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File: 92 KB, 602x986, main-qimg-a5cd45ba1438e8bf62299c2d32a716b7-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14814206 No.14814206 [Reply] [Original]

Im a female who doesn't want to hit the wall. Scientifically speaking, what's the best possible smoothie to drink once a day to reverse or stop aging?

>> No.14814214


>> No.14814216


>> No.14814242

first post nails it. Semen is life giving.

>> No.14814256

Arsenic smoothie.

>> No.14814263

Cardio and a healthy diet go a long way. My mom is 51 but looks early 30s. She eats healthy and runs a marathon every other month.

>> No.14814280

Allocate one meal in your caloric budget for that smoothie. Then drink water instead.
Caloric restriction will make you thin as Sana post-SIXTEEN and increases lifespan in rats

>> No.14814282

Hard to believe. We need proof. Show us some examples.

>> No.14814305

the wall is an incel cope they came up with to not feel bad about being virgins into their 30s.

>> No.14814317
File: 223 KB, 620x723, fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not listen to scientists, they are ugly as a punishment for not believing in Jesus, instead believing dinosaurs are real and that man is an evolved monkey without being able to show a single proof of a monkey becoming a man.

Stop taking meds, and fast.

>> No.14814323

Lol no I'm not posting my mom. FWIW she's Japanese.

>> No.14814345

You must drop to your knees and bow down to the power of the white cock you gook whore.

>> No.14814363

An LSD smoothie so that you can disassociate from an inevitable reality.

>> No.14814444

Adrenochrome. Just joking haha

>> No.14814463

Wait fasting without having liquids? What do I have?

>> No.14814472
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>> No.14814488

>FWIW she's Japanese.
That's cheating.

That's not /sci/, but I prefer beauty and cooking threads over schizo, /x/ and /pol/ threads any day. Keep posting

>> No.14814495

Isn't beauty just biology and psychology?

>> No.14814497

>life sciences
Did I stutter?

>> No.14814514 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14814522

Here on /sci/ we just get flustered and stare at our shoes when a woman talks to us.

>> No.14814573

Whether you're a girl or a guy I don't care

A lot is going to be based on your genetics, however, workout 3 to 4 times a week hard and eat somewhat healthy. People think I'm 25 and I'm 30. I'm a guy.

>> No.14814581

You will hit the wall and feel despair and fear of being alone. Vitamin c and a will help for 2 years but at some point you'll bog

>> No.14814614

Does manual labor count as working out?

>> No.14814771
File: 691 KB, 720x900, 1733294.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's the best possible smoothie to drink once a day to reverse or stop aging
Protein shake. Get /fit/, especially if you're a female. It will instill good habits like proper diet and exercise into your life which will help you live longer and age better. The boost in libido will revitalize you.

Then you can beat up all the smug incels and boys that mock you about the wall. Teach them a proper lesson or two. As a strong female, you can grab life by the balls and take what you want.

>> No.14814789
File: 6 KB, 250x246, 1642493253820s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically having sex with me.
My semen will cure any and all ailment that you might have as a biological female.

>> No.14814826

Even weak males can do extreme damage to the female body. Women are knocked out more easily for one. Don't give retarded advice.

>> No.14814831
File: 40 KB, 647x421, 7130D8EE-663E-4FFC-88DF-F87E6AC2255C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to Gabi Garcias face and se what will happen

>> No.14814837

That bitch has an entire pharmacy in her system. Roids aren't going to make women look good as they age. That poor woman already got a busted ass jawline from being on them.

>> No.14814845
File: 89 KB, 1242x844, 9496105B-808E-4D67-8FD9-E72156F5EB3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she’s beautiful

>> No.14814849 [DELETED] 
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Testicles. Males have testicles. Males having external gonads is nature's equalizer for females. All it takes is one swift blow to the balls to have a man on the floor writhing in pain, begging for mercy. So females that know how to exploit that weak spot will knock you out instead, chud. And testicles evolved to take some abuse. To keep that weak spot for females to use when needed.

