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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14863222 No.14863222 [Reply] [Original]

math is officially unnecessary

>> No.14863237

They're only interested in indoctrination. That's whats matter for the gov.

That's just removed unnecessary hurdles. The diploma is a indoctrinated fools badge.

>> No.14863240
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dats rite

>> No.14863243
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they just need to join the climate cult and they'll be considered smart

>> No.14863246

he probably does at some point of the day, just too dumb to realize it. Makes it even funnier.

>> No.14863252

Another day of living in a world of goods and services provided by people who did use y=mx+b, and far more complex math, to make those things available to him. But that's all magic to him so he doesn't understand why even the most basic math is important for the world he lives in.

>> No.14863259
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>Another day of living in a world of goods and services
>t. picrel

>> No.14863266
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Science has always been garbage but now it's becoming more and more blatant.
The useful idiots who spent their lives studying abstract garbage just for some ego-stroking have just gotten their just rewards.

>> No.14863273

It's not needed for most people. Universal education is a mistake. If someone is intelligent then provide them more resources. Train the average Joe life, menial and pragmatic career skills. Most people only need to know basic arithmetic and nothing more. The world gains nothing when a 110 IQ guy learns entry level calculus. He's never going to use it and all of those countless hundreds of hours to get to that point were a massive waste of time and money.

>> No.14863279

>If someone is intelligent then provide them more resources.
"Too elitist"

>> No.14863319

>math and writing are officially unnecessary
FTFY, illiteratus

>> No.14863437

Math is indeed important. My entire family line just so happens to suck at it tho.

>> No.14863687

Motherfuck these egg heads. I like that people reject science. Be useful and do fundamental jobs. Care taking, electronics, plumbing, construction, all that good shit.

>> No.14863835

In Australia it is q + xw = λ

T. Tao

>> No.14863872

maths in schools should be taught but not for the content of the maths but for the mental excercise they require. Kids have developing brains that depending on what you feed them will develop on one way or the other. Math education feeds their brains with use of logic and reasoning. Not like other subjects like literature, history or geography where you just memorize shit.

>> No.14864137


>> No.14864147

>Universal education is a mistake.
Its needed for Marxist indoctrination and then since there are not enough jobs for a universally educated populace you have a reservoir of discontent people who are ready for revolution.

>> No.14864157

Considering the way you guys view science and truth, i think the Marxists may be right on this education and developing critical-thinking is important thingy.

>> No.14864163
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> there are not enough jobs for a universally educated populace
there are enough jobs in china

>> No.14864179


>SB 744 did not alter or remove the existing and continued requirement, in state law, that Oregonian high school students must obtain at least 24 credits, including in English, mathematics and science classes, in order to get a high school diploma — a less standardized but still substantial form of de facto proof that a given student possesses many of the same basic academic competencies in question.

So this is yet another /pol/tard propaganda thread and so many of the /sci/tards are falling for it despite claiming to care about facts.

>> No.14864206

>Receive a resume
>Student is from Oregon
>Immediately throw it in the trash
It’s the only way to be sure

>> No.14864224

Students were already exempt from having to pass an “Essential Skills” requirement
> So, what’s changed? The short answer is, not much.
>Oregon students still have to pass their high school classes and earn 24 credits to graduate. And after two years without across the board state tests, they’re coming back this year, with state summative assessments scheduled for early 2022. But with the removal of the Essential Skills requirement, high school students no longer have to reach a certain score, or turn in a portfolio of work samples.

>> No.14864238

When I look at the losers around me, you know what they all have in common? They don't know math. They can't get a good education because they can't do math. That's why they survive in crappy jobs and are grateful for their situation.

No math, no career.

>> No.14864253
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What job doesn't require using y=mx+b somewhere?
Som basic tasks like measuring and cutting an angle properly oftne needs that math superpower.

>> No.14864261


The fact they have climate science shirts on while ensuring lower levels of science literacy is really quite telling.

>> No.14864267

You don't need to know a formula do measure and cut

>> No.14864275

how come only american women have the crazy eyes?

>> No.14864327

If you only have the b and angle, and you don't have the instrument to measure the angle, you do. And it was the most simple case, the question remains.

>> No.14864334

>dont worry about how banking and law works goy
>we will handle it for you
>dont bother reading and understanding the Constitution
>you are in good hands with us. You can be a famous rapper too!

