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File: 774 KB, 704x892, cambridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14868561 No.14868561 [Reply] [Original]

What does this mean for science?

>> No.14868580

they will discriminate against the white students

>> No.14868590

America will simply fall behind technologically and scientifically. By the middle of this century I’d assume America will be broken in 2-3 parts as most states are now political opposites.

>> No.14868606

Why do they hate whites so much?

>> No.14868620

Cambridge is British.

>> No.14868623

please describe the mental gymnastics used to deny this groundless allegation

>> No.14868624

That's ironic because cambridge had a hand in erasing the history of Irish slavery.

>> No.14868696

Kek. I'm embarrassed to be American sometimes.

>> No.14868785

Meanwhile I am being prejudiced for having a disability, but no one gives a shit because im "white male". Nuke UK already.

>> No.14868789

What do you have anon?

>> No.14868797
File: 70 KB, 720x838, Libral_Black_History.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They are giving scholarships to the descendants of the Africans that ENSLAVED and sold other Africans to the Europeans.
Slavery Bad and therefore Africans Good

>> No.14868801

Intellectual honesty

>> No.14868878
File: 35 KB, 584x454, safe zones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want whites to leave Europe and move to the safe zones (within 5 to 8 degrees above and bellow the 33rd parallel north) before the empcoe happens.

I already decided to move to either Israel or Portugal as soon as possible. Feel free to move to China, Marrocos, and other places that are on that latitude

The controllers leaked information about this and flat earth. The smartest became flat earthers and eventually arrived at EMPCOE. They were the first to move to the safe zones. The best safe zones are still under war by the controllers though to make more people move (see Syria)

>> No.14868899

Due to globalism, threats between nations are all but a convoluted stage of performance art.
The consequence of this is a shift of cold war between nations to cold war against the plebs

>> No.14869404


>> No.14869521

>citation needed

>> No.14869535

Marijuana will become more readily available in Cambridge, other crimes will also increase noticeably.

>> No.14869556

You really think it isn't already? Our police are the most incompetent the world has ever seen. Albanians are selling drugs in the middle of the streets and parks because they know there will be no arrests. I read one in ten kids are vaping.

>> No.14869559

I heard this fascinating theory that Surrey in England was named after Asyrian migrants 3000 years ago

>> No.14869563


>> No.14869610

>citation needed

>> No.14869655

Of course, the Chinese and Arabic, who were running larger and more inhumane slave trades than the British ever did, also need to get scholarships on whitey's dollar.
I'm Scandinavian from a family of peasants. Abdul al-Muzzer ibn-Bix Sharahshahran, son of an Emir, definitely needs this opportunity more than me.

>> No.14869673

Really Sven don't you guys have the highest living standards in Europe? I'm Irish and Britain historically treated us worse than any african nation. They even retained part of our ancestral land as a colony. But no special treatment for us!

>> No.14869710

My point is I have no connection to the slave trade and yet I'm somehow complicit by proxy. And same for you. You should be getting diversity points up the ass for British schools.
But yeah, living here is chill.

>> No.14869730

I know the context I just found it pretty funny that someone from the most privileged part of the planet was bringing up their peasant ancestry to prove they are oppressed. I mean that's basically what niggers do anyway.

>I just found it pretty funny that someone from the most privileged part of the planet was bringing up their peasant ancestry to prove they are oppressed.
No, in fact the Irish diaspora traditionally live in the poorest areas of the country and there are no laws protecting Irish people from anti Irish discrimination. That's how the IRA found (limited) public support.

>> No.14869735

greentexted the wrong thing nevermind

>> No.14870775

Native americans receive free tuition in a number of unis but whites dont care.

Non-blacks are beneficiaries of affirmative action including white people i might add but it's only used to malign black students.

You people are nut.

>> No.14870776

see if you can get the albanians convinced that the incoming negroes are a threat to their livelihoods and businesses

>> No.14870784


>> No.14870819

Americans and american jewish media control are to blame.
I'd quite happily malign, arabs, pakis, chinks, frogs, slavs, irish *spit*, nogs, etc, etc.

>> No.14870822

>slavs, irish *spit*,
Found the spic

>> No.14871541
File: 19 KB, 546x465, 1644808458918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14871704

No one cares about white slavery, not even their white descendants

>> No.14871760

Probably because it's not shoved down their throats 24/7

>> No.14871769

>they will discriminate against the white students
they already are

>> No.14871829

More whites will be filtered out and thus only the best will remain.
Midwits, it's over.

>> No.14872033
File: 290 KB, 1280x960, 5B7E1DC3-ED76-46A7-B0D3-955380738385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canceling education of Gen Z. Unleash the plague already. Bio hackers get to work. I would myself; however, my existence for the pursuit of independent happiness continues to be thwarted even today. So: Homo africanensis allele targets; 23andme.com.. Do what you gotta do, Anons, for the animals.

>> No.14872068
File: 1.16 MB, 3264x2448, 43247C7F-1D9D-46E6-BA67-9E2B3C7244E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breed and unleash lethal snakes. Plausibly deniable murder.

>> No.14872082
File: 17 KB, 218x181, DYqPfay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be like Mad Max 2.
Commies living in the waste lands on California and New York. While normal people have built sanctuary and are still holding onto civilisation.

>> No.14872084
File: 56 KB, 400x400, 88ADB0FB-7560-4EA0-AEB9-D69814A378F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work is good, this is ridiculous.

>> No.14872989

more smart black people ig