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File: 35 KB, 515x391, Az1qkdH2s2gh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14821947 No.14821947 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true /sci/? Has academic performance in the USA really been on the decline for nearly 50 years?
If so, does that mean that old people on USA got much, much better educations than subsequent generations? Is that why oldies are so much smarter and more capable than everyone else?

>> No.14821955 [DELETED] 
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Science rots the brain of children,
Look into flat earth
it's 100% true
if you look into the claims of the Bible seriously you find out they're all true
Dinosaurs are fake, globe is fake, space is fake, evolution is fake (not enough time macroevolution never observed), life arising out of nothing is fake, earth and nature obviously designed by a creator (total solar eclipse is his signature). Jesus has verifiable historicity. Roman sources depict resurrection. Jesus' resurrection is accepted as historically true by skeptical resurrection scholars.

>> No.14821958

Population growth in the US is entirely due to immigration, mostly from Central America. That has more to do with declining academic performance than anything else, though there are plenty of other contributing factors, most ideological in nature.

>> No.14822024

>Has academic performance in the USA really been on the decline for nearly 50 years?
When government gets involved in something, it gets ruined. Almost always been true.

>> No.14822052
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No, academic performance hasn't declined its mostly stagnated.

The politicians and general public are too chickenshit to admit school days should be longer and logic classes should be taught every grade level from k-12th grade.

>> No.14822146

>school days should be longer
Of the average 7.5 hour school day, students are under guided instruction only 1.5-2.5 hours on average. 3hrs on average for the advanced gifted level students.

If anything, school days should be cut shorter, to reduce electric/utilities spent babysitting them.

>> No.14822227

>If anything, school days should be cut shorter, to reduce electric/utilities spent babysitting them.
That would be defeating the purpose.

>> No.14822240

>longer classes
go fuck yourself, the only class that should last longer is PE class and any class with friends. You should be able to straight up ditch a class to goto PE once a day. Everything else is retarded

>> No.14822244

not if you got the kids jobs. hands on learning is the best kind

>> No.14822248

>public education sucks
>there should be more of it
you win dumb post of the day.

>> No.14822411

The conclusion doesn't follow from the evidence though.

US government is skullfucked by the separation of powers at both the state and federal level. Parliament will pass laws, but then the executive implements them in such a way as to render them impotent - for example, parliament imposes and funds a new social security program; the executive does no outreach and makes the application process into a thirty page form and then puts one part-time staffperson on so that the wait time is measured in months or years - and then rejects three quarters of applications anyway for procedural reasons. Or, alternatively, the executive identifies a need for action but doesn't have the power to take that action and parliament refuses to grant it.

The Westminster system, where the executive is the parliamentary leadership, functions much better/

But the point is that US government doesn't work but that's not because it's incompetent or full of morons. It doesn't work BY DESIGN. The US government is staffed by experts and has enormous resources; it conducts huge amounts of research and the Departmental heads could no doubt tell you a hundred different things we could do overnight for free to fix 80% of the problems in the country. It is deliberately being bled to a slow death by a small group of people who are hostile to the existence of government because government functions as a check on the power of aristocrats and they are the aristocrats whose power is being constrained. The anti-democratic nature of US government creates the potential for a small minority to strangle it from the inside - they can't DO anything, but they CAN stop anything from being done.

The Department of Education absolutely should exist, but existence alone is not enough. Fixing US government requires a new constitution, compulsory voting, Senate reform (e.g. creating city-states to rebalance the rural/urban distribution of power) and abandoning the Presidential model.

>> No.14822416
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>> No.14822434

>Is this true /sci/? Has academic performance in the USA really been on the decline for nearly 50 years
No, its just boomers whinging. Every generation is much more educated than the former. Going to college is now seen as a normal part of life while 100 years ago most people were primary school dropouts. I have witnessed boomers complain that back in their days any smart and able person could get a job but now they ask for degrees

>No metric of improvement
Lies. Just check this graphic

>> No.14822439

kill yourself immediately.

>> No.14822442 [DELETED] 
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Oy vey

>> No.14822443

Degree inflation is definitely a thing, and I not sure it's a net positive for the society.

>> No.14822447

>Degree inflation is definitely a thing
Holding a degree seems to improve your job performance and education improves total factor productivity (...somehow) so it's a natural progression for society to provide (and thus expect) more and more education from people.

Everyone having a college education diminishes the value of your education but that doesn't make it a bad thing for society. It's such an American way of looking at things lol.

>> No.14822449

Even STEM classes were much easier 60 years ago. Like 3 years of mostly electricity and mechanics with calculus. You had to be some rare herr doktor nobel eminence from Germany to know what a quantum operator was

>> No.14822452

>Everyone having a college education diminishes the value of your education
Actually this isn't even true. It diminishes the relative prestige of your education but a society-wide increase in total factor productivity should leave you better off overall in material terms even if you can't see it because everyone else is reaping the same benefit.

