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14836531 No.14836531 [Reply] [Original]

why is mental illness more prevalent in the developed states when there is ironically "improved" Healthcare policies and infrastructure than poor countries?

>> No.14836536
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If you genuinely want to know the answer, go read Industrial Society and it's Future.

If you don't want to read, listen to an ebook. If you want to go further, listen to Ellul since that's where Kaczynski got his ideas from.

>> No.14836544

(increase) in infrastructure necessary for detecting and researching mental illness == (increase) in the rates of mental illness

>> No.14836563

Both answers are correct

>> No.14836571

>why is mental illness more prevalent in the developed states?
Because mental illness is a marketing plot. If anything can be a mental illness, you can generate both the product and the consumers.

>> No.14836575

theres no one diagnosing people in twc. from the whole population its gotta be very few that live in cities and an even smaller fraction that can afford the time and money to be diagnosed.

>> No.14836581

Tiny white cock?

>> No.14836586

All those countries want to make "weak" people to live on.

>> No.14836594
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weak people in third world countries are not taken care off
they die instead of being kept alive like in wect

also people there simply dont give a fuck about catering to mentally ill people, they have other issues
there is little diagnostics or treatment for mentally ill, so its like there are less

>> No.14836605

Mental illness doesn't cause death, you imbecile. You think it's normal that one out of five boys gets diagnosed with ADHD in the USA? Definitely no money involved. It's just taking care of the weak.

>> No.14836612

Social media

>> No.14836616
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In recent years, a lot of it is probably due to conspiracy theorists and right wing type promoting disinformation online, and other content that is psychologically and emotionally manipulative. If you look at the tactics employed by the political right, a lot of it is centered around fear mongering and creating as sensse of hysteria. E.g the new world order is using COVID to take away our freedoms, the satan-worshiping pedophile democrats are sacrificing children to the devil, the evil scienttists are secretly working with Fauci, Bill Gates, and the WEF to depopulate the planet. All of these narrative are bat shit insane, but it's easy to see why someone who actually believes this nonsense would be stricken with fear and anxiety and potentially even mental health problem. If you think the satanic globalist new world order elites are plotting to inject us with microchips and sterilize the global population in order to install a totalitarian communist world government, then you would probably be pretty scared too.

Obviously, it's only one facet of the problem, but if we want to combat the rise in mental illness, then a good way to start would be by pushing back against all the conspiracy theories and right wing hysteria that are plaguing American public discourse.

>> No.14836624


>> No.14836625
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Plus marketing to convinces people they're ill or encourages behaviors that will lead to their illness, which then can be treated (for a price).

>> No.14836633

>fat retard-kun can't see more than one step into the future

>> No.14836650

Ah, yes. Get kids hooked up on amphetamines, SSRIs so they develop long-term dependency. That's medical care.

>> No.14836660

methods for treating minor inconveniences or basic services which are paid are considered to be much more reliable and attractive compared to free and simpler methods which will fix the issue just the same, i have personally observed this a lot

>> No.14836661

Look up big pharma and insurance companies. They are big business, and Healthcare has been capitalized for a long time now

>> No.14836680
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>"improved" Healthcare policies

>> No.14836685
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>implying some incel on 4chan is more qualified to assess the mental health status of school children diagnosed with ADHD than actual psychiatrists and mental health professionals

ABSOLUTELY fucking schizo.

>> No.14836688

Ah, yes, please tell me about the ideas of the guy who defended Ayatollah Khomenei, advocated for eliminating the age of consent altogether, and believed that natural human rights and dignity don't exist.

>> No.14836707

You find more of X when you're looking for X. The developed world doesn't just diagnose mental illness in response to problems, it proactively screens for mental illness.

>> No.14836724

> than actual psychiatrists and mental health professionals
They are clearly incentivized to diagnose as many of them with ADHD as possible. And given that psychiatry isn't a science but just opinions, yes I'm just as qualified to assess that as they are.
>ABSOLUTELY fucking schizo.

