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14860442 No.14860442 [Reply] [Original]

Im going into my final year of undergrad and I can’t fucking stand this major anymore. Every single class consists of a disinterested professor mumbling out half explained formulas onto a dimly lit chalkboard in a barely tangible chinese/indian/eastern european accent for an hour and a half. Im then left to pick up the pieces and have to waste hours teaching myself everything by reading the textbook so that I can scrape something acceptable to turn in for the assignments. Maybe this would be tolerable if the content I was learning was actually interesting, but I can count on one hand the amount of physics classes I have taken that I found legitimately interesting. Every other class has consisted of me cramming down the formula I have to learn with no actual insight into what they mean or represent, Im just spitting out abstract symbols so that I can get a good mark in the class. I honestly feel like I barely have a better grasp on how the world works from before I started my degree. Im so angry at myself for choosing this stupid degree. I should’ve either gone into something practical or something actually interesting since as things are Im going to be left with a degree in a subject that I never want to touch again after I graduate and a one way ticket to the unemployment line. I cant help but feel that I’ve made a grave mistake.

>> No.14860450

Physics is a dead field outside teaching it and some BS gov funded research.

>> No.14860468

time to learn webdev lol

>> No.14860486
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I'm sorry to hear that fren.
You're welcome to check out these threads below if you're interested in doing some projects with practical use.

>> No.14860566

Yeah, physics is worthless. The field took a wrong turn around the same year the Wright brothers achieved powered flight and unfortunately hasn't recovered.

There's no practical application of physics beyond classical mechanics and 90% of what's taught in college is a waste of time.

The reason no one cares about educating new physicists anymore is because there's no reason to care about physics anymore.

Sorry you had to discover this the hard way, anon.

>> No.14860572

Government grift projects like CERN are pretty vibrant. They don't have any practical application, but you can build an entire career defrauding the EU.

>> No.14860611

>There's no practical application of physics beyond classical mechanics

This is probably the dumbest take I've ever seen.

>> No.14860620

Looks like you're just a brainlet who got filtered.

>> No.14860763

I didnt even get filtered that hard my marks are well above average I just hate the subject

>> No.14860768
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>There's no practical application of physics beyond classical mechanics
Looks like this guy didn't pass his nuclear physics course.

>> No.14860770

There's nothing going on in nuclear explosions other than Coulomb repulsion. Classical electromagnetism.

>> No.14860781

It's true. You don't need to apply theory beyond classical mechanics to solve any real world problems. Take chemistry for example. All of the equations are empirically derived from observation; quantum mechanics is worthless for predicting how reactions will proceed or how complex molecules form. The claim that other branches of science or engineering somehow depend on physics is a complete myth. If anything, technology would be further ahead without the crutch of theoretical physics because people wouldn't approach problems with worthless preconceptions.

>> No.14860784
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>> No.14860824

Yes, I actually just switched my major to computer science
I feel much better knowing I won’t have to slave 8+ years for a doctorate degree to barely make a livable wage

>> No.14860975

Yeah, I regretted in 1 year in, went into depression, somehow managed to scrape by and graduate and landed a /g/ job
I just realized at one point, i'm really not going to devote my youth to this field and work so hard for so little in returns and all juvenile wonder and excitement about le universe evaporated

>> No.14860983

>study physics
>develop depression
many such cases

>> No.14861001

Is it really that bad? I'm a year behind you and it's been going alright so far, but I do worry sometimes if it's worth it. Any success stories from physics majors to cheer us up? And if it really is that bad, what are my options at this point? I'm also double-majoring in a humanities field, if that's relevant at all.

>> No.14861205

The wrong turn was when Newton said “see - it spins faster because angular momentum is conserved.”

>> No.14861268

What would you have done instead?

>> No.14861379

It spins faster because angular energy is conserved would be accurate.

>> No.14861474
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>I cant help but feel that I’ve made a grave mistake.

Education is NEVER a mistake.
Use your now educated brain to THRIVE in this civilization.

>> No.14861491

Education can be a mistake when it is indoctrination. Like students being taught that angular momentum is conserved because an ice skater “spins faster” while measurements confirm that angular momentum is not conserved.

>> No.14861501
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>Like students being taught that angular momentum is conserved because an ice skater “spins faster” while measurements confirm that angular momentum is not conserved.

YOU are THAT guy.
Look I found something that APPEARS to violate the laws of nature and I REFUSE to accept your simple explanation.
Join the flat Earthers!

