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14821269 No.14821269 [Reply] [Original]

Is vegetarianism categorized as a mental illness by the medical science community? If not, should it be categorized as one by the medical community?

>> No.14821318

Why would it be mental illness?

>> No.14821336

>Everything I don't like is a mental illness
So this is what people understand under mental illness.

>> No.14821338

>should it be categorized as one by the medical community?
Probably, but I don't think we need to wait for an establishment of degenerates and quacks to reach that consensus, or in general, to tell us what is normal. Just ask yourself if the average vegan seems mentally sound to you and make your own determination.

>> No.14821343

I think some people take it so far it crosses over into being an eating disorder.

>> No.14821344

Anyone who gets bent completely out of shape over the simple fact that humans are a species of omnivores, is objectively mentally unstable.

>> No.14821358

You didn't answer my question. How is the notion of mental illness anything other than "behavior I don't like"?

>> No.14821363

>You didn't answer my question.
See? You're delusional. Try reading >>14821344

>> No.14821368


>> No.14821383
File: 32 KB, 464x387, imagine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anointing yourself as the savior of the precious, saintly farm animals also gives off a strong odor of insanity, also smells of having never raised or lived around farm animals, which is not necessarily a bad thing

>> No.14821397

There's nothing wrong with opposing animal abuse. Farming is absolutely revolting. There is, however, something wrong with you, if you can't accept that killing and eating things is just the way life works on this planet.

>> No.14821402

>Anyone who gets bent completely out of shape over the simple fact that humans are a species of omnivores,
You realize someone can understand that stance and still choose to avoid animal products for ethical reasons?

>> No.14821408

>someone can understand that stance and still choose to avoid animal products
Yes, that's theoretically possible. Unfortunately, veganism is a mental illness so the people who subscribe to it find that insufficient and choose to live in a constant state of butthurt and aggression.

>> No.14821416

lol another "ALL people who do X are mad" thread

>> No.14821418

That's certainly true for some vegans, but it's not the case for all of them, and many vegetarians are much more reasonable.

>> No.14821420

Veganism is both a mental illness and causes mental illness.

>> No.14821423

>making "not all X"-type arguments
Another symptom of mental illness.

>> No.14821425

Sure, you’re capable of digesting it, but that doesn’t mean it’s morally correct.

Food takes up the same part of the brain as religion. It’s why omnis like you and vegans both get irate at each other’s existence. They aren’t compatible religious beliefs, the conflict is inevitable. It’s not just a libertarian “to every man his child sex slave”. It makes a strong moral judgement, some retarded NAP philosophy isn’t going to work.

Anyways you’re showing your brainlet levels off by asking “why are X people doing Y”, with Y being one single thing and not a distributed range of things, with the distribution being the important thing

>> No.14821426

Strong opinnions leads to mental illness

>> No.14821429

The fuck? That's the case for everything. Unless you're cool calling all whites rapists and murderers because some are.

>> No.14821432

Thanks for demonstrating what people mean when they call veganism a mental illness. Very convenient.

>> No.14821434

Typos are for those that are mentally ill

>> No.14821437

>That's the case for everything.
Then why do you feel the irrational urge to point it out in this instance?

>> No.14821442

>Farming is absolutely revolting
so stop eating, everything you eat comes from revolting animal abusers. the revolting concept of animal abuse is based in the idea of psychological projection, low IQ idiots presume that the animals are just like themselves and proceed to use that idiotic concept to get stupidly angry at the people who raise all their food for them.
the truth is that farm animals are revolting, they are literal animals, if they're fed then they'll overpopulate their pasture as soon as they can get around to it and once that comes into play they'll all get malnutrition illnesses and die anyway. kindhearted farmers save the animals from suffering like that by regularly thinning the herds out. farm animals live wonderful lives, they're fed and cared for and looked after until the day they die, all at no expense to themselves.

>> No.14821443

You are every bit as mentally ill as a vegan. Modernity seem to breed profound mental degeneracy.

>> No.14821444

>Then why do you feel the irrational urge to point it out in this instance?
If you're going to call it a mental illness, then you need to prove all cases chose veganism for mentally ill reasons. The fact that there's exceptions is the rebuttal. If you're going to call veganism a mental illness, then all whites are mentally ill, that's the standard you're setting.

>> No.14821445

>Farming is absolutely revolting.
Yeah, fuck 10,000 years of human history and the advancement of basically everything. Let's go back to eating bugs and berries!

>> No.14821449

>The fact that there's exceptions is the rebuttal.
This is another symptom of the modern mental illness.

