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1486613 No.1486613 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else play around with space exploration apps or look at photos and suddenly get really fucking depressed at how we(the current generation) will never be able to travel to any distant galaxies?

>> No.1486619
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>> No.1486617


>> No.1486622

let alone leave our planet and go into space period....unless there are some people on here training to be astronauts...are there?

>> No.1486636

I do.

>> No.1486642

You never know...maybe well be fortunate enough to make contact with a civilization far ahead of ours and be granted new technology.

>> No.1486644

What the hell would you do there? Look at nothing? Throw your life away trying to terraform a shitty rock? The only time traveling to other galaxies or even stars would be interesting is if they were already fully populated. Otherwise, just go camp in the desert or tundra and get the same experience.

>> No.1486652


>> No.1486677


even if they werent populated it would still be amazing to any number of them up close. its not like someone would just pick one barren wasteland planet and dick around on it.

>> No.1486682

>PhD in mathematics
>any jon i want
>300k starving

>> No.1486690

Exploring what exactly? What's so interesting about a pile of rocks just because it's on another world?

>> No.1486695

derp derp derp

go away

you do not belong here or in life

kill yourself

>> No.1486705

>I'm mad because earth is the only relevant planet in the universe forever

>> No.1486706

>just because it's on another world?

You answered your own question. Unlike you I'd rather experience the gravity, the light, feel the sand under my thick ass boots, the purported/hypothesized windgusts of another planet than just read about it and dismiss the endeavour as a waste of time and complain about it like your faggoty ass.

>> No.1486765

are nebulas really colored or do they just color in black and white photos?

>> No.1486787

Well then, enjoy your bone crushing gravity, irradiating, searing light, and intergalactic quicksand. I'll just be here derping and living comfortably.

>> No.1486789

This is going to sound bad but yes they are coloured. Thing is, the colour is quite faint from earth (and even in space) so it takes a long exposure to really capture the colours. Some nebula photos are false colour photos which use emissions from ionized oxygen, sulfur and i forget the other one to form RGB. And some have to have a bit of photo editing done to them to bring out colours.

>> No.1486793

Glad we can agree.

>> No.1486808

Pretty much all that cool looking shit in nasa photographs are invisible. Not even black and white, just out of your ability to see. Even a lot of stars and galaxies require a shit ton of exposure to pick up.

>> No.1486816


ah ok

>> No.1486819

And you will quickly be forgotten. Unlike Yuri Gagarin, Alan Shepard or Neil Armstrong.

>> No.1486853


>implying someone would land on an unforgiving planet

>> No.1486863

I only know of one of those people, and all of them will be forgotten, like so many presidents, in 100 years time.

Not to mention there are many more astronauts, and I doubt you can name them all. By the way, you'll be one of those unnameable ones.

>> No.1486867

>implying mars is forgiving

>> No.1486892

>implying mars has bone crushing gravity, irradiating, searing light, and intergalactic quicksand

>> No.1486903


>implying your definition of unforgiving isnt retarded

im saying no one would land on a planet with ridiculous gravity and quicksand pit surfaces.

>> No.1486916

Don't forget irradiating, searing light

>> No.1486946

Retard alert.

>> No.1486955

I'm thinking that we'll learn how to do space travel from moon to moon in the next century, then learn how to terraform planets and augment their atmosphere to suit our needs within the century after that. At this point, I don't feel the need to discover planets farther than that, but I'm sure that'll happen once we figure out quantum mechanics and how to increase the probability of one object being in one place rather then another (the way, I think, we'll be able traverse galaxies and get past that pesky universal constant.) I'm satisfied with that progression and with how our technology seems to grow at exponential speeds, I see it very likely.

>> No.1486963

>>1486863 I only know of one of those people

I rest my case

>> No.1486972

You mean "average person" i.e. the people that matter in someone being remembered.

>> No.1486977

>Alan Shepard
The guy from Mass Effect?
Sorry, every time I hear his name, I think of Mass Effect.

