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File: 67 KB, 496x378, ssri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14806110 No.14806110 [Reply] [Original]

>Random unexplained pain?
>Bad periods?

>> No.14806122 [DELETED] 

society is not your family. If you have problems, you will be drugged and numbed to prevent your problems from spreading, escalating. This is not about love. Be normal. Or buzz off

>> No.14806129

society is not your family. If you have problems, you will be drugged and numbed to prevent your problems from spreading, escalating. This is not about love. Be normal. Or buzz off.

You come to society for help, you go to your villages shaman or medicine man for help, you get what they give you

>> No.14806131

Follow the leftist big pharma money trail.

>> No.14806142

And what solutions do you have in mind?

>> No.14806176

That was at least nowhere near as bad as when they started repurposing antipsychotics as a treatment for everything and Abilify even became the best selling pharmaceutical of any kind (not just psychiatric drugs) in 2014.
Antipsychotics fuck you up way worse. Risperdal was causing prolactin secreting brain tumors, they all are associated with sudden morbid obesity, the older ones especially (but the newer ones still too to a lesser extent) basically induce Parkinson's Disease with permanent muscle spasms / tongue twitching / shuffling gait, etc.

>> No.14806181

How to recover? No refunds? What do you know of the one called "Latuda"?

>> No.14806202

Okay so psychiatrists are lying to you when they say they're helping you. They're not actually helping you, they're protecting society from you. If that's the case how can i have any trust in any academic institution?

>> No.14806210

They aren't protecting society from anyone. From their perspective, they are doing exactly what they are trained to.

>> No.14806212

Mental illness is a good thing because it co-occurs with high intelligence. I have been taking antidepressants on-and-off for a decade and nothing helped. I have attempted suicide as early as age 5 and I would burn myself, cut, or throw myself down the stairs with my eyes closed everyday. But I took an IQ test online and I got a 138, so I guess that is a W.

>> No.14806217

>they are doing exactly what they are trained to
Which is to prescribe drugs to protect society from you by numbing you.

>> No.14806219

>But I took an IQ test online
Not valid. They ALL will give scores in the 120s-140s. Less than 1% of humans score above 140

>> No.14806234

Pretty sure that's a myth. There are plenty of online IQ tests you can pay for. And most of them are run by psychologists.

>> No.14806237

>Pretty sure that's a myth.

>> No.14806239

I wish this board had better debaters. This is embarrassing.

>> No.14806242

Debating garbage assertions is pointless. That is Montel and Jerry Springer mentality and what you seek.

>> No.14806247

You're rhetorically ineffective which will make people believe your opponent even if you're right.

>> No.14806248
File: 61 KB, 1259x668, iqtestranking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These guys took an online IQ test (if you watched the video). And they look pretty accurate.

>> No.14806249
File: 155 KB, 500x733, df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every male that gets a mental health diagnosis must run the Starting Strength program until their noob gains run out. Then we will reassess from that point onward

>> No.14806268

>Okay so psychiatrists are lying to you when they say they're helping you. They're not actually helping you,
If someone is panic stricken, in terror, hysterical, under continual regular mental distress, and seeking solutions of easing this, there are so many different options.

We live in a world of free comerciality, maybe 1 depressed or anxious person over here will feel a bit better with some holistic healthy lifestyle activities; noones stoping anyone from trying different things, but pschiatry is like the rock bottom AA for feeling mentally unwell, instead of trying to not consume a substance to change mental state, your are seeking a substance to change mental state.

History has a long history of community rituals or sacred ceremonies and festivals in which members could escape their minds to degrees possibly with substances, alcohol is a common of these mind buzzers,

The psychiatrist is akin to the ancient shaman medicine man, given a member of the community mental, spiritual releif, via psycho interactive substance.

>> No.14806273

>Which is to prescribe drugs to protect society from you by numbing you.
The person seeking the drugs is seeking to change their mental experience, the drugs do that.

>> No.14806282

doling out SSRIs is not what a shaman does. it is anathema to anything a real “mental expert” should do

legitimizing people becoming dependent on powerful psychiatric substances like SSRIs is basically ethically equivalent to hooking children on crack cocaine

>> No.14806315

You've equated taking antipsychotics (which are typically taken while alone, in the morning) with drinking alone in the morning.

>> No.14806324

>You're rhetorically ineffective which will make people believe your opponent even if you're right.
^pot head logic on display.

>> No.14806326


>> No.14806327

>You've equated taking antipsychotics (which are typically taken while alone, in the morning) with drinking alone in the morning
I just meant to highlight the commonality in society of investing extracurricular substances to alter mental states, and alcohol being a very common way people do that.