>> No.14836726

Prove him wrong (without resorting to moralfaggotry) on any of those points

>> No.14836730
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>michel foucault

Lmao this dude was a literal commie who hated America and NATO and worshipped Russia. It's funny how the same pattern has been going on for literally decades. Back in the 60s and 70s all the "radical" "anti-establishment" academics like Foucault and Deleuze were promoting Russia and the USSR, at the same time that they were spreading conspiracy theories about medicine and psychiatry and the police and the military and liberalism. In other words, they were promoting Russia and attacking the west. Fast forward to today, and they same exact thing is happening. All the right wingers and conspiracy theorists are praising Putin and Russia, and at the same time they're promoting conspiracy theories about the US government and the media and COVID. Again, these people are promoting Russia and attacking the west. It's the exact same thing that was happening 50 years ago during the 50s and the 60s. Nothing has really changed. The people who are spreading conspiracy theories and disinformation are the same people who are promoting Russia, China, and other enemies of the West. The only difference between now and then, is that back then it was the radical left and people like Foucault and Chomsky promoting conspiracy theories and anti-American sentiment, whereas today it is the far-right and people like Rand Paul and Elon Musk promoting all the conspiracy theories and anti-american sentiment. Actually, Chomsky is still going strong, and promoting his conspiracy theories and anti-american propaganda after more than 60+ years at this point, but that's a story of its own.

>> No.14836750

Do you even know who the Ayatollah Khomenei is? He was the leader of the Islamic theocracy of Iran, and one of the most prominent and powerful anti-semites on earth since the fall of the Nazi regime. He literally thinks the states of Israel and America should both be destroyed b because the Iranian government hates Jews and they think America is "the great Satan". I don't know that you're political views are, but there is no legitimate reason either from a left wing perspective or a right wing perspective to align with the Ayatollah or anyone who supports him or his policies, as Foucault often did. Again, Foucault was also a big support of Soviet Russia and China as well.

>> No.14836774

The United States is the Great Satan though. And I say that as an American by birth who was baptized in the Anglican church.

>> No.14836873
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Mental Illnesses are usually high IQ diseases

>> No.14836925

>Lmao this dude was a literal commie who hated America and NATO and worshipped Russia. It's funny how the same pattern has been going on for literally decades. Back in the 60s and 70s all the "radical" "anti-establishment" academics like Foucault and Deleuze were promoting Russia and the USSR, at the same time that they were spreading conspiracy theories about medicine and psychiatry and the police and the military and liberalism. In other words, they were promoting Russia and attacking the west. Fast forward to today, and they same exact thing is happening. All the right wingers and conspiracy theorists are praising Putin and Russia, and at the same time they're promoting conspiracy theories about the US government and the media and COVID. Again, these people are promoting Russia and attacking the west. It's the exact same thing that was happening 50 years ago during the 50s and the 60s. Nothing has really changed. The people who are spreading conspiracy theories and disinformation are the same people who are promoting Russia, China, and other enemies of the West. The only difference between now and then, is that back then it was the radical left and people like Foucault and Chomsky promoting conspiracy theories and anti-American sentiment, whereas today it is the far-right and people like Rand Paul and Elon Musk promoting all the conspiracy theories and anti-american sentiment. Actually, Chomsky is still going strong, and promoting his conspiracy theories and anti-american propaganda after more than 60+ years at this point, but that's a story of its own.
tfw you learn philosophy from Jordan Peterson's youtube channel

>> No.14836933

the guy could have been a raging communist but this in itself doesn't refute the points he raised. Unsurprisingly, Foucault's own desire to relativize and sociologize everything stems from his maltreatment that he endured when he was confined to a psychiatric institutiton that tried to treat his homosexuality. Interesting enough, what got you electroshocked and imprisoned in the '60s is celebrated by many today which does prove Foucault's point.

>> No.14836936

He went too far in some places, but his philosophy of power as it pertains to academia and medicine is groundbreaking

>believed that natural human rights and dignity don't exist
Also, that is obviously true

>> No.14836955

what do you mean by qualified?

>> No.14836956

I wash stuff like Vaush and Pod Save America, not alt-light Peterson type nonsense. People like Peterson have also spread a lot of anti-western propaganda. Just look at how Peterson fawns over Russian writers like Dostoevsky and Solzhenitsyn.

>> No.14836964

>I wash stuff like Vaush
That's so much worse than I expected

>> No.14836973

Social critique is not philosophy. Anything derived from Nietzsche's line of thought is pure sophistry and poetic nonsense.

>> No.14837007

>Social critique is not philosophy. Anything derived from Nietzsche's line of thought is pure sophistry and poetic nonsense.
This is the drivel they teach in American universities. Continental philosophy starts with Hegel. Are you really trying to argue that Hegel wasn't a philosopher?

