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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14853495 No.14853495 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone here do this? You can get 600 page books for just $12 with Lulu

>> No.14853499

I print at my school library and spiral bind at FedEx for $5.

>> No.14853506

Yeah I do that at my school's printing service sometimes, costs pennies and they don't ask questions.

>> No.14853507
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Why did you pick Deleuze? Is your niche interest old French art criticisms?

This is apex level based and I will use it to print old computer books which were not widely circulated. Thank you for sharing that this is possible, anon.

This is also possible at public libraries, though they charge about $5 per 100 pages.

>> No.14853510

Lulu really doesn't give a fuck. I printed like 50 books there already. Best thing about it is you can design your own cover

>> No.14853516
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Do you think they'd let me put an Ilulu on the cover?

>> No.14853520

I wouldnt let a fucker that smells like rotten eggs and sweat enter my printing service

>> No.14853523
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>> No.14853525

I don't think they give a fuck.

>> No.14853527

What are you gonna do? Print those 5 billion books /mg/ anons told you to read?

>> No.14853550

i doubt a human being would check what's on the cover if you can print copyrighted material

>> No.14853603
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Some of them probably. Other just buy second-hand. Others looked too hard for now.

The reason I do well with computer stuff is because if people want me to solve their computer problem, they have to explain it in very simple terms. Computer Science is also a field that got blessed with lots of good writers, so it is easy to just read the books.

I can get an ELI5 type explanation that's good enough to write code from and I will do so because I enjoy it. This frees the scientist who played science with me from having to do the computer part.

Probably a guy who is doing physics just wants to know the answer of some physics problem. He doesn't want to have to care what a thread is or what a garbage collector is. He doesn't want to care about how fast file IO or printing to the screen is. He doesn't want to have to care about how to tell a computer to do an integral in Fortran 77. It's unrelated to the type of science he wants to play with. He wants to think about his physics niche and the material need for a fast computer program got in the way. I have the opposite interest. I don't care what physics is doing. I don't even know how to think about a physics problem. I want to make the computer do something interesting, preferably in either a language I made up, or an old one like Fortran or Oberon or something.

It's like when you were a kid and you played Power Rangers with other kids. You all picked different colors. Everybody did a different thing, but you were all on the same team. I wanna be the green one, and being willing to collect and read six-dozen books on effectively dead computer languages is my Dragonzord summoning flute. There are a lot of programmers/computer scientists who are way at it than me, but almost none of them care about anything that happened with computers before like, 2010. Let alone things that happened in the 70s or 80s. The best Python programmer you know has probably never heard of Modula-2 or APL.

>> No.14853621

btw it's cheaper to buy an 800-page book than 8 100-page ones. You could try merging documents into one. I did that with a lot of 10-50 page long articles I wanted to read. I used [math]\LaTeX[/math] to merge it into one.

>> No.14853632
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Oh, I got kinda off topic. The immediate use I can see for this is to print off the LISP 1 manual since that one is written in m-expressions and I have only ever been able to get it as a PDF.

That is probably the book I would put my favorite Ilulu on because I really enjoyed reading about m-expression LISP and I want a hard copy.

>> No.14853650
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Thank you for the suggestion fren, I will take advantage of this. I don't know how to use the /sci/ence tags to do LaTeX in my 4chan posts, but I know how to use it in MikTex.

There are some old languages like TRAC where the manual is only 8 pages and I think combining those into some type of compilation book alongside some papers I like would be nice.

>TRAC Manual

>paper I like

>> No.14853652

You use [math] \texttt{ [math][/math] } [/math]

>> No.14853670
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Thank you fren. I will remember this next time I need to mathpost.

>> No.14853673

if you use 4chanX, you can just use alt+m

>> No.14853779

>spiral bind

Print them on thick paper and following 4x4 page signatures. Then sew them either yourself, or by a binding company. Cost pennies in third world.


>> No.14853785

way too much work. I could work at McDonalds for the same time and print 50 books

>> No.14853833

Does anyone know what equipment is used to print books with sewn binding?

>> No.14853850
File: 513 KB, 1350x1687, 1602759222074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boomer
I stopped printing shit out around 2005 or so, except basically for individual pages that I specifically refer to at the desk or need to mark up.

>> No.14853949

50 ugly as shit books that you will never read.

2 replies above you.

>> No.14853950

nah, Lulu's quality is fairly good

>> No.14854616

Tourist from /a/ - reckon I can use this to print off personal copies of manga if the licence has expired?