Basically being educated amongst the uneducated makes you a king amongst peasants whereas being educated amongst the educated makes you a comrade citizen.

>> No.14822457

This assumes that the amount of "education" in a degree is constant, which is probably not the case. Ever heard of gender studies?

>> No.14822458

>source: my imagination

>> No.14822461

>which is probably not the case
True, degrees probably have more content now than they used to. The general trend in education has been to intensify it.

>Ever heard of gender studies?
People who do social work will do that work better if they complete social studies. Did you have a point you were trying to make?

>> No.14822463

nigger you are full of shit. classical mechanics, solid mechanics, thermo, electrodynamics, etc has barely changed over the course of the last 100 years. i literally have 80 year old engineering textbooks and its the same theorems and proofs as anything you'd find in a Pearson text. I'd argue that modern classes are easier because you get spoonfed a gorillion practice problems and a solutions manual. back in the day, books had like 10 practice problems and you were expected to fill in the gaps with the actual classes and professor assigned coursework.

don't believe me? go pick up any dover book on the subject. JP Den Hartog and Linus Paulings texts are still completely relevant.

>> No.14822465
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only when gop runs it, all they ever do is suck it dry like ticks

>> No.14822482

There were significantly less teachers and almost no teaching of anything "quantum" 60 years ago except in specialized departments. And thermodynamics was taught as glorified steam engine/refrigerator theory. Extremely low standards compared to now.

>> No.14822490

>And thermodynamics was taught as glorified steam engine/refrigerator theory.

motherfucker, it still is. the heat equation hasn't changed since 1822 when Fourier came up with it.

quantum physics and computing are pretty much the only "new" subjects.

>> No.14822497
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once again, if you don't believe me, go read this and compare it to a modern thermo book. its literally the same theorems.

>> No.14822499

>motherfucker, it still is. the heat equation hasn't changed since 1822 when Fourier came up with it
So? Almost all theoretical topics were grazed over. It was all "steam engine and refrigerator". Nothing quantum. Medieval standards in optics (heres a lens the lens focuses put two for telescope). Classical mechanics was the same, math instruction ended with linear differential equations. This was genius level 60 years ago. Three years of study tops.

>> No.14822500

paul ryan is far left liberal, he hates trump. have a look at the content pushed on fox news if you doubt me.

>> No.14822509

>muh quantum

that shit isn't taught in any modern thermo course either. nowhere, anywhere, in any modern thermo text are quantum effects examined. maybe at the masters level, but sure as shit not in a basic undergrad course. you can't bullshit me dude, i have all the new books and the old books and its the exact same material minus pages of pictures and practice problems.

>> No.14822514

The decline in academic performance directly correlates with the decline in the demographic that achieved that academic performance.

80% to 40% in 50 years.

>> No.14822516

You keep talking about textbooks as if thats the same as the classes taught. Im not saying no one studied anything, im saying people studied much less. Like half as much for an undergrad. Less topics and much shallower. Doesn't matter if Enrico Fermi wrote some book

>> No.14822519

>People who do social work will do that work better if they complete social studies
An extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence.

>> No.14822522

you know that modern american curriculum requires a bunch of humanities courses as filler, right? european engineering degrees are still 3 years.

>> No.14822524

As if older universities didn't force everyone to read the Illyad and books by a bunch of Roman politicians

>> No.14822535

im talking about the bullshit ones. you know exactly what i mean, quit playing.

>> No.14822542
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The world needs ditchdiggers, too.

>> No.14822543

You dont learn anything from reading about Achiles fighting Hector

>> No.14822545
File: 57 KB, 500x694, b06776f48cde9e000f0e3d2a7a379856--its-a-wonderful-life-classic-hollywood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the movie "its a wonderful life", Jimmy Stewarts character dreamed of being an engineer and had to "settle" with owning a bank.

let that sink in for a second.

>> No.14822546


>> No.14822556

>be adolescent british elite circa 1900
>sent to Eton
>memorizes all greek and roman gods, demigods, nymphs, titans, demons and monsters. Their powers, genealogies, the location of all temples, priests and festivals
>Father dies at 41 of natural causes
>Guess its my time to run the empire

>> No.14822562

Literally Jeffrey Epstein (he didnt kill himself)

>> No.14822575

Do you live in bizarro world? Degrees get easier every year, despite there being more to learn, in theory.

>> No.14822583

Public education should
1) not be required
2) consist of learning how to read and write and calculate basic operations perfectly, nothing more. 3 years max.

