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14838414 No.14838414 [Reply] [Original]

>A student killed herself after wrongly being told she had failed an exam and could not do her third year, a coroner has found.

>Mared Foulkes, 21, of Menai Bridge, Anglesey, was studying pharmacy at Cardiff University and had passed a re-sit of the assessment.

>But her results email on 8 July 2020 did not include the re-sit mark.

>Giving evidence to the inquest, her mother said: "Mared didn't say anything about her results on the day they arrived.

>"It was only afterwards that we looked at her phone and saw that she'd texted a friend to say 'I did crap'.

>"That evening, Mared said she was going to Tesco to get some things and asked if I needed anything. Then she closed the fridge door, got the car keys and left."

>She said students needed support and her daughter's actions were "a direct result of the university on that day".

>"Mared had a message saying she'd failed, then later we were told she hadn't failed.

>"To be informed that you can't progress, with no contact from the university, would have been awful for anyone, let alone a 21-year-old student.

Has a poor grade ever made you consider suicide?

>> No.14838416

That's really sad, but at least she was a pharmacy student.

>> No.14838421

>Has a poor grade ever made you consider suicide?
No but poor quality of threads has

>> No.14838438


>> No.14838446

>she had failed an exam and could not do her third year
That means she was already failing a bunch of other classes. In other news, nothing of value was lost. Just a brainlet that got hard-filtered

>> No.14838475

>going down to tescos, anyone want ought?
>*does a cheeky 'cide*

>> No.14838479

woman moment

>> No.14838482

>Has a poor grade ever made you consider suicide?
Probably the best solution. Every bad situation you can get used to. The only heroic choice (if you cannot succeed) is to end it while you're a worthwhile human being or "live" to see yourself embrace failure.

>> No.14838488

More like university student moment

Finals are usually accompanied by a suicide or two every year in many college towns

>> No.14838505

I had the exact same thought, usually you can lag one or two courses no problem.

>> No.14838515

>Finals are usually accompanied by a suicide or two every year in many college towns
Source or didn't happen

>> No.14838518

Look at Japan.

>> No.14838523

I've once entertained the thought when I was about to fail a statistics course but never actually considered it as an actual option. I think anyone who would kill themselves for failing a test would be very likely to have killed themselves for another reason sometime down the line anyway. Not the university's fault.

>> No.14838533

Yeah but Japan, among other south east asian countries, has a suicide problem especially among young adults. I think the previous posters were talking about the states

>> No.14838539

suicide is statistically insignificant, it's not a "problem"

>> No.14838551

i've never had a poor grade.

>> No.14838557

They have collectivist societies where the whole is more important than the individual. Shame on the individual translates to shame for the family. A failure to succeed would mean that their parents have failed to produce a productive and useful member in their society, so self owning looks like a better option for a lot of them. Some people that aren't from those cultures place the same level of importance on their personal success. There's also the factor of putting 40+ hours a week into studying, and still not making the cut. Yeah, we can look at this rationally from an external standpoint and say that maybe it would have been smarter to pursue something else. When people are already burned out and feel terrible about their abilities, rationality isn't really on the table anymore.

>> No.14838558

I would kill myself too if l lived in a SEA shithole

>> No.14838561

You can sort of see poor nutrition or some kind of underlying health problem in her hair. There's a ton of breakage close to the root. She was probably not really all that healthy in a general sense to start with.

>> No.14838572

>person commits suicide
>therefore the person must be unhealthy and weak
>this was revealed to me in a photo

>> No.14838585

>highschool party and weed times
>at some point fail a course
>'always a first time'
>life goes on
if kids are mollycuddled nowadays they have never learnt how to deal and improve after failure, well evolutionary hardselection takes over

>> No.14838604

bros I could have saved her...

>> No.14838612

It's a passive observance of features, not an absolute assessment as to why suicide happened.

>> No.14838635

>mentally unstable person commits suicide over a mild inconvenience
>family blames the inconvenience rather than the mental instability
>family adopts the clownish position that failing a class is too much for an average adult to handle
>cites her being 21 as though she's some kind of child who needs continuous monitoring and handholding

Letting women into higher education, for any purpose, was a mistake. Universities went wrong when they started trying to make them "inclusive".