>> No.14814850
File: 149 KB, 1024x1024, 11887100_1191382300878189_1523345451_n-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to at least look feminine here, but now she's so fucked on HGH that she looks like a man. If she gets off that shit at this point, she'll hit the wall so fucking hard it'll be condemned.

>> No.14814857

She has eyes of depression

>> No.14814858

Not a failsafe, andyou'reargumentis on par with a know-it-all pre-teen. A gun would be better advice.
Quality skincare, optimal microbiome management, silicone facial pads, microdarts with retinol, and potentially lower dose vitamin a supplements will help with a more youthful appearance.

>> No.14814869

Exercise, keep low body fat but good muscles.
I know a woman who is 60~ and still has a rocking body simply because she works out most mornings.

>> No.14814872

You just know she would rip your cock off with her vagina.

>> No.14814873

Hmm how do you know
>A gun would be better advice.
Yup. This is a good supplement but not replacement. A strong woman with a gun would be optimal and can resist attempts to disarm.
>Quality skincare, optimal microbiome management, silicone facial pads, microdarts with retinol, and potentially lower dose vitamin a supplements will help with a more youthful appearance.
And avoid skin exposure to UV radiation to youthmaxx. Use clothing to cover exposed skin and use sunblock elsewhere. Some sunlight for vitamin D is important too. Go outside when the UV index is low.

>> No.14814881

The lower half of her face is smiling but her eyes aren't.

>> No.14816075

My type of woman

>> No.14816521 [DELETED] 

the female genital regions are also just as sensitive to physical force as the male genital regions, if not more-so.

>> No.14817247 [DELETED] 

Just work hard now to get all the cock you ever want so that when you do hit the wall you'll be ok with it.

>> No.14817251 [DELETED] 
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>t. doesn't own testicles
Women have to sit directly on their cooch to ride a bike and can still do it comfortably. If a man tried to ride a bike sitting on his balls he'd scream in agony for about 3 seconds then fall on the ground sobbing.

>> No.14817734

You can't avoid it. Accept that you'll hit the wall someday. Then find a man early and marry him, carry all of his babies, be demure and submissive and do whatever he wants in bed and in the kitchen. Then when you've hit the wall, it'll be irrelevant because you'll still be taken care of and because you'll have fulfilled your biological purpose when your body was in optimal shape to do so.

>> No.14817741

Also show tits or gtfo

>> No.14817814

>Im a female who doesn't want to hit the wall
Too bad rostie, either marry virgin and have children to fulfill your purpose in life, or die alone

>Scientifically speaking, what's the best possible smoothie to drink once a day to reverse or stop aging?
A smoothie of lead, by that I mean some bullets. You won't age at all if you're dead.

>> No.14817887

Kill yourself. A woman's beauty begins fading around the age of 30, especially if she eats like shit and doesn't exercise. The fact older man have been gunning for you gee women since time immemorial is not a secret.

>> No.14817904

You're using the pedophilia of older men as an argument that women's beauty fades? Weird flex, but ok pedo.

>> No.14817919


>> No.14817941

>A woman's beauty begins fading around the age of 30
I think you meant 25

>> No.14817946

>men across all races, cultures, and backgrounds preferring younger women = pedophilia
Again, kill yourself. It'll be a net gain for the rest of the world.

>> No.14817954

>pedophilia of older men
Women older than 14 are not prepubescent

It only makes sense for men to marry young women since for men it takes years to be financially stable, whereas for women they start losing their value with age. Ideally though a man is supported by his parents and the woman's parents so they can marry at the same age.

A woman marrying a younger man makes no sense though.

>> No.14817994

post feminine benis

>> No.14818075

>what's the best possible smoothie to drink once a day to reverse or stop aging
Just don't/barely drink alcohol and that's over 50% of female aging gone. Alcohol is genotoxic and it damages enough of your cells enough of the time it adds up to pretty much half of aging and related diseases. Sunbathing is another big chunk I think, I've seen huge differences between people who are addicted to sunbathing and people who don't do it excessively. Other than that supplement vitamin C some and eat at least 20-50g peanuts and nuts a day and some berries and live a decently healthy and active life and that's about all you can do, the rest is all memes for now and likely will be for a long time since TPTB profit immensely from making people diseased as quickly and efficiently as possible from the moment they're born.