>> No.14822588
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you clearly need some education yourself, pathetic

>> No.14822596

> everyone is more educated
lies - who is everyone? IQ has slipped precipitously because of immigration
> well that doesn't matter becaus-
first, you could never complete that sentence.
second, either avg iq of a country matters, or it doesn't, take a side and say why
> better educated
> look at all those graduates
shitter degrees
new ideas of guaranteeing paper for cash
drop in real numbers of hard math, sci and eng graduates
drop in male graduates
lower end: math and reading scores decimated by pandemic will lead to lowering of requirements further in 5-8 years.
the fall will be precipitous

>> No.14822637

Nobody likes to admit this, but when you import low IQ people, things like this happen.

Half of Haitians get IQ scores which flag them as retarded. 1 in 6 have AIDS. When you import a random Haitian, you literally have 1 in 12 odds of picking an AIDS infected retard. Does an AIDS infected retard from another country sound like someone we should be importing? Is that a neighbor you want? Should there be a retarded Haitian man with AIDS living next to you and your kids? Definitely not, such a person can only be a societal burden. But the west loves importing such people anyways.

Immigration policies in advanced countries need to acknowledge that not all people groups are equal. Neither in intelligence, nor potential, nor the ability to create, or in some cases even exist in a civilized society.

It may make some unremarkable middle aged woman get the warm fuzzies when she virtue signals on Twitter about helping the "oppressed", but her moment of self-satisfaction is not a sufficient reason to biologically sabotage our society. Calling these people out and ostracising them socially would go a long way towards correcting the behavior though.

The west needs to admit to itself that inclusion doesn't work and diversity is not a source of strength, it is a source of rot. "Tolerance" should be viewed as a moral failing identical to apathy.

>> No.14822765

That unremarkable middle age woman votes and whoever can collect the most votes, gets power. Bringing in more low IQ voters means the voting population becomes easier and easier to manipulate with policies that are destructive in the long term but feel good in the short term. The unremarkable middle age women are bad enough but their stupidity gets amplified by the importation of more stupidity. This is the death spiral of democracy and happens anytime the politicians can choose their voters.

>> No.14822849

Social workers with degrees related to social work find work in their field more easily and get paid more when they do.

>> No.14822851

Refugee intakes in Western countries are practically zero and all other migration is through skilled migration or family visas for skilled migrants.

Skilled migration draws from the toppish end of the gene pool.

America is a special case because you're all retarded, even the white people.

>> No.14822870

I worked at a testing company for three years called Measured Progress. We were REQUIRED to evaluate students the same every year. It was part of our 'standard'. We had to make sure that no improvements were ever made. Testing companies are in it for profit. Showing improvement in test scores goes against them making profit.

Furthermore, Republicans have made war against public schools for decades. They're underfunded, teachers are underpaid, and we keep increasing class sizes all so Republicans can point out its flaws so they can disband the service of public education all so they can save a few bucks on taxes. Republicans are making people dumber because it services them.

>> No.14822890

You, and Mr. Tate are confusing the knowledge with its dissemination, and ignoring the critical mass benefit of more dissemination.

Far more people are educated in far more subjects than in the 1950s "three Rs" educational standards that preceded federal standards.

You are missing that any metric based on an average neglects the benefit of simple dissemination. You could even lower the average ability in reading, writing, and math, and still gain far more for the society, simply by the aggregation of having more people who are each educated in more subjects.

In the end, what you know is far more important to the overall society, in terms of being able to solve problems, than being able to learn.

Intelligence itself become a group intelligence that individual metrics cannot assess, without a loss to the traditionally intelligent individuals who now have more opportunities to practice their gifts.

>> No.14822912

Furthermore, I doubt your assessment. Many standards have improved greatly, making my next point more relevant: This question is just you trying to change the narrative to support your tyranny.
You neglect the propaganda aspect of localized education, and try to pass it off as the federal government as the one that is promoting propaganda because it doesn’t fit your narrative of your superiority. You look at federal centralization as itself being propaganda, but you grift the victim into the aggressor by ignoring that it was local education that is the indoctrination and propaganda force, not the federal government that is only trying to stop that.

The propaganda of the status quo can easily take over local education and make more slaves for its grift. The federal centralization simply makes this impossible by pitting all the local extortion and exploitation forces against each other over the entire nation, making any one tyrant’s view for their advantage harder to impose. So your religious fucktards and your master/slave capitalists have a harder time tricking the next generation into not seeing their options in how to view the world when there is a federal standard to adhere to, that can itself extort curricula by withholding dollars.

It is an effective system that brought massive change to the US throughout the last 50 years, getting dollars to where they are needed, that never could have occurred if local witch doctors and tyrants had the reigns of education.

