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File: 158 KB, 900x900, DC235EFC-9F17-4CC3-8C11-46A642424032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14862764 No.14862764 [Reply] [Original]

If high IQ people tend to produce offspring closer to the mean (i.e., of lower relative IQ), and if low IQ people tend to produce offspring closer to mean (i.e., of higher relative IQ), then does it really matter if high IQ people aren’t reproducing as much as low IQ people?

>> No.14862777

Yes because regression to the mean only happens when children inherit the genes for a middling IQ. Over time the children of low IQ people will push the mean lower because they're still carriers of low IQ genes. Ditto middling IQ carriers of high IQ genes.

>> No.14862781

Genetic pool's "mean" that have nothing to do with the simple "mean". As genetic pool drift the mean do too.

Otherwise we would still be as smart as monkeys or the ethnic genetic diseases would affect to everyone.

>> No.14862790

>regression to the mean
This statement is spammed so much by /pol/tards that have zero understanding of anything.
You're literally saying that selective breeding for traits is impossible.

Its just a canned phrase from pol infographics, these people do not know what it means.

>> No.14862798

>You're literally saying that selective breeding for traits is impossible.
/pol/tards are literally retarded

>> No.14862828

>Its just a canned phrase from pol infographics, these people do not know what it means.
Keep coping

>> No.14862971
File: 3.49 MB, 4800x2560, Opportunities.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the deal; throughout the history of technological innovation, most of progress came from White Males= who, more than likely, would probably be eligible for at least 10 different diagnosis for some combination of mental-obscurities.
This isn't to say that there aren't "outliers" from elsewhere, but considering that there has been global trade/travel/communication/war for at least a few thousand, meaning a sharing and exchange of technological developments and useful knowledge with each other.

But despite this, or maybe it's because of, the fact that the rest of the world is littered with resources and lush environments with access to plenty of 'low-hanging-fruit', literally and figuratively, the main advantage Euro's had, was they faced brutal, unforgiving, deadly winters that last for ~1/3 of the year.
So while a lot of other societies never experienced the Wintress Queen, and more than likely there were many Euro's who would travel to warmer climate during Winter; many would likely use the seasonally-prolonged "Lockdown" to sharpen their mind, harness their thoughts, and develop some form of medically diagnosable mental disease, probably not unlike those experienced by prisoners, and suffers of Stockholm Syndrome.


>> No.14862973
File: 2.23 MB, 4480x2096, TooManyWhiteMales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of the "genetic reason" for 'why' technological innovation contributions have massive over-representations from those with ancestry of a couple particular Regions, there's clearly some genetic trait(s) beyond the scope of cultural influences, which disproportionately permeates throughout "Whites". And I'm not talking about "philosophical 1,000-page pontifications", some "ironic quantum meme-science" LARP, or any bullshit like "magic finance-money dick-waving".
I'm pretty sure a lot of ***our*** Whites now take their talent elsewhere because they are oppressed by the ""Gatekeepers"" who seem to largely be comprised of foreign infiltrators, and either oblivious or malevolent traitors with backgrounds in:
>'Philosophy/Sociology/Theology' and other 'Academic Elite'(we'll call the Medical Industry part of this too),
>The 'Theatrical Elite' in the media- though I suspect they have close ties with (((academia))) as well,
>The 'Financial Elite'; basically fraudsters and grifters who seem to enjoy stabbing people in the back more than they enjoy the money they take from you while you're bleeding out dyeing(and they do love money),
>'Techno/Legal Elite': Not necessarily the "computer nerds" themselves, but they have access to all sorts of resources and personnel necessary to operate critical techfrastructure and digital campaigns; and I think there's enough overlap with '*legal*' agencies, that they should be viewed similar to each other.
But the reason I bring the ^above^ list up, is because that a lot of success from "foreigners", seems to almost exclusively be coming from this "tier". Whether they happened to know someone for their home-country's financial sector, and had their buddy print them up a few suitcases of cash to go buy up entire cities in White Nations. Or whether one of their other buddies hooked them up with one of the "Elite" positions as above, I think it's beyond clear that we are getting completely fucked.


>> No.14862976
File: 3.45 MB, 4666x2244, HibernationOver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well so what, why are White people the only ones who can have those jobs?!
It's because we have tens-of-millions of non-Whites who are making 6-figure-salaries and contributing very little(if not actively oppressing White people), and many of them are sending the money out of the country to live like kangz; so they're completely raping our economy, our society, and our people.
So thanks to the fact that a couple of them squeezed their way into important positions, they've officially decided to give the Middle-Finger to White people, because they are under the impression they would be flying around the stars, instead of designing cities with designated shitting streets, if only White people didn't introduce plumbing, electricity, petroleum; THEN they wouldn't be tied down by stupid White eccentricities.
And I'm not saying it's 'exclusive' to Whites, but from an objective perspective of historical achievements, Whites have pretty much obliterated the rest of the world combined. Again, I'm not saying non-Whites don't contribute to progress, it's just a generalized pattern that tends to skew a certain direction.
Whites might have a higher proclivity to being a psychopath as well though, so there's that.

If you can't even advocate for the existence of your own people in the now and future, yo-WE'RE ngmi

>> No.14862979
File: 3.97 MB, 2333x5322, RockeUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14862980

Without resorting the creating evidence, can you show us this infographic you claim exists and supports your attempt at instigating a brigade?

>> No.14862996
File: 34 KB, 537x438, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I PeePee when I PooPoo does it really matter if I PooPoo when I PeePee

>> No.14863020

i want you to argue with an indian in /his