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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14837674 No.14837674 [Reply] [Original]

>noooooooooooo not THOSE experts!

>> No.14837678

>another needle thread
dont care junkie, still getting the booster. You will never be a woman

>> No.14837683

shillbots are getting (even) stupider

>> No.14837694

>400 doctors
>Theres 1 million doctors in the US alone
Doctors aren't even the same as medical researchers, they don't know jack shit about statistics. Sounds like a bunch of hearsay and anecdotes

>> No.14837732

>you must not research the covid vaccine
Meanwhile, "researchers" are discovering dozens of new reasons for the increase of heart failure in young adults that definitely isn't related to covid vaccine.

>> No.14837804

>Meanwhile, "researchers" are discovering dozens of new reasons for the increase of heart failure in young adults that definitely isn't related to covid vaccine.
Again, more hearsay? At least post a study next time and I'll believe you.

>> No.14837811

He doesn't need to provide any studies, nor does he need to convince you. You better pray your handlers get on with censoring the internet because that old game you and your likes had been playing is over.

>> No.14837823
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>> No.14837860

How many more weeks until the Great Reset was it again?

>> No.14837868

When was the dark winter for unvaccinated supposed to occur again?

>> No.14837875

>Doctors aren't even the same as medical researchers, they don't know jack shit about statistics. Sounds like a bunch of hearsay and anecdotes
What's causing the excess mortality in vaccinated countries? Certainly shouldn't be COVID-19, they're highly vaccinated after all.

>> No.14837881

SADS, climate change, and herbal supplements.

>> No.14837882


>> No.14837957

Lmfao. Pathetic.

>> No.14837969


>> No.14838044

>Doctors aren't even the same as medical researchers, they don't know jack shit about statistics. Sounds like a bunch of hearsay and anecdotes

I actually agree, but I don't think the pro-censorship, pro-mandate advocates would be very pleased if you made the same point about Fauci, federal pharmaceutical industry regulators, or pharma executives like Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla who won an award for the Pfizer vaccine, despite being a corporate executive who was in no way directly involved in research and development. In fact, I don't "think" that's what would happen, we already KNOW that's what would happen. Throughout this pandemic, there have been numerous instances in which mainstream academic researchers in various biomedical fields have criticized aspects of COVID policy or COVID media coverage, and they were heavily ridiculed for doing so. Not by other academics, either. They were ridiculed heavily by mainstream media journalists and pro-censorship, pro-lockdown, pro-mandate normies on social media. I'm referring to people like Martin Kuldorff and Jay Bhattacharya, who criticized lockdowns, or people like Alina Chan who advocated for more research on the lab leak hypothesis. In many cases, these people were ridiculed by uninformed normies because, for example, Martin Kuldorff is an epidemiologist and Alina Chan is a molecular biologist. The normies on this board and on social media sites would make the argument that someone like Kuldorff is a statistician, not an MD, so he is not qualified to comment on COVID.

>> No.14838109

Several papers were published during Warp Speed criticizing the vaccines and suggesting that we would see the things we're seeing now (ADE + serious autoimmune reactions). The disconnect between scientists and policy-makers has never been bigger.

>> No.14838118
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>> No.14838151

You're already seeing it, specially in Europe

>> No.14838156
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>> No.14838159

2 weeks to flatten the wealth curve lmao.

>> No.14838170
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>> No.14838175

>power crisis is le great reset

>> No.14838177

If it were true, 1 would be enough

>> No.14838183

If 1 were enough they wouldn't constantly drone about muh consensus.

>> No.14838188

it's not an event, it's a gradual process which is meant to be in place by 2030

>> No.14838190
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Reminds me of the 1000 engineers who signed a petition saying WTC 7 was a demolition. As if they all studied the blueprints and ran computer simulations. They were just dudes with engineering degrees who watched Alex Jones.

>> No.14838192
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>war could've been over in april but the west ordered their puppet to continue to sacrifice his country and people for the liberal world order
>puppet psychopathically agrees in exchange for hagiographic media coverage and Vogue photoshoots
>intentionally create energy crisis with boneheaded sanctions that predictably ONLY hurt your side
>force lower standard of living on your population and run propaganda blaming it on ebil putler
>retards obediently swallow it all up and pretend nothing unusual is happening while waving their little ukranian flags.

>> No.14838213 [DELETED] 

I remember watching a video of rudy giuliani basically admitting it was a demolition. He gave the order to "pull it" which is slang for demolish the building. Likely by pulling wires wrapped around weakened support beams to collapse the building. Years later that video is no where to be found, and Rudy's story has changed. It was certainly a coverup and they told Rudy to change his story.

In case your wondering, Rudy was Mayor during 9/11. Yes, the same Rudy that's being indicted right now.