>> No.1486995

Only space lovers know how the religious feel interacting with atheists; being constantly told their dreams are bullshit, yet continuing to hold faith that their impossible fantasies will come true one day.

>> No.1487004

>implying being average is something to strive for.

>> No.1487000

First American in space.

>> No.1487027

Enjoy eating your words when your successful friends get to watch their children blast off into space for a family trip.

>> No.1487025 [DELETED] 

It gets your genes spread and keeps you alive. What else is there to strive for.

>> No.1487030


haha true

>> No.1487031

It gets your genes spread and keeps you alive. What else is there to strive for?

>> No.1487034

Exploration. Discovery. Science.

>> No.1487064

If i named my daughter Andromeda do you think she would get picked on/hate me?

>> No.1487072


The FTL part is true. The planets part... we have the tech now to start living in space. We just need to get humanity to derp less. They don't even need to completely stop herping and derping, we just need less.

>> No.1487081


what are our current levels of herp and derp and how can we drop them?

>> No.1487086

Picked on, no. She'd probably wonder why you named her after a girl who was going to get eaten by a sea monster though. Then you'd be like "er... um... I named you after a galaxy actually" and she would call you a lame old nerd.

>> No.1487097


Maybe, maybe not. A bit too long for a name though. But it would be cool for a middle name

>> No.1487107

If only some form of cryogenics existed so we could live until then.

>> No.1487120

What about samantha? is samantha too long for a name?
Because I like andromeda as well. But that maybe because I'm a 'space lover'

>> No.1487141

I always get fucking bummed

>> No.1487129

You have to realize. You HAVE to realize that you are asking people to want to give up parts of the things that keep life on this planet working for a chance to set up life on a different planet. A chance that may fail and only have the effect of ending life on this world faster.

Not too many people are interested in blasting away valuable resources on something that's not a sure thing. Let alone some colony for brainiacs that only takes away money and doesn't generate any.

To herp less, you'll have to convince the public that throwing away resources and people to get absolutely nothing in return is not the penultimate form of derp.

>> No.1487146

meh if it turns out that humans colonize the galaxy then that means that over the lifespan of the human race there will be tens or hundreds of trillions of people born. maybe a lot more.

yet so far there have only been about 100 billion people born. If the last human ever born is number 10 trillion, then the chances of us all being born in the first 100 billion are only 1%. It is a lot more likely that there will never be that many people, and that we aren't missing out on anything.

>> No.1487153

the public's too stupid not to herp and derp

>> No.1487157

Our current levels are so high, you think they are on drugs. The behaviors is pointless self destruction and waste. Now if we can turn some of that into apathy, and get them to "waste" their money on profitable ventures, we can really make some progress.

>> No.1487174

Yeah, this guy right here is the herping and derping level. He honestly believes this shit.

>> No.1487193

Sagan never bitched, he just hustled, so STFU and get to work.

>> No.1487201

And you believe throwing your life away in space is truly not "pointless self destruction" and that space will be immediately profitable and not "waste."

Either way, you should probably take some caution from space video games. Setting up a colony in space might be the thing that opens season for other races to attack us. Not to mention the fact that they destroyed their own planet in homeworld (even without it being burnt) just to build the damn ship.

>> No.1487540

>Implying discovery and exploration are a waste.

>> No.1487559

obvious troll is obvious

>> No.1487579

I'm not depressed at all. It means the technology to make intersolar space exploration hasn't been invented yet and therefore there is a small chance that if it can ever be invented I may be partially responsible.

>> No.1487598
File: 56 KB, 597x473, 1274217856668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you cant travel faster than light moron.

>> No.1487616

Yes, I constantly get depressed about it. So I'm gonna do the next best thing: try and INVENT the technology to push those dreams to a reality. If I can't do what I want in this time period, I'll allow others to do it.

>> No.1487619


thats what people said about going to space.

>> No.1487624

yeah because we can break the laws of physics right?

>> No.1487647
File: 161 KB, 355x500, 1280006587393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not bend?