>> No.14861505

>Retarded undergrad bitches about how he has to read a textbook
Stupid fucking zoomer. Lectures are meant to SUPPLEMENT your reading of the textbook, not REPLACE it. No wonder you can't hack it.

>> No.14861513

Oh it's even worse than I thought.
>Didn't learn anything
Wow. Who could've guessed? You have only yourself to blame. Not for picking the major, but for lacking the discipline to take ownership of your own knowledge.

>> No.14861585

You believe angular momentum is conserved and you have absolutely fuck all evidence while I recognize that every ball on a string demonstration in history did not spin like a Ferrari engine so COAM is false.

>> No.14861588
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YOU: I stood on top of my house and the world was STILL flat!
Therefore the world is FLAT!

>> No.14861596

I have effectively measured an ice skater and found out the truth. You have measured fuck all but you imagine that you are right. Who is the flat earther?

>> No.14861605
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>and found out the truth.

Excellent, use you 'special' knowledge to make a machine far better than anyone else and become super rich!
You have figured out how to violate a fundamental scientific theorem, the wealth potential is staggering.

>> No.14861620

Nope. I have discovered that reality violates the mistaken assumption that angular momentum is conserved.

Anything you measure confirms what I am saying.

You are denying the truth, refusing to measure and insisting that you are right in spite of the facts.

>> No.14861625
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OK.... steps back and walks away

>> No.14861650

Im an uni professor in south america. My pay is alright, and I love my research. There are soul-crushing duties, but I feel I have it better than the average joe.
Most of my colleagues are disinterested in research, though, which I can't really understand why. For me it is the only thing worthy in this mess.
During undergrad I was not very focused in grades, but in learning stuff. Even if it is all useless, which doesnt seem to be the case, I enjoy physics and math and this is the only reason I need to keep going on this route. Would I choose the same path? Probably not, but the alternative - being a code-monkey - doesnt seem much better. Each path has its pros and cons and there is no perfect choice, so it is perhaps better not worrying too much about it

>> No.14861676

Ignorance is the behavior of a flat earther.

>> No.14861754

>paying thousands of dollars for an education
>all the education is self taught and the part being paid for is a legitimate waste of time
I hate the university system so much

>> No.14861780

Probably philosophy because I spend a lot of free time studying that anyways. I know its a meme degree but so is physics and at least with philosophy I would have enjoyed my undergrad

>> No.14861784

I honestly don’t feel like Ive learned anything and what I have learned is in no way useful

>> No.14861786

Based schizo

>> No.14861797

1. Don't drop out unless you find a good job and are absolutely certain that you'll be fine in the future.
2. Try changing things up, join some sort of math club or programming team, connect with younger passionate people, get a hobby.

>> No.14861810

Im not going to drop out at this point, I’m just lamenting that I wasted years of my life and thousands of dollars on something that I don’t enjoy and feel that I have gotten little to nothing useful out of.

>> No.14861821

>they don't have any practical application
They have potential practical application. You'd know that if you understood the difference between potential and kinetic energy. No wonder you suck.

>> No.14861823

Should have studied pure math boi

>> No.14861826

Nope. Not a schitzo. I am the only reasonable person on the planet and everyone else is schitzo.

>> No.14861827

physics has the highest average IQ of any major, what you should've been doing is befriending 150 to 160 IQ chads who would help you network or figure out how to make you rich.

>> No.14861834

there is a reason why investment banks hire physicists they know you can handle being worked like a horse 60 hours a week cause of those super demanding physics problem sets and labs along with hard homework problems isn't over for you, but better take advantage in your last year befriend a genius asian or white autist or whatever

>> No.14861875
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>I honestly don’t feel like Ive learned anything and what I have learned is in no way useful

You are well on your way to becoming a wise man.
First you much realize how little you know and how useless what you know is.
NOW, go and learn useful things.

>> No.14861909

Like learning that angular momentum is not conserved and angular energy is. Then you will be able to predict a ball on a string demonstration usefully.

>> No.14862079

Make your own thread retard or you will be banned again for spam.

