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14811394 No.14811394 [Reply] [Original]

claim: the one and only thing women in physics add to the field is their proficiency at PR and being photogenic for physics PR pics.

prove me wrong. protip: you can’t

>> No.14811402
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>> No.14811406

honestly women dominate biology, and for good reason. imagine if you had to deal with the microbiology of eggs on a monthly basis. they can have biology

this thread is about physics so spew your shit elsewhere

>> No.14811511

as a woman in biology i would like to date a man in physics

>> No.14811537
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>> No.14811539

Good luck. If you're like most I've seen you're at least 250lbs

>> No.14811561

the proof is that look at any woman in physics today. i’m not talking about Marie Curie or Madam Wu (both good physicists but pales in comparison to male counterparts). show me a woman today in physics who is pushing the envelope in any significant way.

they just don’t. even if they have the professorships all the men wanted but lost to some woman, it is pretty uniformly true that the woman in question did nothing. it is a broad truth here and i leave it to you to find case studies one way or another whether this is true

>> No.14811573

ok, brap

>> No.14811580

>look at any woman in physics today
>show me a woman today in physics who is pushing the envelope in any significant way
>Hey guise, ima prove this theorem. Just look at numbers and find a way that it's wrong
Learn what a proof is retard

>> No.14811584

>show me a woman today in physics who is pushing the envelope in any significant way.
show me a man

>> No.14811591
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>> No.14811597


>> No.14811601

jesse thaler

kinda pathetic women are incapable of clicking the buttons 4chan provides you for reverse image search

>> No.14811604

Machine learning has little place in science. It is literally just a filter rather than building any fundamental knowledge. Not pushing any envelope, just admitting we don't know shit and need computers to tell us what is important

>> No.14811612

i agree but if you look up what Thaler has done it is much much more than just that

>> No.14811616

What, design a dark matter experiment with no results yet? Find jet structure similarities with the machine learning? What else am I missing?

>> No.14811619

>i can't get laid

>> No.14811623

>the only thing women have to offer is sex

>> No.14811627

have you heard of n-subjettiness? a keystone tool for what experimenters at the LHC do on a daily basis?

yeah, Jesse did that

>> No.14811629

Again, classification methodology for filtering data. We should give authorship to the machine learning algorithm that led to the discovery

>> No.14811632

not really providing any evidence of female contributions to science are ya

>> No.14811637

n-subjettiness is not a neural-network based algorithm anon. you clearly have no idea about what you are talking about. you are just way out of your element and posting complete fluff.

this is really pathetic anon. you really have doubled down on extreme bullshit and you’re in a hugely deep hole here. either you admit you know nothing and we’re faking the whole time or you dig yourself in deeper into compete nonsense posting

>> No.14811645

i meant *you’re

>> No.14811660

I have a degree in physics hmu

>> No.14812576

I'm not an expert by any means, but I guarantee that picture is fake.
And I don't mean some innocent snapchat filter.
I don't know "what" I'm looking for exactly, but I just know for a fact, that OP's pic has a nontrivial amount of editing done to it.

>> No.14812606

There's probably many autismo femcels that are passionate in the field, but not attractive enough to get publicity. There's also the issue of being a doormat, or believing that any contribution that's done is helping somewhere, so having your work published under some other faggot's name is fine. I don't have examples, but it happens often enough to men so there are surely some outliers.

>> No.14812616
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*dabs on you *

>> No.14812617

Did you forget your meds today, chud?

>> No.14812622

> claim: the one and only thing women in physics add to the field is their proficiency at PR and being photogenic for physics PR pics.

>prove me wrong. protip: you can

Have you seen the women in physics? Not photogenic at all.

>> No.14812627
File: 677 KB, 1125x1027, 1413A9F5-DE49-4411-A81C-6A14C3B99382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was trying to find this picture (I think I know her) and I found this instead.

