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File: 122 KB, 900x900, human-brain-in-glass-jar-ktsdesignscience-photo-library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14831055 No.14831055 [Reply] [Original]

>you can't die just because you are old
>even the most 'natural' causes of death involve cancer and shit blocking your essential organs(lungs and heart are the two main bitches)
>the reason the immune system and those organs cannot handle the cancer and diseases in old age is because they are weak in that time
>we already have the technology to replicate those organs to inorganic counterparts(artificial hearts) or organic but fresh and young ones( 3d printed organs)
why don't we just wire our brains to those artificial organs and call it a day instead of just letting billions of educated and experienced consciousness being destroyed permanently daily?Or at least the rich ones?Why don't we start experimenting towards this direction?I mean doctors are literally one of the most well paid jobs because they delay deaths so i suppose people would be interested

>> No.14831079

ok i forgot brain tumors but still if we solve the heart and lungs problem our death will be delayed for an extremly long period of time

>> No.14831118

Supposedly a brain could be sustained in a "jar" under the right conditions with current technology and our ability to send nutrients. Would take stepping over regulatory statute in order to pursue this, then lobby approval to overturn halts. In the 1990s they banned outright the commercial research of immortality through the banning of all things via cloning in the US and most of the EU. This way only the military and government, and less scrupulous actors in Asia are the only ones allowed to pursue this research. Unfortunate when I think about what went into Daisy.

>> No.14831169
File: 181 KB, 1108x1009, no_death.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14831205

>discovered the way of immortality
>didn't work on it
>let (((doctors))) charge millions to extend people's life by fucking months
why is humanity retarded?
>ethical reasons
just use fucling death row inmates who committed heinous crimes
>wont you be bored with immortality
than I have plenty of time to figure out how to not be bored
>commercial uses indicates only the richand powerful would be immortal
good, those redditors and NEETs don't deserve it
damn they better starts the commercialization process every advanced tech have or I may just miss the immortality train and have to wait till the next big bang

>> No.14831398

You fail to account for neurological degeneration. No amount of pickling in a glass vat will stop dementia. You might be able to live forever physically, but your mind will be noodle soup.

>> No.14831450

>he have that alzheimer's genes
kek, better luck next life, jokes on you my family don't have it