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14827841 No.14827841 [Reply] [Original]

how did he gain access to all that sci giants he interviewed?

>> No.14827874


>> No.14827884

This guy speaks like a retard. Like a literal retard.

>> No.14827894
File: 3.80 MB, 400x225, 03775D0B-8115-403B-8C2A-020E392AF6D5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just like everyone in this business: he earned his way hustling through the little leagues, gaining at each step a little knowledge, skill and connections, until one day, all that hard-earned chops and rep GRUDGINGLY combined with a little spark of plain dumb luck—and took off. the rest is history

>> No.14827949

Loove. He added more loove to the world using his love of science and people and love. Looove

>> No.14827992

That's like asking how Jimmy Kimmel has access to all those wildlife experts who bring animals on his show. Fridman has a platform and they have something to promote.

>> No.14827995

he sucked and fucked his way to the top

>> No.14827998
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he's a spy

>> No.14828023

his skills of sucking Naom's balls

>> No.14828126

Agree, I was shocked at how retarded he sounded when I listened to his interview with carmack

>> No.14828373

Okay, but why are you laughing so hard?

>> No.14829428

He has so many interesting guests and then he asks dumb questions like "whats your favorite text editor?"

>> No.14829506

he seems extremely unintelligent for someone claiming to be a researcher at MIT. Based on his interview questions and how he always seems out of his depth even in his own field of expertise, he seems even dumber than the average normie.

>> No.14829559
File: 3.07 MB, 1274x9950, lex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because he's not a researcher at MIT. It's just one of his many lies he's used to make himself look far more important than he really is.

>> No.14829620

he's incredibly boring, I mean his voice is just so dull.
I've been wondering how the hell he gets all the people he gets too.
The only thing i can think is that it's much easier to get important people to agree to stuff than we think.
Maybe I could get all these people too if I contacted them and requested it

>> No.14829622

you can tell this was written by a hyperlefty.
elon musk is living rent free in their head and lex is a sociopath because he eats meat kek.

>> No.14829635

>Attack the source
>Attack strawmen
>Don't address anything in the image
This isn't /b/. You're going to have to raise your game a little.

>> No.14829638

there's no need for me to address anything lmao. im not lex fridman.
just like making fun of reddit sois

>> No.14829641

I like his podcast because of the people he interviews but this >>14827949 really annoys me.
I don't think he asks that many dumb questions though, what do bothers me is the lack of confrontation to his guests when they say some weird dumb shit.

>> No.14829645

daddy's big reputation in nuclear physics.
he hasn't been awarded with a degree from any other institution than the one at which his father resides.

>> No.14829673


>> No.14829675

Elon musk haters are as annoying as his fanbois.

>> No.14829682

>elon musk is living rent free in their head and lex is a sociopath because he eats meat kek.
this is what you got out of the picture?
you have binary political party brainrot. You don't have to have a political affiliation to realize that lex is an awkward fraud with serial killer eyes. the meat comment has to do with the really "convenient" timing of his carnivore diet along with the singer episode, or his driving "research" and controversy coinciding with a musk interview. it doesn't take a genius to realize that lex uses his dad's name to get academics to talk to him, and the subsequent brand he's built along with the industries he aligns with to defend himself (mainly automation of motor vehicle driving). Musk not lending credence to lex hurts his entire brand, especially with the controversies over his own product. Keeping lex close builds the brand and the "engineer who was too cool for academia" image alive.

You only have to take one look at the Weinstein - lex - rogan trifecta to realize that it's a trio of people who have made a career out of being contrarians to see that it's one big grift.

>> No.14829695

are you some kind of kiwifarms refugee? refer to this >>14829638
i do not care one single bit about lex

>> No.14829706

>lol reddit sois
you belong there with them
someone writes a paragraph about how lex is a pseud retard who surrounds himself with academics and musk to make himself seem credible, and all you get out of that is muh lefty and muh rent free

>> No.14829736 [DELETED] 

yeah but economics and society are deeply and fundamentally complex systems, it's fascinating

>> No.14829737

why do you think i'm interested in theorycrafting about youtube celebrities?
i have never seen him do anything other than talk on the podcast, he's not started a company or anything. i already concluded he was never going to amount to much.
that is uninteresting and entirely invariant of my comment about the reddit kvetcher.

>> No.14829767

Not reading that. Normal humans laugh at retards on Reddit for writing paragraphs of seethe about a normal guy who runs a podcast.

>> No.14829797

dude isn't normal. he's a retard who got a break because daddy is famous

>> No.14829803

what's uninteresting is that your takeaway from a post about lex was some throwaway, irrelevant comment about lefties and rentfree. feels like you're trying way too hard to fit in

>> No.14829852

this guy is a midwit that went to Drexel university, kek

"I know this is a really dumb question"

proceeds to ask it


>> No.14829883


>> No.14829897

>"I know this is a really dumb question"
protip: when someone says this it means he thinks his question isn't really dumb

>> No.14829899

jewish nepotism

>> No.14829901

And now i feel bad for him. Poor guy.

>> No.14829934

Obviously an intelligence plant

>> No.14829944

it's either lex or rogan. not every academic wants to go on record being in the same room with rogan.