>> No.14818210

Search dr Rhonda Patrick on YT for recipe. You can’t reverse age with a smoothie.

>> No.14818256

Stop all makeup use and hair dyeing. These things really damage skin and hair over years/decades of prolonged use. Get some sunlight daily, but avoid too much direct exposure (go outside but stick to shade, use a gentle sunscreen) since a LOT of sun will turn your skin into leather over time. Do not go "tanning" and DEFINITELY do not use a tanning bed.

>> No.14818300

Become vegan and you will never hit the wall. Vegans are much healthier and look younger, unironically

>> No.14818314

Give me your mum's Instagram, I'll give you a little brother

>> No.14818322
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>Then you can beat up all the smug incels and boys that mock you about the wall. Teach them a proper lesson or two. As a strong female, you can grab life by the balls and take what you want.

>> No.14818331

based autistic board

>> No.14818393

If the fight is who can give the firmer handshake, women lose. If they grab you by the bussy and take you down, they win.

>> No.14818398
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Have you considered rat poison? Tick tock. Tick tock. :^)

>> No.14818421
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Nice source lol

My post was deleted but men have testicles. Testicles are a big weak point that women can exploit. You can talk all day about how men would win in a fight but if she makes a well placed shot and nails you in the balls, you ain't getting up. This is nature's way of leveling the playing field so to speak. And this is even more true if the woman lifts. The average man wouldn't stand a chance. This is why professional fighting sports have rules against this because it's such huge weakness, women would just dominate all those sports.

>> No.14818512
File: 70 KB, 920x705, top-ten-groinprotection-and-cup-jockstrap-black-3064-9000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My post was deleted but men have testicles. Testicles are a big weak point that women can exploit

>> No.14818519

>she makes a well placed shot and nails you in the balls
Why you assume the man will stay there waiting to be kicked with his legs open defenseless?

>> No.14818809


>> No.14819041

Water - lots of it.

>> No.14819238

tutorial bait

>> No.14819307

There is no magic formula to stop aging, drinking a smoothie won't help you, living a healthy lifestyle however will, and that includes a balanced diet (stear away from fads though), definitely avoid drinking and smoking and exercise.
Ultimately you cannot escape it, one day you will age and you will have to accept it, it might seem unthinkable right now but you cannot really fight it, so the best you can do is not to give too much thought to it and focus on living a fulfilling life so that when the time comes for you to come to terms with it you'll be in a good enough place for you to be able to do just that.

>> No.14820400

1.Don't get fat
2.Don't do drugs
3.Avoid excessive sunlight

>> No.14820446
File: 498 KB, 1536x2048, Knyk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She eats healthy and runs a marathon every other month.
A colleague of mine used to be a gymnast and is now a cyclist at a fairly high amateur level. I enjoy her company but time has not been kind to her.

>FWIW she's Japanese.
Time used to be unkind to the Japanese and you got the "Christmas cake" concept: after 24, girls were way past their "best before" date and so hard they would destroy your teeth. These days they age gracefully, though many think they must be married before 24.

Ah, one of the less know XKCD strips...

>> No.14820457

>Roids aren't going to make women look good as they age.
What happened to the female East European cold war athletes? They were so hopped up on drugs that they had to shave, and gravvely voices.

If you make your looks the only thing that really counts, you have made time into your enemy, and that is a battle you can never win.

>financially stable
In much of Western Europe, the taxation system means both in a couple will have to have an income. Weirdly, many governments complain that there are so few children being born these days.

>> No.14820656

Sun ages you. Marathoners look fit yet really old. Looking 90 at 60.
Women can be beautiful at 30 but its still bad because its close to the end. You get like 1 third of a woman's good years.