>> No.14823114 [DELETED] 
File: 345 KB, 1242x450, SchoolChemistry1950s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If academic performance as declined so dramatically, I guess that means all of the "well educated" self-styled science geniuses on this board must be mistaken about their grandiose self assessments. people who stopped schooling in high school 50 years ago got a better science education that the average PhD has today.
picrel of 12 year olds in the 1950s doing serious chemistry experiments in jr high. these days people are in their 20s before they get to the same level of education.

>> No.14823614

Amazing how many logical fallacies a person can cram into one post.

>> No.14823647

Yeah, education in America is a huge fucking joke lmao. It's gotten even worse too. I mean, seriously, do any of you even want to be teachers? No because it's hellish work just to maintain shitty standards for shit kids that you can't even fail.

Like seriously, American colleges have two years of make up courses (that's what gen eds are) because standards are so fucking low. Almost all gen eds are fake courses that should have been enforced in high school. Like think of how many absolute morons take college algebra. LMAO.

And yes, the department of education does need to be destroyed and probably rebuilt. But that goes without saying, pretty much every bureaucracy in America needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.

>> No.14823671

> Fixing US government requires a new constitution, compulsory voting, Senate reform (e.g. creating city-states to rebalance the rural/urban distribution of power) and abandoning the Presidential model.
Other than compulsory voting I don’t see how this is different from the US constitution as is. States were meant to be their own little countries and the federal government meant to be weak. Things have obviously turned out the opposite with the president being outrageously powerful (being able to do things as you’ve said via EO’s). The challenge is in keeping the federal government small. Many of the problems in the US are due to the federal government enacting changes whose effects are good for some states and bad for others; I don’t think a solution to education reform can come from the top. Rather, states need to assess their needs and address them. Of course this requires good-enough natured politicians but so do most proposed political solutions.

>> No.14824019

People used to like the machine
Now they are turning against it

>> No.14824070

>public education sucks
>you clearly need some education yourself, pathetic
>everyone is dumb but me cause I was educated in public schools that suck
>me smrt
Take your socialism and shove it.

>> No.14824074
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>Yeah, education in America is a huge fucking joke lmao. It's gotten even worse too. I mean, seriously, do any of you even want to be teachers? No because it's hellish work just to maintain shitty standards for shit kids that you can't even fail.
>Like seriously, American colleges have two years of make up courses (that's what gen eds are) because standards are so fucking low. Almost all gen eds are fake courses that should have been enforced in high school. Like think of how many absolute morons take college algebra. LMAO.
>And yes, the department of education does need to be destroyed and probably rebuilt. But that goes without saying, pretty much every bureaucracy in America needs to be destroyed and rebuilt.
This anon gets it.

>> No.14824090 [DELETED] 

the majority of my peers as a physics major started their first year of college with introductory algebra and were not mathematically qualified for taking courses relevant to their major until their 3rd year at school when there were also still in math classes, so the "physics majors" devoted more of their education learning (mostly remedial) math than they did studying the topic they majored in.

>> No.14824162

>Refugee intakes in Western countries are practically zero and all other migration is through skilled migration or family visas for skilled migrants.

What on earth are you smoking?

>> No.14824175

Exactly. It's the immigration of people whose cultures have never grappled with even a book.

>> No.14824190

The US admitted 11,411 refugees in 2021, that's hardly any.

>> No.14824204
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Then why is it getting easier to get 1st class honours?

>> No.14824320
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>Has academic performance in the USA really been on the decline for nearly 50 years?
no, that's a right wing conspiracy

>> No.14824325

>babbling about refugees as though they matter compared to the completely open borders which let in hundreds of thousands to millions

You're exhibiting Jewish levels of intellectual dishonesty.

>> No.14824329

>>Has academic performance in the USA really been on the decline for nearly 50 years?
>Brawndo has what plants crave!

>> No.14824330

Plus 4.3 million illegals, plus 2.6 million legal immigration.

>> No.14824762

That may be but they are not refugees. That is a specific status. In some cases they may be seeking refugee status but it is not yet granted.

>> No.14824765

"Refugees" don't matter much when there are large numbers of migrants just hopping the border.

Take your pilpul elsewhere jew.

>> No.14824769

>That is a specific status.
So what. Not talking about political bullshit. They are all invaders. We have been invaded for 500+ years. Fuck you and them.

>> No.14824775
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Hmmm yes like that infamous republican stronghold CHICAGO
Damn them for sucking more and more money!
(not an endorsement of republicans, I'm just pointing out as long as you're part of the game you're being played by both sides)

>> No.14824779

Public Education = scam on the taxpayers.
That's why more parents started homeschooling in the last year than in the previous 20 annual school years combined, and that number may double again this year.

>> No.14824787

This is more of a symptom of people trying to reach levels of "education" they were never meant to attain
Those students in the physics major should probably have become electricians or pharmacists or something. I felt fucking embarrassed for taking ODEs as a second semester freshman, can't imagine needing to take introductory algebra as a college student let alone a physics major

>> No.14824795
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Science rots the brain of children, as well as science juice.

