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14816041 No.14816041 [Reply] [Original]

>muh Mathematical universe hypothesis


>> No.14816230

>The theory can be considered a form of Pythagoreanism or Platonism in that it proposes the existence of mathematical entities; a form of mathematicism in that it denies that anything exists except mathematical objects; and a formal expression of ontic structural realism.

>Pythagoreanism or Platonism
Source: Biblical exegesis, philosophumena,

>> No.14816233






Relationships across the axioms are trigonometric. That is to say Pride = 1/Humility and Shame is 1/Wisdom.


In Christ, Omphalos of Truth, our sin consined, for Christ cosines our Sin

And finally. Physics.


Planck's constant is in two units of measure:
Joules per Hertz (which means electron/phonon) "Ohmic resistance is Phononic resistance.


Joules per second (Photon/Graviton)

If photon moves as 300million m/s, then the graviton, which is defined as "time passage" "moves" at 300million seconds per meter.

E^2 = (m*(c/g))^2 + p*(c/g)^2 (the sum of two squares)

>> No.14816234

Well, information is not knowledge
Knowledge is not wisdom
Wisdom is not truth
Truth is not beauty
Beauty is not love
Love is not music
Music is the best
Wisdom is the domain of the wits which is extinct
Beauty is a French phonetic corruption of a short cloth
Neck ornament currently in resurgence

>> No.14816236

>Special Relativity
E^2 = (m*c/g)^2 + (√(pc/g))^2

>Let E=C; Let mc^2 = A; let c√p = B

>Pythagorean Theorem
C^2 = A^2 + B^2

>Let C = 1, Let A = cos(x), Let B = sin(x)

>Trigonometric Identity Property
1^2 = sin^2(x) + cos^2(x)
1^2 = 1/sec^2(x) + 1/csc^2(x)
1^2 = sin(x)/csc(x) + cos(x)/sec(x)

>Let 1= Truth; Let sin(x) = Pride; csc(x) = Humility; Let cos(x) = Shame; sec(x) = Wisdom
>Truth^2 = Pride/Humility + Shame/Wisdom
Pride^2 = Arrogance/Weakness + Ignorance/Knowledge
Shame^2 = Ignorance/Humiliation + Weakness/Failure
Humility^2 = Strength/Patience + Humiliation/Awareness
Wisdom^2 = Awareness/Knowledge + Strength/Success


The shame of wisdom and the pride of humility is Truth
The wisdom of shame and the humility of pride is Truth
The arrogance of weakness and the ignorance of knowledge is Pride
The weakness of arrogance and the knowledge of the ignorant is Pride
The failure of weakness and the ignorance of humiliation is shame
The weakness of failure and the humiliation of ignorance is shame
The strength of patience and the humiliation of awareness is humility
The patience of strength and the awareness of humiliation is Humility
The strength of success and the knowledge of awareness is wisdom
The success of strength and the awareness of knowledge is wisdom

>Sohcahtoa adjacent test:

Wisdom without humility is pride
Wisdom without pride is Humility
Humility without wisdom is shame
Humility without shame is wisdom
Shame without humility is pride
Shame without pride is Humility
Pride without wisdom is shame
Pride without shame is wisdom

>Double angles
Wisdom and Shame without humility is pride
Pride and humility without shame is wisdom
Wisdom and shame without pride is Humility
Pride and humility without wisdom is shame


>> No.14816238

based zappa enjoyer

>> No.14816240

Theory of Everything in Christ


----------------- (Nous) ----------------
--------------- (Ennoia) -----------------

------------------------- (Photon) ----------------
Electromagnetism -----▼--------------- Heat
(Electron) ------------ Energy ----- (Phonon)
Gravity --------------------▲------------ Sound
------------------------ (Graviton) ----------------




Low Esteem------▲-----Admiration

Eating Death----▼--------Ascetisim
Gluttony----------▲---Eating Plants

Genetic diff-----▼-----psychospiritual diff.
(Miscegen.) (Race) (War/Eugenics)
Genetic Indiff---▲--psychospiritual indiff.


