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File: 10 KB, 227x248, 1659881854025957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14812629 No.14812629 [Reply] [Original]

Good morning /sci/entists!

I came from the Dra/g/on Maid board to talk to the people who like playing with math.

I like non-deterministic programming languages and I make them for fun. I made up an abstraction to power my languages called a Maid Library.

Experimenting with randomness has led me to some questions.

Are there different kinds of random?

>big long dra/g/on maid word problem

Ilulu lives in your computer and she is bored. She wants to go to the Maid Library and do some experiments with Maid Books (See atrached figure. It's your Ilulu).

So Ilulu goes to the maid library and she's wandering around STANDARD section of the library, eating pumpkin seeds she got out of the vending machine in the front and she finds a maid book called "S-COIN".

Maid Books in the STANDARD section are non-deterministic. When you read the book, you read one chapter randomly. All the chapters have the same odds of being read, and reading a chapter does not modify the Maid Book.

The S-COIN book represents a fair coin. It contains only two chapters. One containing HEADS and the other containing TAILS.

Ilulu takes the book and wanders into the DIMINISHING section where she finds a similar book called D-COIN. Maid Books in the DIMINISHING section of the library are also non-deterministic, but when a chapter is read from a DIMINISHING Maid Book it is removed from the book.

D-COIN initially contains four chapters. Two reading HEADS and two reading TAILS.

Ilulu quickly discovers that though the expected probability of S-COIN is 50/50, the observed ratio can differ. Four flips of S-COIN can even end in four HEADS. The diminishing Maid Book, D-COIN, while also non-deterministic is guaranteed to be 50/50 HEADS vs TAILS if Ilulu reads it 4 times.

>actual questions
Are these different kinds of random? Is the S-COIN more random than the D-COIN? How do we measure or prove that? What books should I read to learn about randomness?

>> No.14812634
File: 97 KB, 771x503, Writing the maid books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attached is the code for the Maid Books for the experiment.

>> No.14812638
File: 119 KB, 542x411, Science results.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the results. You can see flipping S-COIN 4 times gave a result which is impossible to get from flipping D-COIN 4 times.

Thank you for reading my experiment.

>> No.14812641

She somehow looks like Satania with giant bobas

>> No.14812715
File: 402 KB, 850x1457, sample_92054ebeeddc0678ab6a89d54819ffd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you help me find some cheap books to learn the mathematics of randomness, I will give you the chapter number for the Ilulu beach-fanservice chapter. It was printed in full color and high gloss. The plot is just Ilulu getting her tits out and asking Kobayashi if they look good or not. You get to see canonical dra/g/on nipples in the highest quality they could be printed in.

This offer stands for anyone who happens to read this thread.

>> No.14812771
File: 2.09 MB, 1x1, Durrett.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a popular text for probability

You might care to know though that "non-deterministic programming" already has a meaning that doesn't line up with yours. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nondeterministic_programming

I'll call your language's type "stochastic programming"
My question is why would you want a stochastic programming language when you could take any popular deterministic programming language and just use random number generators to create stochastic execution paths?

If this is for a story you are writing, then as far as I can tell the only motivation for a stochastic programming language would be like a dystopian government that wants people to be able to program but doesn't want people to be able to have well-controlled programs, often doing random things just so no one can build a stable base with which to challenge their power.

>> No.14812805
File: 204 KB, 902x508, 1662044523597187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren. You can see the dragon nipples in chapter 100.

>A nondeterministic programming language is a language which can specify, at certain points in the program (called "choice points"), various alternatives for program flow. Unlike an if-then statement, the method of choice between these alternatives is not directly specified by the programmer; the program must decide at run time between the alternatives, via some general method applied to all choice points. A programmer specifies a limited number of alternatives, but the program must later choose between them. ("Choose" is, in fact, a typical name for the nondeterministic operator.) A hierarchy of choice points may be formed, with higher-level choices leading to branches that contain lower-level choices within them.

This sounds like a reasonable description of how my language works? Attached is a random number generator made with 2 Maid Books.

The Standard Maid Book DIGIT will randomly resolve to a digit 0-9. With the pipe serving as the choose operator.

RAND will push 3 digits to the stack, followed by a 3. SQUASH will consume the 3 and then squash the next 3 things on the stack together into a 3 digit Integer. Then 100 is pushed and modulus is used to get a result 0-99.

This is all with the base grammar without importing anything.

As far as the purpose, I just like playing computer science on the internet. Doing research and making experiments is fun.

>> No.14812829

She also looks like Yuko Yoshida from Demon Girl Next Door

>> No.14812981

In Non-Deterministic Programming, "choice points" are there for easy parallelization of code. So the idea is that when your program sees a choice point, if possible (possibility defined by a multitude of factors that should not need to be known by the programmer) then the program will run multiple execution paths in parallel, one for each possible choice point.

>> No.14813009

>Are these different kinds of random?
They are both random. They have different probability distributions. E.g. in the former case the probability of 3 tails after reading 3 books is nonzero while in the latter case it is zero.
>Is the S-COIN more random than the D-COIN? How do we measure or prove that?
You can measure it by calculating the standard deviation.

>> No.14813048

>tranny namefag + avatarfag
You're not here to have a serious discussion about stochastic programming. You're only here to provoke negative reactions. Fuck off.

>> No.14813191
File: 2.11 MB, 1654x2339, d7763de4ae2ec6eb4b1d7ea75ddc54ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only person having a negative reaction to my threads is you, fren. Everybody else is having a good time arguing about computer science and looking at maids.