>> No.14824873

I agree. Take all the dumbass blacks and mexicans out of school and watch how test scores shoot up. Also, how does the governemnt make education worse? I went to school. I remember sitting in class and having to memorize everything. Then pass the test to show you understand what you just learned. It'd hard to fuck that up or improve it to be honest. Schooling sucks a lot bc of the social aspect. Bullies and imbeciles ruin it for most kids.

>> No.14824876

we just need to go full facist and use public education as the gateway to armed services.
rollup the education budget into the defense budget and sent all kids under the age of 19 to military boarding schools where they learn the constitution and how to fire a gun.

public education is only a thing becuase nations industrialized and they need to turn children to turn out weapons and products for the great war machine.

>> No.14824903

> Fixing US government requires a new constitution, compulsory voting, Senate reform (e.g. creating city-states to rebalance the rural/urban distribution of power) and abandoning the Presidential model.

Someone skullfuck this retard to death before I do. Fascist fuck thinks he's helping. fucking hell.
Go catch a bullet in one of your nigger-infested cities with mandatory nigger voting

>> No.14824944

They’re not underfunded because of republicans. They’re underfunded be cussed every time funding is increased it goes right into the pockets of the teachers union who immediately reinvests it in the politicians they support, who the vote for even more school funding because the schools have so little.

>> No.14824972
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Hey look it's you
You fucking retard moron fuck

>> No.14824976

Yes, our generation is verifiably more "educated"
But also verifiably less learned

>> No.14824979
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Metrics HAVE improved. Of course, there's a catch. You are only allowed to look at schools with at least 95% White and/or East Asian demographics.

No one likes to talk about this. But it's true.

There will come a time in the future where people will be forced to acknowledge how retarded it was to deny genetic factors in intelligence during this era. The moralists are performing one of the most dangerous human experiments ever conducted by seeing how long their denial of reality can remain solvent.

>> No.14824988

I seriously hope you're both being ironic
If not you need your skulls turned into jam

>> No.14824992

>It is deliberately being bled to a slow death by a small group of people who are hostile to the existence of government because government functions as a check on the power of aristocrats and they are the aristocrats whose power is being constrained
How is mandating the celebration of sodomy a check on the power of aristocrats?

>> No.14825042
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>t. never even seen a history book

>> No.14825054

It's low-IQ people breeding while high-IQ people try to keep an increasingly complex system running.

>> No.14825085 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 460x259, Epic Epstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How is mandating the celebration of sodomy a check on the power of aristocrats who are all aggressively enthusiastic sodomites themselves?
Good question

>> No.14825095

Yes but is not the whole part of the problem, it also has to do with the inflation of degrees by the lowered standards, by invention of bullshit careers that are filled with low iq people (women studies, lesbians dance and all that) and by the pernicious and incredibly racist practice of affirmative action.

Importing illegals, which I completely disavow is not the only reason, is the whole system that is rotten and allows all this shit and gives extra points to Hispanics while illegally allowing the worst of Mexico and South America to come here. While also promoting low iq people as long as they are the correct race(blacks, natives, Hispanics)

>> No.14825114

>Social workers with degrees related to social work find work in their field more easily and get paid more when they do.

Noting that social work has suffered leftist ideological capture is not the same thing as demonstrating that any of the premises of Gender Studies have merit.

Are you Jewish by chance? Your form of argumentation smells like pilpul.

>> No.14825318
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>better educations?
Not necessarily.
As many have pointed out, demographics seem to matter.
(see pic)
left side is from https://nces.ed.gov/surveys/piaac/state-county-estimates.asp

My guess is that above a minimum quality of education, correlation between student performance and education quality decreases and the student performance becomes better explained by other variables outside of the school's control (ethnicity, how many parents in the home, education of parents, etc.).
Maybe education could be improved to have an effect beyond the minimum quality but that would require acknowledging and catering to the relevant variables.

Currently, much of the special attention in education is given to low performers (no child left behind was an example of this mentality).
There may also be other efforts aimed at reducing racial disparities by holding back top performers (setting bars too low, grade inflation through "participation grades", reducing the weight of tests).
In order to efficiently increase average student performance, I would suggest prioritizing efforts based on untapped potential (but that won't happen because you would need to a priori decide what each student's potential really is based on variables such as race and class)

I do have hope for online schooling because there will be the ability for the students to go at their own pace but currently that industry seems like it is full of scammers trying to soak up government money.

>> No.14825346

one nazi hating another doesn't a leftie make

>> No.14825348


>> No.14825374


>> No.14825379
File: 3.89 MB, 3500x6701, jewdified.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since the Hartl Cellar act of 1965 and mass non-white immigration? What do the numbers say?
>inb4 tranny (((janny))) deletes this post and bans me

>> No.14825468

>when more people vote it's fascism
>when less people vote it's democracy
A true intellectual.