>> No.14821451

10,000 years old human history and the outcome is a bunch of dysgenic cretins like you. Good thing your brain-damaged civilization is self-destructing. Enjoy the toxins in your food.

>> No.14821452

He probably should have said modern CAFOs are revolting.

>> No.14821455

>This is another symptom of the modern mental illness.
Calling everything a symptom of mental illness is a sign of mental illness.

>> No.14821456

if a vegan lectures you on what to eat, then feel free to do the same to them. otherwise, what someone chooses to eat is their own business!

>> No.14821457

Yeah. Good thing I'm not calling everything that, only your profoundly irrational and self-contradicting behaviors.

>> No.14821460

if humans 10,000 years ago were as humane to animals and concerned about the future of the environment as modern farmers are then woolly mammoths would still be around today.

>> No.14821461

if a vegan lectures you on what to eat, then feel free to eat that vegan

>> No.14821465

would probably taste better and be healthier than most factory farmed meat lol

>> No.14821466

>only your profoundly irrational and self-contradicting behaviors.
You're the one contradicting your own argument.

Some vegans are mentally ill = all vegans must be mentally ill

Some whites are mentally will = all whites are mentally ill

That's what you're arguing. If you try to prove one and negate the other then you're being self-contradictory, aka mentally ill.

>> No.14821467

You think like cattle. It's pretty funny.

>> No.14821469

As opposed to a rational urge? Your concept of mental illness is weak since you haven’t decided well what rationality is or how useful it is. Actually, if you looked at samples for the whole population to construct an internal matrix of vegetarians, you’d find that there are both rationalists who are submitting to their idea of harm-minimization and anti-rationalists who see themselves and animals to be similar, and that their emotions tell them to preserve the animals. (Dogfucker types)

You’re capable of digesting bugs. What is immoral/degenerate about their consumption, according to you?

Vegans exist in a state of constant religious warfare due to their minority status. They’ve heard every variation of your arguments before and have predefined rebuttals to them. The best you could do would to be to reject a fundamental premise, but nobody’s mind will ever be changed.

>> No.14821470

I didn't say "all" vegans are mentally ill. I just said vegans are mentally ill. Did you take your meds today?

>> No.14821472

all Vegans or some Vegans
some are political , some are not

>> No.14821477

How did it go?
Vegans were those who rejected dairy products ?
And vegetarians were those who did not or something like that

>> No.14821478

>rationalists who are submitting to their idea of harm-minimization
Yeah, that's another good example of a modern mental illness.

> anti-rationalists who see themselves and animals to be similar
Then why do they have a completely separate standard for humans? Is it because they are mentally ill and hold an incoherent worldview?

>> No.14821479

>I didn't say "all" vegans are mentally ill. I just said vegans are mentally ill.
That's the same statement, if you didn't mean to imply "all" vegans, then you should have said "some" vegans. And OP's post states "is vegetarianism categorized as a mental illness." That wording leaves no room for nuance.

>> No.14821482

Is the sky blue?

>> No.14821483

Not at night.

>> No.14821484

Is not liking artichokes a mental illness? Is compulsive shitposting a mental illness?

>> No.14821486

If you're going to try and trap an anti-rationalist on not being "logically consistent", they're not really going to care. Consistency can always be rebased to "thats just how the way things are".

And sure. You can grant yourself that we both set standards for humans and animals differently, but that doesn't really solve the conflict, since we disagree on those standards

>> No.14821488

No. Only things OP doesn't like are mental illnesses. Also the age of consent should be lowered.

>> No.14821491

So when people say the sky is blue, you go on a tirade explaining to them how their position is contradicted by the fact that it's not blue enough at night?

>> No.14821497

No, because they're not saying that the sky being blue is a mental illness.

>> No.14821498

>, they're not really going to care
Neither do schizophrenics. I don't think mentally ill people need to be debated or reasoned with. Isn't that the whole point of recognizing veganism for what it really is?

>> No.14821500

I think not liking things OP does like is a mental illness. It's not even that OP doesn't like veggies and cheese, it's that he doesn't like when people don't like eating carcasses.

>> No.14821504

So their utterance is false and nonsensical, but you don't go on a tirade about it because it doens't offend you enough?

>> No.14821507
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>it's that he doesn't like when people don't like eating carcasses.
You make OP's case for him. lol

>> No.14821508

>You’re capable of digesting bugs. What is immoral/degenerate about their consumption, according to you?
they're gross

>> No.14821515

I stated that some vegans being irrational doesn't mean all vegans are mentally ill, and the choice to be vegan isn't a definition of mental illness. I'm actually attempting to be rational here, and you're going on a "tirade" by claiming everything I say is a sign of mental illness instead of actually debating it.