Attached is my favorite Ilulu. Hopefully this Ilulu cheers you up and you go on to resolve whatever problems in your life cause you to get so irrationally angry at people having a polite chat about computer science on the internet.

>> No.14813205

Have you started reading any of the books we've sent you thus far?

>> No.14813247
File: 901 KB, 850x1700, sample_7876b1706ce8327558bb80b6e5eeb866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Non-Deterministic Programming, "choice points" are there for easy parallelization of code

Thank you fren. SLAM definitely doesn't behave this way. It just picks one choice according to how that type of Maid Book works and runs one random path.

What would be a practical application of using choice points to parallelize?

Thanks fren, that's pretty cool. I guess I have to read the book the other guy linked me now.

As far as I know the /sci/entists only linked a paper about a combinatorics problem, showed me a gen phys book of some kind, suggested Art of Programming vol 2 by Knuth if I needed example problems for the book I am writing, and that above guy linked a probability book.

As far as I know the only real active book I have is that probability one I was shown this thread?

>> No.14813276

>What would be a practical application of using choice points to parallelize?
Suppose you have a problem and you know the solution to your problem is in some list of candidate solutions. You could check each candidate solution in sequence, first checking the first candidate, then checking the second candidate, then checking the third candidate, etc. Or you can check the first, second, and third candidates at the same time using different cores for your processor. Assuming the checking time for each candidate is the same, then your program can run in a fraction of the time.

>> No.14813464
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Why call that non-deterministic? Is it just because you can't predict the order the threads will finish in?

>> No.14813501 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 1080x2248, WxfNXGQW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do the homosexual pedophiles who masturbate to children's cartoons insist on having their group masturbation sessions on /sci/ when 4chan already has a dozen or more boards dedicated for homosexual pedophiles to use to exchange and share masturbation material?

>> No.14813513

We do not want him back on /g/.
Take him please, this is pure suffering.

>> No.14813519

>word salad
Consider antipsychotic medication.

>> No.14813776

Well the proponents of non-deterministic programming advertise it as a feature in the sense of "you don't *have* to worry about the order of execution" as though they are lifting a burden off of you. And they are, to an extent, in some cases. They wouldn't say "you *can't* predict" although that happens to be true too, because they're trying to see you on the benefits of not "having" to think about it (so long as you conform to their programming style).

If you're familiar with functional programming languages, their proponents will make similar advertisements that your compiler/interpreter will optimize your program for you so long as you write in a functional style.

>> No.14813799

This is dumb. Just transition and rewrite easy things in rust like the rest of your dumb kind.

>> No.14813823
File: 105 KB, 774x1033, 18a702006b85ed08bc84bc3ee9fa25a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I have to make up a new word to describe the maid languages then?

Rust is a strict downgrade from C in every conceivable way you could measure the two against each other.

>> No.14813838

>I guess I have to make up a new word to describe the maid languages then?
I suggest "stochastic execution paths" or similar

>> No.14813867

kek lmao

>> No.14813890
File: 1.49 MB, 378x498, ilulu-dragon-maid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I thought up another problem. I am trying to formulate it in terms of Ilulu and the Maid Library. Post to follow soon.

>> No.14814082
File: 169 KB, 850x1091, sample_afebc342ec9a4529542b9013c88f29ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dra/g/on maid word problem

Ilulu lives in your computer and she is bored (See attached figure. It's your Ilulu). She wants a silver fox snocone. She walks to the snocone stand and gives the girl working the snocone stand a $5. Ilulu has a short chat with the snocone girl about books. The snocone girl lends ilulu a couple SHIFTING MAID BOOKS. SHIFTING Maid Books are non-deterministic. When a chapter is read from the book, the unstable magics of the shifting Maid Book cause that chapter to burst into flames and disappear. But another chapter inside the book is copied and reinserted into the book so that it keeps the same number of chapters.

Ilulu opens her SHIFT-COIN book. It originally contained HEADS and TAILS. When she opened it, she got HEADS. HEADS was removed from SHIFT-COIN and TAILS was inserted. Now SHIFT-COIN contains TAILS, TAILS and nothing but TAILS will ever be read from it again.

Ilulu opens the next book. It is called 1 to 100. It contains 100 chapters, each chapter containing just it's chapter number. She gets a 27, so 27 is removed from the 1 to 100 and a copy of 69 is inserted.

As the number of times Ilulu reads the SHIFTING Maid Book 1 to 100 approaches infinitity what happens? Will every chapter eventually contain the same thing? Will it converge to some ratio like the INFLATING Maid Books did? Will it do something else?

Last time a /sci/entist who likes playing math had a paper about combinatorics but I don't know what that is really or how to read it. I was able to still build an experiment in SLAM and test the paper's conclusion though.

I'd link the thread but desuarchive doesn't do /sci/?

>> No.14814797
File: 184 KB, 872x509, New Library Section SHIFTING (Please be nice to her, again).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built the SHIFTING section for Ilulu and made SHIFT-COIN in it.

I also made the library printer nicer. It can now target the whole library, any individual section of it, or an individual book for printing.

Ilulu is on standby to help test the new SHIFTING Maid Library section. She's got a bottle of orange juice and some golden raisons. Pretty good setup if you're going to have to read a book a half a billion times.

>> No.14814817
File: 247 KB, 712x482, Experimental Success.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is SHIFT-COIN being called 5 times, as well as a printout SHIFT-COIN showing it's contents have changed and now it only contains TAILS.