>> No.14838649

women are children

>> No.14838702

idk about other colleges, but when I went to NYU there was a joke about our most successful team being "the Bobst diving team". Bobst being our 13 floor library that had a sort of spiral setup where you could go to a high floor and jump down to the lobby. While I was there they were averaging like 3 divers a semester in the library alone, god knows how many were jumping outside of the library.

>> No.14838709

It the parents fault. Poor upbringing, not teaching her how to deal with even a smallest of failures, literally the fault of parents.

>A mature female horse over four years old is called a mare. The term “mare” comes from the Old English word meare, also used for riding, working, and breeding.
this is what get when you call your daughter a breeding age fertile horse.

>> No.14838727

>>"Mared had a message saying she'd failed, then later we were told she hadn't failed.
>>"To be informed that you can't progress, with no contact from the university, would have been awful for anyone, let alone a 21-year-old student.

"Oh no I won't be able to have a strong-and-independent-womyn career working for the Rothschilds! I'll have to stay at home and raise a family! Woe is me! *suicides*"

>> No.14838728

the wonders of privatized education

>> No.14838739
File: 78 KB, 1024x971, 1655070544671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>student climbs to the top floor
>prepares to jump
>he searches for a reason not to
>images flash in his mind
>playing in a playground and eating peanut butter sandwiches with his mom when he was a kid
>friends he had in highshool
>fun he had in team sports
>memories of people who love him
>better times
>then he remembers the horrible truth
>his university is a private institution, rather than a state run one
>unable to resolve the turmoil of existing in a school not directly micromanaged by the wonderful, totally competent, not farcical at all Biden administration, he jumps
>his body turns into a red puddle on the ground floor
>some of the puddle splashes on the librarian
>as she sits in her chair wiping bits of frothed brains off her glasses she thinks to herself
>that's the third one this semester
>if only a slightly different set of unaccountable bureaucrats ran this school!
>he'd never have jumped if this was a state owned and operated facility!

What floor did you jump from to sustain this level of brain damage?

>> No.14838742

It might depend on the size of your school, but I went to a state school and it always happened every semester. Either an actual self-pwn or someone on the roof of a building on campus threatening to jump because they had failed and their life was over or w/e.

>> No.14838746
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Seriously though, how the fuck do you go from ''I'm going to have to retake this course and postpone my degree a year'' to ''The only reasonable thing to do here is fucking kill myself''

Are all these people mentally ill? Do they have the reasoning of a literal child? Is it really such a fucking embarrassment to retake a course that you'd rather KILL YOURSELF than take it on the chin and try again?

>> No.14838748

All girls have to do is just sleep around with random faceless men. Why do they bother killing themselves over education.
Throwing their lives away to get an education and make money is not needed, because women have inherent value in their looks. Men are worthless without their careers.

>> No.14838750

he's right no healthy woman let's her hair get like that. it is a frizzy nightmare. she was a dead man walking

>> No.14838756

She didn't kill herself because of the fail, the fail was just the final punctuation in a long series of fails. The series in its total is why she killed herself.

>> No.14838759

they kill themselves over student debt was my point

>> No.14838769

>a fuck you to the jew send off
p based if you ask me. More revolutionary than anything you conformist cucks will ever do against your enslavement

>> No.14838794
File: 283 KB, 1334x1312, EsdUzggU4AEIQUu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of this Earth, these people. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.

>> No.14838799

>p based if you ask me
why haven't you killed yourself to own the jews then?

>> No.14838803
File: 120 KB, 736x957, a56cfbea225c6fbfe534ed29834d00bb--coal-miners-photoshop-ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be informed that you can't progress, with no contact from the university, would have been awful for anyone, let alone a 21-year-old student.
mfw reading this

>> No.14838814

because I prefer more active measures and unlike you pencil necked cucks have the intelligence, courage and resources to wage active warfare against them by funding organizations like patriotic alternative and alt media like red ice through the massive gains I make as a currency trader

>> No.14838825


>> No.14838826

>Anglesey, Cardiff University.
You're not wrong, in Bongland our student debt is handled incredibly fairly, unless you're foreign, in which case you're the reason why the rest of the tuition fees can be so low. Tuition fees are normally around £9000 pounds a year, with no necessity to pay the loan back unless you make over £21k a year.

However, I have no idea what happens if you fail the course. And it's likely that she didn't either.