>> No.14821517

More gross than corpses?

>> No.14821519

So are chickens and their flesh

>> No.14821520

plz gib sumdin

>> No.14821523

>the choice to be vegan isn't a definition of mental illness
They don't "choose" to be vegans because no one chooses to be metally ill.

>I'm actually attempting to be rational here
I don't see anything rational about defending vegans.

>> No.14821527

>They don't "choose" to be vegans because no one chooses to be metally ill.
So we're back to "all" vegans are mentally ill? Can't stop contradicting yourself, huh? I don't know if you're mentally ill, but you're obviously stupid.

>> No.14821530

>So we're back to "all" vegans are mentally ill?
You and the voices in your head? I don't know why you keep babbling about "all "vegans.

>> No.14821533

Arguing with a retard is like playing chess with a pigeon. It will knock over the pieces, shit on the board and feel like it won. Unless you can troll them, don't engage.

>> No.14821534

Farmers are really mean to plants, they only grown them for profit, they treat the plants like slaves, then they kill them and sell them. Thats why I prefer to eat meat, its more humane.

>> No.14821535

You posted this: >>14821425
Didn't you?

>> No.14821537

Whites are mentally ill. That's where "we" stand. I hope you're not white, anon.

>> No.14821538

It's like you're going out of your way to prove that you're psychotic.

>> No.14821540
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>Abandons the ship

>> No.14821542

I bet your classmates will love that one when the summer holidays are over. Things I also found hilarious when I was 14:
>my food shits on your food
>vegans eat the food of my food
>I love horses, especially as salami

>> No.14821547

Listen up brothers and sisters, come hear my desperate tale
I speak of our friends of nature, trapped in the dirt like a jail
Vegetables live in oppresion, served on our tables each night
The killing of veggies is madness, I say we take up the fight
Salads are only for murderers, cole slaw's a fascist regime
Don't think that they don't have feelings, just 'cause a radish can't

I've heard the screams of the vegetables (scream scream
Watching their skins being peeled (Having their insides
Grated and steamed with no mercy (burning off calories)
How do you think that feels (bet it hurts really bad)
Carrot Juice constitutes murder (and that's a real crime)
Greenhouses prisons for slaves (let my vegetables grow)
It's time to stop all this gardening (it's as dirty as hell)
Let's call a spade a spade (is a spade is a spade...)
I saw a man eating celery, so I beta him black and blue
If he ever touches a sprout again, I'll bite him clean in two
I'm a political prisoner trapped in a windowless cage
'cause I stopped the slughter of turnips by killing three men in a
I told the judge when he sentenced me, this is my finest hour
I'd kill those farmers again just to save one more cauliflower

How low as people do we dare to stoop
Making young broccoli's bleed in the soup
Untie your beans, uncage your tomatoes, let ptted plants free
Don't mash that potatoe
I've heard the screams of the vegetables (scream scream
Watching their skins being peeled (fates in the stir fry are
Grated and steamed with no mercy (you fat gourmet slob)
How do you think that feels (leave them out in the fields)
Carrot Juice constitutes murder (V8's genocide)
Greenhouses prisons for slaves (yes your compost's a grave)
It's time to stop all this gardening (take up macram_)
Let's call a spade a spade (is a spade is a spade...)
Power to the peas
Give peas a chance
All we are saying is give peas a chance


>> No.14821548

You created the rule we're playing by. If it's psychotic, then you're the psycho.

>> No.14821553

What proportion of the white people you run into show overt signs of derangement? Like 8-9/10? Are you a retarded American goblin? That would explain it.

>> No.14821559

>What proportion of the white people you run into show overt signs of derangement?
Proportions don't matter, you've made that clear. Vegans are mentally ill, whites are mentally ill, case closed.

>> No.14821561

>Proportions don't matter, you've made that clear
I did? Please show me where. You're seriously delusional. I'm not even trying to get a rise out of you at this point. There is clearly something mentally wrong with you and it's showing every time you reply.

>> No.14821563
File: 52 KB, 577x433, or-just-embracing-my-narcissistic-streak-of-savior-complex....-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am the savior of the precious, helpless farm animals

>> No.14821568
File: 353 KB, 637x474, crime stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you single out whites for that type of accusation, why not point out the crimes of all races equally? i hope you're not some sort of anti-white racist, 4chan bans racism outside of /b/