You can see it working as described. Ilulu is happy, and can conduct a larger experiment now.

>> No.14814886
File: 135 KB, 850x1366, tz3OW5YUDAuT3Knp5qXW2yPpZ6vlMZ0tETHmAqV1dAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setting up the next part revealed some bugs in targeted library printing. I am correcting them so I can use that functionality to make good screenshots.

A full printing of a mostly empty library is a lot of pointless text.

>tl:dr; Fixing the maid library printer.

>> No.14814893
File: 104 KB, 618x597, 1662118986099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP is blogging about his experiments with a random number generator without knowing the mathematical basics of stochastics
Kinda pointless, eh?

>> No.14814909

There's no such thing as a non-deterministic PL. What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.14814932


>> No.14814990
File: 144 KB, 886x480, Experiment 2 setup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I change the greeter to say "Good Morning /Sci/entists!"? I like you /sci/ence frens.

Plz recommend stochastics books to read. I like American books from 1950 to 1990 the most so far.

I defined a SHIFTING Maid Book called ONE.

ONE contains the digits 0-9, each in a different chapter. When ONE is called, it runs a random chapter. The digit from that chapter is pushed to the stack. Then the chapter is removed and a different random chapter is cloned and inserted back into the book, so that the size stays constant.

TEN runs ONE ten times. SHOW just prints the stack.

>> No.14814992

Obviously he means a PL with comfy features for implementing randomized algorithms. But given his comments so far he looks like someone who gets filtered by Monty Hall.

>> No.14815012
File: 103 KB, 1202x1046, 1661735590159539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You assume I can be filtered by not understanding things. I can't be, because I don't care if I understand something or not before I start working on it. Not fully understanding what's going on is my natural state. It doesn't slow me or bother me at all.

I'm playing Computer Science, not heart surgery. It's just not that serious. If I do something wrong my interpreter crashes and I go investigate why. There is no real cost or harm to failure, so I can iterate over my experiment more quickly.

>> No.14815026

you're alright, tripfag
they way you are going about this and the lisp dialect reminds me of when people let themselves have fun on the internet
keep doing what you're doing, I'll try to pop in later and drop some texts that you might benefit from

>> No.14815086
File: 202 KB, 885x504, BURN STACK TEN SHOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren!

BURN STACK empties the stack. You can also burn any book, library section, or even the entire library. You already know what TEN and SHOW do.

Burning the stack does not impact the library in any way. I did it mainly to keep the lines to a reasonable printing size.

You can see the output of the SHIFTING Maid Book ONE gets less varied as the number of times ONE is read increases. Bottom row is what the stack looks like after 60 runs.

>> No.14815102
File: 153 KB, 818x506, It converged!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it might've converged somewhere between 80 and 90 reads.

Getting only 0s now.

>> No.14815127
File: 261 KB, 741x506, results 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saved my results in case my library printer crashed. Then I printed the SHIFTING Maid Book ONE.

It's a little big to get all of it in one screenshot, but you can see all the chapters became 0.

>> No.14815136
File: 246 KB, 591x508, results 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the rest of the printout for ONE.

We now know that the SHIFTING Maid Books can converge, but not if it is inevitable or how quickly.

Thank you /sci/entists for reading my experiment.

>> No.14815277 [DELETED] 


>> No.14815357

It converges inevitably to a single chapter because of the ergodic theorem. I think it should take about N^2 steps because afaik randomwalky things take about sqrt(x) to get to x?

>> No.14815520
File: 95 KB, 768x768, tumblr_4ab325cfcb10b13adb40e2439e76cb66_7b23449d_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ergodic theorem

Thanks fren! I have never heard of this or of ergodicity. At a cursory glance, it looks like it involves calculus and some guy called Poincare?

I used to be pretty good at calculus. If I remember right it was mostly memorizing and applying rules? Sometimes making a computer draw 3D shapes or curves with the math or something?

Is there any kind of introductory Ergodicity book, or should I binge watch calculus shows over the holiday weekend to rebuild that lost knowledge before going further?

>> No.14816001

>cheap books
you can use libgen (library genesis)

>> No.14816306
File: 1.42 MB, 2428x2645, a11734eb903e9c7694e203e0a000754d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren. I've used z-library for CS books before. Usually I use the PDF for a while and if I like the book I buy a hard copy.

I've noticed that if I keep to American science books made between about 1950 and 1990, that physical copies can usually be purchased online for somewhere between $5 and $20.

I think my biggest problem with math is that I don't even know what I don't know. I had never heard of Ergodicity until today, but apparently that is the kind of math that governs the problems I think are interesting.

With CS books there are some really good authors. It's a field that got blessed with what seems to be a disproportionate number of good writers. Pretty much if it has Aho and Ullman, Wirth, Gries or Dijkstra on it you will have a good time.

>> No.14816683

>link the thread but desuarchive doesn't do /sci/

Try warosu

>> No.14816835
File: 1.88 MB, 500x281, D327b437118f60aa07340d0eee84304e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren. Here's the thread if you want to read it.


>> No.14816894

read Kallenberg's book on probability

>> No.14816898

Also, read Kunen's Set Theory and Barendregt's books on lambda calculus

>> No.14816941 [DELETED] 

I really, really, really hate trannies

>> No.14817008
File: 96 KB, 739x705, 1654771381288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off brainlet

>> No.14817080 [DELETED] 

I feel your pain too anon

>> No.14817179

You probably don't need a whole book on ergodic stuff specifically, if you do some basic to intermediate probability theory you'll typically find something about Markov chains and the ergodic theorem (which explains steady state behavior for Markov chains).

