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14832176 No.14832176 [Reply] [Original]

>230 IQ
I kneel.

>> No.14832201

i laugh

>> No.14832303

>no major achievements besides 1 theorem

>> No.14832420

unironically why is he considered such a great mathematician? as far as i know he hasnt created a breakthrough like, say, perelman

>> No.14832661

he looks like he's slightly warm to the touch

>> No.14832662
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All men will be 4 feet tall in a few years

>> No.14833459

The issue with having an IQ that high is that the higher you go above 150 the more and more specialized you get, sounds like a curse and a blessing.

>> No.14833461

slice his head open and lets see what makes his brain go vroom.

>> No.14833475

>Tao, who was just 31 when he won the Fields, “rejects lofty notions of genius.” What really matters, he has written, is “hard work, directed by intuition, literature, and a bit of luck.”

Easy for him to say while his IQ is up there with Einsteins and Newtons

>> No.14833476

Why? Why does everyone spout this meme? No, being super smart doesn't make life magically hard to balance the scales. It rules being smarter than people around you. Being able to learn a new skill faster than your peers. Being able to learn about a topic faster than people around you. These are wonderful things. Girls like a smart guy. Even very hot girls will feel intimidated and become submissive. I've had a literal 10/10 - the type that had every guy in the place try to take their shot with her, the type who had what I can only describe as fans she would have to duck - I had her clam up when I asked her about her interests. She said she was afraid to speak because she didn't want to embarrass herself Infront of me - someone she described as the smartest person she ever met. She couldn't keep her hands off of me, despite my outright rejection. The only thing you miss out on is connecting to most people, because they really cannot keep up. But also, you can find connection nearly everywhere by leveraging your intelligence to meet people where /they/ are.

>> No.14833520

Had a graduate combinatorics with him at UCLA. Next level autism when thinking through a problem. Enjoyed my time when learning from him.
>t. chem grad student

>> No.14833524

he thinks they become autistic zoned in supercomputers

if you think about it most freakishly smart people can't connect to the world from a more hollistic philosophical perspective so there could be some truth to it

>> No.14833532

True, I feel like this romanticized perception of the autistic genius has lead to people making really fucking weird generalizations about what being ultra-intelligent is like.

>> No.14833547

god this was an embarassing read. imagine the person who wrote this.

>> No.14833557

hey retard, " =/= '

>> No.14833687

All that can be said is "over 160," which is very likely true for him.

>> No.14833705

>Next level autism


>> No.14833709

I too am curious, I want to learn his problem soling skills

>> No.14833717

It's true though. You need to be really smart and work really hard. Problem is most very smart people are lazy.

>> No.14833720

most overrated mathematician in the last 50 years, maybe ever

>> No.14833724

>Problem is most very smart people are lazy.

Nah, I see them having the opposite problem. They reach the top so early that they get bored and desire other things in life, namely aomething new to learn and "master", and once they do they move on again.

Eventually they sit there with a pile of accomplishments and the thing normies spwnd lifetimes trying tk achieve they have bags of.

It appears like laziness when its actuaply boredom. Why bother gaining another crown when I already have many of then?

>> No.14833741

Yea I feel you anon. It just kept getting worse :/
Delusional midwits with a superiority complex are just cringey in a boring way

>> No.14833750

Most polymath (like Leibniz, Descartes, Goethe) were probably 200 IQ and not specialized at all. Even if they don't contribute to a field, most of them study other fields as a hobby, but on a level that they could keep up with someone that specializes in that field.

>> No.14833759

>the higher your iq the more specialized
why do retards think this way? iq is literally your ability to learn shit. the higher it is, the less you need to specialize to attain a given level of proficiency.

so what might take a 115 a lifetime of experience, a 130 a college education and a few years in the field, a 145 a couple of classes or a few weeks of experience could be learned by a 160 in a few afternoons on a whim

>> No.14833788

Behold, gentleman.
the fakest and gayest thing that never happened on this board

>> No.14833832

>Most polymath
This. Polymaths are goat, regardless of their [[[contributions]]] to the field.
>Deal with midwit peer reviewers? No thanks, there is good research to be done.

Modern peer reviews need social science addendums or they get rejected like Sabine's work on expansion.

>> No.14833880

Often times for our problems sets he would ask other faculty members for problems pertaining to the topic we were learning in a given week, and in doing so, all the problems would be original, and they'd be fairly complex in terms of solving on the first attempt. Many of us would collaborate with each other to finish the sets and there would be one or two problems that would be unsolvable--we had no idea how to proceed after a certain point. When he was presented with the problems, this would be his first time looking at them as well, and he would simply work his way through them one step at a time. Most people tend to solve a problem in the following manner: complete the first step and the revise, and then proceed onto the following step with a noticeable pause in between. For Tao, it was just one continuous step all the way to the solution. Not sure whether his vast experience helps in that respect, but whenever he was approached with a problem from any graduate class, he would simply look at the problem and complete it on his first attempt with no pauses. This guy is honestly on a different level. Also, a really nice person and is willing to write a nice letter of rec if he gets to know you :-)

>> No.14833954

hah! must have been a pleasure knowing him. thanks for the reply

>> No.14834088

because he was a child prodigy and has a great understanding of math (besides topology) so he's good at solving problems
unfortunately that doesn't necessarily translate into being a great mathematician the calibre of wiener or von neumann

>> No.14834112

did your peers also have a competitive mathematics background?

>> No.14834446

Yes sir! Even though mathematics isn't my major and I'd like to say I'm fairly better at it than most people in my major (chem), some of the grad students in the math dept that I got to know competed in the IMO and other national/international mathematics competitions. Even though the math department is stacked with talented students, none of them came close to leaving me an impression like Tao did. You can usually tell when someone is leagues above you in cognitive thought after a certain point in your life/career, but everyone for the most part seemed to be painfully average and lacked the passion that Tao has for the subject.

>> No.14834613

cool, I appreciate the insight

>> No.14834687

Not a word of a lie in that post. Continue to cope.

>> No.14835252

his iq is more like 170 and his VCI is 125 lol