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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14832319 No.14832319 [Reply] [Original]

How do we find meaning? Is it important to find meaning? If there is no meaning, what is the point of doing anything?

Can science ever find a meaning of life?

>> No.14832322 [DELETED] 


>> No.14832332

Soul lives in superpresent, like black people do. Soul does not think ahead or does not think in past. It simply exists. Humans can live in past and future and thus need meaning because if they look into future they find either bad things or good things. You look at bad things.

>> No.14832349


So black people are on a higher plane by virtue world their inability to comprehend much, if anything, beyond the present?

>> No.14832358

All living things are vessels through which god/the universe/whatever you believe in can experience life.
Individually we're not any more important than any single cell or bacteria in your body, yet at the same time we're also a part of the divine.

>> No.14832443


And where is your empirical data to support this assertion?

>> No.14832447

It was revealed to me during a mushroom trip

>> No.14832451

science, when it actually produced meaningful shit, was done by philosopher autists. Now it is done by bug men autists who love algorithms because thinking for themselves scares the shit out of them. Science is dead, bury it

>> No.14832514


I'm sorry but that is not sufficient.

>> No.14832594

I recommend you stop thinking about it.

>> No.14832741

Meaning is embodied in existence. Live, and live to your highest potential. That's the meaning of life, in a nutshell it's really simple.

>> No.14833032

The only meaning is to make yourself happy

>> No.14833218

so heroin is the ultimate meaning of life?

>> No.14833232

The scientific answer is that life has no inherent meaning. Humans give everything around them meaning, but only from their perspectives.
How you interpret that is up to you. I personally see it as me making my own choices and giving my own life meaning.

>> No.14833351

meaning is to choose your problems and chose your meaning, no one truly knows, so better to find your own until a way of life turns out to gift humans some sort of evolutionarily jump

>> No.14833357
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Science is a cult that generates degeneracy.
Thanks to science, we have:
-Boys who chop off their manhoods, who then claim to have become a woman.
-Doctors who prefer peddling drugs over curing anybody.
-Physicians who make up theories and abstract garbage, and then have the gall to claim they understand the laws of the universe. The only thing they have proven is that they have become swallowed up by pride and are unable to realize reality is greater than their sad minds.
-Politicians and scientists are the same people who got educated via universities the same way. Since both of them cannot create anything on their own, being only able to parrot the teachings of someone else, they need to whore themselves for the sake of making money. That is why scams like this "pandemic" and "Global Warming" have been massively endorsed by scientists and politicians. They are the same kind of people.
-Science has given birth to communism, an idea that certainly comes from overeducated idiots and not poor people. Communism killed millions of people accross the world.
-The theory of Evolution deserves a special mention. Once people consider themselves to be monkeys, their behavior obviously becomes sub-human. This theory is nothing more than science-fiction, with not a single scientist being able to show a monkey evolving into a man without using excuses like:"We need a few millions years for that to happen!".

>> No.14833382

>How do we find meaning?
all kinds of different ways, but the through-line is an examination of one’s own behavior and the behavior of others
>Is it important to find meaning?
to some people it’s the most important thing
>If there is no meaning, what is the point of doing anything?
the point is that we all will reach a moment where this thing we call life ends, but we got a lotta moments between now and then

>Can science ever find a meaning of life?
emphatically no

>> No.14833492

>How do we find meaning?
You don't find it, you create it.

>Is it important to find meaning?
Is it important to you?

>Can science ever find a meaning of life?
It tells you there is none.

>> No.14834131

the images for nihilism and theism are swapped

>> No.14834698

aren't all of those "be good"

>> No.14834762

Well, a lot of people think that hedonism is the best recourse in an absence of higher meaning, but those who pursue such a course quickly find its actually painful to pursue pleasure constantly.

I feel the closest thing we have to meaning is finding equilibrium. This doesn't mean maximizing pleasure, it means using our reward mechanism in the most natural sort of way. If we were to only focus on milking the reward mechanism, heroin would suffice, but that's just the hedonic trap again. So how do we feel just plain good? The answer seems to be holding closer to our naturally rewarding goals. High social standing is an evolutionary benefit so we'll suffer without, pursue that. Reproduction scratches our most primal itch so also you should do that. If you cannot you should at the very least condone it and not go the pessimist/antinatalist route. Life denial is fun for a little while but you end up broken and in terror wondering why you don't just end it.

Really this is the heart of what I'm speaking of. We should ignore any impulses to "deny our programming" and strive to do the things we're inclined to do without going overboard. Its seems the number one cause of internal conflict is to deny these things on "purely rational grounds." There's a certain sense in which rationality is incompatible with human life.

I guess the best way to live is to banish the thought that life is futile. Just think "this means something but I don't know what, it just does okay?"

>> No.14834971

It's true peace and quiet, people leaving you the FUCK alone to appreciate existence

>> No.14834995

Stupidity is bliss.

>> No.14835017

Aristotle managed to find the truth without the Bible