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1483603 No.1483603 [Reply] [Original]

Pic says it all.

If photons really are massless, how can they have momentum? Also, why are they affected by black holes?

>> No.1483626

As a rest mass approaches the speed of light, its mass is multiplied by a factor which approaches infinity to determine its apparent mass.
For objects with rest mass, this prevents them from moving at the speed of light.
For objects with no rest mass, the zero and the infinity cancel out to a constant which describes the energy of the object converted to apparent mass as described by E=MC².

>> No.1483635

Because unlike classical momentum, relativistic momentum is not automatically zero when mass is zero.

>> No.1483646

photons have fucking mass you cunt faced, cock sucking, anal fisting mentally retarded, motherfucking dumbass!

>> No.1483651
File: 27 KB, 450x268, fulloffuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the zero and the infinity cancel out to a constant
This sounds like a load of rice pudding (and by rice pudding, I mean cocks and balls (and by cocks and balls I mean fuck))

Also, this doesn't explain why light is affected by black holes.

>> No.1483652

>how can they have momentum?

Mass-energy equivalence.

>why are they affected by black holes

Black holes warp space itself. They need not act on the photons themselves.

>> No.1483654

As velocity increases, momentum increases faster than a linear relation with velocity. Momentum is not strictly determined by mass, a common misconception. Momentum is simply a measure of kinetic energy, and photons definitely carry kinetic energy.

They are affected by black holes because space-time is warped by the presence of energy, and in turn, energy is affected by this warping. Photons fit both categories rather nicely, don't you think?

>> No.1483660

Oh, so it's all a case of relativistic physics making classical physics its bitch and arseraping it?

>> No.1483662

If particles are not waves, how can they have wave functions?

>> No.1483663

You just pulled that out of your urethra

>> No.1483667

Photos in a state of rest are merely assumed to have no mass because if they had mass, they'd have infinite mass at the speed of light according to one of our best confirmed theories. To my knowledge, no non-moving photons have ever been observed, hence whether this particular implication of SR is true, we cannot say. As SR is so well confirmed, we hold on to it, though.

>> No.1483676

Everything has wave-like properties.

>> No.1483681

photons = relativistic mass.

relativistic mass = mass of a moving object at a considerably large speed (in order to be taken into account).

>> No.1483687

Blackholes do not exist.

>> No.1483688

stupid relativistic mass, you're a scalar! stop changing with the coordinate frame!

>> No.1483700

Black holes warp the space-time fabric. Photons aren't affected at all they still go in a straight line.

>> No.1483709

They're called geodesics, and they're not straight. The confusion comes from the simple fact that geodesics in Euclidean space are straight lines.

>> No.1483728

photons=no mass
no mass=not affected by gravity

good night good sirs

>> No.1483727

interestingly what gives most of the weight to matter are gluons which as well are bosons.

>> No.1483735

You're 100 years late, Newton.

>> No.1483736


>> No.1483738

>implying bosons exist

oh yeah, the awesome LHC is gonna find them


>> No.1483742

Ehm, photons are bosons

>> No.1483746

GO LHC! You'll find them!

>> No.1483755


>> No.1483763

Light = Energy
Energy / (Speed of Light)² = Mass
Light has Mass
Light has Gravity.

>> No.1483762

There are probably common 'pre-school particles' that make up the elementary particles like photons and quarks, resulting in energy and mass acting the same in extreme situations.

>> No.1483761

photons are bosons.

higg's bosons are bosons.

got the difference?

>> No.1483766

motherfucking genius, here you go:


see you in stockholm in a couple months.

>> No.1483775
File: 63 KB, 800x599, 1279725181541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A moving photon got a fucking mass!
It just got no rest mass, but it doesn't rest at all so that's no problem.

They are affected by black holes BECAUSE of their mass.

>> No.1483777

and again, this implies that einstein was right

>> No.1483782


You are confused good sir, light is affected by gravity quite readily. The effect is called gravitational lensing

>> No.1483784

trolls trolling trolls

>> No.1483792


Josef, what kind of education do you have?

>> No.1483804

Professional Wikipedia Searcher.

>> No.1483827

Bosons = Follow Bose-einstein statistics, allows two particles to share the same energy state (e.g photons)

Fermions = Follow fermi statistics, two particles cannot share the same energy level (e.g. electrons)