>> No.14829959

indeed anon

>> No.14829963

he is very charismatic, that's how, a trait many of you subhumans lack. maybe you can try to learn something from him instead of writing him off because of your envy.

>> No.14829988

he wears a suit. everyone knows that wearing a suit makes you a SERIOUS THINKER

>> No.14830006

He's pretty young compared to stereotypical old academics, so he appeals to younger people. Also his guests probably don't get to talk about their expertise all that much so they are happy to do so on a podcast that reaches people.

>> No.14830080

dark horse: jaimungal

>> No.14830090

This. There are not many podcasts that interview this variety of people.
Lex isn't the brightest, he has said some dumb shit, but I appreciate the platform he has built, to learn the surface level of certain interesting topics.

Sometimes he lets his guests go in depth to explain their expertise, wich are the best parts. I prefer this podcast to dumb news reporters interviewing them, making some pre selected questions and ignoring controversial topics. It's not a conversation.

People on here and twitter have a serious contrarianism problem and that's really gay.

>> No.14830151

I assume he has an agency he works with, maybe Joe Rogan set him up. Certainly an audio/editing guy or two at least for the production values. But I don’t think getting access to cool people would have been that hard after a few episodes were up and prospective interviewees could go and see those production values: a snowball effect. The dude should spend a few extra months TRAINING for this role though. He needs COACHING from a more seasoned interviewer to make his show better
This was obviously written by one of those hyperaggressive Rationalwiki trannies. Pro tip, gatekeep people like that from your life.
>lex is an awkward fraud with serial killer eyes
Seek help, man. Seriously. I would avoid you irl

>> No.14830161

>This was obviously written by one of those hyperaggressive Rationalwiki trannies. Pro tip, gatekeep people like that from your life.
the question remains, however: is Lex actually an MIT scientist?

he’s obviously not an MIT professor and he’s not an MIT postdoc as far as i can tell. is he somehow a stealthy MIT staff scientist? as far as i can tell the answer is “no” but correct me if i’m wrong

>> No.14830162

>This was obviously written by
Once again attacking the source not the material. How many times do you need to be BTFO with that grade school intro to debate trash?

>> No.14830215 [DELETED] 

>the question remains, however: is Lex actually an MIT scientist?
I dunno man, I would need to see what he’s actually claiming about himself, but it’s pretty normal for people to hang onto their most impressive-sounding past title, for example. So if he ever taught a course there or spent a couple semesters there as a grad student or something then it’s not much of a gotcha
Dude take a chill pill. It isn’t a “debate” with special rules of order when you’re here blowing your top over some guy’s meat diet and the way his eyes look the wrong way lol

>> No.14830225

>the question remains, however: is Lex actually an MIT scientist?
I dunno man, I would need to see what he’s actually claiming about himself, but it’s pretty normal for people to hang onto their most impressive-sounding past title, for example. So if he ever taught a course there or spent a couple semesters there as a grad student or something then it’s not much of a gotcha
Dude take a chill pill. It isn’t a “debate” with special rules of order when you’re here blowing your top over some guy’s meat diet and the way his eyes look lol. I’m glad I don’t know you

>> No.14830234

>but it’s pretty normal for people to hang onto their most impressive-sounding past title, for example
okay, so what i take from this is that (unless anyone has any better evidence one way or another) Lex is probably not an MIT scientist and rather he maybe once WAS that and keeps saying it in the present because it’s a forgivable lie for his audience (but still an outright lie)

>> No.14830238

>Lex is probably not an MIT scientist and rather he maybe once WAS that and keeps saying it in the present
I believe this is happening in your head.

>> No.14830261

nah he is thoughtful and very sweet to guests. if you listened to a single podcast of his you'd understand what is so likeable about him

>> No.14830266

seethe more

>> No.14830270

Thought i was the only one to notice. Dthis mf'r asked Knuth what his favorite number was?

>> No.14830272

Just read the fucking papers, that's the real value of any scientist, he has no achievements at all in that sense.

>> No.14830280

idk i don't think he has to be an accomplished scientist to run a good podcast. he is a very grounded interviewer and people like to listen to him. why are people so envious of that? write academic papers with thousands of citations, no one will still want to fuck you.

>> No.14830334

this is a weird standard to set for an interviewer. for one thing its the guests who are supposed to be experts. for another, youre asking for a top-of-the-line academic to suddenly have the time and aptitude to conduct hundreds of hours-long radio interviews -- to change their career. I can think of a few examples like that: the weinstein bros are two. their stabs at the radio show business are.. lets just say they are not better than friedmans

>> No.14830337

>top-of-the-line academic
>the weinstein bros
oopsie I did not mean to say these two were good academics. I cannot think of any good academic who made this career change

>> No.14830371

Do your homework kid

>> No.14830376

Again your inventing bullshit excuses for why a scientist like him doesn't makes a good scientist, read the papers.

P.s you won't understand the methods or math used there since you're clearly out of your depth, a worthless /sci/ kidde

>> No.14830432

>Again your inventing bullshit excuses for why a scientist like him doesn't makes a good scientist, read the papers.
this is more ESL than I can handle

>> No.14830470

Slow learner huh?