>> No.14825470

Why should you be allowed to prevent a policy that has majority support from being implemented?

>> No.14825472

Jaimungul has one of the best podcasts around

>> No.14825473

If you actually believe that then just start a social work business and hire people without degrees. You'll save a fortune, undercut the competition, and corner the market. Easy money.


>> No.14825714

I agree that illegal immigration is an absolute mess and the corrupt giver made it all happen, but saying that the US has been invaded for 500+ years is moronic

>> No.14825893
File: 92 KB, 600x507, At_Last_I_Truly_See.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America use to strive to recognize and nurture the best students.
We produced the best scientist, mathematicians, and engineers in the world.
But then they got worried about all the students left behind; education was 'racist', 'sexist', 'unfair to the poor'.
Now we strive to recognize the slowest students and nurture them, the 'no child left behind' policy.
We are now producing the best janitors in the world.

>> No.14825925

Not really dude. Many schools are doing away with advanced courses. I know middle schools in my area REFUSE to teach algebra or geometry now (which is what all the advanced students would have coming into high school). This basically means it's unreasonable that even an advanced student reaches calculus by the end of high school (something that was the norm for all the advanced students when I was going to school).

Standards are being dragged down into the mud. Basically your only hope as a parent is by supplementing your kids education with virtual school classes since your local school is most likely a joke.

>T. Both my mother and sister are teachers at the high school and middle school levels

>> No.14825944

I've literally heard leftists claim that advanced classes are racist, because even if you rig enrollment into the classes to be heavily in favor of black and latino students, those students will generally not grasp the materials and will not pass without the aid of things like very generous, gratuitous extra credit offers which are at best, tangentially related to the class materials.

The west has imposed the racial politics equivalent of Harrison Bergeron on itself. If one group has an edge in IQ, they must be denied any chance to make use of that natural advantage in the name of "equity". Failure to sufficiently artificially handicap the smart on behalf of ensuring that they never exceed the stupid is white supremacy, don't you know?

Also Asians are white supremacists too now, because they also benefit from advanced science/math education. So they've been kicked out of the minority kids cool club. Any sort of excellence at anything is proof of membership in an imagined oppressor class and gets you kicked out of intersectional social justice.

>> No.14825964

When you distill wokeness down to its essence, it really is a celebration of weakness and incompetence.

>> No.14825967

>We produced the best scientist, mathematicians, and engineers in the world.
Not true. Not ever and there was no nurture. There was ultra darwinism and a few ivy league schools where local and international talent is concentrated. This is a fringe subculture and not representative of some national character.

>> No.14825970

Lies. Stem gets harder every year. You are just too influenced by humanities department propaganda

>> No.14825971

Forcing someone to vote isn't freedom of choice. That's you trying to create legitimacy where it doesn't exist. It's basically cargo cultism.

>> No.14825974

When people get dumber, learning advanced topics becomes "harder". Thanks for agreeing with us.

>> No.14825975

Some dumb people existing in the country doesnt lower the IQ of the people existing already

>> No.14825978

No. STEM classes simply get harder. Theres more topics to cover in greater depth. Universities compete in an endless race to the top. Nobody wants to be average

>> No.14826027

No, but if you create a system where you refuse to teach the kid with a 110 IQ how to do Calculus because there are some 80 IQ kids who will never be capable of it, then you've made them closer to being equals, by robbing the 110 IQ kid of the potential to actually put that intelligence to use.

People realized trying to prop up the stupid kids was never going to work, so now they're trying to tear down the smart ones so there can be no meaningful distinction between them.

They lower everything to the level of the dumbest, least engaged black and latino students in the name of "equity", and screech about how even considering anything else is "systemic racism".

>> No.14826043

I thought it was a picture of two cats based on the thumbnail.

>> No.14826046

communism/leftism has always been about bringing everyone and everything down to its lowest common denominator

>> No.14826090

The problem is that those students who are actually gifted or talented are constantly dragged down to be on the same level as Billy the paste eater or J’aquarius the three times held back freshman. Advanced classes are getting dropped and even basic subjects like algebra are constantly fucked with all in the name of the new god that is inclusion and “equity”. So now even if that guy is smart he is still not only disadvantaged in the classroom, but even in the regular world itself, because for whatever pants on head retarded reason we as a collective society have decided to embrace weakness and mediocrity for years now. The problem again isn’t that dumb people exist, the problem is that they are artificially elevated and propped up to a higher status than the ones who actually have a brain, debatably by design.

>> No.14826121
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>Not true. Not ever and there was no nurture.

So you are one of those who believe that instead of nurturing the best we should be nurturing the worst.
When I say we need more money for the exceptional students; I mean for the most talented, you mean for least talented.