>> No.14812754
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>> No.14812878

as a physics graduate myself i can only say i feel sorry for you

>> No.14812882

I know you're larping, but the physics institute I'm working for is in the same building as a biology lab. I know only one interdisciplinary couple, I suppose the rest (on both sides) is too autistic to flirt. And I know at least one gay couple in physics and one lesbian couple in biology.

>> No.14812921

As cringe as Sabine can be, rejecting theories that have no chance of being tested as a waste of time is pretty based.

>> No.14812931

not larping i'm just introverted and dislike most people. also i'm probably too young for most users on this board as i'm a senior in biology bs. desu I don't really want to date anyone either but I have very few friends and my dog just died a few days ago so I don't have anyone to talk to. I don't care if you are a man or a woman... talk to me about something interesting

>> No.14812939


>> No.14812947
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my PCOS says otherwise LMAO

>> No.14813999
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>Did you forget your meds today, chud?
No, I took extra meds because I didn't take meds yesterday.

>> No.14814006

>I suppose the rest (on both sides) is too autistic to flirt.
Sounds like you need a social science class to make them improve thier commutation skills. Or breeding program.

>> No.14814030

Tell me you don't do research without telling me you don't do research

>> No.14814140

Fucking kek. Social science and psychology courses that required discussion just made me even less interested in socializing with my peers. It was the epitome of putting on a mask and pretending to give a shit. Only sociopaths, the mentally ill, and bored women benefit.

>> No.14814165

Breeding program it is then.

>> No.14814553

>too young for most users on this board
>pedobaiting on top of waifubaiting

>> No.14814631


>> No.14814644


>> No.14817362

>prove me wrong
There are several women Nobel Laureates.

>> No.14817384
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>> No.14817401

How did one black woman sign a permanent, no charge, deposit free lease on every socially inept /pol/cel's head in this site /sci/?

>> No.14817506


Men have exactly the same problem, but it may not be their fault. There simply is no low hanging fruit anymore.

Physics only progresses from building bigger better telescopes, or from smashing particles at higher and higher speeds, it doesn't progress from anything with origin in the minds of men or women anymore.

>> No.14817620

Please just fucking go back to plebbit. You're worse than any of the schizos and retards here.

>> No.14817652

He's right tho, all low hanging fruits have been taken, nowadays major discoveries are made by large teams of a 100 or more scientist rather than single individuals, the age of individualism in science is over
>worse than any of the schizos and retards here.
I bet you're one of those schizos

>> No.14817838

There are women doing exceptional work in physics, but like most prominent physicists today if they're doing a lot of important work they're also typically unknown in the public sphere.

Ex. I had a chance to meet and collaborate with Marlene Rosenberg, an older plasma theorist, on some space plasma wave research like eight or nine years ago when I was just starting grad school and she was brilliant, like *scary* brilliant. She brought a notebook and pen with her when our group went out to lunch to discuss some ideas and by the time the waiter had brought the check she'd drafted a complete theoretical paper that she published in PoP or JPP or something like a month later as I recall and it ended up being the theoretical basis for an experiment we ran later that year.

But if you bring up her name in a public conversation, nobody's going to have ever heard of her, just like most people will never have heard of Khare Avinash, or Padme Shukla, or Donald Gurnett, etc. because these people were/are all too busy doing physics to spend time shilling themselves or building up a public persona and the media and general public don't give enough of a fuck about physics anymore for there to be enough interest to compel them to.

>> No.14817895

/sci/ needs to start doing hookup/meetup threads - too many of us are autistic bitch hermits afraid to leave our labs/offices/apartments

>> No.14817952

>being photogenic for physics PR pics.
This was my PI. Very attractive woman and reasonably smart but absolutely useless. We (her group) were the real brains behind "her" work and she contributed next to nothing. And she has been getting promotions and attention up the ass to promote wammen in science

>> No.14818763
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>He's right tho, all low hanging fruits have been taken
I believe there's actually plenty left, but they are just rejected by ""Experts"", because reasons.

Come check out this thread: >>14806713