>> No.14817186
File: 159 KB, 620x726, 1662197612312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you guys read this book? Is it good?

>> No.14817211
File: 96 KB, 648x576, FbrHebhXEAEYVus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rajeev motwani and probhakar roghavan
I haven't looked at it but I would bet my life it's awful

>> No.14817237
File: 66 KB, 483x700, 1662201175182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the same Motwani who authored this book, which is more or less THE standard textbook on automata theory.

>> No.14817262
File: 470 KB, 1220x1423, IMG_0772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Motwani contribute to it?

I have the first edition of that book, because I collect antique computer books and I think Ullman specifically is a very good writer (particularly when paired with another guy called Aho).

If you've never heard people argue about it, some people call the attached book the "Cinderella book" because of the cover art. I'm kind of sad to see an edition missing her. He's also known for "Green Dragon" and "Red Dragon" depending on which edition of the compiler book you got.

Anyways, I ask because this Motwani guy isn't on the other editions.

That being said, if he's good enough to hang out with Ullman, I'm guessing he is an exceptional writer/programmer too.

>> No.14817272

check out girard's transcendental syntax

>> No.14817677
File: 2.62 MB, 540x304, ad9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren. Is there a specific book you recommend?

>> No.14817696

don't know of any books since it's a fairly cutting-edge topic but just read Girard's papers and maybe this one too https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.04752v5

>> No.14818658

What is the SHIFTing process? If there are 100 items, you take one out, pick another one randomly from the 99 items left and duplicate it?

>> No.14819139

How do you apply the ergodic theorem to a Markov chain with more than one invariant measure? Seems kinda sus.

>> No.14819291
File: 247 KB, 1038x528, very serious computer science.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Remove one chapter and run it. Clone and reinsert a different chapter.

I can make new Maid Books to experiment with quickly, because MaidBook is engineered as an abstract class which contains all the common functionality. I just extend it and override getChapter to handle what happens when the Maid Book is read.

Attached is the (Java 16) code for ShiftingMaidBook. The Dra/g/on Maid board tags don't work here, or I'd paste the text too.

(Please note that code in this stage of development should be regarded the same way as writing in an early draft of a book. It is very rough. It will be refactored, documented and have Unit Tests added before I release it to the /sci/entists and dra/g/ons as a CC0 work.)

>> No.14819479

>I think my biggest problem with math is that I don't even know what I don't know. I had never heard of Ergodicity until today, but apparently that is the kind of math that governs the problems I think are interesting.
Yes, because this topic requires literally an entire CS or math bachelor to really get into. For example, ergodicity without knowing about ALGORITHMIC probability is not really feasible, and for algorithmic probability you need basic probability, i.e. shit like standard deviation, Bayes, etc. This in turns needs the basics of set theory and ideally logic, due to things like De Morgan's laws.
And any text on ergodicty is gibberish that assumes you understand what the term "Sigma algebra" means, which is a completely different part of math called measure theory. For that to work out, you need to know basic (abstract) algebra, i.e. not the stuff about applying commutative properties etc., but group theory etc.
As said, you can try to get this as pastime, but I would just "cut my losses" so to say and do an entire CS/math degree.

>> No.14819599
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>As said, you can try to get this as pastime, but I would just "cut my losses" so to say and do an entire CS/math degree.

I would enjoy this tremendously, but I can't afford to. I don't have enough money or time. If it was 50 years ago, that would probably gatekeep me from playing science at all.

Because of some lucky aspects of living in this age (namely the accessibility
of cheap ex-library textbooks, inexpensive computer equipment and at least one fairly "free speech" area to talk on the internet to people who know more stuff than me) I can play Computer Science on the internet with my free time.

>tl:dr; A historical accident made Computer Science extremely accessible to hobbyists in America. Old textbooks are available second-hand for $5-$20 and literal MIT lectures are free on YouTube. I was fortunate to live in this age, instead of a previous one which would've likely relegated me to factory or agricultural work and a normie afterwork hobby like bowling.

>> No.14819662

I believe in Scotland you can study for free and in English. Of course, in continental Europe it'd be free in even more places, but language.
But yes, it sucks that Americans have a garbage system in place.
Anyway, keep your enthusiasm and weeb spirit -- Redditor tourists might find it cringe, but it's people like you and me that built places like 4chan.

>> No.14819800

What's wrong with bowling?

>> No.14819807 [DELETED] 


>> No.14820110 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 420x480, hanged troonjak animated fat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good morning /sci/entists!

>I came from the Dra/g/on Maid board to talk to the people who like playing with math.

>I like non-deterministic programming languages and I make them for fun. I made up an abstraction to power my languages called a Maid Library.

>Experimenting with randomness has led me to some questions.

>Are there different kinds of random?

>>big long dra/g/on maid word problem

>Ilulu lives in your computer and she is bored. She wants to go to the Maid Library and do some experiments with Maid Books (See atrached figure. It's your Ilulu).

>So Ilulu goes to the maid library and she's wandering around STANDARD section of the library, eating pumpkin seeds she got out of the vending machine in the front and she finds a maid book called "S-COIN".

>Maid Books in the STANDARD section are non-deterministic. When you read the book, you read one chapter randomly. All the chapters have the same odds of being read, and reading a chapter does not modify the Maid Book.

