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File: 2.19 MB, 2560x1440, Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14852853 No.14852853 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you think it's remarkable that humanity managed to send a remote operated dune buggy 34 million miles to another planet and send photos back to Earth?

Surely this is mankind's most epic accomplishment, but it's hardly given any attention. Why are we not reminded of this incredible success story each day?

>> No.14852861

Devon Island is only like 1000 miles away.

>> No.14852870

space research is gay there is literally nothing out there

>> No.14852872

The probe that they sent to Pluto was more remarkable in my opinion.

>> No.14852873 [DELETED] 

humanity didn't do that, white people did and you don't hear more about it because the media companies run by Jews never stop talking about how evil you are and how great niggers are and you should let them and the Mexicans replace you because they aren't as rebellious and hard to manage as you are

>> No.14852886

> humanity didn't do that, white people did
Jews discovered the physics behind it, whites engineered the craft, nigs mined the resources for it, pakis drove the parts to Chinese semiconductor plants for manufacturing before Mexicans assembled them. Team effort.

>> No.14852889

Tbh it blows my fucking mind.
But what is just as astonishing to me is how it apparently doesn't blow everyone's fucking minds.
I pondered this and came to the following conclusions.
1) Most people have absolutely no fucking idea how technically challenging this feat was, let alone just what 34 million miles means. Mars may as well just be another moon of Earth to them. You may as well be showing them pictures of Devon island just like this fuckwit >>14852861 thinks.
2) Mars is boring to the monkeys. The normies see photos of a lifeless desert. "So what?" they think. There is nothing of interest to uneducated peasants here. No cute little alien sand bunnies. Not even a fucking Martian shrub. No long lost alien civilization. Normies are driven by emotions and if there isn't a Monolith giving out high tech alien manna or threatening to zap Earth with Death Rays then its of little significance to their trivial brains. Which leads to the third point...
3) There are no humans involved. Yes, we know there are, but the important fact for the subhumans is there are no humans ON mars itself. There are no astronauts lives to delve into, no wives to interview, medals to award, speeches to make, no chuckles from little kiddies, no element of danger or soap opera. How are you going to make a feature film a robot buggy? Where is the love angle? Where is the sex?

We must face the facts. Humanity consists of a almost vanishingly small number of geniuses surrounded by monkeys.

>> No.14852891

I like the probe that got landed on a comet. By some otaku wearing a hawaiian shirt.

>> No.14852895

>Most people have absolutely no fucking idea how technically challenging this feat was, let alone just what 34 million miles means.
It’s trivial you retard. A team of undergraduate interns from Lockheed Martin today would run circles around the Apollo mission team.

>> No.14852901
File: 37 KB, 750x471, 1639761441543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't you think it's remarkable that humanity managed to send a remote operated dune buggy 34 million miles to another planet and send photos back to Earth?
No. It was impressive when the Soviets managed to send a probe to another planet for the first time more than half a century ago. Now all this space wankery is just a farce.

>> No.14852936

Have a banana, monkey. Now do some antics, its amusing. For a few minutes.

>> No.14852937

You want a real challenge? Find the highest number of gibs to satisfy the gibmedats. Price is right rules, going over means that they want more.

>> No.14852943

Touched a nerve I see. You faggots are no different from boomers that worship
>muh old Star Trek
And lament
>muh soulless reboot
Despite the reboot being objectively more impressive. Yawn.

>> No.14852963

Limited reaources and frontier work in apollo. Duhh.

>> No.14852969
File: 2.02 MB, 1166x833, SuchTiring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are the "tire tracks" bigger in the background, and smaller in the foreground?
Should it be the opposite of that?

>> No.14853004


people take space probes for granted now even though its very difficult to do. JPL made a documentary showing the history of exploring mars and the first part is about how difficult it was to send the first mariner flyby in the 60s. They had to invent the digital camera and space navigation and all they got for all their work was blurry pictures that would be laughed at today.



