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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 476x353, jm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14860233 No.14860233 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit.

>> No.14860249
File: 170 KB, 506x720, 1663423059718891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can DM him, tell him to fix the formatting on his paper. Chew him out for failing to use proper science maids.

>> No.14860346
File: 3.55 MB, 4781x2731, QuantumEconomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, can you please help me properly format my papers?
I'd be more than happy to pay you if you help me get my papers seen by the right eyes!

I'm worried I might have messed up my formatting with picrel...

>> No.14861178


>> No.14861215 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 600x800, 20220904_231749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>09/20/22(Tue)02:19:46 No.14860346
>3.55 MB JPG
>>>14860249 #
>Anon, can you please help me properly format my papers?
>>>14859190 #
>>>>/pol/395999024 #
>I'd be more than happy to pay you if you help me get my papers seen by the right eyes!
>>>14859190 #
>>>14806713 #
>>>>/pol/395999024 #
>I'm worried I might have messed up my formatting with picrel...

>> No.14863044

Is this the retard that makes timeclocks in his garage and thinks he's discovered foundational errors in physics?

>> No.14863045

The schizo.

>> No.14863116

Are you going to address his paper?

>> No.14863121

No he's the one who does "thought experiments" to disapprove the work energy theorem and doesn't understand how conversations work and just spergs ad hominem every other post

>> No.14863128

Ad hominem

>> No.14863161
File: 2.25 MB, 1500x1600, 1663596041613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And he posts here on /sci/ and /pol/ and /onions/ on basedjakDOTparty

>> No.14863296

hello, john. still doing this pulp fiction indian routine of illeism whereby you talk about yourself in third person?

>> No.14863383

Fuck you and your ad hominem you piece of shit

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.14863388

I don’t post on your faggot forums. I have posted on /sci/ and on /b/ when I got banned from /sci/ but they reversed that stupid idiocy because they are afraid to face facts on /b/

You impersonating me is schitzo.

>> No.14863394

I have never used ad hominem. The fact that you don’t know the difference between ad hominem and insults makes you a fucking idiot.

Go fuck yourself zombie.

Rebuttal 12 : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357302312_Rebuttals

>> No.14863397

The schizo is the one who neglects the argument and imagines he has won because he insults the author.

Ie: you are the schizo.

Go fuck yourself ignorant zombie.

>> No.14863399

>never used ad hom
>in the same breath uses ad hom
It's all so tiresome

>> No.14863430

No. It is impossible to commit ad hominem against a person who is evading the argument you dumbass.

That is an insult and not an ad hominem.


>> No.14863506

>It is impossible to commit ad hominem against a person who is evading the argument you dumbass.
That's not stated in the definition you linked, nor is it stated in your rebuttal.

>> No.14863515

It is obvious you fucking zombie.

Ad hominem is a logical fallacy evasion of an argument. I am not evading any argument because you are not presenting any argument so I cannot possibly commit ad hominem you retard.

What the fuck is wrong with you ?

>> No.14863528

The argument is that you made a mistake assuming what variables represented. >>14862858 pointed it out and you went on a tirade insulting him for no reason, rather than actually doing the correct math and figuring out the truth for yourself.

>> No.14863533

I did not make a mistake and his claim is false and bullshit. He knows that and you probably also do.

Rebuttal 9 : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357302312_Rebuttals

>> No.14863686

You do realize that a list of rebuttles doesn't count as content for a publication right? Also you are plagiarising by having 3 copies of the same paper

>> No.14863816

Fuck off you irrational cunt.

My list of rebuttals is not addressable I have pointed out a specific rebuttal and that specific rebuttal defeats your bullshit evasion.

Address my paper or fuck off you chickenshit weasel.

>> No.14863855

Keep coping schizo

>> No.14863892

>My list of rebuttals is not addressable
>Address my paper or fuck off
Circular logic

>> No.14863893

I have no option but to cope with all you irrational fucking psychotic zombies.

Address my paper or fuck off you stinking piece of shit.


>> No.14863895

>address my paper
>okay, you have a mistake exactly at this part
Oh John.

>> No.14863899

No. Plain and simple straightforward logic.

You are are grasping like a flat earther by neglecting my rebuttal against your bullshit common circularly repeated stupid shit argument.

I am fully entitled to make a list of rebuttals and point out your fallacies like that.

You are not entitled to neglect any rebuttal just because it is prepared.

You fucking ignorant flat earth logic retard.

Address my paper or fuck off.

Stop trolling you mindless tiny prick asshole.

>> No.14863901

You have not pointed out any equation number you lying piece of shit.

Fuck off.

My proof stands undefeated.

>> No.14863906

You do realize that you put the phrase "flat earther" in a comment to one of your research gate papers right?
You're a fuckin retard who doesn't understand even basic social behavior much less anything about physics. One is admissible, two is not

>> No.14863910


address my paper or fuck off.