>> No.14816254

>Knowledge is not wisdom
Knowledge lies between Pride and Wisdom and differentiates these two neighboring Platonic Forms.


Pride lacks knowledge (is ignorant), exemplifies and projects false-knowledge to compensate for this shame.

Wisdom possesses knowledge (is Aware) and projects true knowledge and sometimes demonstrates the strength of patience (humility) in remaining quiet about it while others learn.

>> No.14816261

Do you want me to do all of them, or are you understanding the concept? Because every statement is true, but I can intimately explain how each one of the Forms you've detailed are situated/related/differentiated by axiomatic principles.

Christianity "solved" platonism. Christ is Truth, he manifested here to show us.

>> No.14816266

I cannot fucking read anything thats writen in this thread, eyeballs just spinnare

>> No.14816272

Wisdom and Humility, without Truth, are Pride and Shame

Pride and Shame, with Truth, are Wisdom and Humility.

Truth is what differentiates these four primary platonic forms.

When pride cometh, then cometh shame: But with the lowly is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2 KJV


Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15 KJV

>Divide the word "Truth" by right angles.

Paul already wrote about this.

>> No.14816276

The fine tuning of the universe mind broke physicists so hard they'd rather say there's infinite undetectable universes then say maybe God exists.

>> No.14816281

Pretty much. They're literally grasping at straws ever since max planck showed them the perfect symmetry.

Planck was a deist. All modern science is absolutely dependent upon max planck's discoveries.

>> No.14816287

>Truth is what differentiates these four primary platonic forms.
Truth is the transformative figure 8centerpeice with a finite width and height of zero-to-the-zeroith power planck lengths; where sine and Cosine converge, and output as both zero and one similtaneously

>> No.14816288

Providing meaning to all things, through differentiation

>> No.14816289

If the universe was fine-tuned, why is it so hostile to life?

>> No.14816305

Seems to be a lot of life here, on earth, for us. Amazing coincidence. I mean, we have life that replaced photosynthesis with consumption of sulphur and heat from geothermal vents. Life seems pretty damned persistent to me, and subsequently earth seems to be very amicable to it's existence.

>> No.14816313

>99.999999999% of the universe is completely inhospitable to life
>intelligent life just so happened to evolve on the one place we know that isn't completely inhospitable to life
Can't be a coincidence. Checkmate atheists.

>> No.14816331

It's not. Life exists in the universe and so the universe is hospitable to life. There are many other possible universes where life can't even, in theory, exist, because all particles are massless or the universe immediately collapses into a black hole.

>> No.14816350

Pretty much, I notice you don't care to address the root though, you'd rather try to split irrelevant hairs while literally seething

I can feel the butthurt oozing off the premise of your posts.

>> No.14816369

Hold fast to that golden thread, for it is our saving Grace. And Fear not, for we possess the assistance of Courageous Pride, and Humble Crook alike

Through Steadfast Hope, we then find, Her Persevering Spirit,
releasing Shame, through Heart and Pain, with Bittersweet Joy take aim; striking True, indeed, for two, For shots missed mark in afterdark, where blind so we can see..

Rather odd, For a time, that matters, is just a matter of time. Until we hear that hearkening Hallowed Voice which calls us to our newly re-created home?

If you, like me, believe, Truth is greater than Gold, then you may see, in powers three, one-fifty-eight is Worth, your Waight, but tarry not, for Time grows Wrot; Eat not Death, but Life instead,
in land of Milk and Honey,
for all will be revealed.


>> No.14816386

idk man, the fact that life can only exist in 0.0000000000000000000000001% of the universe kind of suggests that the universe is very inhospitable to life.

>> No.14816394 [DELETED] 

Sounds to me like the universe has a 100% chance of supporting life. Why are you so concerned about where life isn't that you seethecope and hate God for where life IS.

Just neck yourself if it's all so bad. Otherwise you're just seething at everyone for attention.

Are we supposed to take your contempt for life, when you are a-live, seriously?