>> No.14837012

Nietzsche and Hegel are diametrically opposed, and you'd know that Nietzsche hated Hegelianism if you'd ever read his works.

>> No.14837105

Because only developed countries actually keep track of these things. Do you seriously believe the state gives a shit of what happens in your average poor south american / african / asian neighborhood

>> No.14837123

Because mental illness in Africa means that you're suffering from evil spirits and you're not going to survive the mercury treatment the Witch Doctor will subscribe you.

>> No.14837163
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That's how capitalism works: demand is created out of thin air to make profit.

>> No.14837202
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>why is mental illness more prevalent in the developed states
Because humans are a tribal hunter-gatherer species. They are not evolved for the urban cattle lifestyle. Human-cattle-oriented QoL measurements are hardly measuring anything relevant to human happiness; they are only valid in anarrow context, as a relative measure of cattle that has it bad vs. cattle that has it worse.

>> No.14837232

It's almost as if the countries which can afford to diagnose mental illness have higher rates of diagnosing mental illness

>> No.14837725


>> No.14837738


The only thing this guy proved is that it is infact possible for a Frenchman who works hard enough at it, to be more degenerate than an average jew.

>> No.14837750


These places are more likely to contain populations of smarter people. It is well known that smart people are more likely to suffer from depression, and we can see how that follows.

>> No.14837756

That's right, human cattle. You're only so miserable because you're so smart. :^)

>> No.14837761
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>Lmao this dude was a literal commie who hated America and NATO and worshipped Russia.
> All the right wingers and conspiracy theorists are praising Putin and Russia, and at the same time they're promoting conspiracy theories about the US government
> people like Rand Paul and Elon Musk promoting all the conspiracy theories and anti-american sentiment
Holy shit. This bot is going all out.

>> No.14837766

>He literally thinks the states of Israel and America should both be destroyed b because the Iranian government hates Jews and they think America is "the great Satan".
Most non-inbreds and non-goblins would agree with him on this, Schlomy.

>> No.14837770

As we all know, nobody from the left would ever do anything like that

>> No.14837773

I would add/argue that in poorer rural areas and villages, a lot of people with mental problems can be given something to do that keeps them occupied and away from everyone else. Have them lift boxes or gather particular shit, whatever. At the least, everyone around is going to know of him and his particular 'quirks.'
In cities, these people have no jobs to do and no way to spend their time, while being crammed in with relative strangers.

>> No.14837775

>I wash stuff like Vaush
So you watch anti-western propaganda?

>> No.14837788

A poor rural areas in a first world nations are absolutely teeming with heavily depressed, substance-abusing degens.

>> No.14837791
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>everyone on YT is a Russian plant spreading anti-Western propaganda
>by simply acknowledging the reality of what Western nations are doing to themselves

>> No.14837797

the pedo in chief isn't a russian plant but he does spread anti-western propaganda

>> No.14837803

I find it hard to imagine what anti-Western propaganda would even look like. It's hard to say something bad about the West that's remotely believable and isn't objectively true.

>> No.14837815

>why is mental illness more prevalent in the developed states when there is ironically "improved" Healthcare policies and infrastructure than poor countries?
in the 3rd world they just don't diagnose or care for mental health issues, its not uncommon for a random village anywhere in the 3rd world to have someone that's "not right in the head", but "it's a great person"...

>> No.14837818

> its not uncommon for a random village anywhere in the 3rd world to have masses of dysfunctional mentally ill trannies

>> No.14837841
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Fair point, though I wonder how much of that is for reasons similar to the urban reasons (lack of jobs, lack of purpose, etc). I'd like to see a comparison between 1st world rural and 3rd world rural, and 1st world urban and 3rd world urban, to see what parallels exist, if any.

I couldn't find the image I was looking for, so here's a poverty map of the US, separated by urban-suburban/rural.

>> No.14837852

It's probably because at this point they're just LARPing a dead lifestyle, and those who are intelligent and functional enough simply leave.

>> No.14837864

Erosion of social cohesion caused by the decline of institutions like churches/nuclear families that typically offered support systems.

>> No.14837867

Absolute cope.

>> No.14837870

>farming is a dead lifestyle

>> No.14837888

It's not dead as a job but it certainly dead as a lifestyle.

