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File: 85 KB, 1200x800, Life+with+Aphantasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14823283 No.14823283 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find a chart of diagnosed aphantasia cases by year? I have a theory that they have been increasing.

>> No.14823307

Both cure aphantasia and aphasia.

>> No.14823310

Can people with aphantasia dream? Or is there just nothing?

>> No.14823317

No, I want to see the trend of diagnosed cases over time, I don't care about the cure.

>> No.14823467

>New invented mental disorder.
And the sheeple want meds for that too.

>> No.14823525

It's a miscommunication. You're not supposed to literally see shit as though you were dreaming. It's in your head, dummy. Like on a separate monitor. Nobody's closing their eyes and having stuff literally appearing in the black.

>> No.14823569

What a funny way to write "im retarded"

>> No.14823645

>Can people with aphantasia dream?
Yes. Why wouldn't we? Do you also think we're blind?
I guess it wouldn't be a surprise since retarded philosophyfags think aphantasia = p-zombie.
Nah, with aphantasia it's hard or outright impossible to visualize. I can visualize when I'm dogshit tired but normally I can't.

>> No.14823702

If you can’t create images in your mind from thoughts, then what would your mind be creating when you dream? Do you just visualize yourself in a room with no light? No walls? No sound, or time?

Sounds retarded, no offense

>> No.14823724
File: 8 KB, 233x217, 1558664011681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14823738

I can see just fine in my dreams. Why the retarded assumptions?

>> No.14823951
File: 30 KB, 1200x630, 6611cd39-7e46-4525-8dde-ea183cb82961-npcmeme0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a miscommunication. You're not supposed to literally see shit as though you were dreaming. It's in your head, dummy. Like on a separate monitor. Nobody's closing their eyes and having stuff literally appearing in the black.

>> No.14823962

do you dream in color?

>> No.14824000

Why do you keep posting this shit? So you have/don't have imagination, ok fine, we heard you for the 6838420th now piss off
Same with iq faggots, ok so you have iq in range from -999 to 9999999 well good for you, just don't make anymore threads about it and kys.

>> No.14824001

I can only imagine while my eyes are open. If I am awake and imagine with my eyes closed all I will see is darkness with an assortment of colors.

>> No.14824014
File: 63 KB, 680x550, 1539491695824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is what I think; aphantasia is a symptom of a transformation humanity is experiencing. There are studies that show that after routine usage of gps to get around in your car, parts of your brain that would normally handle such navigation shut down. This isn't because of something magical about the gps itself, it is simply matter of surrendering your choice to a process... that is, the process of the gps. Today thanks to our government, our chosen beliefs and lifestyles, and the internet, you live a life of process. It is very difficult to deviate from what is the accepted way to live, and the way to live is to allow all these processes to bring you the things you need to live. Media even brings you the things you need to be happy.

>> No.14824017
File: 2.35 MB, 930x523, NPCCYBER.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living our lives like this to increasing degree over the course of generations has led to an atrophy of parts of our minds that are needed to choose. Awareness, understanding, the ability to visually imagine different possibilities. None of these things are truly needed to get by in the world today, so our ability to do it is rotting away. This is a neurological disorder, and like so many of those it is brought about by our physical environment, the place where our minds become manifest.

>> No.14824020
File: 61 KB, 800x554, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As we develop tech, ideas, and lifestyles to increasingly allow more and more of us to exist, and to live in closer proximity to each other, this process only accelerates. We are spreading our spark of life across a greater population and as we do it grows more and more dim. More of our senses will begin to fail, but as it will start in our minds we will not be able to notice it. This is the slow death of humanity, to expand outward like a cancer until we have lost the capacity to understand what is going on. There will be no godlike AI that ends us, but as we slip into our new homeostasis we will literally be so degenerated that we won't be able to tell the difference from our new clockwork caretaker and what is alive itself.

>> No.14824031

95% of the population is insane, phantasic.
Your argument is invalid.

>> No.14824033


>> No.14824063

This is pretty based

>> No.14825585

Since hardly anyone can even agree on what visualization is, it seems like it would be difficult to diagnose, assuming this condition even exists at all, and is not just a failure to communicate since internal subjective experience cannot be shared with words.

>> No.14825611

>You're not supposed to literally see shit as though you were dreaming
you npcs still trying to talk yourselves around the word 'daydreaming', eh?

>> No.14825663

If this is what's going on, we would have the same confusion over phrases like "I've had that song stuck in my head all day". "What do you mean you hear the song in your head?" etc.

Also people discuss how they do or don't have an inner monologue. How is anyone supposed to be confused about that?

>> No.14825669

Some people literally can't do that. At all. How do you miscommunicate that you can't see anything of the imagination at all in any shape or form?

>> No.14825694

People claim to have had the ability to visualize then lost it after surgery for example. Or claim to not visualize then acquire the ability with practice. So if you don't want to compare one person's description to another you don't have to.

>> No.14825695

Aphantasia means you are just npc

>> No.14825704

Well in the case of an inner monologue. How you experience it, is separate from it existing. An inner monologue does not need to be experienced as your own speech inside your head. brain states of any kind that correspond to words qualify as an inner monologue.

>> No.14825729

Have you ever, at all, even once, not been sure whether what you experienced was real or not, a dream or not, an hallucination or not ?
If yes, you're insane, i.e. phantasic, and perceive things that are not the result of photon hitting your photoreceptive cells, and sound wave hitting your tympans, and others senses.

Simple as.

>> No.14825733

95+% of the alledgedly human population is phantasic.
The vaxrate is 80+%.
Your statement is false, insane-kun.

>> No.14825737

Meme condition