>> No.14826125

"Inclusive" was synonymous with "mediocre" for hundreds of years for a reason. We need to bring that perspective back.

>> No.14826129

You dont even understand english. Why do i say that? Because what you wrote has nothing to do with the post you responded to. You must be a bot

>> No.14826221
File: 207 KB, 1000x1366, American_Worker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Because what you wrote has nothing to do with the post you responded to.

Yes, it does, you gave an idiotic response that claimed we use to not nurture the most talented students. This is wrong, we use to have separate classes for gifted students and these were the BEST not the worst.

America is wasting billions to produce the best janitors in the world instead of spending those same billions to produce the best STEM majors in the world.

We need to stop "no child left behind' and common core education and return to what ACTUALLY worked and created the best educated population ever.

>> No.14826230
File: 60 KB, 620x513, 1486501366153.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is yet another bureaucratic grifting scheme, and even more concrete proof that the federal government is way overbloated, useless, and basically just straight up robbing us at gunpoint.

>> No.14826244

The usa started mainstreaming the retards, and nitwits.. instead of segregating them into special classes and schools. We also decide to just keep passing everyone along. Sending them to college on unlimited debt. Hoping eventually someone would make Johnny read.

>> No.14826248

>America is wasting billions to produce the best janitors in the world
You have far too much faith in American janitors. We're wasting billions to babysit genes that should've been removed from the population three generations ago via a robust eugenics program.

>> No.14826251
File: 219 KB, 483x470, 2344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another episode of Norman suddely realizing that the world functioned just fine before the Department of Departmental Derp was established
It's a weird thing with statist cattle. They truly lack historical context so they are utterly shocked to find out that all these corrupt bureaucratic bodies were invented yesterday for the sole purpose of governmental abuse of power.

>> No.14826258
File: 2.31 MB, 1303x4720, Teaching_Black_Students.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hoping eventually someone would make Johnny read.

Johnny reads perfectly well.
It is Aquanetta, who can not read or write and does not care to learn to do either, that the Dept. of Education is obsessed with.

>> No.14826262

The problem is our politicians already fucked everything up (and they admit that 'diverse america' was an unintended mistake) and now they're focusing on damage control because it's less messy than removing millions of people who have now incorporated themselves into all levels of society and even government

>> No.14826268

No it is 5 years. You are confusing with what germans call engineer which would be equivalent to a lab technician degree.

Any engineering position in Europe requires a master degree or some kind of experience equivalent.

>> No.14826291

Education should be optional and privatized, ideally with minimal government subsidies. This will fix most if not all problems.

>> No.14826296

>if the rich didn't have to jump through some simple hoops to indoctrinate children all the problems would be solved
LOL. Libertarianism is a mental illness on par with statism.

>> No.14826303

I read the entirety of that thread
still confused though why is he talking about america and posting with kike/jdf flags

>> No.14826313
File: 42 KB, 680x768, cANADa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is he talking about america and posting with kike/jdf flags

Some American Jews are proud of Israel, just like some Canadian Americans are proud of Canada.

Do you have a problem with this?
Because I do not.

>> No.14826330 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 435x546, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the rich
the government has infinite money, its the wealthiest fatcat of them all

>> No.14826368

You are unironically retarded. "The government" is the rich.

>> No.14826369



>> No.14826375

You're probably the kind of mouth-breathing, inbred, slavish imbecile who unironically thinks his "national bank" is owned by the governemnt.

>> No.14826379

steel is better than gold

>> No.14826393

You mean to tell me you're so profoundly brainwasherd you think the fiat currency your "capitalist" slavemasters keep shitting out is backed by gold, or by anything for that matter?

>> No.14826423

your IQ is too low for my posts

>> No.14826436

You're too low IQ to realize that your steel is controlled by fiat. Anyway, libertard drones eat the anal crust of kike banskers and are barely even human. No sense talking to you.

>> No.14826442
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It's everywhere. Vaccines, chemicals in the water, screens, you name it, something is making us retarded.

>> No.14826445

>something is making us retarded.
Maybe it's 4chan.

>> No.14826450
File: 250 KB, 728x494, goebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are called jews

>> No.14826469
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>> No.14826556

You are not going to overthrow the government and much less end the concept of government. Literally anyone can create fiat cash or an equivalent to some degree and banks are so regulated that you can think of them as organs of the state and only be wrong on some technicality.
If you can issue a financial security such as a bond you are printing cash. If you create a corporation, issue shares and go public, you have printed cash.
You can trade insurance policies, crops, steel and gold. It has modest regulation to minimize obvious fraud but theres all kinds of paper you can buy and sell in minutes that are almost equal to cash in their liquidity.