>> No.14837895
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Oh hey, a chance to post this quote. I have no idea whether it's true or not but it could be relevant. In my state locally-owned apple, cherry, and other fruit orchards are plentiful and they seem much happier than what I expect industrialized farmers to be.

>> No.14837901

It's pretty apparent from an American lens in the case of mass shooters. Most suffer(ed) from some variety of mental illness and typically came from broken families and weren't active in community bonding groups like churches or social clubs. It's especially evident in school shooters.

>> No.14837903

I evolved to hunt mammoths and breed with teenagers. I'm doing neither, and that makes me sad. Depressed even.

>> No.14837907

The problem with tradLARPers is that they're typically low-IQ and poorly educated, so they fail to see how we got to where we are in the first place.

>> No.14837910

Yes. Civilisations always take the path of least resistance, like a river. The terrain decides how one navigates it. Technology is what is responsible for low fertility in every developed nation, what is responsible for nihilism and mental illness. Whenever a civilisation gets advanced this is what happens. The first civilisation to understand this and avoid this will dominate the world. The West reached this point first and hence has completely fell. It is gone forever.One must feel the presence of death constantly, of struggle. It must be part of your daily life or otherwise life begins to stagnate. Humans are animals that operate by certain means. This simple fact has never, never been understood.

>> No.14837914

>came from broken families and weren't active in community bonding groups like churches or social clubs.
I wonder if these explain the phenomenon completely. As far as I'm aware, America didn't really have school shootings 50+ years ago. Even though probably more people had guns back then relative to population size.

>> No.14837919

Ah yes. I suppose the SSRIs, the secret services and failing schools have nothing to do with it. It's mental illness or some broken families or what not. Pointing the fingers at everything but the real culprits.

>> No.14837922

>I wonder if these explain the phenomenon completely
Of course it does. Americans were living happily until the goddamn cultural marxists came and took away their churches and their families.

>> No.14837935
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Also the fact that Eric/Dylan showed how much attention school shooters can get. The very thing most school shooters want, in fact.
Captcha: 420MKJ

>> No.14837944

Why do you seethe at the idea that lack of functional, healthy families and close communities contribute to mental illness? Shooters lash out because they believe they don't have adequate access to support systems, and both families and organized religion have provided those for millennia.

>> No.14837954

>Why do you seethe at the idea that lack of functional, healthy families and close communities contribute to mental illness?
I don't. Why do you seethe at the fact that social institutions have an expiration date and that large-scale civilization always rot?

>> No.14837972

>Why do you seethe at the idea
No one seethes. I'm not even liquid. No one disputes that healthy families or a functioning community would decrease violence but you first link this to mental illness and then only to violence. This strikes me as disingenuous because you essentially claim that we should only intervene when the person already delevops a fuzzy and badly-defined thing called 'mental illness' rather than trying to fix the issue with the community or schools first. That is what I mean by saying that you are pointing fingers since you blame an concomitant consequence of a thing that actually causes violence.

This ignores the issue that most school-shooters and most murderers or wanna-be murderers are not any more 'mentally ill' than the average guy.
>Shooters lash out because they believe they don't have adequate access to support systems
That is a myth. Practically all school-shooters who killed people were in one way or another already in specifically designed support systems and there is good evidence that anti-depressants increase violence.
>and both families and organized religion have provided those for millennia.
Again, a myth. Violence has always been with us. The USA has 350 million people. We might expect 50-60 million pupils right now. If the average school caters to 500 or 600 students, we come up with a hundred thousand schools in the USA alone. If there are 200 school shootings (most of them involve guns fired by accident) each year with only 10 of them resulting in someone being actually shot, the chance that there is an (unintentional) shooting at a school is a thousand to two or 0.2 %. The chance that this shooting will actually kill someone is a hundred thousand to five or 0.01 %. The whole 'school shooting' thing is completely blown out of proportion. It's mass paranoia.

>> No.14837976

Probably because hyper-individualism was a mistake.

>> No.14837991
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Because improved Healthcare infrastructure doesn't solve mental illness. It simply moderates it for extended periods to extract the maximum amount of money from patients. Mental illness isn't treated the same way as going for surgery or getting antivenom for a snake bite. There isn't a definitive end.

Also first world countries have a lot of latent issue that can cause long term mental problems. Such absorbent amounts of debt, unhealthy diets, constant attempts to compare you with others who make more money, propaganda to convince you to use makeup and hair extensions to look like something you're not.