>> No.14853216

>humanity didn't do that, white people did
You can't be serious? Nasa is chock full of Asian and brown scientists. Most of America's scientific and engineering supremacy comes from stealing the brainpower of the rest of the world.

>> No.14853233

It got a bit old after the 25 years.

>> No.14853237

this is literally just nevada. i saw this same hill and those same rocks last summer. you cunts are gullible

>> No.14853249 [DELETED] 

>Jews discovered the physics behind it,
I'm pretty sure that neither von Vraun nor Tsiolkovsky were jewish.

>> No.14853250 [DELETED] 

>Jews discovered the physics behind it,
I'm pretty sure that neither von Braun nor Tsiolkovsky were jewish.

>> No.14853264

>Jews discovered the physics behind it,
I'm pretty sure that neither von Braun nor Goddard nor Tsiolkovsky were jewish.

>> No.14853285

Yes. Other stuff is more important to us.

>> No.14853295

Actually indians and south east asians are running your country right now and they're the ones being massively hired to work in technical positions.
Meanwhile the white youth is still confused on whether or not they want to chop off theit tits or dicks, and your young men are massively addicted to drugs, internet use, video games.
Turns out every country in this world has had its time to shine and now the age of the USA is reaching its end, e.g. what your favourite board sometimes call sand niggers were the ones building the most successful societies in antiquity and bringing you algebra, astronomy, chemistry, optics and medicine during their golden age.

It just turns out that every civilization rises and falls and another one replaces them, and right now the US isn't looking so good considering how everything is run by east asians who internally resent you.

>> No.14853314

The foundation of optical technology concerning looking for hydrogen in space and on interstellar bodies is based off the work of George Robert Carruthers a black scientist. The main reason America, China and Europe even entertain spending billions on Mars is because his technology concerning research on molecular hydrogen ultimately led to its detection there.

>> No.14853324 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 990x935, mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14853394


>> No.14853683


Literally doesn't look the same at all

I find this really interesting. Why don't some flat earth faggots go to Devon island and find the sites where the mars videos were filmed? Shouldn't be that fucking hard. It's a small island accessible to anyone

>> No.14853689

if you think space is real, you're a "normie"

>> No.14853695


You're such a redpilled quirky unique freethinker, anon. Do you consoom Dubay's videos too without a second thought? I love being enlightened

>> No.14853700

you must face the facts
you will never go to space (even if it were real)

>> No.14853810

Is this a Musk thread?

>> No.14853834

epic pwnage

>> No.14853836
File: 49 KB, 441x380, 3263235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people have absolutely no fucking idea how technically challenging this feat was
>Mars is boring to the monkeys. The normies see photos of a lifeless desert. "So what?" they think.
You are "most people". I can show you a dozen photos of other insane technological feats and your immediate reaction will be not one of amazement, but of shitting out paragraphs of excuses explaining why it's not the same and trying to justify your completely arbitrary threshold. Truth of the matter is that if you reflect on something deeply and really ponder the implications, you can be amazed by your own pair of hands, but neither you nor other normies are capable of this, so your amazement is a function of marketing campaigns, novelty and superficial flashiness.

>> No.14853954

>Truth of the matter is that if you reflect on something deeply and really ponder the implications, you can be amazed by your own pair of hands


>> No.14853956
File: 23 KB, 600x625, 46345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14854576

I think the Voyager mission is the most impressive thing humans have done. launching shit completely out of the heliosphere is almost unbelievable, and the photographs captured by those probes are still some of the best imo

>> No.14854583

It's not that impressive considering we landed on Venus in 1975 and sent a picture from there you would think we would have colonized Mars by now.

>> No.14854595
File: 19 KB, 220x293, hidous kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jews try to claim credit for other people's efforts because jews produce nothing at all on their own.
noted, and i can explain why jews aren't capable of producing their own science: semites have most african dna. outside of africa, semites are the group with the largest proportion of african dna. jews have fat lips and curly hair just like africans and jews also share the african's intellectual abilities.