>> No.14838218

ignore this, I am dumb apparently


>> No.14838225

>commie regime that's learned nothing from history aggressively purging dissidents and opposition

>> No.14838226

Snopes debunked this. So called doctors and scientists who criticize the pandemic response and scientific vaccination programs are regularly disbarred, made unemployed and have their licenses to practice cancelled, thus cannot be considered credible as their dangerous misinformation runs contrary to the pharmaceutical industry consensus that the science remains settled. Get your booster. Save lives. Flatten the curve.

>> No.14838234

They wouldn't drone about consensus if the results could be replicated.
And then they'd acknowledge the first one was right

>> No.14838536
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i have never seen this argument debunked either

>> No.14838545

we will give you censorship you will remember! also no soup for you!

>> No.14838547

sadly, par for the course

>> No.14838548

scientists are clearly useful idiots

>> No.14838560

how do people like this function in real life?

>> No.14838565

They think they'll be part of the 1% that aren't gonna get taxed and forced to live in the pods, they think cozying up to the government and elites will protect them from the measures they wish to be pushed on everyone else.

>> No.14838570
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why each one of you sound like the same fucking person? you cant even use your own terminology you just echoing whatever you hear on cnn+

>> No.14838582

>all the doctors involved are a bunch of pajeets
This does not bode well for the anti-vaxxer crowd...

>> No.14838586

Criticizing every kind of anecdotal evidence is the preferred tactic of the would-be gatekeeper.
The basic idea is that you should not trust your own eyes and your own ears; whatever you perceive around you is not representative of the bigger trends that can only be discovered by the (((experts))) who work with big data and statistical inference. Nevermind that the so-called "experts" have failed time and again in the distant and recent past.
The arrogance of the "experts" has been one of the main drives behind the rise of all kinds of populism like Trumpism and the "experts" have only themselves to blame.

>> No.14838589


>> No.14838592

>Criticizing every kind of anecdotal evidence
>The basic idea is that you should not trust your own eyes and your own ears
no, its that you shouldn't trust other peoples eyes and ears

>> No.14838594

Yet you should trust the "experts" who shit out fake studies?

>> No.14838598

no, you should trust the /pol/ retards that spam 4chan with wojaks

>> No.14838599
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>ad hominem
>implying pajeets are human

>> No.14838600

Not an argument.

>> No.14838606

not a wojak

>> No.14838615
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can statistic be fabricated?

>> No.14838625

>ukrainians arent allowed to defend their homeland from russian aggression because some trannies in america supported them for their own retarded reasons

>its ukraines fault or problem that european politicians spent decades dismantling domestic energy production and became overly reliant on Russian gas
how does it feel to be so mind numbingly retarded?

>> No.14838626

putin dont want nato forces in his borders, this is legitimate, they can stop it whenever they choose.

>> No.14838629

turns out they can't

>> No.14838655

they can if they declare to not participate in nato/us actions.
this is what putin wants and rightly so, people are dying there thanks to warmonger's decision makers that send billions and causing global damage from their useless sanctions.
grow up retard sometimes the "weak" side is not the good one

>> No.14838740

>just dudes with engineering degrees

>> No.14839866
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The injuries are real.

>Sars-CoV-2 Spike Protein Activates Human Endogenous Retroviruses ( HERV-W )



>> No.14839875

Daily reminder that Russia was ready to withdraw from Ukraine months ago but your murderous ZOG handlers actively sabotaged the peace deal.

>> No.14839885
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they never lived in a communist country or watched bezmenov

>> No.14839899

The new Top Gun was still not released and the deal with Paramount was already in place. It would be a big loss for us.

>> No.14839919

Niggers are a curse on this planet but at least you don't see them writing garbage like this

>> No.14839930

>They wouldn't drone about consensus if the results could be replicated.
>And then they'd acknowledge the first one was right

>> No.14839957

>easily preventable energy crisis in a country that denied any dependence on Russia previously
>In a country where the foreign minister said she doesn't care about own people's opinion, as long as they save le Ukraine
>with goods getting more expensive by the month, inflation being 5-40% depending on the good
>while delivering german armory to people with literal swastikas tattooed on them
>while importing more arabs and other worthless rapefugees than even 2015 when ISIS had its prime
Nah, can't be any bigger scheme there. Just one or two incompetent leaders manage to mess everything up.

>> No.14839986

>Sounds like a bunch of hearsay and anecdotes
...which is grounds for actual research to be conducted.

>> No.14840004

Yes, "order from chaos", "solve et coagula", etc.

>> No.14840011

>while delivering german armory to people with literal swastikas tattooed on them
extremelly based
>while importing more arabs and other worthless rapefugees than even 2015 when ISIS had its prime
i don't get why they do this though, all signs seem to point out they're nazis

>> No.14840037

>extremelly based
Except for the part where they're fighting for a political puppet jew, and their militia was funded with the money of a Jewish oligarch. lol

>> No.14840085

Based jews?

>> No.14840093

>b-b-based jews getting goylems killed, am i rite guise??

