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File: 37 KB, 400x400, y2M6A-cZ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14815506 No.14815506 [Reply] [Original]

>Best physicist on youtube.
>constantly makes cringy jokes


>> No.14815509


>> No.14815512

have you ever met a funny physicist?

>> No.14815513

She's German

>> No.14815515

Terminal case of "hello fellow kids". Living in a bubble means she'll never realize that her jokes fall flat.

>> No.14815606

>Best physicist on youtube.
>Denies String Theory

>> No.14815613

Cringe is subjective.
Also.. are 14 complaining like a little bitch about things that you like or dont?
I dont wanna hear that shit. Keep it to yourself.
Now stop killing good quality threads.

>> No.14815717

Not that I care about her, but she's open minded, doesn't take herself too seriously, not preachy, explains the concept in a very simple way (clear, understandable, most of the times even for people without or minimal prior knowledge on the subject). She doesn't make 'le funny face' and doesn't act like an obnoxious moron (like vsauce) or know-it-all (like pbs): on youtube, that is like gold. Also, as the other anon said, she's german, they are physically incapable of humor, oblivious to nuances.

>> No.14815724

looks like a troon

>> No.14815828 [DELETED] 

youtube is a propaganda outlet posing as a video sharing site, there is no information or science on youtube, only manipulative lies. if you see something on youtube, you can be sure its false, if you notice something that youtube is censoring, you can be sure its true, that is the site's only use.

>> No.14815881

Not entirely true, you can tell something true, but only if it's not meant to being followed by any action or realization by the viewer. They don't filter you "preemptively", they need traffic and users, as long as you're "entertaining" you can come up with unpopular opinions (well, on most subjects at least)

>> No.14816081

who is she? i've been looking for a good physics channel for a while. Is she good at explaining lagrangians? because i got filtered very hard by lagrangian mechanics and i would like a very slow and detailed explanations.

>> No.14816089

Looks like an old lady

>> No.14816110

PopSci, not an education channel

>> No.14816116

No, she’s just an eceleb

>> No.14816117

that's sad

>> No.14816145

Sabine Hossenfelder

>> No.14816170

Loses funding from DFG because couldn't finish up her previous research and blames pandemic, and couldn't secure new funds to maintain her current position.

The absolute state of German academia.

>> No.14816174


>> No.14816292

>Cringe is subjective
probably another german

>> No.14816381

looks like a german

>> No.14816385
File: 743 KB, 922x1516, Sabine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14816395

why do they all look like troons unironically?

>> No.14816405

>She's German
>She's jewish

>> No.14816411

women in physics are masculinized, otherwise they wouldn't be capable of doing physics and advanced math

>> No.14816413

I meant german women?

>> No.14816498

can't spell german without man

>> No.14816542

Surely you're joking Mr Feynman

>> No.14816547
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>> No.14816652

youtube is a propaganda outlet posing as a video sharing site, there is no information or science on youtube, only manipulative lies. if you see something on youtube, you can be sure its false, if you notice something that youtube is censoring, you can be sure its true, that is the site's only use.

>> No.14816834
File: 2.23 MB, 4480x2096, TooManyWhiteMales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Terminal case of "hello fellow kids". Living in a bubble means she'll never realize that her jokes fall flat.
That was sort of me in Jr. High

>The absolute state of German academia.
I don't know about Germany, but in the US...

>> No.14816836
File: 959 KB, 1945x1488, ItDoBeLikeThat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>youtube is a propaganda outlet
Was it always this bad?
Or is it just getting exponentially worse every day...

>> No.14816839

Physics aptitude and sense of humor aren't correlated, though you do have outlier funny physicists like Richard Feynman.

>> No.14816840

I find her cringy jokes endearing at this point

>> No.14816843

>image compares sub-saharan african people with whites

>> No.14816880
File: 142 KB, 800x1025, north african male.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing what north or sub- mean
namefag moment

>> No.14817615 [DELETED] 

I am a sabinigger but she points out how colliderniggers constantly are constantly shifting the goalposts every single time their theories turn out nothing, which they blame on the lack of a bigger collider. It's not scientifically rigourous behaviour, to say the least, and she is right in her german autism about that.

>> No.14818434

They're actually funny if you're on operating on enough levels of irony.

>> No.14818452

She's cute and funny.

>> No.14818472

Yes, that thread again.

>> No.14818477

>best physicist

>> No.14818500

my undergrad physics prof

>> No.14818501
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Sometimes I feel like she takes her instrumentalism too far.

>we don't know, so therefore stop thinking about
Just imagine the progress of science if this was the general attitude.

>> No.14818502
File: 359 KB, 1170x814, 1616887869355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think about anything else?

>> No.14819195

Post face, post physique, post SBD PR, post net worth

>> No.14821068


>> No.14821155

She's European. They aren't serious people. Point and laugh at them not their stupid jokes.

>> No.14821160

post your chudjak folder

>> No.14821216

>worst physicist on youtube.

>> No.14821312
File: 45 KB, 611x973, jewjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14821319
File: 3.21 MB, 360x640, 1652526741676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14821321

youtube doesn't have science content, youtube is a propaganda outlet posing as a video sharing site, there is no information or science on youtube, only manipulative lies. if you see something on youtube, you can be sure its false, if you notice something that youtube is censoring, you can be sure its true, that is the site's only use.

>> No.14821492

But this is a brainlet shit for normies, who watched Big Bang Theory and are joking about Schrodinger's cat and the observer effect

>> No.14821641

>she denies string theory
So does reality.

>> No.14821654

Literally, 0 evidence disproving string theory. The only soigument against it is that it's impossible to test as of now; that's literally the same logic atheists use, "no proof therefore I don't believe in it"

>> No.14821693

>it's impossible to test
thats what disproves it

>> No.14821697

>equating string theory to religion
is this a falseflag?

>> No.14821967

Yes, much of it is just propaganda, but not all of it, there is no need need for blanket coverage, just letting have the peasants have mass access ensures its content is overwhelmingly worthless sub 90 IQ fluff of absolutely no value.

>> No.14821970

Untestable means it's not scientific. That's exactly why simulation theory is a religion. What of string theory?

>> No.14821973

Bait. But still: string theory alone is worthless, m-theory is needed to explain all phenomena. It needs SUSY, which was disproved by experiments at CERN.

>> No.14821995

Minimal SUSY was disproved, SUSY as a whole is still alive but everybody gave up so might as well toss everything that requires it

>> No.14822224

Read Classical Mechanics by Herbert Goldstein from the beginning and actually practice and solve all the problems. That's the best way to understand these things in my opinion.

>> No.14824455
File: 11 KB, 200x250, stephen_wolfram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes your entire field of study and life's work totally obsolete accidentally while playing with software widgets to teach kids basic math.