>> No.14863958

Ad hominem

>> No.14864002
File: 352 KB, 1439x2048, Need a maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what an ad hominem is. I didn't attack you or even address you. I addressed the inadequate formatting you use in your papers.

The very first line of your rebuttals is obviously wrong for as long as you refuse to use science maids.

I don't know why you're committed to being wrong on this. I'd be happy to give you the latex code to properly format your papers.

>> No.14864009
File: 1.95 MB, 853x480, 1663257279338967.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sure if you format it as a paper I'll drop it in my format and put anime maids on it for you.

>> No.14864024 [DELETED] 


>> No.14864056

I like John. He seems reasonable

>> No.14864063


>> No.14864099

You don’t know what ad hominem is you dumb bitch. I cannot possibly commit ad hominem against a person who is evading my argument.

Address my paper or fuck off

>> No.14864103

Why are you so childish and stupid?

Do you think your behavior is reasonable?

Address my paper or fuck off.

This paper : http://www.baur-research.com/Physics/MPS.pdf

>> No.14864105

Please stop this stupid childish evasive behavior?
Address my paper or fuck off.

>> No.14864116

Ad hominem

>> No.14864117

You face seven years of totally insane denial and childish stupid behavior from literally everyone when you have a simple a clear a obvious proof and all the evidence agrees with you but people are evidence blind and busy insulting you instead and tell me that you are going to come out “seeming reasonable”.

I have no idea how to overcome the position of a person insulting me so badly that they are unable to listen to what I have found out.

I insult them worse than they do me and hopefully it sinks in that they are behaving badly.

If I “seem unreasonable” for that, then so what.

It feel better to shut them up immediately than listening to that insulting shit for months on end.

>> No.14864121

>you dumb bitch
Ad hominem

>> No.14864123

No. That is an insult. In response to you personally insulting me, which was the ad hominem part.
Stop projecting zombie.

>> No.14864127

Again. It was an insult in response to the ad hominem I am faced with.

Learn the difference between insults and ad hominem you stupid insulting projecting cunt.

Address my paper or fuck off.

>> No.14864133

Ad hominem
You never refute any of our arguments. Your rebuttles are as irrelevant as your original arguments. You claim we can't area your rebuttles only your paper, that's not how a debate works

>> No.14864135

>Learn the difference between insults and ad hominem
Learn the difference between physics any your psychotic ramblings

>> No.14864139

>I am an inventor and a successful businessman
Yeah, heard that from trump too and we all know how baby bunker boy turned out

>> No.14864144

Insult is not ad hominem you stupid going in circles fuck.

Rebuttal 12 : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/357302312_Rebuttals

>> No.14864149




>> No.14864152

Fuck you and your ad hominem you dirty fucking stinking bitch.

Address my paper or fuck off.

>> No.14864284

Ad hominem

>> No.14864286

Ad hominem

>> No.14864288

I'm not downloading your bullshit to give you more visibility. Copy paste it here

>> No.14864296

Yo mandlebong
Why don't you just put your papers on a reputable website so everyone can read it, not just from 4chan

>> No.14864445

How can we when you have not told us what pronouns your paper currently uses?
Or what your paper currently identifies as.
It would be unscientific to not address your paper using is chosen pronouns and identity.

>> No.14864680

You may have referenced valid equations, but you used invalid terms because you don't understand how vectors work. You should write a new rebuttal that involves you properly calculating the vectors according to basic mathematical principles.

>> No.14864683

Lol. Imagine if tried to submit to arXiv, they'd laugh him out. Maybe he can try viXra along with the other misunderstood geniuses.

>> No.14864689

That's the point. That's why the scientific community involves some level of basic filtering so we don't have to see this shit incessantly

>> No.14864840

>You impersonating me is schitzo.
it's easy to impersonate you. for a bot to impersonate you, passing the Turing-test is unnecessary.

>> No.14865145
File: 88 KB, 717x478, mr.holmes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you gave the address right there, what do you want me to do? Re-host it for you? Fuck off bandwidth isn't free.

>> No.14866248

Fuck off. Click the link assshole.

>> No.14866250

I am censored. That is why I am on this shithole site. Here I can’t be censored so easily.

>> No.14866251

Point out an error that exists in my paper before making false accusations you ignorant cunt.

>> No.14866252

I have no interest in putting my work up on the archive of unpublishable papers.

My paper is historically important.

>> No.14866254

You can’t close your eyes to the facts just because you don’t like them and still call yourself scientific, flat earth zombie.

>> No.14866256

It is insane behavior.
All insane behavior is easy.
Psychopathic zombie.

>> No.14866258

Fuck off yourself you totally incoherent and insane flat earth zombie.

>> No.14866369

I don't know John, I've published all of my papers I put on arXiv. Maybe if your papers weren't shit then you'd find a journal willing to publish them.

>> No.14866474

My papers are perfect. That is why no one is prepared to address them. You can’t defeat my paper, so you neglect it and personally insult me.

Go fuck yourself you ignorant piece of shit who’s papers are crap because my work falsified them.