>The S-COIN book represents a fair coin. It contains only two chapters. One containing HEADS and the other containing TAILS.

>Ilulu takes the book and wanders into the DIMINISHING section where she finds a similar book called D-COIN. Maid Books in the DIMINISHING section of the library are also non-deterministic, but when a chapter is read from a DIMINISHING Maid Book it is removed from the book.

>D-COIN initially contains four chapters. Two reading HEADS and two reading TAILS.

>Ilulu quickly discovers that though the expected probability of S-COIN is 50/50, the observed ratio can differ. Four flips of S-COIN can even end in four HEADS. The diminishing Maid Book, D-COIN, while also non-deterministic is guaranteed to be 50/50 HEADS vs TAILS if Ilulu reads it 4 times.

>>actual questions
>Are these different kinds of random? Is the S-COIN more random than the D-COIN? How do we measure or prove that? What books should I read to learn about randomness?

>> No.14820118


>> No.14820136


>> No.14820235
File: 834 KB, 1422x2048, 6b7586717a7bcd60ed29953c19cd297d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing is wrong with it. I'd just rather play with computers. 50 years ago I probably wouldn't have had computers as an option. Now I do because good computers and textbooks are both inexpensive.

There's never been a time in history before when you could walk to like a library or a Goodwill or something, find a worker. Tell them "I'll have a few hundred pages of advanced scientific research in the specific niche I find interesting please.", hand them a $10 and then leave with 3 high quality textbooks written by last generation's best scientists, that while old, spent 99% of their existence sitting undisturbed on a shelf.

You get some really cool situations like buying a book that's technically half a century old, but has only been opened like 2 other times in that half century, so it's like got properties of both a brand new book, and properties of an old one. Very comfy.

>> No.14820417
File: 123 KB, 448x900, 1662180306102985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /sci/entists!

I think I have some new Computer Science to share.

A math /sci/entist gave me a table for symbolic logic (see attachment) and I was able to get an ex-library book about it and another one about theorem proving or something. I'm not sure how good these books are because I don't know about math writers. The books were picked because they were what the library was willing to sell me for $5 when I asked about the table.

>books the library sold me for $5 (my copies are older editions)

Anyways. I haven't looked at the books yet, because I had to sleep.

I decided to make a SET Maid Book. I have no idea if the end result will approximate to anything representing a set. There is no builder syntax yet, but I don't think that will be too bad to add. Then I will try to make those cool upside down A and the backwards E qualifier things and have them operate on SET Maid Books.

You have to do symbolic logic in postfix because SLAM uses a stack though.

In SLAM a 0 is false. Any non-zero number is true.

I might change it so negative numbers are false and positive ones are true and zero can either be the interpreter throwing an exception, or maybe something else will get made up for 0.

>tl:dr; dra/g/on maid word problem to follow shortly

>> No.14820451

they both seem like alright introductions. You may like this https://www.personal.psu.edu/t20/notes/logic.pdf
I'm sure you can even get such documents printed easily and cheaply with lulu if you want it physically.
For Set Theory, Foreman and Kanamori's three-volume series "Handbook of Set Theory" (2010) more or less contains everything you could ever want. Jech's book is also pretty good.
If you want to see some large cardinal stuff there is a cute chapter of baby Jech that deals with this. If you want to understand large cardinals, you should do the following. First, measure theory, you won't get anywhere without it. Then axiomatic set theory, forcing, and infinitary combinatorics are at the level of Kunen's Set theory. From there you can start reading the holy grail of large cardinals, Kanamori Higher Infinite. To finish this book fully you will need descriptive set theory and constructibility (fine structure) theory. See Kechris and Devlin respectively for books on these.

>> No.14820460
File: 298 KB, 1136x1307, 9f86e878b24de2c3eddc3b8885c57bc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dra/g/on maid word problem

Ilulu lives in your computer and she is bored (See attached image. It's your Ilulu) A new section called SET got added to the Maid Library and Ilulu was invited to go because she makes very extensive use of her library card and is very polite in the library.

They don't have math research, libraries or vending machines that sell bits of dried fruit where she is from, so the whole looking at books and eating healthy snacks thing still has at least three thousand years of novelty left to go for her before it even risks becoming boring.

Ilulu is walking around in the SET section eating smokehouse almonds. She pulls out a SET Maid Book called PRIMES and another called MATH from one of the shelves.

PRIMES contains a small amount of prime numbers.

MATH contains arithmetic operators.

SET Maid Books are random (I am not going to say "non-deterministic" anymore, that term got taken for parallelism for some reason and SLAM currently is incapable of psrallelism). When you read a SET Maid Book, you read every chapter in a random order. Sets have no ordering, so SET Maid Books enforce that by randomly reordering the underlying chapters of the SET Maid Book every time it is read. (Sets are supposed to not have duplicate items either, but I will probably ignore that property in my SET Maid Book implementation, unless a /sci/entist talks me into doing something else)

>> No.14820519
File: 41 KB, 550x545, mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bah. I thought this was ready, but for some reason the SET Maid Books work properly the first time, but explode on subsequent runs, blocking my experiment.

Time to play with the debugger.

>> No.14820563
File: 70 KB, 773x822, 1661738588050987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much fren. I will try reading these books/topics. There is a lot of stuff to read, but I don't have to start my science foundation until the 2030s so I might make it in time for that.

