisms on earth. so far as we know synthetic b-12 exists only on earth and only in the quantities that we deliberately manufacture

>> No.14872889

cyanocobalamin is made by bacteria...

>> No.14872969
File: 73 KB, 1044x897, 1640472375576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please stop being retarded and think more

>> No.14872986

Scarcity doesn't come from a lack of existence in the universe, it comes from a lack of existence in the economic market.

>> No.14872999

How valuable would wood be in a lunar or martian colony? If humanity expands in the universe it's unlikely we would find a place with good conditions to grow wood. If we manade to make expensive indoor gardens, most of that would be used for agriculture.

>> No.14873007
File: 76 KB, 1200x1200, 20848123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demand and supply. It's not that difficult to grasp.

>> No.14873009

What's the supply of digital things?

>> No.14873015

Someone needs to make them, retard.

>> No.14873022

The cost of making one is fixed, but then they price it regardless that.

>> No.14873027

Yes, because it's about supply and demand, not about how much it costs to make. Holy shit, you people are retarded.

>> No.14873031

What supply retard? It's a digital copy.

>> No.14873037

>What supply retard?
The supply of available software.

>It's a digital copy.
Yes, a digital copy of software that someone needed to make. You sound literally retarded. It's not that I can't see what your "point" is, it's that your "point" is the sort of thing someone ponders for 3 seconds when they're 10 years old and then realizes their mistake and moves on. I don't know how to explain something so basic.

>> No.14873041

>The supply of available software.
Not quantifiable like in material goods.

>> No.14873045

The more time I spend on this board, the more I realize that "intellectualism" in the general public causes severe mental illness, and that eugenics is absolutely necessary. You are mind-bogglingly stupid yet you think you have some kind of right to talk about anything beyond what's for dinner.

>> No.14873056


>> No.14873073

It would be an incredibly expensive luxury good in space, since most of it would need to come from earth.

>> No.14873134

What about in this scenario? >>14872809

>> No.14873139

What scenario?

>> No.14873141

You mean like giant crystal trees?

>> No.14873165

This one:

I mean, I get it. Ofcourse wood isn't as valuable to us because it's right here. It's a real product and obviously less valuable than diamonds. From our perspective, it's not valuable because it's not scarce.
But, in the scale of the whole universe, it's a scarce material because it requires life, and a specific type of life.
If aliens or an intergalactic human civilization existed, wood would be a valuable product, not found in entire solar systems across the universe.

>> No.14873168

unvaxxed sperm is literally worth more than gold

>> No.14873179

>This one:
What's the "scenario"? Some fantasy aliens are producing superior artificla wood? Cool. What does it have to do with the supply and demand of wood on this planet?

>> No.14873186

It will be once people realize what The Thing did to people.

>> No.14873192

>spoonfeed me
This isn't a school niggerino

>> No.14874008

Come on anon, be a little more open minded.
Yes, in an scenario were there is an alien civ without wood, how much would they value wood?

>> No.14874010

note to self - become billionaire and found company that specializes in shipping lumber to offworld colonies

>> No.14874017

How much wood would a woodless world want if a woodless world wanted wood?

>> No.14874307
File: 19 KB, 642x480, 29baeb43-1c5a-430d-aff4-606784d230de_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to participate. We will hire a cheap space agency and make good moni.