>> No.14864335


>> No.14864720

nah thats retarded
marxists don't want /sci/ they don't want debate they just want you to accept their ideology

>> No.14864744
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What great way to make a school diploma even more worthless for employers.

>> No.14864752

Thoughts of a pleb

>> No.14864766

I mean his profile picture is Drake. That's like the black version of having an anime profile picture.

>> No.14864800

How stupid, if everyone was taught at school how to play an instrument and vocal skills like singing etc for every day for at least 1 hour or more for 12 years then even the most talentless hacks would be able sing and play on a level thats considered semi pro today or higher and someone with below average skills like Drake would not even be needed and would not exist in music industry.
It is in his interest to promote math education so that as few people as possible go into music and realize how shit the current musicians like Drake are. But monkeys be monkeys

>> No.14864833

Passing a piss easy high school class where you get points just for showing up and doing random shit isnt the same as passing a standardized test designed to assess your literacy and math abilities you retard

>> No.14864875

Their ideology foments misery.

>> No.14864920

This already happens with English, which is arguably a much more important life skill than mathematics.

>> No.14865629

gb2/lit troll

>> No.14865751

Based. Math is for pussies

>> No.14865754

so only people with genuine interest would study it. So what?
There are going to be tons of niggers and wiggers with 0 math knowledge which is exactly how it is now but now they get to have a diploma, what's the big deal?

>> No.14865944

Those ones are now eligible to be AA'd into universities.

>> No.14866653
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its been that way for decades already

>> No.14866669

>Passing a piss easy high school class where you get points just for showing up and doing random shit
Nice hallucinations poltard. Now try taking your meds.

>> No.14866684

This. The reason why most states instituted state controlled graduation exams in the 80s and 90s was because there were schools graduating tons of students who were illiterate and couldn't do basic arithmetic. The tests were there to identify which students had been passed along year after year by teachers who wanted to be rid of them. At that point, the school districts were meant to offer remediation classes to the students to get them to at least the level of the very basic, very easy to pass state exams.
So now we'll go back to the 1970s when students were handed diplomas they couldn't even read.

>> No.14866685

They don't require it. You're just a midwit.

>> No.14866693

How about improving your classes instead of making retarded standardized tests? Ever thought of that?

>> No.14866697

How the fuck can you do electronics but not know the principles which were discovered using science? Enjoy blowing yourself you moron. In fact you wouldn't get near to blowing yourself up without science.

>> No.14866700
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Based. I literally cannot do basic subtraction and addition because my retarded parents decided to ""homeschool"" me

>> No.14866727
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>everyone who disagree with me about anything even slightly is an evil troll who is out to get me
>people who disagree with me on any topic should be banned from 4chan
based af

>> No.14866770

Improving classes is racist because blacks are stupid.

>> No.14866815

clearly you've made it this far despite being unable to reason.
you should be all in for her.

>> No.14866823

you seem upset, what is it exactly that irked you about op?

>> No.14866845

NTA but it's natural to be irked by stupidity

>> No.14866855

>How about improving your classes
Why do you hate black people, anon?

>> No.14866923

>americans will be speaking in clicks in 20 years

>> No.14866925

>let me blame black people for my stupidity!

>> No.14866930

Did you not read the post? Some schools simply aren't successful in teaching material to students but hide this by giving them passing grades. The state level tests were to identify student who this happened to. Sounds like you're asking for local schools to be abolished and controlled directly by the state government. Oregon has a 37:1 white to black ratio. What you're asking for is for black communities to not be able to run their own schools but instead have whites in the state government run them for them. Why do you hate letting black people run their own schools so much?

>> No.14866935

>Some schools simply aren't successful in teaching material to students but hide this by giving them passing grades.
So train the teachers better moron. I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand.

>> No.14866995

I blame black people for *their* stupidity

>> No.14867010
File: 180 KB, 1536x864, E2F3AD48-6D3A-4C06-A011-494AD995929E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers are dumb, they can’t read and they can do elementary algebra, which is why they had to end basic graduation requirements.

>> No.14867034

Didn't ask for your braindead poltard takes. >>>/pol/

>> No.14867148

What's your explanation for plummeting standards then?

>> No.14867268

I got into a discussion how to figure out 2^x = 10,000
I used wolfram alpha to solve it but still this shit is infuriating. I would've had to brute force it, there's no other way.