>> No.14820898

Can you at least take a pic of her in a bikini when she's bent over. You don't have to show her face

>> No.14820931
File: 2.73 MB, 720x1280, WMAF_EVIL_pt1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a filthy hapa wrote this
all hapas should be exterminated
all asians should be gassed

>> No.14821565
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What happened to you? Many Asiant are cute.

>> No.14821663

My girlfriend (36) has been vegan for almost 20 years now and she has the skin of a late 20yo. Something seems go be right about that.

>> No.14821671

Must... resist... seduction... ohhhnononono

>> No.14821677

>they are ugly as a punishment
Lol it true. I know one seriously ugly bastard who got a degree in Science.

>> No.14821777
File: 57 KB, 333x500, EvaWong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read 'An Essential Guide to Taoism' By Eva Wong. There have been longevity cultivating practices from East Asian spirituality for millennia, and some of them are quite clever. It's an entire fascinating practice that is worth connecting with.

>> No.14821964 [DELETED] 
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sana <3

>> No.14821975

She's kinda plump.

>> No.14821982

That will vary from person to person

>> No.14822238

have kids young. Shit only really goes down hill if the hormones hit you when you're 30+

>> No.14822589

Hard, the sex ninjas succeed nearly always!

>> No.14822600
File: 520 KB, 1024x768, 1641656350977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wmaf is the greatest evil
> sex ninjas
it's more like a cloud of sterile mosquitos
you've read about how they release a cloud of sterile mosquitoes to ERADICATE a population right?
asian females are FUNCTIONALLY STERILE
they can only birth DEFECTIVE HAPAS
asian females are a cloud of insects that will decimate and eradicate true civilization
eradication of civilization is the most evil idea
therefore wmaf is the greatest evil, because numbers wise it's where the miscegenation is happening
wmaf is the greatest evil

>> No.14822610

This is stupid science. The hapa kids get the recessive alleles and if they breed again, a percentage of blondes will show up.

>> No.14822619

women should have their first kid before they're 20, women are incapable of maturing to adulthood without the assistance of their children.

>> No.14822625

kys now

>> No.14822631 [DELETED] 
File: 538 KB, 2560x1600, nosechan is my waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine if two hapas fucked and a bunch of random chink and white recessive features popped out in the kid. all sorts of disgusting characteristic combinations could emerge, baby could come out as a pure chink girl, but with a white's nose and overall larger size, like an irl human ugly duckling

>> No.14822643

So basically everything that doesn't force your body to make new cells and renew itself to offset damage.

>Sleep enough
>Drink water
>Lack of sun
>Minimize stress
>Exercise to keep bodily systems strong

>> No.14822716
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>asian females are FUNCTIONALLY STERILE
That is a strenge definition, given that many Asian women married to European men have children.
>they can only birth DEFECTIVE HAPAS
Citation needed.

>> No.14822840

Look into this wonderful lady, Annette Larkins.

>> No.14822909

you're clearly a mentally deficient
> That is a strenge definition, given that many Asian women married to European men have children.
do they have white children?
No, then they are functionally sterile.
They are like donkeys. you cannot produce horses from donkeys, only disgusting sub-breeds of hapas
> 34 percent of biracial individuals in a national survey had been diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse, versus 17 percent of monoracial individuals
it's probably much worse
wmaf is the greatest evil
hapas are an abomination
so now YOU tell me:
Can asians have white babies? go on, give the reeddit "ackshually" answer
So if asians cannot have white babies, are they functionally sterile? yes, yes they are.
go back to reeddit

>> No.14822911
File: 64 KB, 984x562, 1662049021057876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're clearly a mentally deficient
> That is a strange definition, given that many Asian women married to European men have children.
do they have white children?
No, then they are functionally sterile.
They are like donkeys. you cannot produce horses from donkeys, only disgusting sub-breeds of hapas
>> cessna needed. t. reeddit fag
> 34 percent of biracial individuals in a national survey had been diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse, versus 17 percent of monoracial individuals
it's probably much worse
wmaf is the greatest evil
hapas are an abomination
so now YOU tell me:
Can asians have white babies? go on, give the reeddit "ackshually" answer
So if asians cannot have white babies, are they functionally sterile? yes, yes they are.
go back to reeddit

>> No.14822988

This is true. Incels and meninists are cringe as fuck

>> No.14822993

> People think I'm 25 and I'm 30.
That’s not a big difference.