Third worlders don't live in countries where they have trick their own livestock to produce for them. Look at pic, do you seriously believe the milk and beef that will come from this cow will be conducive to your mental health?

>> No.14838017

Not trannies, but more like people with Down's syndrome

>> No.14838086

>Down's syndrome
Pretty sure OP's not talking about downies.

>> No.14838089
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>> No.14838136

99% of people in Brazil have some type of mental illness so your picture is false

>> No.14838138


>> No.14838147

>listen to Ellul
>what did he mean by this?

>> No.14838162

Psychotic society causes the best and brightest to kill themselves!

>> No.14839785


>> No.14839804


The USSR and Russia are distinct historically, politically, and culturally.

It's like calling modern Germany the Nazi Regime.

>> No.14839809
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>one of the most prominent and powerful anti-semites on earth since the fall of the Nazi regime. He literally thinks the states of Israel and America should both be destroyed b because the Iranian government hates Jews and they think America is "the great Satan".


>> No.14839825
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>putin is stalin
>maga is the weathermen
>barack obama is richard nixon

>> No.14840068

developed countries accentuate narcissism and neuroticism, which are basically the building blocks of antisocial behaviour and mental illness

>> No.14840106

t. midwit

>> No.14840111

Why are leftists so basic and retarded

>> No.14840121


>> No.14840227

You dont get to set any rules dipshit. Human beings have morality and ethics and you belong in jail.

>> No.14840260

Leftism, progressivism, trannyism

>> No.14840292


>> No.14840337

Peterson is a fucking drug addict, what Peterson says it all goes into the trash.

>> No.14840343

survivorship bias
first world healthcare is more prevalent and able to pick up on mental illnesses. In third world countries, you either deal with it or you die. There aren't mental asylums or homes in Kenya for them to live in.

everyone who thinks it's merely a case of 'better living makes you weak' is just projecting. Different problems but having less to worry about doesn't mean you develop mental illness. How would that even happen.

>> No.14840345

Next they will fit them on sheeple npcs. Kek, best thing they won't even have to spend any money on the these vr goggles, npc will buy their own

>> No.14840403

>How would that even happen.
Having actual problems put into perspective life. Feeling off or sad is a pale comparison to the survival for food and water.

>> No.14840408

>survivorship bias
Cope bias. Why are you asserting your unverifiable and laughably retarded excuses as fact?

>> No.14840423

>Having actual problems
This, but it's less about perspective and more about the fact that people in the developed world have abstract problems. "I need to find food to survive" is a concrete problem that gets solved on a regular basis. "I need more money" is not a problem that gets solved for most people.

>> No.14840431

>"I need more money" is not a problem that gets solved for most people.
Hm. So hang on, why do I need more money? Actually, why do I need any money?

>> No.14840452

Money is how we avoid concrete problems by convincing someone else to take care of them for us. You need it because without it you couldn't possibly afford the luxury of being able to directly satisfy your own concrete needs in the first world.

>> No.14840456

>without it you couldn't possibly afford the luxury of being able to directly satisfy your own concrete needs
Why not? I'm just gonna go chop down some woods and build a cabin and forage and hunt animals.

>> No.14840459

When you aren't struggling to survive, you struggle to find meaning in life.

>> No.14840460

You can't even forage for food in your fridge. That's why mum cooks the dinner for you and brings it down to the basement.

>> No.14840462

Why are you getting mad? What's stopping me from doing the aforementioned things?

>> No.14840466

>When you aren't struggling to survive, you struggle to find meaning in life.
How come hunter-gatherer tribes are neither struggling to survive nor suffer from unreal rates of anxiety and depression?

>> No.14840468

>my propaganda is real and your propaganda is fake
This is the quintessential midwit opinion.

>> No.14840469

The friendly Anons over at /out/ are ready and eager to help with this fresh, unique idea that they certainly don't see five times a week.

>> No.14840474

Okay, but why are you getting upset? I never claimed to be a master of original thought. Is there something that makes it impossible? I don't understand.

>> No.14840476

>hunter-gatherer tribes [are not] struggling to survive
So the hunting and gathering is a leisure activity, after the manna falls from heaven?

>> No.14840484

>So the hunting and gathering is a leisure activity,
What's so bad about it? You make it sound like they're constantly on the brink of death and starvation, which is funny because they're far less stressed than the average wagie.