>> No.14862088

Can you get a decent job as a physicist without a master's degree or a phd?
I'm already burned out and I'm still in 3rd year. I've been studying physics for 7 years now and I'm tired of it. Thinking about trying to find work in a hospital and work in biophysics or programming, because I'm tired of my career

>> No.14862090

Final year physics is not some list of formulas

>> No.14862136

I think you can get a decent job but not a decent job in physics. With a few more qualifications you could probably get into a field like comsci, engineering or finance

>> No.14862244
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You are getting into a self-reinforcing spiral, friend. You need to watch that, not just because it will make the remainder of your major miserable, but also because that pattern of behavior will recur with something else later in life and your whole life will be miserable. Professors always suck, that's just a fact of life. It doesn't matter if they're teaching physics, math, philosophy, or gender studies. the good ones are the exception, not the rule, so if you are expecting them to make your major pleasant you need to adjust your expectations. Plus, you need to learn to look for the interesting things in what you study. I didn't particularly like any of my thermo classes, but there was still always something interesting in them i thought was cool - focus on the positive and the negative won't seem so bad.

Retarded takes I choose to believe are bait

Physics is a worthwhile or as worthless as you make it. The major (should) teach students how to think, how to solve problems, and couple that with a knowledge of how the world works - it's essentially an introduction into all the sciences. Based on the strength of this and your own charisma, you should be able to talk yourself into the field you want, since physics covers so much ground and when you get an entry level job people only expect you to know the basics anyways. Want to go into finance? Aerospace? Mechanical? Electrical? Chemistry? Automotive? You can get an entry level job in any of these with a physics degree and some convincing of the recruiter. After that your career is based on prior jobs anyway, so don't lose hope.

>> No.14862259
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Honestly dude I just feel sorry for you. I've known a few people like you - smart enough to throw stones at giants but not smart enough to become a giant yourself. There's still a lot of things you could have contributed to science too, you don't have to be a genius to make major contributions. But you chose a different path - cling onto an idea (which I honestly think that deep down you know is wrong) against all evidence to the contrary, and when confronted with the reality of your position you hiss and spit like a child that you're unfairly maligned when you could have acted maturely, addressed your errors, and gone onto something else to contribute to. Your identity and your self-worth is tied up in your crackpot theory, which is why you can't accept any arguments to the contrary - it would destroy you. You need to detach your ideas from your core self, then you can look at things objectively and rationally. I doubt you'll listen, but i tried. Godspeed.

>> No.14862334

You can definitely get a decent job with just your undergrad. Boomers will see 'physics' on your resume and think

>holy shit just like Sheldon!!! :D

Mind you, it'll probably be in a different field, as other anons are saying. (What is a 'pure' physicist job anway..?) Switching fields is probably good for a break too and then you can always go back for grad school. I'm currently working in environmental stuff until I'm ready to go back to school. Looking at going into medical r&d but have recently been thinking about atmospheric storm chasing work =^)

>> No.14862396

Go fuck your self you little scared ass cunt.

>> No.14862403

I am not trying to be a giant you idiot.

There is no rule that states that a person who makes a discovery must match some ideal you invent in your little brain asshole.

Go fuck yourself you chickenshit asshole.

>> No.14862608

It doesn't sound like you liked physics in the first place, you just wanted status and employability.

Besides you don't actually start learning physics till grad school anyway

>> No.14862716

>Boomers will see 'physics' on your resume and think
>>holy shit just like Sheldon!!! :D
Spoiler alert, no they won't.
>t. degree in physics

>> No.14862882

Yes and no. I never loved the subject and I decided to pursue it over something like literature or philosophy because I thought it would he more employable but I used to at least somewhat enjoy it. Its now come to the point where doing physics feels poisonous however.

>> No.14863006

What about E&M? Lol that was probably my most practical class. It gets more useless a bit after that I'm pretty sure. When you take higher level mechanics courses. No one cares about Lagrangian mechanics and shit. But everything out there is related to electricity and magnets now. You can't say that's not practical.

>> No.14863011

Did you go into it with something specific in mind? I started physics because I wanted to do astrophysics. I can see it being disappointed if you still don't know. I hope you're good with computers that seems like a lot of the work in that field now. I switched to chem as it's funner to work and mess around in a lab lol.

>> No.14863012
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You are a worthless talentless trash

>> No.14863014

Happened to me too wtf?

>> No.14863019

If you have no passion for the subject why did go into physics studies?

>> No.14863042

Ever try or ask about undergrad research? Where I went it was required and people were choosing the cool sounding groups to work with by sophomore year. Idk what opportunities you have though.

>> No.14863055

Classical E&M is useful. It's wrong and will mentally hobble you, but you can at least apply it usefully. Fair enough.

>> No.14863089

Unironically, I usually get, "like Sheldon?" When I say what I went to college for. Worst part is they don't even add, "from the show," they just assume I'm on a first name basis.