For the curious, the problem was an error in the logic of shuffling the SET Maid Book chapters on reads. I was mistakenly shuffling a copy I didn't actually need, and deleting the original.

Writing Maid Books in SLAM for the experiment now.

>> No.14820566

>my science foundation
what's your science foundation?

>> No.14820596 [DELETED] 

Ernest Jones (1913) was the first to construe extreme narcissism, which he called the "God-complex", as a character flaw. He described people with God-complex as being aloof, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, inaccessible, self-admiring, and exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He observed that these people had a high need for uniqueness.

>> No.14820638
File: 83 KB, 741x315, New Library Section SET (Please be nice to her, again).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to make an educational science foundation in New Mexico in the 2030s. Between now and then I have to write some books and make some technology. I have to be good enough to be the director of the place.

I guess technically I am goofing off right now by playing on the /sci/ence board. I am supposed to make SLAM into a RISC-V compiler and then do the same thing to MAID-LISP and write books about it. Then make a LISP machine with MAID-LISP. I guess I can use my own posts as sample code.

2 SET Maid Books are defined. PRIMES which will push all the primes in the set to the stack in a random order and MATH which has arithmetic operators.

SCIENCE! is a STANDARD Maid Book. It shows that the stack is empty, runs PRIMES, shows the new results on the stack, runs MATH, which consumes the stack by running it's operators in a random order. The result is popped off and printed, and then the stack is shown to be empty again.

>> No.14820654
File: 307 KB, 836x488, SCIENCE!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the result of running SCIENCE! four times. Some of the printing is excessive. I will redefine it to be better. Ilulu is happy the books are working as expected and I can continue on to make a set builder notation and add the upside-down A.

Thank you for reading my experiment notes.

>> No.14820861
File: 18 KB, 387x407, 1643539253862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pure mental yayness

>> No.14820995
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>> No.14821039

>You assume I can be filtered by not understanding things. I can't be
Damn how can i get myself into this chad mindset?

>> No.14821259
File: 203 KB, 2048x1210, Fan mail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fan mail
Thanks fren. I made a lot of operations on the "Stack". At this point it might be more fair to just call it a "Collection", but then the acronym changes from SLAM to CLAM and I can decide if that sounds cooler or not.

I guess I'll start posting screenshots of them and posting explanations?

I'm not sure I have enough Dra/g/on Maids for my screenshots so I might have to download some to the science computer first.

I have:

If you /sci/entists think of more, let me know.

Form a comfy workflow that suits you, where failure has no real cost beyond wasting a small amount of your time.

>> No.14821264

while that sounds interesting, I would recommend saging all your posts until the thread is on page 8/9/10 to minimize the amount you annoy the locals on this board.

>> No.14821304

>80 replies
>half of them from OP
cringey attention whore bumping their vanity thread every time it falls off the first page

>> No.14821325

50% of /sci/ at any given time is /pol/bait about vaccines or climate change or whatever the hot-button topic to sperg about is

in no possible world is this anon working on a genuine project lowering board quality (though he should probably be saging just for politeness' sake)

>> No.14822584
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 1d2bd6adb5e60b7276074f941dd2483a1596887859_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is saging considered polite?

I guess I live here now, because the jannying on /g/ has become Reddit-tier. I don't ask for much out of a platform. Just that there be no arbitrary fat, stupid, malicious eunuch with censorship powers sitting between me and the people I'm trying to communicate with, but on the modern web that may not actually exist anymore. It seems like censorship via fat, stupid, malicious eunuch is standard operating procedeure for most sites in 2022.

Censorship is the only thing that makes me genuinely angry. I'm going to avoid that board, because I don't like being angry. I don't like having to consider the whims and sensibilities of fat, stupid, malicious eunuchs when communicating with other people. I will focus on making new /sci/ence here, since the board culture seems much nicer and much less censorious.

>tl;dr: I guess I'm a board refugee now. I hope /sci/ likes anime maids.

>> No.14822669
File: 161 KB, 907x499, Guest Lecturer - Lucoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to refer to the collection I'm operating on as a stack, even though that may be inappropriate, to avoid confusion or haplessly flopping between the terms collection and stack. It also makes it clearer what is meant when I use terms like "top" and "bottom".

The first line pushes the integers -3 to 3 to the stack. Putting an integer into the REPL always results in it being pushed to the stack. SHOW prints the stack. BURN STACK empties the stack.

The second line introduces SPAN. SPAN pushes the range of integers from the second thing on the stack to the first. PEEK shows the top of the stack but doesn't remove it. POP removes and prints the top of the stack. DEQ (Short for DEQUEUE) removes and prints the bottom of the stack.

Is CLAM (Collection Language for Anime Maids) a better name than SLAM (Stack Language for Anime Maids)? Should I make more operators (I still have a bunch to demo)?

>how can I help?
Post Ilulus with transparent backgrounds I can use in screenshots. I'm out of original Ilulus.

>> No.14822678

Read all of this https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/logic-combining/

>> No.14822700
File: 97 KB, 908x368, sort reverse dup obliterate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you fren. I will give it a go.

The top line makes a span from -3 to 3 (Note that if I reverse the 3 and -3, That the span will reverse it's order)

SHUFFLE randomizes the order of the stack. SORT puts it in ascending order. REVERSE reverses the stack. SORT REVERSE can be used to get a descending order sort.