>> No.14838828

These women should not be in university

>> No.14838831
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Shit parenrs. Braces (and dental treatment) are free for kids in the uk

>> No.14838854

Child labor laws protect kids from being exploited in the West, you don’t see underaged coal miners anymore.
The problem is society is hellbent on making graduating from university the only path of success in life, so ignore you fail students are made to believe that they fucked up irreparably and that their lives are over.

>> No.14838861
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Shame you don't use that service.

>> No.14838866

Not entirely. Children working agricultural sectors can be heavily exploited, and aren't under the same protections. At least not in the US.

>> No.14838867

wouldn't that bankrupt the state?

>> No.14838874

>the wonders of privatized education
Institutionalized education is a modern abomination

Education should always have been about local intellectual elites teaching to people interested in the same subjects

>> No.14838878

>they kill themselves over student debt was my point
They kill themselves over anything

Living alone in the woofs would probably be deadly to 50% of the population by now

>> No.14838881

>Child labor laws protect kids from being exploited in the West
They don't. Economic growth protected people from having to work in such conditions. The State managed to ruin the prosperity people achieved (which allowed the spouse to stay home and raise the children) though to get more tax payers (see feminism and sexual revolution)

>> No.14838882

>Has a poor grade ever made you consider suicide?
No, you see, lecturers here are so idiotic they don't realize it's me who grades them, not the other way around

>> No.14838884

I've heard this is a 10/10 in bongland, is it true lads?

>> No.14838885

>Tuition fees are normally around £9000 pounds a year
Meanwhile every other country in Europe usually won't make you pay more than 50-100 € in document fees.

>> No.14838894
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>> No.14838898

Meanwhile every other country in Europe is trying it's damn best to make 99.99% of people live in pods inside 12 people rooms, eat insects and lab slobs while grinding their teeth to survive through the winter while the 0.01% prints carbon credits to enjoy their usual luxurious life on top of having 24/7 sadistic entertainment of watching the masses fight each other and compete for enough credits to be able to get their genitals back and have one baby be produced (of any rave that isnt white though to keep the elite and the masses of a different race), gigavaxxed and monitored by AI in an isolated hospital.

How's that electricity bill going Hanz?

>> No.14838916

> making fun of someone innocent committing suicide
I sincerely thought /sci/ was better than this. how much of a scum human being does one have to be to do something like that
> inb4 weak, soi, go back, reddit moment
there is a difference between not feeling empathy and straight up being a garbage human being

>> No.14838923

>Meanwhile every other country in Europe is trying it's damn best to make 99.99% of people live in pods inside 12 people rooms
The absolute ironing of this coming from a bong.

>> No.14838947

What he probably meant is in Europe for 500 euros tuition fees you get no student accomodation and if you do it is of very low quality, in the UK for the 9k you pay you get good student accomodation on campus.

>> No.14839028

I live in south America

>> No.14839030

>someone innocent committing suicide
You don't know that

>> No.14839171

Listen, you can turn this shit into a dick measuring contest, or you can accept that your tuition fees are probably heavily subsidised by the government, because money doesn't come from fucking thin air. You pay less because you pay more somewhere else.

Admittedly, we currently have a problem with the upper-middle class (and above) scraping wealth off the top, because you can't commit embezzlement when you write the laws.

Sadly, student accommodation isn't free, you pay for that separately with a maintenance loan, which still has the same conditions as the tuition loan. Here is where you get fucked if you make too much money. If your parents make too much money, you don't get as high a maintenance loan. This would normally be okay, because most rich kids parents pay partially for their child to go to university, but some don't. This really fucks things up for the student, because then they need to work two part-time jobs to pay for accommodation and living expenses, and when it's your first real taste of true independence, that can be nearly impossible to manage.

>> No.14839172

>roastie kills herself
This is bad news?

>> No.14839218

>Failing exam
Isn't it kinda failure on its own already? Exam consists out of various grades and failing means you managed to fail even worst passing grade which is usually around 50%. Not being able to succeed even this means you should be already questioning your choice of career

>> No.14839222

this guy gets it

>> No.14839444

Doesn't America have higher suicide rates than Japan?

