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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14810407 No.14810407 [Reply] [Original]

One of my professors worked at a high level for pfizer in drug research and development. You told me that pharma scientists are blood drinking jewish vampires. He's actually very nice and a normal person. Why would you do this? Why are scientists, and chemists in particular, so often demonized by this board? I thought most of you were studying science yourself?

It makes me wonder who actually browses /sci/

>> No.14810442

its almost as if people lead double lives and can act nice to easily fool retards, imagine that DK

>> No.14810444

>You told me that pharma scientists are blood drinking jewish vampires
The people who pay them are; and they are what they get paid.

>> No.14810447
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>not ALL nazis were bad: 2022 edition
Fuck off, shill.

>> No.14810452

try this, follow your professor out of hours, see where he goes and what he does. you'll be shocked

>> No.14810462
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Decent pharma corporations usually have enforce strict segregation between the blood-drinking Jewish vampire teams working on stuff like Rofecoxib or Baycol, and the good, decent normal guy scientists working on safe and effective miracle drugs.

>> No.14810465
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I'm thinking that it's more likely that you don't know what you're talking about or are deliberately lying for fun.

>> No.14810472

I'm thinking your likes will be finding it quite dangerous to express their Pfizer drone opinions in public without risking serious bodily harm in the foreseeable future. Go post this trash under your full name.

>> No.14810484

>I see people at face value and nothing more
you'd be quite easy to scam

>> No.14810488

so do you think a blood sucking jewish vampire would be walking around in public wearing a cape and have fangs?
fuck me you're special.

>> No.14810495

I'm a scientist and most of it is pipetting liquids kek
And then the other half is buying kneepads so you can ask the government for money

>> No.14810499

I'm a physicist and the professors I have worked with are so apolitical it's actually infuriating. Especially with the topics that makes /pol/tards' blood boil. With them it's mostly "Let's wait and see what is going to happen."

>> No.14810503

>some nazis were bad
I'm gonna need a source that proves this claim

>> No.14810504

kys jew

>> No.14810591

Almost like intelligent people are able to calculate ROI.

>> No.14810619

This is why I'm just not going to have the shot. Sorry. Heh. I'm not gonna. Just have to wait and see.

>> No.14810626
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>> No.14810677

In Australia they beat people and put them in camps for refusing to be poked, and poked their kids without their consent.

>> No.14810682

this my friend works at moderna. they have extra security at their facilities because of all the schizos. its sad

>> No.14810685

>Anecdotal evidence
Get out. And no sane person is demonizing big pharma. Its just a corporation that big that it can skew the rules for profit. Its literally not rocket science, even my grandma can understand this.

>> No.14810688

And then all the kangaroos and aborigines clapped.

>> No.14810699


>> No.14810727

>Covid Internment Camp
Capitalised as if this were a thing, yet googling this only yields this very article.
> You feel like
> It’s like
So is this article about facts or about feelings?
>if I was to do this again
There must be some information missing. What did she do? What could she do again?
> And these people are in hazmat suits and everything. They don’t want to come near you
Waah waah
> And they leave you. They don’t come and say anything, they don’t check up, they don’t do anything.

What this article is missing:
> they beat people
> put them in camps for refusing to be poked
That's not for refusing to get vaccinated, that's simple quarantine, only they offer you facilities and bring you food rather than requiring you to quarantine at home.
>poked their kids without their consent.

Do you have a source that backs any of your claims at all?

>> No.14810739

I will be one hundred percent honest with you and admit i just like spreading /x/ tier rumors about shit and riling people up because it amuses me, it makes me giggle to myself whenever i can conjure up a lie and get people mad on twitter.

Is that really so bad? I hold actual scientists in high regard, but spreading misinformation and seeing the reactions and ripple effect of it is just too funny, i can’t stop, i am an addict.

>> No.14810741

Why are you personally invested in corporate fascism and defending a failed, hamrful vaccination policy?

>> No.14810746

I'm personally invested in not being lied to.

>> No.14810752

Then shouldn't you be more concerned with the systematic propaganda campaign behind the institutional response to COVID ?

>> No.14810760

Right here right now you're the one who lied to me and I can tell you to fuck off.

>> No.14810761

>Right here right now
Okay, so I assume that usually you are busy refuting government propaganda and promoting COVID skepticism, right?

>> No.14810765

>deflecting from your lies

>> No.14810771
File: 107 KB, 1024x576, p0cj5l79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a different poster and you're the one deflecting. I think everyone can tell why you're here, what "lies" concern you the most and what lies you're absolutely on board with. How does this image make you feel, by the way? :^)

>> No.14810776


>> No.14810778

My child was handicapped by a stroke from the safe and effective clotshot, but you're telling me the Pfizer scientists are really nice guys? I'll go tell the little ungrateful conspiracy theorist to shape up and Trust the Science™

>> No.14810782

Your child had a stroke due to climate change, retard.

>> No.14810793
File: 7 KB, 241x209, pepesmoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't have a child

>> No.14810807
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Also a different poster: you got owned and you tried to pull some self righteous "i dont talk 2 liars" ploy to conveniently dismiss his arguments. A nice rule of thumb: If you notice yourself looking for excuses to dismiss someone's argument, you're probably in a state of cognitive dissonance, aka a shitlib

If you don't like being lied to, you must really hate the Neoliberal establishment that told you these clotshots could prevent you from spreading the illness and that's why they had to be mandated. remember how they told you there was no risk to any of the clotshots before pulling the johnson and johnson off the market? remember how we told you so? take the redpill. stop being a snowflake baby diaper. Truth isn't as scary as liberals pretend it is, your trauma is what prevents you from facing it head on.

>> No.14810820

>you got owned
By a guy who made four different claims and then posted a "source" that mentions none of what he said? I doubt it.
>A nice rule of thumb: If you notice yourself looking for excuses to dismiss someone's argument, you're probably in a state of cognitive dissonance, aka a shitlib
I'm not looking for excuses, those are baseless claims and given the opportunity he couldn't come up with anything to back them up.

>If you don't like being lied to, you must really hate the Neoliberal establishment
Completely unrelated, but I do

>> No.14810824
File: 50 KB, 681x596, 335324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this image?

>> No.14810829

>and they are what they get paid
they are money?

>> No.14810860

Yes, are you losing your mind, subhuman?

>> No.14810869
File: 308 KB, 828x690, 1646274129738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't sound okay. How does this image make you feel?

>> No.14810878

Honestly confused. Are you admitting to be a Russian shill now?

>> No.14810881
File: 102 KB, 903x663, 1649646246498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Russians in the room with us?

>> No.14810884

>You told me that pharma scientists are blood drinking jewish vampires.
>He's actually very nice and a normal person.
Vampires pretend to be nice and normal to pacify their victims, Anon.