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14818577 No.14818577 [Reply] [Original]

It is a necessary consequence of the breeding patterns since the industrial revolution.
It used to be that the wealthier people tended to reproduce at a much higher rate than poorer people (wealth being a proxy for intelligence, health etc.), thus there was a general eugenic effect happening over time. Eventually, they got so smart they created civilization. But with it means there is no longer any selection pressure--in fact, it has reversed; it is well known that dumb people are far out-reproducing smart people. And this has been happening since at least the mid-1800s in European societies. The result necessarily MUST be a decrease in true general intelligence over time:
>reaction time
>shrinking vocabulary
>working memory
>GENETIC decrease in variants associated with education attainment (another proxy for intelligence)
In total, this is commensurate with a drop in true IQ of about 10-15 points since the mid-1800s. (Flynn Effect muddles this, but Flynn himself would agree that that is not indicative of an increase in g)
If you understand how normal distributions work, you know the implications of this are MASSIVE.
This also explains the strange observation that Europeans monopolized intellectual achievement for the past 500 years, yet the East Asians score higher on IQ now than do Europeans -- they have simply been under this dysgenic effect for far less time.
Eventually, civilization MUST collapse due to it being unable to sustain the same high level of development (See: Africa).
Hitler addressed this topic in his writings (Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter 3), and as usual he was right

>> No.14818591
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And yes, obviously mass immigration from low IQ populations only hastens this.
This dysgenic effect applies to more than just intelligence, but also health and vigor in general.
The implications of these observations are of civilizational importance. Scientifically speaking, how could this be reversed? Lest it is, we are simply going to fall just as Rome once did.

>> No.14818631

>Eventually, civilization MUST collapse
Good riddance. Technocattle is dysgenic.

>> No.14818632

It's the consequence of lead deficiency.

>> No.14818860 [DELETED] 
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ITT: Ed Dutton drones parroting everything he tells them.

>Intelligence evolved from Farming and Agriculture
>High infant mortality rate = higher IQ
>The Middle east is genetically inbred and this is why it is low IQ

IQ increased because ANE and WHG Nordic cavemen (and thus Indo Europeans) evolved in harsh ice age environments, and because people in Europe had individualistic mating patterns that culturally favouree sexual selection for intelligence. IQ is declining because R-Selected Southrons have more kids, high IQ people have been culturally disarmed and immigrants are flooding into the country. 1800s reaction times is total pseudoscience and our brains have been shrinking since the stone age.

>> No.14818884

Good thing I never claimed that. The two are positively correlated. It nowhere near perfect nor particularily strong, but they are related nontheless. It also makes obvious intuitive sense; more intelligent people are generally better able to navigate their enviroment and thus aquire wealth.
>Intelligence evolved from Farming and Agriculture
Never claimed that. Humans were subject to natural selection for virtually our entire history.
>High infant mortality rate = higher IQ
Never claimed that. Though poorer people did tend to have higher infant mentality. So that is to some extent true.
>The Middle east is genetically inbred and this is why it is low IQ
I never claimed that.
>IQ is declining because R-Selected Southrons have more kids, high IQ people have been culturally disarmed and immigrants are flooding into the country
Not contradictory with anything I said. Once again it is an objective fact -- if anything we know about genetics and heritability is true -- that given the reproduction patterns we must necessarily get dumber generation over generation. Can you provide me with a reason this would not be true?

>> No.14819091
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by political views

>> No.14819099
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>Hitler addressed this topic in his writings (Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter 3), and as usual he was right
I miss him so much

>> No.14819108
File: 712 KB, 858x480, HitlerAberrationOfTheSpirit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too anon. Me too.
It was necessary he should die for his people. But his spirit will rise from the grave, and the whole world will know that he was right.

>> No.14819111

How come Germans had no real written language and were living in mud huts when the Romans found them?

>> No.14819166

>wealthier people tended to reproduce at a much higher rate than poorer people
No, their reproduction rate used to be roughly equal.

>> No.14819175

People have been writing about how poor people fucking and rich people doing birth control will result in dysgenics and the collapse of society since at least ancient Greece.

>> No.14819178

The elites said thinking is bad for the reich, a good germ never questions his fuhrer.

>> No.14819190

And Greece did collapse. As did Rome. We are next unless we do something about this biological decline.
>In 1978, historian Victor Skipp (1925–2010) found, from a sample of Warwickshire parish records between 1560 and 1670, that the ‘middle class’ (the richer half) had, on average, four children while the ‘working class’ (the poorer half) had three.[45] This was ‘children baptised’ rather than ‘completed fertility’, meaning that, as 45% of children tended to die in infancy, some of the poorest may have ended up with no surviving children at all. In fact, in 1972, historian John Pound found, drawing upon Norfolk records, that between 1500 and 1630 completed fertility was four for the middle class and two for the working class, giving the middle class a fertility advantage of 100%.[46] A similar pattern has been unearthed in many other pre-industrial European societies. For example, according to research by German historian and psychologist Volkmar Weiss, in Saxony between 1547 and 1671, the middle class, on average, had 3.4 children who got married while the working class had 1.6 who did so

>> No.14819467

Bump before bed

>> No.14820096
File: 38 KB, 320x422, 1638673357171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously science rots your brain.
Going to Church, praying to God and Jesus, something done less and less, is the solution.

>> No.14820100

>It used to be that the wealthier people tended to reproduce at a much higher rate than poorer people
Uh no there is a reason why peasants have always been the bulk of a population in any nation.

>> No.14820113

Correct. We are getting dumber as a society, and have been since the mid 80's.

-the wilson effect shows us heritability of IQ increases with age
-probability of healthy pregnancy decreases with age
-intelligence is negatively correlated with procreation
-intelligent people shaped our entire current ecology

It honestly seems like it was a "defect" from an evolutionary standpoint from the start, and is naturally being selected out.

>> No.14820130

The decreasing frequency of variants associated with educational attainment or whatever is the only solid proof. However the genes for educational attainment and intelligence are only correlated by about .3. Meaning that if you took all of the variants which increase educational attainment, 30% of them would increase intelligence.

Either way intelligence is a drag on reproduction. This has been demonstrated time and time again in animals. For all animals, humans included, brain size is inversely correlated with reproduction.

>> No.14820149

And they ended up being the best, from a historical point they were inferior. From a genetic one they are almost ubermench

>> No.14820169

They had runes and stone castles. The Celts (of Central Europe) were the first race to invent ironwork.

>> No.14820177

Romans weren't nearly as good at science and math as the Greeks were, yet the Greeks got fucked over.
Intelligence isn't as narrow as you seem to believe.

>> No.14820224

The successful Germans were mostly Jewish

>> No.14820323

Two more weeks until da Great Collapze!

>> No.14820328

A solution would be to restrict mating pools locally this would allow purging to properly take effect.

>> No.14820330

feminism destroyed the geeks

>> No.14820341