>> No.14839645

This is what you get for being a bitch to authority.
I failed several exams during college, and usually, I'd go to office hours to ask and learn what I did wrong.
Professors actually appreciate that because students usually go there to try and bargain a few extra grades

>> No.14839650

The US system is more flexible.
The UK system is fucking retarded. My brother studies there, and basically, if he failed a couple of classes, he had to redo the ENTIRE year. Including all classes he already passed.

>> No.14839674

>t. turboniggerfaggot amerimutt who has no idea how it works in Europe
I pay 700€ a year in Portugal. The cost goes up to the 1000s for a masters degree. Besides, tuition is literally NEVER the problem for any student. It's always rent, transportation, etc.. "Free tuition" only ever helps the rich kids.

>> No.14839695

If I score lower than expected its because I didn't put in the effort. I am quite happy with the results I am getting for the low amount of effort I expend. If I fail I wouldn't fail bad enough to need a re-sit, and if I did I would put more effort in to pass it. Maybe she thought she would have to live as a wagie the rest of her life, anyone would contemplate suicide over waging.

>> No.14839705

>Has a poor grade ever made you consider suicide?
No. The only time I ever seriously contemplated suicide was after a serious medical crisis.

>> No.14839711

alright let me get this straight, say you're in engineering, say you're taking 4 courses, thermodynamics, linear algebra, mechanics, and programming.

You pass everything but programming, and they're going to force you to RETAKE completely unrelated courses you passed because you failed one unrelated other course instead of just letting you retake the exam at a later date?

>> No.14839728

I feel for her. Hope she's in a better place.

>> No.14839735

With that thousand-cock stare?

>> No.14839767

Oh, they let you retake the exam, but it would be capped at something like 40%
So even if you ace it, you get 40% max.

>> No.14839772

Imagine killing yourself over a college zogbot degree.

>> No.14839777
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>> No.14839802

>it would be capped at something like 40%
>but need at least 50% to pass

>> No.14839850
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Pity. She could have donated her body as a sex slave to incels.

>> No.14839857

by being in a really bad place before the exam.
everyone is talking about how stupid she is, but honestly all I see is someone who was super close to the edge getting enough bad news to tip her over. It's sad, and it only adds insult to injury that the bad news was a mistake on the university's fault.
it hits close to home because I had a couple of friends who were in a similar situation, and they narrowly made it out alive because they talked to the right people at the right time . It's difficult out there when you're struggling with mental health.

>> No.14839880

I don't get this fucking website. if some girl is acting like a whore, then guys will make fun of her for acting like a whore. if she's not acting like a whore, guys will make fun of her for not acting like a whore and giving a shit about other stuff that doesn't involve being a whore.
I know it's all bait, but at some point, it just gets so tedious. a woman killed herself because she thought she failed an exam that was necessary for her to make something of her life. but anons found a way to turn this into another way to talk about how much they resent women for being able to be whores.

>> No.14839891

right? I don't feel like making fun of the people who jump during finals season at my school. I don't get this people. it feels like they're venting their insecurities. I guarantee you that at least 5 anons ITT would jump if they got an F on a measure theory or classical mechanics exam.

>> No.14839902

Ok simp

>> No.14839907

Except on 4chan no one really makes fun of whores. And even then its normally coal burners who get to pay the toll and the girls who cheat and get discovered. Actual whores or girls who openly sleep around are literal queens on 4chan. irl people either don't care and express pity (prudes)

>> No.14839908

>4channel is just one person

>> No.14839910

I despise whores and whoremongers so speak for yourself

>> No.14839911

Cry harder, you vile slut.

>> No.14839915

This. >>14839772 I get my degree on my own terms and fully realize what it entails. Even if I fuck up, never is it worth my life fucking kek.

I do mourn the dead though, she was probably sold the lie that the degree is everything and that mindset will lead to your demise. May she rest now.

>> No.14839918

I don't understand why kill yourself over that though? The professor said you failled so kill him duh

>> No.14839929

>I don't understand why kill yourself over that though?
Because normies have nothing in life beyond their corporate-manufactured cattlefarm aspirations and identities.