On the second line, I made a SPAN, pushed 0 to the stack and called DUP. DUP pushes a copy of whatever is on top of the stack. I use it to add zeroes. OBLITERATE pops the stack and removes all copies of that number from the stack. I OBLITERATEd 0. You can see the zero in the middle of the stack got OBLITERATEd too.

I am debating making an abstraction of Exodia who is solely responsible for many different means of OBLITERATE-ing things. Then I can write stories about a bored Exodia who lives in your computer and wants to OBLITERATE some things.

Are there any other things abstract-Exodia should be doing in the computer?

>> No.14822704
File: 108 KB, 382x640, EXODIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possible future to come
Exodia lives in your computer and she is bored (See attached figure, it's your Exodia). She wants to OBLITERATE stuff because that is the tradition of her people. Break the forbidden seals and


with Exodia.

>> No.14822706

So i finally took some time and effort to read your problem, i don't know if someone has already answered it because this thread is very long
>Are these different kinds of random? Is the S-COIN more random than the D-COIN? How do we measure or prove that? What books should I read to learn about randomness?
Both are equally random, but the D-COIN comes with a twist, it is conditionally random (see explanation below), that is to say the probability of getting heads or tails depends on the previous outcomes of the experiment.

The S-COIN is what we call a fair coin, if i flip the S-COIN twice and then i tell you that the first flip was HEADS then it tells you nothing about the second flip, in the mathematical lingo we call these independent events

The throws of the D-COIN in contrast are not independent, if i flip it twice, and tell you the first flip was HEADS then you can calculate that the conditional probability of getting HEADS on the second flip will be 1/3 (and the probability of TAILS is 2/3)

>> No.14822728


>> No.14822731
File: 213 KB, 912x508, Lucoa getting spun and taking it in the bottom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for taking the time to read it, fren.

Intuitively it seems like the S-COIN is more random, because it has a larger set of possible results when you flip multiple times.

How can we know they're the same randomness?

In the top line I demoed ROTATE which consumes one number from the stack via pop, then ROTATEs the whole stack by that amount. Positive numbers ROTATE right, negative ones ROTATE left.

Second line is another ROTATE demo using the opposite direction from the first.

BOTTOM inserts things into the BOTTOM of the stack.

>> No.14822797
File: 150 KB, 1200x900, Cirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The set of all possible outcomes for a random experiment is called the sample space, and we often denote the sample space by the capital greek letter omega. For example the sample space of for the experiment of rolling a dice once would be:
[math] \Omega=\{1,2,3,4,5,6\} [/math]
and the sample space for the experiment of flipping a coin twice would be:
[math] \Omega=\{HH,HT,TH,TT\} [/math] where TH is the outcome that the first coin is tails and the second coin is heads, etc.

>Intuitively it seems like the S-COIN is more random, because it has a larger set of possible results when you flip multiple times.

Well the answer to that question would depend on your notion of "randomness", if the dice and the coin above were fair then, for me at least, the two experiments would be equally random since all outcomes would be equally likely. Maybe you could measure randomness by the size of the sample space but that's not always a good indicator of randomness (intuitively speaking)

For your experiment, the sample space of flipping the S-COIN 4 times would be:
and for the D-COIN
[math] \Omega_D=\{HHTT,HTHT,HTTH,THHT,THTH,TTHH\} [/math]
The size of [math] \Omega_S [/math] is [math] 2^4=16 [/math] and the size of [math] \Omega_D [/math] is [math] \binom{4}{2}=6 [/math]
The outcomes of the S-COIN are all equally likely with each outcome having a probability of 1/16, and also surprisingly the outcomes of the D-COIN are also equally likely with each outcome having a probability of 1/6
If you consider a fair dice and a fair coin to be equally random then you should consider the D-COIN and S-COIN equally random as well

>> No.14822934

>genuine project
shut up, retard

>> No.14822938
File: 910 KB, 775x870, come on winnie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientifically speaking, which is better?

>> No.14822963
File: 266 KB, 826x502, DROP EMIT SQUASH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the coolest thing anyone has ever written me on the internet. Thank you for the explanation, fren!

Ever since I first saw this I've wanted to launch a small drone into space. It would be single purpose, with that purpose being to put Dragon Maid stickers on the Chinese space station. Maybe some kind of shoulder fired RAM jet?

You can't hide Ilulu's F cups (The F is for freedom) if I append them to your civilization's crowning achievement.

In the top line, you can see DROP. DROP removes the top of the stack. It does not do anything with the removed value.

In the second line, you can see EMIT. EMIT pops the stack and then prints the result as a character, according to it's character code. This is mostly good for line breaks and stuff like that, but it can print anything. (You can list the codes with HELP CODES).

In the third line, you can see SQUASH. SQUASH pops the stack once as an argument, and then pops that many times to form one big number.

>> No.14822967

How is it not a genuine project? It looks like he is making a programming language/computer algebra system of some kind?

>> No.14823044
File: 1.11 MB, 2621x3935, 8be248252d5f8f0429a04bc92f9713410342e6a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the coolest thing anyone has ever written me on the internet. Thank you for the explanation, fren!
Glad to help fren, i'm not a math student and i'm currently learning probablitiy theory on my own, i'm reading a probability book called "A Natural Introduction to Probability Theory" by Ronald Meester and found it good, i think it might help you too if you want to understand probabilities, the only requirements are basic set theory, and calculus for later chapters.