>> No.14863115

you can work in video games designing physics engines.

>> No.14863123

That's fucked up bro. At that point I would just start telling people I studied something else.

>> No.14863134

Sure. I ended up doing low-level coding for a few high tech firms. Now that I've earned a few million doing that I'm thinking about going back and doing a masters or phd which I can now pay for myself. I never lost my love for physics but like OP the act of studying with shit teachers for so long was disheartening.

>> No.14863157

Ya try studying astronomy and having people ask about astrology. It happened to me.

>> No.14863168

You are a fucking ignorant trolling cunt.

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.14863175
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>physicist programming game physics
Well, what a joke just because they know like the 5 laws at most needed for a game. That's like using a screwdriver as a knife.

husubando sutoppu makingu vaideo gamu, gettu a rearu jobbu

>> No.14863233

Conserving angular momentum is like using a banana for a screwdriver.

>> No.14863242

Someone from my PhD group actually went down this career path. They currently work for Ubisoft writing their in-house physics SDK and make decent money.

>> No.14863403

Takes a couple times to understand shit, that’s what a PhD is for. I used to think Griffith’s quantum book was a beast now it looks like a little baby book in retrospect a few years later. The thing most physics students are actually lacking is a solid math background.

>> No.14863411

Have you ever heard of density functional theory brainlet? There are many fundamental results in thermo as well that rely on quantum.

>> No.14863414
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Physics and science is garbage, will always be garbage, and will never stop being garbage.
Scientists are just like jewish rabbis wasting their time arguing about abstract garbage.

>> No.14863505

The passion leaves the room when you start to actually study and not watch popsci videos.

>> No.14863630

Yes you have. Learn a trade.

>> No.14863638

Honestly the only worthwhile major at this point is CS.
The "pure" majors like physics and math are a one way ticket to the unemployment line.
Engineering is saturated and the pay and working conditions are miserable. You will do 12 hour days on salary for less earnings than a fast food restaurant manager.
If I could do it over I wouldn't even go to college.

>> No.14863639


>> No.14863644

>posting this on 4channel.org

>> No.14863902

I went into it wanting to do astronomy and kind of got strung along because the university I go to (unfortunately the only one in my city)?only has two fourth year classes related to the subject so I stuck with it telling myself it would be better once I was doing astrophysics. Im taking the astrophysics class now and its the only tolerable class I have but honestly at this point the magic is gone and I just want out. Plus considering how competitive and difficult it is to get a job in astro its a pipe dream anyways.

>> No.14863939

Good for him making good money in that company that cant make a GE with decent physics (compared to others).

>> No.14864032

>Any other physics majors strongly regretting their life choices
yes. physics gave me depression and I've been stuck in my neet cave for 2 years now.

>> No.14864386

>Have you ever heard of density functional theory brainlet?
>There are many fundamental results in thermo as well that rely on quantum.
Then they're worthless and wrong.

>> No.14864439

Same. I somewhat enjoy the degree, but it's still not as good as I thought. I never expected it to be easy or HS-level spoonfeeding, but you would think that for such an important field, universities would really try and teach their students the material, especially in high league unis such as mine. Instead what happens is exactly what you wrote. Absolute disinterest from the professors, no support from anyone, unravelling mysteries from books written 50 years ago, zero illustrations or 3D models explaining anything. Just terrible, it's clear that the academia doesn't come to teach, it comes to filter those who can't assed to go through this lame shit. I'll finish undergrad, but I'll never do masters. Academia deserves nothing, as edgy as it sounds...

>> No.14864645

False. I have gotten my degree in compsi and my job is closely related to that field, I wouldn't say I love it, but it genuinely makes me happy, outside work I do little else but think and do stuff related to my field.
In uni I met several people, students, professors who were really into physics like nothing elses existed in their life, from ops posts it seems he just chose physics randomly or maybe he thought it was "cool"

>> No.14865502

Can you explain to me, a man of no great intelligence, exactly what you have discovered and how?
I see you posting a lot, and most of the replies you get are people calling you a retard or to take meds but I have never seen someone explicitly tell you why you were wrong. Or maybe they did, and I just didn't understand.

Maybe you're not crazy anon. Explain it to me like how cool 1995 Bill nye would have and not 2020 trans activist bill nye.

>> No.14865517

What on earth is this thread? Denying conservation of energy and the application of anything above Newtonian physics? Holy shit anons you've got a lot of studying to do if you want to pass your midterms.

