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14836910 No.14836910 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here struggle or get bothered by a lack of inner thought? Like, when I'm alone, all of my thoughts tend to just be an inner monoogue centered around my personal bullshit.

I want to actually think in depth about stuff, like politics, or music, or anything, but at most my thoughts about a subject last one or two sentences before drifting into something semi related or just unrelated. I could never write an essay about something unless I did research and took notes.

It sort of feels like torture because I get bored left to myself and rely on media consumption to fill the void in my brain.

I have average IQ. Is this feeling common among people who aren't considered intelligent?

>> No.14836929

Can't relate, sorry. I can always think about Torah and one thing leads to another, making me enter an hyperactive state of mind.

The more Torah you know them ore you can apply it to the world, and since you're supposed to think about Torah 24/7 remembering it isn't as hard as it would seem.

>> No.14837047

My inner dialogue can get really long and complex depending on the subject but mostly it's like, I have an idea or a concept in my mind that just appears as a non verbal thought and then I get excited about it and start my inner voice as if I'm explaining it to a friend and sometimes I pretend like I'm the friend question my idea and then get back to myself answering it or maybe it leads to chaning my mind. Also English is not my first language but my inner voice is mostly English I think it's because of how much time I spend online.

>> No.14837135

Nope, if anything my problem is the opposite, my inner monologue is loud and persistent basically 24/7 unless I'm totally exhausted or unconscious. It's like having another person constantly talking at you, except that other person is also you.

>> No.14837142

> I get bored left to myself and rely on media consumption to fill the void in my brain.
Well, there's your problem, retard. You have neither meaningful experiences nor intellectual substance to reflect on. Why would you have any real thoughts when you're not giving yourself anything to ponder?

>> No.14837664

For most of my life I didnt rely on media that much. But my brain still operated the same way as before. It all just seems to go in one ear and out the other

>> No.14837699

>I want to actually think in depth about stuff, like politics, or music, or anything, but at most my thoughts about a subject last one or two sentences before drifting

Think of something interesting about them. Why do you want to think?

>> No.14837754

self limiting midwit

>> No.14837777
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I often end up having imaginary conversations with people, but it's more like I'm just doing a monologue to the person about whatever is on my mind. All kinds of imaginary scenarios playing out as I reflect on something

>> No.14837911

What else am I supposed to do?

>> No.14837917

Sounds like ADHD.

>> No.14837927
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>Like, when I'm alone, all of my thoughts tend to just be an inner monoogue centered around my personal bullshit.
This is called your monkey mind

>> No.14837936
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When I'm left alone with my thoughts I have wonderful monologues with myself about science and philosophy. I took a walk today and thought about developmental biology, the incredibly complex and beautifully mysterious emergent processes which guide the development of an embryo. I feel bad for anyone who doesn't experience the joy of deep thought.

>> No.14837938

Try posting on >>>/r/showerthoughts

>> No.14838103

What level of education do you have on that subject?

>> No.14838122

>Does anyone here struggle or get bothered by a lack of inner thought? Like, when I'm alone, all of my thoughts tend to just be an inner monoogue centered around my personal bullshit.
>I want to actually think in depth about stuff, like politics, or music, or anything, but at most my thoughts about a subject last one or two sentences before drifting into something semi related or just unrelated. I could never write an essay about something unless I did research and took notes.
haha this was me before I did a year of therapy, realized I couldn't control some parts of my thoughts, and eventually tried every med under the sun, avoiding SSRIs, only to find out that SSRIs were the only thing to make the intrusive thoughts go away, and suddenly I could just think and exist without my brain constantly reminding itself of every niggle that bothered me.

but modern psychology is clueless in general, if I hadnt been an honors student in psych I don't think my treatment would have gone as well. it takes juan to know jaun and IME most people arent willing at all to work with their doctors and instead let ego dominate their approach towards healthcare. Maybe it also helps Ive done psychs a few times and have some light sense of mental self awareness. Also therapy made me journal and that shit is extremely useful for dissolving mental blocks. Its just that if you don't journal enough every day then its borderline useless

>> No.14838168

The issue with me is more that I havent put in the work to learn stuff to think about. My brain hasnt held any information because even though Ive consumed a lot of information, I havent sucessfully memorized it

>> No.14838176

I'm bothered by excess of it
I literally want to stop thinking about anything other than my life, life of my friends and family, my career and my interests

>> No.14838195

Who's Luke?

>> No.14838230

memory is use it or lose it, it takes effort. as soon as you stop thinking about your small penis and virginity all day you'll have a lot more time to use your memory by spending time thinking about the things youve learned and where to go from there, instead.