>> No.14822997

It absolutely is.
t. a now 31-year-old who fucked a 25-year-old last year

>> No.14823008

Ok. 31m/25f couples are not particularly notable. Larger gaps are common

>> No.14823022

I did notice differences.
We just fucked for a few days, but while talking in between I felt like there are quite some differences in our lives, mainly due to the age difference.

>> No.14823077

Tits or gtfo

>> No.14823438

Yeah but that’s common

>> No.14823457

Avoid the sun. Stay thin. Don't smoke or drink. Moisturize. Avoid stress.

>> No.14823484

I'm serious, this woman is in her seventies and looks literally decades younger

>> No.14823591
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>you're clearly a mentally deficient
Your projections are amusing.
>> That is a strange definition, given that many Asian women married to European men have children.
>do they have white children?
Some do.
>No, then they are functionally sterile.
>They are like donkeys. you cannot produce horses from donkeys, only disgusting sub-breeds of hapas
Why this hangup?
>> 34 percent of biracial individuals in a national survey had been diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse, versus 17 percent of monoracial individuals
>it's probably much worse
Due to abuse from people like you?
>wmaf is the greatest evil
>hapas are an abomination
>so now YOU tell me:
>Can asians have white babies? go on, give the reeddit "ackshually" answer
I already did.
>So if asians cannot have white babies, are they functionally sterile? yes, yes they are.
>go back to reeddit
I was never there.

>> No.14823605

>No, then they are functionally sterile.
>They are like donkeys. you cannot produce horses from donkeys, only disgusting sub-breeds of hapas
I don't think you know what sterile means.

>> No.14823673
File: 49 KB, 850x400, self.deception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some do.
there's the reddit answer
you evil evil evil demon
>> hapas are dysgenic
> hurrrrrrrrr not unless you send me links
> nooo u!
ok reeddit
> i already did
yes, you did give the reeddit answer
imagine this everybody
this person said that asians can have white babies, instead of admitting he was wrong
picrel is for you
self deception
root of all evil
i am happy that you are suffering in your own deception

>> No.14823677

i don't think you know what functionally means:
you evil kikes
the function of civilization is to propagate it with more white babies.
asian females corrupt this, they cannot achieve this function, therefore they are functionally sterile
this is not complicated, but your brains are infected with reeddit parasites
> achshually

>> No.14823683

Damn, being a man really is hard and shit. But sometimes I remember, GOD DAMN is it nice not to have to worry about stuff like this.

>> No.14823810

Young blood preferably from a fetus.

>> No.14823819


>> No.14823842 [DELETED] 


>> No.14823857

Uh oh one of em escaped the quarantine board.

>> No.14823863
File: 94 KB, 500x499, C3567B10-21F8-42B7-B8EA-4CA69BAB6423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you. Racism is not allowed in blue boards.

>> No.14823870
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The function of civilization is to create beautiful hapla children.

>> No.14823925
File: 748 KB, 2560x1828, fagsffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> speaks scientific facts
you belong in reeddit, why don't you go there?

>> No.14823936
File: 52 KB, 680x541, 425EAF17-320B-41C2-86F3-E6BEE1178128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scientific facts
>the function of civilization is to propagate it with more white babies.

>> No.14824009 [DELETED] 
File: 493 KB, 1536x2048, Pharfaite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your writings are increasingly hard to parse, time for a bot check. What is the image number for your image?

>> No.14824348

What am I looking at?

>> No.14824408

>the function of civilization is to propagate it with more white babies
Don't you have a KKK meeting to attend?

>> No.14824498

>more white babies
found the pedo

>> No.14825471

Every hot celebrity that hit the wall hard did so directly after some jew producer told them they need to lose weight.