>> No.14865523

>, universities would really try and teach their students the material, especially in high league unis such as mine.

You had a massive misconception of what university is... The professors are there for their own research, and are forced to teach courses, which is a waste of their time. You technically don't even have to attend university to learn all undergrad material, as you well know from your self study. You're required to attend for certification. The accredited undergraduate degree from a university is all the exact same thing. You could have gone to a "lower rank" university for your undergraduate and it would not matter as its the same testing requirements to obtain the degree. Universities obtain their rank from their graduate programs.
If what you desired was a very hands on approach with plenty of interaction with professors, you would have been ironically better off going to a lower rank school to become a big fish in a small pond, or a small private college.

>> No.14865529

Yeah I am a second year engineering student and starting to learn that I need to do a bunch of shit outside college starting now because my degree doesn't even get a foot in the door for any good Junior and Senior level internships

>> No.14865543

>Yeah I am a second year engineering student and starting to learn that I need to do a bunch of shit outside college starting now because my degree doesn't even get a foot in the door for any good Junior and Senior level internships
Internships are usually a requirement in most programs. If all else fails, just take two actuary exams and get a job. No internship required.

>> No.14865553

Its fine, I've started snooping around the department and found some pretty neat opportunities. Its just a warning because holy fuck it sneaks up on you faster then you think.

>> No.14865664

Just read Miles Mathis. He'll rekindle your enthusiasm but you'll also hate your classes even more.

>> No.14866779

this, should have gone for comp sci

>> No.14866802

Good post

>> No.14866809

nobody read your long winded, self indulgent spam the first time you posted it. are you upset about that?

>> No.14866851

>physics majors
lol that is an institution/professor problem

when it happened to me i kinda brushed it over initially because that stuff was really basic but they kept assigning that piece of shit to me (most likely because i complained) so i just left the institution

it was fucking hilarious watching white knights like >>14861505 getting absolutely fucked by him though imagine believing your own bullshit

>Lectures are meant to SUPPLEMENT
AKA they are a fucking useless waste of time?

>> No.14867293

I love physics. I'm a self study neet that has learned most of physics/chen

>> No.14867300

Everybody who did physics is gonna be SO glad when my research drops-gonna absolutely EXPLODE the field

>> No.14867347

I did physics, then a masters in geomatics.
You need to learn how to code and engineer. C++ Python, CAD, 3d printing, technical drawings, electronic engineering, embedded systems etc.
Solving physics problems is useless if you cant implement anything irl. I work in robotics now. I know another successful physicist who does mostly engineering. He can do finite element analysis and knows loads about cameras and lenses.

>> No.14867425

I told some lady at a career fair I was doing a PhD in physics and she asked "oh is that like working with children?". No you dumb bitch, that's a pediatrician. Granted she was an affirmative action nig working for the government but still...

>> No.14867689

Is there no winning bros? I am taking some physics classes for my minor and am enjoying it more than my CS major (I am in NL, we can take some physics classes extra at my uni).

Went into CS cause of job prospects and I enjoy it somewhat, but physics seems more interesting to me. Did I fuckup or dis I dodge a bullet?

>> No.14867699

If you're concerned if it's "worth it" from a pragmatic viewpoint, just do engineering. It's just physics but ordered by utility instead of any elegant unifying theme. Only problem is engineering classes are duller and more poorly taught on account of the professors being failed engineers

>> No.14867731

I didnt write that turd burglar. It was a quality post.

>> No.14867883

I have a success story. After five years of not making any money with my BS in physics, I took up programming, and after three years working shitty jobs at shit companies I finally started making what fresh CS grads make out of college. Only wasted eight years! Great success!

>> No.14868579
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All the money is in sales and marketing. The major contributions to stem will be made, over the next 300 years, by a dwindling population of less than 30 people.

Anyone with a real mine for science is putting that ability towards the accumilaton of power and wealth by sucking it away from the retards who watch daytime TV and are genuinely swayed by advertisements.

>> No.14868643

I find it funny how people laugh at CS for being a supposed meme degree, but it's the one degree that will land you the most amount of jobs, is relatively easy to graduate and you'll be able to doze off at home all day.