>> No.14830555

he did some research into AI and shit, and used his connections in academia to get the ball rolling and then used that to secure more
there's a sort of fomo with celebs i think, they want to be early, but not too early, on a show like this
it's like the wings show, when was that big enough to be something they wanted to do, or that their kids knew about etc.
look at the ice bucket challenge, as soon as that was a thing, they wanted to do it
carmack is a legit genius, but i disagree with a few things that he's done, but only from an idealization point of view - like, how much of oculus did he own / still owns?
I know he took $20M to fund keen AGI
I feel like he left a lot on the table with oculus, but his stack is narrow
> asking about a text editor
that's not a bad question, philistine
anyone think he's right wing as i've never read political? just looked, and 14h ago, he's complaining about chemical regulation, but my guess he's an "open borders" libertarian
> I was just trying to buy a gallon of iso-octane for an experiment — I was wondering if it could be used as (expensive) gasoline that never goes bad sitting in a dirt bike.
sounds like he's trying to buy 20 years supply of bug-out fuel

>> No.14830708

>idk i don't think he has to be an accomplished scientist to run a good podcast. he is a very grounded interviewer and people like to listen to him. why are people so envious of that?

The internet is full of contrarians that need an excuse to feed their resentment.

>> No.14830871

>that's not a bad question, philistine
Go back to /g/.

>> No.14831128

It is not too a bad question when you’re talking to someone in the /g/ sphere of interests, which carmack definitely is. A less memey version could be about his more general workflow setup: hardware and software he thinks make his work easier and more comfortable. The bigger problem is that fridman probably ended a much more interesting thread of discussion in order to ask this, as usual

>> No.14831155
File: 995 KB, 275x185, tumblr_m21kvtwnTF1qk5nozo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sounds like Dr Brule.

>> No.14831157

That dude is obviously white trash but the real question is how are you guys any more interesting.

>> No.14831224

>talking to someone in the /g/ sphere of interests
Carmack is not in the /g/ sphere of interests. /g/ is only interested in talking about which tools are the best and how the one they use is better than someone else's, they don't actually build anything with the tools.

>> No.14831276

>asked Knuth what his favorite number was?

What number was it?

>> No.14831428

>/g/ is only interested in talking about which tools are the best and how the one they use is better than someone else's, they don't actually build anything with the tools.
he said, on the 0.999 != 1 board

the tradition of arguing over stupid shit like text editors is decades older than 4meme itself, search for "holy war":

everyone was young once, and of course I wish I were too, but the things you're saying are totally inconsistent with the history of these things

I doubt you have ever even tried a Commander Keen game

>> No.14832158

Kek /thread

>> No.14833566

This i tried to watch his podcast for the guests but its like Im forced to listen to a three year old try to read for the first time.

>> No.14833576

None of us spam /sci/ constantly with posts to try to get people to watch videos on YouTube we've made.

>> No.14833629

Huh? Wikipedia says be has a PhD from drexel and has worked at google and MIT and has legit lectures not 'evening presentations'
seems more like reddit troon exaggeration

>> No.14833757

He just asked the right questions.

>> No.14834117

his guests are very interesting but his questions are more often that not terrible. the best episodes are the ones where his guests just ignore his interjections and go off on their own

>> No.14834430
File: 32 KB, 720x398, 1614379930913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Lex is obviously a grifter and he's part of some controlled opposition insider club along with Rogan, the Weinstein's, Peterson, and the giga-Zionist (((Shapiro))). It has nothing to do with Lex being too "right wing" (topkek), and any of the anons inferring that kind of criticism are probably normie-tier centrist neocons. There is nothing "right wing" about Lex Friedman, nor anything "left wing" either. He's an establishment neolib centrist, and the only ideological principle that I imagine he feels a genuine commitment to is zionism (you will note that in some of his videos where you can see his bookshelf, he has a nice collection of textbooks, pop soi, and weird shit about zionism and kabbalah). If anything Lex is probably too far to the left on a lot of issues (immigration, borders, neoliberalism, etc.).

And I'm not saying Lex and Rogan are terrible. Of course, they're much better than cable news or a lot of normie YouTube. The point is not that they're "worse" than the mainstream media. The point is that in many respects, they're not very different from mainstream media and they have all the hallmarks of controlled opposition: They still completely shut out certain topics from discussion. They still support big tech and the GOP establishment. They still support Zionism. They still constantly talk about "conspiracy theorists" and the "far-right". Most of all, they're just shilled EXTREMELY fucking hard by the algorithm. You see the same thing with Russell Brand, and it's completely obvious that he's a controlled opposition shill as well. Aside from the cable news propaganda horseshit, YouTube probably pushes content like Russell Brand, Tim Pool, Lex Friedman, and Ben Shapiro harder than anything else. The message is clear: you will either be a neoliberal progressive (cable news, normie media), or failing that, you'll be an enlightened new age centrist (Tim Pool, Russell Brand), or a based and redpilled civnat Zionist (Friedman and Shapiro).