>> No.14840330

>>ukrainians arent allowed to defend their homeland
No, they're not allowed to *not* "defend their homeland" because Britain and America want the war to last forever, no matter how much of a smoldering crater their "homeland" is when it's all said and done.


Also all the territory under dispute had already been fighting for years to leave Ukraine.

>> No.14840532

Based. Sōys mad.

>> No.14840555

>Russia was ready to withdraw from Ukraine months ago
lmao, bot
how did that work out for ukrapigs in crymea?
>j-just give poutine what she wants, it's not like she'll send zogbots to destabilize your border regions to enslave you in eternal debt to the zogs
every russian on ua territory should be decapitated, they have no business being there, ua made it clear ages ago they don't want to be part of poutine's wet dream "all slavs are slaves to me"
i know it's extremely embarrasing for you to be losing a war against ua, but know that it's not a win for them - they got enslaved by the western jews for centuries just on debt
the only way to win over the zogs is to kill the poutine zogbot and have some nonzog leader unleash the true chaos of mad

>> No.14840561
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Check out this faggot. Imagine getting brainwashed so hard.

>> No.14840586

>being this mad over a bunch of farmers kicking your ass
kawai desu

>> No.14840615

You still havent , where did all the smart /sci/ folk go?

>> No.14840617

At some point anyone with a modicum of awareness would stop and ask themselves why they're getting this (>>14840555) insanely mad over a conflict that doesn't concern them, and realize they've been brainwashed. You don't have that modicum of awareness. You are true cattle.

>> No.14840634

>conflict that doesn't concern them
not my fault you zogs dragged half the yuropoor into your money-printing scheme
keep coping about your embarrassing loss
i'm 98% self-sufficient these days so you won't extract many shekels from me with your inflation
i just want to see you burn like you ought to in auschwitz so please, kill poutine already so that true chaos begins

>> No.14840641

See >>14840617

>> No.14840644

see >>14840586

>> No.14840666
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Maybe you should write another paragraph or two of buzzwords and violent chimpout fantasies to show how mentally stable you are and how mad I am. lol

>> No.14840728
File: 35 KB, 640x450, 3edecdcaa13e28e9669887ebd10502f4Y29udGVudHNlYXJjaGFwaSwxNjQ5NjA5MjM2-2.66304610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe i'll just post the other two zogs who kicked your ass and laugh at you thinking i have anything against poutine specifically
all zogs are the same, poutine's death is just the quickest way to get mad and rid the world of zogs because there are very few zogbots among his likely replacements

>> No.14841065

Could L1 put the mRNA vaccine in the genome? Maybe. There's no reason to think it should bind it. But if it does, it would do the same for the real virus. There's also no real reason to think genomic insertion would do anything bad. The human genome is filled with residual viral DNA, and there's over 500000 copies of L1 sitting in there doing nothing.

>> No.14841068

>But if it does, it would do the same for the real virus.
The LNPs can enter cells which the virus cannot, and most infections do not reach circulation. I don't know if incorporation into the genome is a concern, but the virus and the vaccines are not equivalent in their risk in that regard.

>> No.14841080

>The virus cannot
Both the virus and the lnps release RNA into the cytoplasm for translation (and the virus for transcription), though I will grant that the vax reaches cells outside the respiratory system.

>> No.14841151

Until these aspects are fully explained along with the years of studies that were skipped under EUAs I just don't know how any of the professionals marketing it can do so in good conscience. I don't think they will ever be explained though - the discussion around this is too heavily politicized, and distribution is too profitable for our ruling class.

>> No.14841185

>>ukrainians arent allowed to defend their homeland from russian aggression because some trannies in america supported them for their own retarded reasons
no one said that

why wouldnt they be "allowed" to defend themselves?
what a pointless question
>>its ukraines fault or problem that european politicians spent decades dismantling domestic energy production and became overly reliant on Russian gas
urine was profitting from that too
their industry magnates made good money with being a transit country

no one but russia is to blame for the current situation
for the energy shortage the corrupt politicians are to blame that got paid large grants by oil and gas companies for allowing this dependence on vile r*ssian less than humans

>> No.14841196

Wouldn't that require the virus to have fused to the cell? Not all cells will have the appropriate receptors for fusion.

>> No.14841206

long winter vagina

>> No.14841220

In general, you should do the opposite of what people paid to lie to you say.

>> No.14841334


>> No.14841342
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>> No.14841349
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>> No.14841413

Yeah. Pull people out of the buildings. Suspend operations.
The operations for the business he runs in the building.
There were no bodies, because exactly as he says in the fucking video, they evacuated and then the fire department let the building collapse rather than fight the fire amid all the debris.
Where's the "smoking gun" here?

>> No.14841454

You're right, but ACE2 does seem to show up all over the place to some degree.

You know, now I kinda hope it does retrotranscribe, it's not gonna do anything, and it would make gene therapy with useful sequences so easy.

>> No.14841484

oh noooo. we got too cocky, vaxx bros