>> No.14854622

yes. As other anons have mentioned, such large companies usually are too busy to check whether the material is copyrighted in the first place. As long as you don't publish it and just order a personal copy, everything will be fine.
The guy who made the OP pic bought 60 pirated books, btw. All without issue.

>> No.14854639

I print transparencies of the books then photo etch them onto copper plates which I then intaglio print onto nice paper and have sewn together.

>> No.14854651

>Computer Science is also a field that got blessed with lots of good writers
got any recommendations?
I'm a slow reader so it takes longer before I can rate the value of a book.

>> No.14855108
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Computer science is kind of a broad field, and I have a taste for old books. If you want modern books hopefully someone more familiar with modern CS will tag you with some books.

My list should not be considered exhaustive or authoritative on anything.

>S+ tier computer science writers (no particular order):
Alfred Aho
Jeffrey Ullman
Niklaus Wirth
John McCarthy

Aho and Ullmam did a lot of work together. They are each independently so good I will implicitly assume that anyone who appeared on a book with one of these guys is also a very good writer.

Aho and Ullman were responsible for making green dragon which is one of the best compiler books ever made. If you work the examples you can conceivably go from not knowing much CS to making a compiler in one book.

Wirth made a ton of compilers and worked on operating systems. At one point he was the world's foremost expert on compiler construction and he had very strong convictions about teaching computer science.

John McCarthy made LISP which is a very fun old language cooked up by MITs to do AI.

There is a free book for LISP called Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs that is nice for beginners. It is free online and there are also free MIT lectures about it on YouTube. If you want a paper book, I was able to get one for about $7 from a Goodwill in Arizona.

>A+ tier computer science writers:
Donald Knuth
David Gries
Edsger Dijkstra

Dijkstra mostly cared about doing graph theory problems. You might have to read a graph theory book to understand some of his work.

Donald Knuth wrote a big long series about programming that lots of people like. I haven't completed it yet, but what I've seen was nice.

David Gries is on a bunch of old books called TEXTS AND MONOGRAPHS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. Those are a dice-roll on cost. One book by one author is $5. A different book by the same guy might be $100. I have never purchased a monograph and been disappointed with the contents though.

>> No.14855117
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My recommendation for using this list is to look these guys up on zlibrary, flip through anything that sounds interesting, then buy a second hand copy (or I guess use this print service, but probably check second-hand books first as a lot of these books go for under $10 and it preserves a part of computer history to have it in someone's private collection instead of floating through random Goodwill stores for eternity).

If you want weirder, nichier stuff about LISP, Modula-2, Oberon or other old languages, let me know.

>> No.14855131

Did you start learning programming with LISP? Did you learn everything you know about programming straight from old articles and classic books written by famous computer scientists?

>> No.14855191
File: 248 KB, 850x1025, sample-3a7b29bcdb3d51b44dc6b30fae78b22f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a few classes. At one point (more than a decade ago). I was very fortunate and had a computer scientist who taught me some Java and some Haskell. He tried to teach me graph theory, but I failed to learn it. He successfully taught me some data structures though. I also had to use Haskell to make up arithmetic but without numbers or operators. It got abstracted into piles of rocks, then we made some kind of function representation of numbers in Haskell. So like 0 was ZERO and one would be ONE(ZERO) and two would be ONE(ONE(ZERO)) and so on. Forgive the syntax if it is wrong. The memory is old and I have not used Haskell for any purpose, before or since. Somewhere in the story there was a Piano I think?

I don't recall what the texts for this class were because the memory is too old.

Later I got to go to a school and made friends with one of the professors and he got me interested in old languages and making languages mainly through having me look at Wirth books.

The main thing I remember learning from him was hand-making finite state machines in C and also how to use a compiler-compiler. I was first exposed to LISP around this point. It was s-expression LISP. I don't remember if it was CLISP or Scheme. Either way I hated it so much that I didn't look at LISP again until I started going to the dra/g/on maid board.

Some health calamities occurred and disrupted my educational plans. I spent most of a decade doing things unrelated to math or CS after that.

Later things stabilized and I got access to hobby levels of free time, but not formal education levels of free time.

When they stabilized I started thinking about the last time I was happy and it was when I was playing computer science with that second scientist, trying to make a PL/0 compiler for some old computer that I can't exactly recall.

This led to making toy languages, which led to reading people in the list, because I forgot everything about CS at that point and needed refreshers.

>> No.14856783


>> No.14856972

>does anyone here do this?
I used to. And also full photocopy of books. I have lots of them spiral binded also.
Is it worth it? mmm yeah, if you don't like reading pdf's on a laptop screen. The price is good but the downside it has is it's a pain in the ass moving them around.