>> No.14839939

what am I simping for? this girl is dead, there are no girls in sight here, and my two friends who were suicidal were guys
no everyone on 4chan makes fun of women for being whores or saying they can't be anything but. I get that most of this is shitposting but sometimes you get people who unironically buy into the meme too hard
no, my point is that 4chan isn't one person and a lot of people do this
I'm not a woman and nobody else here is either

>> No.14839945

>lives with her parent
>kills herself
>big shocker
>parent says that uni is at fault and should've talked more to kids
I'm 99% sure the mother is a far bigger factor than the uni tbqh.
Does student debt get waifered in case the student dies? Only reason that I'd actually consider not mentally ill is them being poorfags

>> No.14839948

>wah! wah! le heckin' 4chanerino is mean to women
So what? Why is this bad?

>> No.14840044

The stereotype about British teeth started from their massive consumption of cheap sugar thanks to their caribbean plantations. It would be a while until other countries catched up.
The UK also has the lowest IQ among white countries as a consequence of being the first to industrialize

>> No.14840048

Why do more taxpayers mean more tax when salaries drop in half? Family income is as high as ever but it takes two salaries. The state gained nothing

>> No.14840072

>she was probably sold the lie that the degree is everything
What else is there?

>> No.14840083


>> No.14840088

this song got me through my undergrad.
I would cram the entire day before each exam and then right befor leaving for the exam I would listen to this. It calmed me down so much.

>> No.14840094

I'm surprised 4chan can't relate. Maybe she was a friendless khhv loser and academic success was the only future in her mind. Once she learned she failed she decided there was nothing left to live for.

>> No.14840097

Fuck off ginger slave
Rule Britannia

>> No.14840105

she was a non-ugly young woman. if she couldn't figure out how to get a boyfriend, she truly was retarded.

>> No.14840107

Women are turbonormies. She partying, doing drugs and getting dp'd by niggers instead of studying and she was afraid of facing the consequences of her parents finding out.

>> No.14840268

>The UK also has the lowest IQ among white countries as a consequence of being the first to industrialize

>> No.14840495

one less whore

>> No.14840611

You stop giving a shit about looking for a mate as much if you're heavily distracted by coursework. They just become another emotional obligation. Maybe she had a weird personality that was off-putting or something.

>> No.14840702

Lol dumb bitch would have been alive and happy if she had married a man and had his babies instead of LARPing as a professional

>> No.14840704

This. Glad she's dead. If she had become a pharmacist, countless innocents would have been dead because of her incompetence.

>> No.14840710

>putting 40+ hours a week into studying
>still not making the cut.
Yeah, that's how cause and effect works in this universe. If you want to make the cut, you have to work your fucking ass off. 40+ hours of study doesn't mean shit. Glad this midwit is dead.

>> No.14840956

>40+ hours of study doesn't mean shit
What the actual fuck

>> No.14841018

>>14840710 #
>40+ hours of study doesn't mean shit
Really nigga

>> No.14841137

No, Japan does not have a suicide issue, you dullard. At least, not a particular one compared to a nation like the US, which has the same suicide rate.

>> No.14841156

And why would we require that nannying? I mean if this nannying were the norm it would be convenient; but the flipside doesn't mean there is an issue, either.
Universities not being closed off from the outside world and instead being strewn throughout the city, interacting with the societal fabric quite like a bakery, and generally the less idealism-driven norms (precisely behind things like "but we need to care for ALL the students!"), is most likely the reason why continental European student culture is ridiculously less insular and radicalized than Anglo. Chew on that for a moment.

>> No.14841251

I really really like this image! Mind if I save it?

>> No.14841828

>"Free tuition" only ever helps the rich kids.
Yeah this is what I love about Europe. I moved from the US to Europe and it's awesome. In the US all my tax money went to blacks and poor hispanics, but in Europe all my tax money goes to white people shit like high culture, art & history preservation, and college tuition. As a white person I fucking love it here.

>> No.14841834

>This. >>14839772 I get my degree on my own terms and fully realize what it entails. Even if I fuck up, never is it worth my life fucking kek.
>I do mourn the dead though, she was probably sold the lie that the degree is everything and that mindset will lead to your demise. May she rest now.
Honestly if her college degree was worth so much to her she was probably just lining up to perpetuate the current bullshit system of power so we're honestly better off.

>> No.14841835
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>>she was probably sold the lie that the degree is everything
>What else is there?

>> No.14842748

good lol

>> No.14842756

do you not see the painted eyebrows?

>> No.14843077

>coalburner hairline