>> No.14868683

physics students are mostly morons who don't know much besides QFT. For those drones, if there is something incomplete from a theory, then it means there is a new particle somewhere. Those idiots have made up hundreds of particles so far and they are still looking for more. That's the entirety of their intellectual framework. LOL. And btw, the job is shit. hep is really just computing feynman diagrams to some retarded orders in terms of h_bar. It's just computer stuff and 0% physics.
Since the LHC is the biggest DUD in the history of physics, those morons fear they got exposed. So what did they do? they said they wanted 100 billions this time to build a bigger LHC, and to achieve what? discovering new particles LOL.
It is just putting ones head in the sand at this point

even on a global scope, theoretical physics is pretty much dead. Zero innovation since the discovery of the CMB.
All the atheists crave for a new scientific revival with biology, AI, and biohacking but it wil be an even bigger dud. And even worse, they are even less a science, because the side effects are even more complicated to predict in general, and with respect to the particularities of such and such genetic population.
And people will scream about ethical stuff since testing on living beings will be even more mandatory sooner or later...
Even on the level of the daily life, you can see the scientific decay with videogames. video games coming out today basically look like the games they were releasing on 360 and PS3 ca. 2005-2007 when I was in middle school. Compare a pixelated N64 game from the late 90s with a 1080p HD Xbox 360 game from the mid 2000s and the difference is astonishing. Compare a 360 game like CoD4 from the mid 2000s with the latest version of the same game 15 years later, and you will find very few differences. If 3D graphics were progressing at the same rate as in the late 90s and early 00s, then we would have photorealistic videogames by now.

>> No.14868685


Anyway, all of that is meaningless, because videogames graphics are largely irrelevant to science and only have relevance for mindless loq IQ normie conSOOOMers. All I need to do is look at actual math and science research. Math is doing better than physics or chemistry, for example, but the only new areas of math that are highly active are the Langlands Program, and Complex Systems/Chaos/Complex Networks, and even that is kind of loosing steam at this point. It was super trendy in the 70-90s and helped pave the way for stuff like data science, but even progress in those fields is slowing. The most active areas of science today really seem to be biotech, cognitive science, and systems biology. Physics, chemistry, math, etc. are largely stagnant, and are becoming increasingly insular and isolated from one another, and more so for institutional and bureaucratic reasons, and not because this is more scientifically productive or something like that.

>> No.14868890

Idgi. Why would you pick physics if you dislike it? How is it 'dead' when the space industry is burgeoning at the moment

>> No.14868894

That's what happens when you go to a mediocre college

>> No.14868908

Having a CS major and physics minor I don't think I would have enjoyed school as much as if I did not take physics at all, having to both solve algorithmic/theoretical problems and physics problems was super good, also writing small physics simulator is great for the portfolio.

However I wouldn't go for pure physics due to the lack of applicability, even if I was really interested in physics for the sake of it I would rather go for EE or ME and only take physics as double major/minor.

>> No.14868914

>unironically saying this using a computer
This further proves that most NPCs regard technology as a magical black box while spouting the most retarded contrarian opinions they've seen on /sci/

>> No.14869278

Perhaps a little different opinion, but I can relate.

First, I studied physics with okay to good teachers, some were bad lecturers with their backs turned to students and mumbling. The teaching seemed to be a forced evil they had to endure. But some were okay and some even inspiring. Still, at times, it feeled like a chore. I had lost my inner light and desire to be a physicist. My years doing PhD were the last nail to the coffin.

But I do not regret this so much. I switched to teaching. I teached in secondary school and in high school. I somehow learned to love it. Trying to be the inspiring teacher I wish would have had. It still isn't easy though. There are some assholes always, but I think that this applies to all professions.

Currently I teach in a Technical university. I teach physics, electronics and some basic math. And it is fricking awesome. I know this might not be the answer for all, but at the moment I have no regret for my career path. I'm saying this, because at one point I felt like you did. It might be that you don't find something like I did, but it is possible.

On the other hand, I have had many discussions with my students if they should continue. And for them I try to be honest. My opinion is that you can always careers. There is no shame in it. I found my career and occupation when I was 34. I know people who have found it later. It is not the job that defines you. If you can enjoy your life because of other factors, job can be the necessary evil just to bring the food on the table.

>> No.14871937

I did Physics, can recommend.
>I should’ve either gone into something practical or something actually interesting since as things are Im going to be left with a degree in a subject that I never want to touch again after I graduate and a one way ticket to the unemployment line.
Getting that firsr job is hard but once you get it, you will find your skills give you a broader scope. I did software once, and my background often came in handy.

>I cant help but feel that I’ve made a grave mistake.
No, you did right and you are going to make it.