Here's a simple but interesting exercise from that book:
>Exercise 1.7.15. Peter and Paul have a disagreement, and they want to make a decision by throwing a coin. Paul suspects that the coin is biased. Design a rule so that they can come to a fair decision.
Hint: the exercise is basically asking you to come up with an unbiasing procedure

>> No.14823061

This thread has been on the front page of /sci/ now for nearly 100 hours and nobody has expressed any interest in it at all. Regardless that OP still continues to obsessively bump the unwanted thread every time it drops off the front page

>> No.14823187

OK, since this is a homosexual thread, what do you anons think of this laptop:
>Thinkpad E14
> 35.56 cm (14.0") Full-HD IPS matt (1920x1080), AMD Ryzen™ 5 5625U HexaCore (2.30 bis 4.30 GHz), 512GB NVMe-SSD, 16GB RAM, AMD Radeon™ RX Vega 7 Grafik shared
For programming + streaming + uni.

>> No.14823272
File: 1.21 MB, 868x1228, 1662296609470952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Natural Introduction to Probability Theory" by Ronald Meester

Thanks fren, I'll see if I can get a cheap one on eBonker.

I literally took a nap between my last post and this one. 2 hours worth of comfy snooze where I did not interact with 4chan. It's not my fault if this is a slower board.

I have no idea fren, I don't use laptops. I am a UMPC user. All the screenshots taken/code written for this thread was done on a GPD Win 3.

>> No.14823305
File: 102 KB, 786x486, World's best and greatest sequence generator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FLIP swaps the top two items on the stack. OVER places a copy of the second from the top element on top of the stack.

Attached is an example of FLIP and OVER being used together to make a sequence of alternating 0s and 1s.

>> No.14823330
File: 1.81 MB, 500x513, kurisuqt12.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is saging considered polite?
saging a post (putting 'sage' in the options field) adds the post to the thread without bumping it to page one
for a long-running thread like this focused mostly on your development, /sci/ anons will probably prefer you don't hog a spot on the first page

to avoid annoying the natives (and incurring their angry posts), I would recommend only bumping when you're on page 8/9/10 and about to fall off the board

>> No.14823395
File: 208 KB, 869x339, COPY WHEEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COPY consumes the top of the stack, and then copies that many things from the top of the stack to the top if the stack. DUP from earlier is actually just a STANDARD maid book written in SLAM that contains 1 COPY.

WHEEL works the same way as ROTATE, but you specify a size and it only rotates that many elements, starting from the top of the Stack.

This concludes the stack operators demo. Thank you /sci/entists for reading my notes and looking at maids with me.

>Open questions
Should there be an abstract Exodia responsible different ways to OBLITERATE stuff?

Should I make more stack operators?

Should I change terms and call the stack a collection?

Is CLAM a cooler name than SLAM?

>> No.14823749

>you must pay attention to word salad written by an obvious retard
no, hang yourself

>> No.14823861

How are you forced to pay attention to this thread?

>> No.14824957
File: 503 KB, 1000x1000, 07c9675882399675c5917dd73cfaafab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone in a different thread was playing with trying to make big prime numbers. I think I can abstract some parts of that game. Instead of messing up that guy's thread I'm just gonna post here until I either have a cool result to share or give up.

>big long dra/g/on maid word problem

Ilulu lives in your computer and she is bored (See attached image. It's your Ilulu). She wants to play number theory with the math /sci/entists because she likes math and she understands what a number is.

So she goes to the Maid Library and gets a small sack of dehydrated ginger from the snack machine in the front. Ilulu is walking around, enjoying the chewy ginger things, opening science books at random because she likes seeing pictures and math writing.

Eventually she finds a book called CHUNGUS. It contains a CHUNGUS number. A CHUNGUS number is a random number with special properties. To make a CHUNGUS number, concatenate all the digits, 0-9 in any order. You can repeat this any number of times. The number of times you go through the process is referred to as the POWER LEVEL of the CHUNGUS. For example, 7140923865 is a CHUNGUS number with POWER LEVEL 1. 71409238657140923865 is also a CHUNGUS, with POWER LEVEL 2. A BIG CHUNGUS is a CHUNGUS with a POWER LEVEL that is over 9000.

Why do we talk about CHUNGUS? Well, there's an infinite number of CHUNGUSES, and every last one of them is composite (divisible by three). There are no prime CHUNGUS numbers. No matter how you arrange those digits, the result is divisible by three because the digits sum to 45 and that number is divisible by three. You don't have to check if your 10 trillion POWER LEVEL CHUNGUS is prime or not, cuz the digits sum to 450 trillion and 450 trillion is a divisible by three.

(Ilulu is a major respecter of digits due to her time on 2ch spent arguing about books and math)

>> No.14825004
File: 200 KB, 1143x500, CHUNGUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ilulu has a CHUNGUS number now, but it isn't very useful. We can remove 10k zeroes from it and it's still divisible by 3.

Anyways, Ilulu tagged in her friend Exodia who is an obliteration expert to obliterate numbers she doesn't want.

(I made an abstract Exodia >>14822704 )

>> No.14825016
File: 170 KB, 717x503, 0 2 4 6 8 and 5 OBLITERATED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now we have a number made of 10k 1s, 10k 3s, 10k 7s and 10k 9s. The sum of the digits is 200k, which is no longer divisible by 3.

I am gonna go sleep on what to do with this pile of digits. Probably I can make some trick to check for divisibility by 7.

>> No.14825253

Alright, as thanks, use this
By the end of those videos, you will have a solid understanding of stochastics. Supplement with problem sets. Also, Ilulu can smd.