>> No.14826674

>You are not going to overthrow the government
That basically happened in the USA in Nov-Jan 2020-2021 so obviously it is not hard to do, even in a powerful country like that.

>> No.14826678
File: 135 KB, 933x907, Crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone can create fiat cash or an equivalent to some degree
Sounds neat. Reminds one of this meme.

>> No.14826680

>>You are not going to overthrow the government
>That basically happened in the USA in Nov-Jan 2020-2021

You are INSANE!
America had yet another peaceful transfer of power from one party leadership to another.

You probably still have nightmares of the evil orangeman.

>> No.14826766

This thread is clearly bait, but I digress.
Education in the United States has regressed, moreso in the public sector.
When there's a "need" for instruction on
>Sex Ed. for 1st Graders
>Common Core Maths
>Transgenderism/Polymorphic Sexual Identity
it's very much apparent that something has gone horribly wrong.
The culprit?
>inb4 audacious claim
The proof is in the pudding.
While it might have originally been thought that a more liberal approach to education would have surpassed the flaws behind conservative ideologies in the classroom (i.e. religion > science),
the end result is something beyond any recognizable horror that could've never been predicted nor presumed fathomable.
By the time I had finished grade school, they had begun trials of integrating social media into the curriculum.
Why do students need social media to learn about dead, historical figures?
Why are tax dollars being spent on inane projects and incentives?
Everything that's occuring resembles the fate of the Intelligentsia - only a single shot has not been fired.
Liberals are detestable, despicable, and outright disgusting for attacking the vulnerable with their perverted, twisted ideologies.
They're not interested in the prosperity and potential of individuals' lives,
they're only interested in the production of peons who'll never ask questions, and do as they're told.
It's like prison.

>> No.14826775
File: 244 KB, 1024x725, hhhhhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America had yet another peaceful transfer of power
Bot post using same tired old lie talking points verbatim.

>> No.14826787

The West sucks because it's the West. It used to be Western Europe and its offshoots back when they were still healthy or had mometum left. Things worked well.
Now it's the civilisation of corruption, americanism, mediocracy, sycophancy...

>> No.14826788

democrats stole the election and you peacefully did nothing so he's right

>> No.14827095

Democracy isn't about freedom of choice it's about people choosing their government. Why do you think you have a right not to participate?

>> No.14827098

Are you going to murder me if I don't? Once again, you're trying to force the people to give your government legitimacy by force. You're a sick person.

>> No.14827104

>laws are enforced by violence!!!!
Yes, and?

It's the true mark of a fucking moron to try and do pearl-clutching over this.

Yes, if you do not follow the law and then resist arrest you will be shot dead.

>> No.14827111

If I were in charge all those parasites would be executed on the spot, and also all the teachers promoting socialist or degenerate activities.

>> No.14827455

I'm a middle school science with a degree in physics, all the government needs to do is double the amount of schools throughout the country and force each class to have a maximum of 16 students, doing this would allow teachers like myself to have more focused instruction on a small group of people instead of babysitting 35 kids in one class. All they need to do is this and grades go up a lot due to the smaller class size. That and not minimizing meetings that get in the way of teaching, including having more strict discipline measures and getting rid of the no child left behind act, do all this and you'll see grades go up throughout the country.

Imagine how hard it is to teach 35 kids compared to 15, that's what is going on in the worst districts, too many students ina. Class room.

>> No.14827460

>Delete no child left behind act
>Double the amount of schools
>Maximum of 16 kids in a class
>Harsher discipline measures
>Shorter school days
Classes don't need to be 90 minutes long
>Allow homework
>Start school at 9am and end at 3am
Kids perform universally better the more sleep they get so starting later makes sense

>> No.14827464

Reminder that the Department of Education didn't exist until Jimmy Carter formed it by renaming the teachers Union.
The teachers union was not formed to improve education, it was formed to get money for teachers. The Department of Education was corrupt from the start, it was formed that way intentionally.

>> No.14827717

The slight problem: there is a lot of filth on 4ch
The huge problem: still, 4ch is better than all other large fora.
These are truly the end times.

>> No.14827778

The Federal Department of Education has almost fuck all to do with education in the US. This is because for the most part federal funding is a pathetically tiny percentage of a school district's budget.

Everything from curriculum, to funding, teacher accreditation and even compulsory education itself is a State level responsibility. Every once in a while a politician will run on a platform that includes "stricter standards for our schools" but the school board doesn't do anything and more people graduate unable to read or write. The less said about the awful treatment of people with special needs the better.

>> No.14828016

Have you ever heard of the USSR?

>> No.14829674

What's wrong with Kurzgesagt?

>> No.14829679

Good, so you won't object to the USDoEd being abolished. Since they don't use grant money as a carrot to get states to adopt their standards, no one will notice when it is gone.

>> No.14829732

Sounds fair to me