Captcha: x sv amn
The cross saves, amen

>> No.14816396
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>> No.14816408

the set of universes which can support life are miniscule compared to the set of all universes. is this hard to understand?

>> No.14816510

Only one universe has been proven to exist. And that universe is hostile to life.

>> No.14816896

And yet, it is 100% capable of supporting life, in a myriad of ways.

>> No.14817784

>Only one universe has been proven to exist. And that universe is hostile to life
This would be like your parents placing you in a playpen as a baby far away from the stairs and sharp corners and kitchen knives, and you calling your parents and their home hostile to life

>> No.14817825

But it's not.
The universe is teeming with Earth-like planets in the hospitibal zones wherein there are intelligent species like our own thriving in civilizations etc.
The reason you think this is not the case, is because you erroneously believe that there is no limit to technology, so you think that we should be seeing massive galactic empires or such out in space as evidence for super advanced species.
But in realty, there is an upper limit to what can be engineered and computed, and it's substantially lower than what is needed to be able to do that. Meaning, all the lifeforms max out technologically at a point that's only a little bit more advanced than where we find ourselves now. Us humans are soon to hit that limit as well. From there, no further advancement can or will ever happen.
So the universe is teeming with life like ours, and all of us are stuck, forever, on our planets (or really, our solar systems).
You can never ever become interstellar, no matter what. But the universe is full of life.

>> No.14817874

>The universe is teeming with Earth-like planets in the hospitibal zones wherein there are intelligent species like our own thriving in civilizations etc.
…is science fiction, yes.

>> No.14817907

Nope. We already know of 55 such planets in our galaxy. There are billions of galaxies.
The universe is teeming with life, it's just sci-fi fantasies of "muh intergalactic federation tier 3 civilization!!" are not and never will be real.

>> No.14817922

Bullshit. We haven't found a single planet that could potentially support life as we understand ig.

>> No.14817943

Sorry, my numbers were off. There are actually somewhere between 5 and 10 billion planets that not tidally locked, are within the right size, and right distance from the sun to support life in our galaxy.

>> No.14817967


>> No.14817973

Yes, but the evidence will mount over the next few years. Maybe.

>> No.14817995

Who cares? God made the Universe for humans. None of the other "planets" matter.

>> No.14818002

I don't agree

>> No.14818011

>The Sun
"A star", maybe. We don't have good enough zoom on our telescopes to actually be certain other stars have planets, we assume minor perturbations/wobbles are planets influencing the light we see.

>> No.14818016

Your agreement/disagreement doesnt matter either.

>> No.14818027

It's ok to be anthropocentric faggot;. There's no utility in not being anthropocentric despite what your Jewish handlers try to guilt you into believing.

>> No.14818032

Our star is the only star with planets?
It's not true that god made the universe only for humans

>> No.14818035

>It's not true that god made the universe only for humans
You don't know that. It might actually be true.

>> No.14818040

Why would the universe only exist for humans, especially when we are never going to go anywhere anyway?

>> No.14818045

>It's not true that god made the universe only for humans
Why not? Why don't you selflessly neck yourself to feed some nematodes and diatoms then?

>> No.14818050

Yea that's true, I don't know.

>> No.14818099

There could be another form of life out there that is doomed to extinction because of the existence of humans, guys! Let's all kill ourselves to save them!

>> No.14818126

Obviously God made the universe only for those few humans that are actually doing well.
The rest of us can go to Hell so far as He is concerned.

>> No.14818138

>My family only has 3 cars, 6 TV's, handheld supercomputers, and so much food that we're all fat and dying from our own gluttony.

>> No.14818142

>It's not fair because our neighbors have 4 cars, and one of them is a lambo, and their children are more attractive and athletically fit than me

>> No.14818150

Nigger, you live in the first world. You could be living with your kind in subsaharan Africa lighting wildfires to "hunt" for bushmeat.
>Muh fairness

>> No.14818797

Neither does your infalsifiable claim.

>> No.14818806

Name one planet other than Earth on which life has been detected. And since I'm feeling so generous it doesn't even have to be intelligent life.