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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14871210 No.14871210 [Reply] [Original]

Fusionbros...we're going to make it.

>> No.14871252

Thanks for the link

>> No.14871376

Billions in the trash.

>> No.14871734

The green energy retards will just block it like nuclear once they find out fusion is also nuclear energy.

>> No.14872286
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>> No.14872507

2 more years

>> No.14873483

Apparently Helion, instead of using an inefficient heat engine, will use direct energy conversion, transforming fusion energy directly into electricity. That would bypass the inherent thermodynamic inefficiencies associated with heat engines. The problem with this however is that the fuel required is He-3, which is incredibly rare on Earth and has to be mined from the Moon.

>> No.14873516

Could be wrong but I don't think there was much opposition to nuclear energy before Chernobyl.
So there would need to be a comparable disaster involving a fusion reactor, which... shouldn't be possible, right?

>> No.14873531

If this really came to fruition, what's to stop the fossil fuel mafia from stepping in and squashing it? Plenty of powerful people around the world would consider it too disruptive to be allowed

>> No.14873546
File: 154 KB, 1200x769, cherno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big oil finds a way

>> No.14873559

Yes, you are wrong.

>> No.14874413
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>Could be wrong but I don't think there was much opposition to nuclear energy before Chernobyl.

>> No.14874455

Fusion has thermodynamics itself as a failsafe. When the magnets fail, the plasma dissipates.

>> No.14875218

Which would be perfect because it would force use to colonize the moon
Unfortunately I doubt the process will work

>> No.14875226 [DELETED] 
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>hay goys, fusion in two weeks!

>> No.14875272

faster tan sem

>> No.14875283

/pol/ already discussed this. Got this neat video from there https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GJtGpvE1sQ

>> No.14876467
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just 2 more decades

>> No.14876513
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> quick boys get the investment and buy an island before ww2 in 90 days
leeeeeel don't blame them
hopefully russia will keep berlin warm with some thermonuclear
desu my only dream these days is to see the british people suffer unfathomably
they are all guilty

>> No.14876727

>So there would need to be a comparable disaster involving a fusion reactor, which... shouldn't be possible, right?

Never estimate how much public opinion is controlled by contrarian politics or propaganda from competitors

Also define "disaster". 3 mile island injured absolutely no one, nor was close to doing so yet it was a watershed event for US nuclear.

>> No.14876768 [DELETED] 

science is still running the same grandiose promises about fusion fraud that they were 40 years ago and after 40 years of "grants" (AKA free money gibes for worthless welfare cases) they are no closer to success than they were 40 years ago.
total scam, massive greedy waste of resources by a bunch of no-talent no-skill conscienceless narcissists

>> No.14876874
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join up!

>> No.14876976
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apparently it's a byproduct of the reaction?

>> No.14879287

Problem is that they are going to fuse deuterium with deuterium for that to happen, which does require much more heat to start. It also releases neutrons which makes the machine even more radioactive, no different from the problems of a D-T tokamak

>> No.14881232

Fusion will never be allowed. Climate change is a powerful political tool which the global elites will not give up. At the first hint of success these people will be dealt with.

>> No.14881252

It is still a lot of heat though right? Say you had a wall of water surrounding a new, commercial reactor to block out dangerous flying byproducts, the reactor would vaporize it like the world's most critical pressure cooker considering it should be almost as hot as the sun in there, no? Where will the heat go

>> No.14881274

don't worry

>> No.14881302

Its a beautiful thing. Beautiful timing.

Criticism can be dismissed as Big Oil controlled opposition.
Its too complicated for normies to understand ( that includes most investors )
The ponzi scheme of infinite growth is approaching collapse, the natives are getting restless.
The meme of green alternative energy sources and storage is becoming ever more obvious even to the dullards.
The chickens of fossil fuels have come home to roost.
Oh woe is me! I dont want to regress to living like a fucking medieval peasant without my annual vacation in the Bahamas!

I mean just fuck, its the perfect storm for yet another colossal scam. I am just envious I am not in a position to take advantage of this shit for my own financial advantage. Would be nice to have billions of dollars to secure my own comfy and defensible little island, surrounded by a well paid security force. Fuck bitches all day and watch the rest of the world burn.

>> No.14881350

This. It's the right time for a grift like this. The only fusion group that has published their results for others to critique is SAFIRE, and most people don't think they're going to do anything. All of the "front-runners" are mum on actual measurements.

>> No.14881358

Faggot get off halo. Cretin.

>> No.14881379


>> No.14881393

Not enough heated matter to superheat all that water. It's not a self sustaining reaction that will keep generating heat if magnetic containment is lost. Consider the superheated cavitation bubbles found in nature, extremely hot but very little is being heated relative to the surrounding water.

>> No.14881555


>> No.14882545

Hats off to the scammers who pull off this type of shit. The sheer scale of the con is admirable. The average Joe who applies to a bank for a business loan faces far more scrutiny than these guys pulling the wool over the eyes of retarded rich fucks blinded by their own greed..

The fact that they can get away with it quite legally is testimony to their ingenuity, whereas people like Elizabeth Holmes had the scale but not the brains to get away scott free.

>> No.14882737
File: 1.08 MB, 1666x888, jfcwtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hats off to the scammers who pull off this type of shit.
Yup, it truly is magical watching unelected, unaccountable, unhinged schizos who wildly abuse any positions of authority they allocate themselves, and seem to be doing a good job subverting public/private administrative positions and helping foreign-infiltrators/domestic-traitors to rape, loot, destroy, oppress, enslave, and genocide White people in our homelands.

Thanks for reminding us why we should always be sure to """Trust the Experts"""".
Intelligent, respectable, agreeable, clever, funny, creative, athletic, kind, forgiving, patient, genuine, humble, optimistic, fair, resourceful; truly they are Gods among us mere mortals.
I mean, let's just ignore the fact that a lot of *our* people can't even afford to exist in anything more luxurious than a broom closet- which isn't that big of a problem, considering the only people who can afford to keep the lights on in anything bigger than a 1BR apartment, are walking around with a Top Hot, Jeweled Cane, and a Gilded Monocle.

>Don't worry about not being able to afford a place to live
>Don't start calculating how many back-alley, deep-tissue-massages you have to give to be able to afford to charge your Government-provided phone;
>A Phone which they mandate you keep on your person and charged at all times.
>Even though the Public has spent Hundreds-of-$Billions
Even though all they have to show for it is:
>By the end of this decade, we'll maybe possibly be '~1-3 Weeks away', depending on whether our data determines Nuclear Fusion to be truly feasible, or if it's even possible at all
>Even they've spent the past century trying to oppress, harass, and sabotage other projects involving Clean, Renewable Energy that could be considered "competition" and a "threat" to their "just prank bro" that has grown well, well, well beyond the size/authority/resources they currently enjoy.

>> No.14884315

The thing that pisses me off the most is that the ordinary decent working people have to fight tooth and nail just to gain an insignificant increase to their pay and working conditions, yet the chuckle fucks will carelessly throw billions of dollars at any smooth talking conman spouting buzzwords and a slick presentation.

>> No.14885200

Yes, because the USSR basically used slave labor to fix this shit. Most of those people later got cancer, deformed babies etc etc and didn't live to 40.