>> No.14825475

What are you proposing that changed in the way the Japanese age?

>> No.14825566

[eqn]\text{have sex incels}[/eqn]

>> No.14826237


>> No.14826261

>Don't get fat
this is very important
my sis has always been obese and it turned out from medical exams her metabolism is 10 years older than her

>> No.14826278
File: 115 KB, 1080x1080, 275294315_490736219390217_5651174040592990555_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The story I was told, was that the Japanese were vegetarians (with some weird exceptions) but later switched to a diet with meat. When that happened, they also grew taller, in addition to time not being so harsh with their looks.

>> No.14826284
File: 83 KB, 380x285, AB7277BC-3358-47A0-90D2-035455AE2DC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Avoid sex
Semen and friction damage the skin

>> No.14826285
File: 390 KB, 1106x1374, Andreas_Moeller_-_Erzherzogin_Maria_Theresia_-_Kunsthistorisches_Museum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Facts. During the matriarchy the high value girls were filled with semen during all their fertile years, while the low value girls didn't get any, got depressed and killed themselves.

>> No.14826307

You have to go back Crystal.

>> No.14826331

All the women's forums are infiltrated by tyrannical troons, thus unusable.

>> No.14826334 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1024x1010, 1616836850998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the women's forums are infiltrated by tyrannical troons, thus unusable.

>> No.14826344
File: 368 KB, 1170x814, 1657780834247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these trans people in the room with us right now, chinlet?

>> No.14826347

Probably. Programmer socks, category theory, and all.

>> No.14827329

If you really want to look young and stay young be born asian and don't get tall or become fat, get a moderate amount of regular exercise and don't smoke or drink

>> No.14827360


>> No.14827366

>My post was deleted but men have testicles.
You are a retarded faggot. Have you ever heard of a rape, a murder, a bank robbery or a mugging? 99% of those crimes are committed by men and your magical thinking about testicles did nothing to stop them.

>> No.14827378
File: 525 KB, 639x706, 1615384658310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are these trans people in the room with us right now, chinlet?

>> No.14827765

They ate a lot of fish and rice, meat was scarce,
they were borderline staved a lot of the time

>> No.14827771

>least effeminate white men

>> No.14827882


>> No.14827959


fem board

>> No.14827965


my bad

>> No.14827971

i can't beat the captcha there, my iq must be too low or something.

>> No.14828122
File: 364 KB, 780x1024, stevie-nicks-self-defense-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99% of those crimes are committed by men
[citation needed]

Just because women don't doesn't mean women can't chud. The new GTA is going to have a badass female protagonist that will do all of that.

Patriarchal society places expectations on men to be dominant providers and women to be passive which may contribute to this phenomenon. In a gender equal society both sexes will have the same expectations.

Men need to be trained not to do those things. Women are told they are weaker than men and believe so when instead they should be told they are just as capable as men and can level a man by targeting his testicles. If women receive this encouragement and training, then criminals will think twice about messing with them and those rates will drop like a rock.

>> No.14828188

Post feet including soles so we can see what we are currently working with.

>> No.14828260

8ch/kun was pretty rough territory the last time I was there. Troon brigading and gore/chs piz posting already killed my interest in the femforums, but this place would still be home. I'll check, thank you for posting.

>> No.14828324

by the way, attacks on the groin are classic turning-the-rape-into-a-murder moves

>> No.14828489

I went to their femdom board a couple time just to see what conversations were about. Seems pretty orderly to me. I Didnt see any troons or leftards chimping out like they do here and they seemed like legit fems to me, not larpers or troons. yw

>> No.14830744

>I went to their femdom board

>> No.14830775

know what else will make them drop? staying away from niggers!

>> No.14830776

>The new GTA is going to have a badass female protagonist that will do all of that.
Then it must be real

>> No.14830870

It's just the usual health shit. Exercise, eat well and only drink water. Avoid sunlight as much as you can and use sunscreen every day, easiest way to do that is to use moisturiser with spf protection every morning after you've had a shower. Other than that it's purely genetic whether you'll age like shit or not