>> No.14867305

>not sure if serious.gif

>> No.14867328

I'm serious. I know do unto one as you do to the other, but why isn't there an easier way to tell the calculator to do it for me?

>> No.14867334

Ah shit I get it now, with a calculator I could just take 10k and hit divide by 2 multiple times and just count how many times.

>> No.14867385

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit.

>> No.14867387

He will always be a consumer and never a producer of anything.

>> No.14867424

All part of a general trend which makes high school graduation meaningless.
Wouldn't surprise me if businesses begin demanding job applicants provide a qualification issued by a private institute, one that they can trust to provide an accurate assessment of a person's basic competency.
So once people leave school they will have to sit an exam provided by some privately run national institute that measures basic literacy and numeracy competency.
Once it begins to sink into normies that public schools provide subpar education and assessment, there will begin a mass movement towards private education in general. With private education franchises offering a no frills basic education in core competencies ( like just being able to read, write, and do basic math, all with an emphasis on applying it to situations encountered in the workplace and real life).

Then perhaps even a tax revolt against paying into a public education system which is becoming increasing less used and is seen as a double dipping financial burden by the increasing number of people trying to pay for their children's private education.

>> No.14867633


>> No.14867696
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We have a comedian here, I will not let you hurt anyone with your jokes, you joker.

>> No.14867714

>You were born too late, you won't go to university in the 19th century and debate celestial mechanics with Gauss
>You were born too early, you won't go to university in the 24th century and debate temporal mechanics with Manheim
>You were born just in time to see private schools charge niggers $400,000/yr to learn how to read See Spot Run

>> No.14869004 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14869223

So will 99% of the population, regardless of math skills.

>> No.14872159

Calling other people /pol/tards is xis explanation for almost everything.

>> No.14872812

yet he knows about it and if the opportunity arises, he will be prepared.

>> No.14872899 [DELETED] 

>go to university in the 19th century and debate celestial mechanics with Gauss
>lose badly
why waste the man's time, he has more important things to do

>> No.14873035
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>> No.14873067
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>All part of a general trend which makes high school graduation meaningless.

And because their education was shit, they fail standardized tests, so.. Standardized tests are now labeled "RACIST"

>> No.14873090

These people are anarchists, the live to go down in history for notoriety. The want to be seen as evil, and love the rush of knowing they are doing wrong. The reckoning will come for them, sooner or later.

>> No.14873092

Of course it's unnecessary. Niggers don't need math.

>> No.14873248

Damn prison really made him stupid

>> No.14873249


>> No.14873338
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It's almost as if some people are working overtime to ensure that other people's children will be unable to compete in the future.

. . . but WHY would anyone do that to their fellow citizens??

>> No.14873623 [DELETED] 

No, Ted is unable to form trusting relationships with other humans because he is such a deceptive, untrustworthy, image conscious manipulator himself. He can't understand that people have value outside of job titles because everything is measured in numbers/money/status to him. He believes that human intelligence is quantifiable, just like the rest of the trannys.

>> No.14873643

But what if data is compiled using y=ax+b?

>> No.14873827

Brutal same. I put in 80 hours a week JUST for calc 2, failed three times and had to do a business degree instead of stem.

>> No.14873837
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>> No.14873872

fair enough, perhaps 'discuss' would have been the better verb

>> No.14874554

Whites must learn math, nigger must learn how to obey whites. That's what universal education should be.

>> No.14874568

We don't want or need them. I can pick my own cotton.

>> No.14875858

This article is a year old

>> No.14876318

People on average live into their 70s. Are you intelligent enough to understand why that's relevant?

>> No.14878764 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14880912

cool. Oregon high school diplomas are not officially just participation awards. my 4 year civil engineering degree from an accredited university program has never been more valuable.

>> No.14881765
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>> No.14881932
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>. . . but WHY would anyone do that to their fellow citizens??
who would do that to their fellow citizens??

>> No.14883198

heres a video of old black men talking about picking cotton, if you watch you'll see them talking about how picking cotton paid such a good wage that working the harvest season for a few month paid all their bills for the whole year, you'll also see that picking cotton was such an easy job that old ladies were some of the best pickers and if you run the numbers on their pay rates vs. inflation or vs. precious metals (the dollar was directly exchangeable for precious metals when they were working) you will see that during the time of the year cotton was in harvest, they were earning the contemporary equivalent of well over $100,000 annually. their main complaint seems to be that the same deal wasn't available year round