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File: 20 KB, 491x328, EV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14842302 No.14842302 [Reply] [Original]

The electric car being charged by a diesel generator. HAHA SEEE IT'S A SCAM
However, I would argue that even in the rare case of using a portable generator to charge your EV it is still more efficient than driving a gas powered automobile.
Electric motors are designed to transfer more power using a single drive transmission and can even return power back using regenerative braking.

>> No.14842330

No one cares, shill. Normal people don't want your electric cuck carts.

>> No.14842343

I have read that $1 of electricity can carry you 43 miles in an EV
Can ICE even come close to that return on investment, ever?
I'm trying to save you money and reduce pollution retard

>> No.14842356

Only a quadrivaxxed moron wants to drive a vehicle that has no suitable infrastructure for it outside of urban concentration camps, and even that infrastructure can be switched off or otherwise manipulated remotely in a centralized manner.

>> No.14842365

I would love to take a tour of your personal refinery
while I could have solar panels and charge my own onions wagon
you make a good point about how we have the wrong infrastructure in place built specifically to burn burn burn the gas

>> No.14842371
File: 150 KB, 800x750, 1649798919312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-b-but you d-d-don't have a personal refinery!
>b-b-b-but w-w-we have the wrong infrastructure in place
Notice how you immediately devolve into meaningless, thought-terminating cliches when you can't address an argument.

>> No.14842385

I would like to take tour of you personal bank

>> No.14842391

I directly addressed your argument and point out how EV's are more decentralized as Electricity is easier to produce than Gasoline
And you posted a cringejack

>> No.14842406

>EV's are more decentralized as Electricity is easier to produce than Gasoline
You sound legitimately psychotic. They can shut down or limit your cuck cart charging station at the press of a button and limit your home power consumption on a whim.

>> No.14842425

fagoot this isn't /x/
who and why? Power companies, who are absolutely shitting their pants over residential solar
We just saw what $5/gallon looks like
I think you are the fucking shill sucking big oil cock
And not yet 1 actual argument that gas is better than electric, just fucking memes
damn covid really broke this board

>> No.14842427

>m-m-my owners w-wouldn't do that to me!
So you concede my point. Good.

>> No.14842429

What is the efficiency of an EV, generator, and gasoline vehicle?

>> No.14842434

So why do you promote oil?
Sandnigger cuck

>> No.14842437

Notice how you and your crew of confirmed shills never address the argument?

>> No.14842439

Come over and I'll show you. Just make sure to sign the laws of being on premises because breaking any you become a trespasser and trespassers are shot on sight

>> No.14842441 [DELETED] 
File: 135 KB, 1024x1024, 2972 - clenched_teeth ear glasses mustache soyjak stubble variant feraljak wrinkles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So why do you promote oil?
>Sandnigger cuck

>> No.14842447

We do, you just go full retard alchemist and transfuze any counterpoint into "you don't stress the argument"

>> No.14842449

>We do
Show me where.

>> No.14842458

I have read that EV's are around 60% efficient as there are less moving parts
ICE are around 20%, but there are many contributing factors, a large truck vs 4cylander rice wagon are going to vary
Personal Generators are dogshit, larger ones better but not by much

My entire point was an electric car, even if the electricity came from burning fossil fuels consumes less fuel and produces less emission

>> No.14842460

it's not lying if you believe it

>> No.14842466

All you have to do is point out that using a generator to charge an electric vehicle is what a hybrid vehicle is, and they are far more efficient than gas alone.

>> No.14842467

Do you have any argument besides your refusal to believe that your famers will use your electric cuck cart to limit your mobility? You don't dispute that they can. You seem to operate solely on the faith that they won't.

>> No.14842494

>haha sorry, guys
>too many of you are trying to charge your green carts at the same time
>our windmills just can't keep up with the power demands
>i guess you won't be going to the SuperFlu 2030 medical totalitarianism protests :^(

>> No.14842507

Stockholm syndrome
A case study
the projection is off the charts

>> No.14842515

T. Petro-shill

>> No.14842516

Notice how you're forced to shit out generic bot replies time after time as you keep getting BTFO by arguments you can't address?

>> No.14842524

They can shut the power off and control society
Nigger what the fuck are you talking about?
they shut the power off, the gas pumps don't work either

>> No.14842527

>You seem to operate solely on the faith that they won't.
Yes, I am. Why would they? They are such nice people. I am sure they would not mean harm to anybody unless they are a bad person.

>> No.14842551

>they shut the power off, the gas pumps don't work either
The gas pumps work just fine because any gas station has a generator and more than enough fuel to run it.

>> No.14842552

oil cucks you in ways you can't even imagine, imagine complaining about EVs in this aspect when anyone can go off grid with solar and charge his own vehicles with 0 semites involved anywhere

>> No.14842557

>anyone can go off grid with solar
Most people can't or don't want to.

>> No.14842584

I live in Florida and have survived many hurricanes where the entire grid goes down, which is why I know you are full of shit
Honestly embarrassed for you at this point
>Yeah dude Gas cars are better because we can trust the oil companies to keep sending us gas
>But you can't make electricity or buy it
>b-b-b-because i said so
that's all you have, what the fuck

>> No.14842589 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 1024x1024, 1649798777102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i live i heckin' florida and we've never heard of a heckin' generator
That's your problem.

> b-b-but we can't trust the oil companies to keep sending us gas
Sure, but your handlers can't turn the fuel supply chain on and off at a whim.

>> No.14842598

why don't you use a generator at your home?

>> No.14842617

>have read that EV's are around 60% efficient as there are less moving parts
< harvesting wind/solar
< transport to customer
< convert to battery voltage
< convert into chemistry
< reconvert to electric
< convert to magnetic
< convert to mechanic


>> No.14842633

Yes everything you stated is true and compounded 10 fold from using fossil fuels
My entire point was driving around with a heavy tank of gas in your personal power plant which has to go through all these processes and loses efficiency at every point is fucking stupid

>> No.14842640

><convert into chemistry

>> No.14842666

Because this is not specifically about me, and in any case, what am I going to run my generator on when your owners make gasoline a rare commodity?

>> No.14842675

you think gasoline miraculously appears in gas station, out of thin air?
to make Regular 87 or whatever out of hole in the ground you need almost as much electric energy as you need to power EV

>> No.14842697

Green shills and troons are moderating this board.

>> No.14842741

I accept your concession

>> No.14842751

With EV alone, its ~100MPGe
With Diesel generator, it becomes a PHEV with large battery, which means you get ~50MPG

>> No.14842754

The only "victory" you had ITT was a trannymod deleting some of my posts. lol. My arguments still stands completely undisputed.

>> No.14842897

>more efficient
>batteries only last a few years
>takes more time to charge
>500 kg battery can contain energy equivalent to only 3 gallons of gasoline bevause of their terrible energy/mass&volume efficiencies

>> No.14842934
File: 639 KB, 1280x1281, 1637483953728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a $60,000 car to save 0.1 cents/mile on gas
lol no

Commies falling back on getting jannies to censor everything is how you know you won. If they had good arguments they wouldn't need to try and keep everyone else from seeing yours.

>> No.14843016

Lol, no there is no mobility without losses.
Point is how much for what tech under which environment. Not dependent to your actual ideology.