>> No.14840486

I'm not upset, I'm just cringing. It's impractical for many reasons, not the least of which is because unless you can afford your own property, you're unlikely to secure permission to live anywhere innawoods. Cutting down trees without permission will eventually result in fines, and jail time if you can't pay them.

>> No.14840494

>You make it sound like they're constantly on the brink of death and starvation
There's a reason that "life-or-death struggle" is a phrase, it's because "struggle" on its own doesn't have that severe a connotation.

>> No.14840500

>you're unlikely to secure permission
But you said the main issue is that people in first world countries have abstract problems. Now you're saying I have the concrete problem that your cattle masters will throw me in jail unless I generate profit for them.

>> No.14840506

Hunting animals and gathering resources that are directly linked to your survival is hard work, but it is fulfilling. I think people naturally are satisfied by a job well done. When you have an office job, your survival doesn't depend on your work because of social welfare systems. Most people continue to work regardless, but this disconnect creates a senses of dissatisfaction with one's work.

>> No.14840509

>"struggle" on its own doesn't have that severe a connotation.
Judging by objective metrics like cortisol levels (and the associated chronic-stress-related mental illnesses), the "luxurious" lifestyle of a sedentary, goyslop-eating, corporate entertainment consooming wagie is much more of a struggle, so your point seems pretty moot.

>> No.14840512

Stress = death. Duh

>> No.14840655

>But you said the main issue
I did not. I said that first-world problems being non-satisfiable abstract problems is more of a problem than third world problems being concrete problems is a blessing.
>Now you're saying I have the concrete problem that your cattle masters will throw me in jail unless I generate profit for them.
"I am currently fleeing from armed men who are determined to apprehend me" is a concrete problem. Getting arrested because you stood on your principles is not.

>> No.14840659

Because mental illnesses with our current knowledge of them are notoriously hard to categorize and identify in developed countries making them virtually undetectable in the less-developed countries.

It's also because their very nature tends to make them more common in developed, higher IQ areas. Suffering requires perception, the more that we can perceive, the more we can suffer. Maybe intelligence lets one live more safe with better access to food, water, etc; but ultimately it also means there is greater perception, thus more to suffer from.

This is why intelligence is only evolutionarily selected to a certain degree, because once it reaches a high-enough point it becomes a hinderance. With your basic needs being all easily taken care of becoming increasingly inconsequential, you are left ever more so with your mind as the only thing of importance in your life.

>> No.14840668

There is mental illness in rural areas.
It isn't diagnosed.

>> No.14840671

I never claimed that hunter-gatherer people struggle harder than people in the developed world. I've claimed the opposite, re: abstract problems resulting in mental illness. My point was straightforward: defining a group of disparate peoples by their common struggle, and then claiming they don't struggle, is ridiculous.

>> No.14840675

>Getting arrested because you stood on your principles
You mean getting arrested because I took your theory seriously and tried to make a living without being a slave to your cattlemasters. Anyway, I'm just saying maybe there's some other culprit here. :^)

>> No.14840676

>I never claimed that hunter-gatherer people struggle harder than people in the developed world
Then you concede it has nothing to do with struggle being good for you and everything to do with people in the "developed world" being put under objectively more duress than a human being is meant to be put under.

>> No.14840713

>I took your theory seriously
No, you didn't, and as such your argent is unconvincing.
>you concede it has nothing to do with struggle being good for you
Never claimed otherwise.
>everything to do with people in the "developed world" being put under objectively more duress than a human being is meant to be put under
That's literally what I've been saying all along, yes.

>> No.14840718

>That's literally what I've been saying all along, yes
Except for the "objectively" part, I wouldn't make so strong a claim.

>> No.14840722

If you were in the stratosphere of aptitude, you would be the once autistic seal in the seminar/bar that would always add "plus the trivial case! beside the trivial case!" while clapping your front flippers. While everyone just goes "Yes Sullivan the Third, besides the trivial case."

Western, especially American, societies have so much damaging garbage it's not even funny. For starts, mass media and social media. While less economically developed societies have them as well, they are not nearly the factor as they are here (or there, me speaking in regards to the US).

>> No.14840725

>If you were in the stratosphere of aptitude
*If you were in the stratosphere of aptitude for math.
Also I deliberately didn't throw you a mackerel, again.