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14806251 No.14806251 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?
Did india invent modern science?

>> No.14806253

> Is this true?

>> No.14806272

>invent everything
>but not toilets
Shiggy diggy

>> No.14806274

Ancient dentistry(7000BC)
Ancient flush toilet systems(2500BC)
Weighing scale(2400BC)
Plastic surgery(2000BC)
"Pythagoras" theorem(700BC)
Crucible steel(200BC)
Invented zero(4000BC)

>> No.14806276

Modern democratic india was invented by the British and muslim rulers.
India beforehand was not like this we are much more developed than yours

>> No.14806285

We indians also invented airplanes,rockets,usb,binary system,cataract surgery etc;

>> No.14806301

They did invent toilets, but the British stole them and now they have to shit in the streets.

>> No.14806319

So India is saying "we invented everything then hid the knowledge and never used it, but those mean old limeys took it and put it to use."?

Sounds like "eminent domain".

>> No.14806322

So what one gets from that list is that India has been worthless to humanity for the last 2500+ years.

>> No.14806325

We had a good peaceful functioning society until Buddhists,jainists,muslims and Britishers ruined it all until we became null. Now we rebuilding and you can see how much better we are than 50 years ago. If this growth countinuos we will be better than you in 20 years. Remember gene editing is no problem here if something wrong happens to the baby we'll just kill it. But if not we will little aryabhattas everywhere

>> No.14806328

How has pythogoras and zero not been useful?
Every physics formula is derived from Pythagoras also zero is used in computers

>> No.14806361


>> No.14806372

Traded toilets for toothbrushes

>> No.14806374

Where are the contributions to humanity since BC times? kek!

>> No.14806378

Water on moon
Bit system

>> No.14806398

>Water on moon
India is sending their Ganges water to the moon? No wonder there is no life on the Moon now! barf!

>> No.14806406

That's all you can do.
Make stupid jokes. You are anglosscum.
A simple search will tell you that most of the nasa and all other tech countries have a lot of Indian engineers.
Indians live in a corrupt system which doesn't allow them to succeed

>> No.14806410

>Indians live in a corrupt system which doesn't allow them to succeed
There is is folks......... "I suck and come from a sucky breed of humans because others hold us down!"
Poor fucking you. kek! Go eat more curry and shit some cholera.

Oh, and I'm Native-American Inca-Hispanic.

>> No.14806415

You should be proud of whoever you are. Don't you realize how white people destroyed your entire civilization in a span of 400 years. How can you lick their boots this much?
Be ashamed of yourself

>> No.14806430


>> No.14806504
File: 59 KB, 392x571, 1635834599894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worthless redskins should be grateful to bear the Indian name

>> No.14806507

>Diff between 1 and 2 is 30k
That money can be used to wage war against Latvia. That's how you know indians know the game

>> No.14806508

Is it wrong I keep reading this guys messages in an Indian accent

>> No.14806511

white people are the reason why he lives in unconceivable luxury.

>> No.14806523

If Arabic barbarians didn't take advantage of our kindness. You would be speaking sanskrit

>> No.14806525

>Bit system
Claude Shannon was Indian?

>> No.14806599

India itself is a modern invention. It was always dozens of kingdoms. Noel Ignatiev was right, identity is made up. These ultra nationalist Indians would be equally rabid as members of some random sultanate but yoi tell them "we India now" and they go "we india now love India death to not India"

>> No.14806644

>Religion vs science

>> No.14806667

Indians have been involved in modern science since the mid 19th century. Think Ramanujan, and the first radio was indian.

>> No.14806670
File: 60 KB, 300x355, thumb_india-loses-3-billion-dollar-submarine-because-someone-forgot-to-57639961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I doubt this is true.

>> No.14806695
File: 1.85 MB, 4200x2288, makesuthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things are pretty bad desu

>> No.14806699
File: 3.66 MB, 4999x3777, HealthAdmins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indians have been involved in modern science since the mid 19th century. Think Ramanujan, and the first radio was indian.
That's not true.
Indians are the ultimate we-wuzzers. I've come a cross an outrageous amount of wikipedia articles that twist historical truth beyond belief

>> No.14806709

>Did india invent modern science?
What, you've never heard of Franjeet Baconesh, father of the scientific method?

>> No.14806942


>> No.14806998
File: 52 KB, 543x537, 1639594142009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would explain why it's so shitty

>> No.14807177

>all the smart Indians get out of their country asap
Sounds about right.

>> No.14807181

>no inventions once the ancient aryans were demographically replaced by niggers

>> No.14807373

Doesn't matter whether it is or not, it will be accepted as in 50 years when the west turns into Brazil and brahmin bulls dominate the world