Maybe all the nightly drinkers and weekend bar drunkards would be happier off booze and on ssris, maybe some of both, I don't know.

Some people need to quite down and change aspects of their mental experience, substances exist that do this. Ssris are some of those substances, and seem to be popularly used as such

>> No.14806330

You have the limpest view.
>maybe this, maybe that, maybe it's good, maybe both
>I don't know

>ssris are used to change mental experience
>it's popular!
So is heroin you fucking dipshit.

>> No.14806367

>>ssris are used to change mental experience
>>it's popular!
Ok so, alternatives? And ask the people on the drugs if they want to stop and do your alternative instead?

>> No.14806421

This is a blueprint for a functional society right here

>> No.14806476


Can confirm, Antipsychotics are poison that they lie about being medicine.

>> No.14806482

>The psychiatrist is akin to the ancient shaman medicine man, given a member of the community mental, spiritual releif, via psycho interactive substance.

Except far more dangerous. The drugs he gives out have been designed with malicious intent, and he is even more ignorant than the shaman of their effects, as the shaman at least takes his own drugs.

>> No.14807002

Do americans really ?

>> No.14807004

That's why I have ADHD because we get based amphetamine :)

>> No.14807466

Big Pharma is the problem.
The psychiatrists are (typically morally neutral) agents of this problem, while the patients can either be helped or hurt by the drugs depending on a variety of factors.

>> No.14808483

You probably aren't high IQ if you don't already know you're high IQ (ie, if you weren't thoroughly tested as a child)

>> No.14808493 [DELETED] 
File: 107 KB, 567x459, Psilocybe_semilanceata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eat ze shrooms

>> No.14809014

Given that the scientific consensus is that mentally ill people are more likely to be intelligent, AND that I have an IQ of 138... yeah, I think the latter speaks for itself.

>> No.14809018

Absolutely can confirm. Bitch psychiatrist put me on an antipsychotic (Abilify) for my depression. Nearly gave me tardive dyskinesia from it. Freaked me the fuck out and I got rid of the pills immediately, and never used any meds since. Suffering with depression is 100x better than rolling the dice on the off chance some drug fucks your brain in the correct way, when there's a much bigger chance it will fuck it the wrong way.

>> No.14809463

I was on that drug during my teen years, when I was suffering from severe anxiety and major depression. No matter how often that drug proved ineffective, the doctor insisted on "up-ing the milligram". Sorry to hear about your struggles - I hope you are doing better.

>> No.14811485

Pick one; drugs bad, or drugs good, OP.

Don't just ruin it for the people who find it useful.

SSRI's are not for everybody OP.

But I, personally, find the surjection that it's a placebo, very related to it's experimentation.

>> No.14811589
File: 40 KB, 600x452, pone.0002558.g002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luvox is the superior SSRI.
Brexpiprazole is the best antipsychotic.

>> No.14811638
File: 859 KB, 640x854, martian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You come to society for help, you go to your villages shaman or medicine man for help, you get what they give you
A shaman more tries to use plants / drugs to beat the shit out of you for a night or two until your disease leaves because your body has become too scary for it.
A psychiatrist kind of does the opposite and tries to get you on anxiety / emotion / thought dampening pharmaceuticals so you can take them until you die and not make as much noise in response to your disease.

>> No.14811998
File: 101 KB, 1024x838, 1661613269005269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pshychiatrists do not know that most mental disorders are tied to bad gut health, thats why they have no idea how to cure it. And they will never know this, because big pharma makes no money if you cure diseases with diet protocols. So they will never fund any studies to prove this so that the few psychyatrists that are aware of this link cant use diet as a cure without losing their licence.


>> No.14812013

So tl;dr I just need to nuke the bacteria in my guts with antibiotics and all my problems will go away?
Sounds pretty based. Fuck bacteria.

>> No.14812028

SSRI's are an unproven catch all that probably doesn't even treat the specific problem, but provides a combination of shotgun+placebo effect that reduces symptoms of mental health issues the way a total system depressant like a benzo or barbiturate can help with the symptoms of everything from gastrointestinal problems to muscle spasm to anxiety to dieting to being general anesthesia.
The reality is that we don't understand the mechanisms or pathways for the majority of these actions in our brain chemistry. We're only taking educated guesses at this point in history.

Also, I have spent the better part of a decade in and out of therapy for clinical insomnia and major depression, along with related issues, and literally no psychiatrist or clinical psychologist has started by suggesting I take pills. Every single one has told me, in accordance with the preponderance of literature, that therapy is the primary treatment. Drugs are used to assist with side-effects so that the therapy can be practiced effectively. And this is for everything from clinical insomnia to major depression to suicidal ideation to a generalize thought disorder to anger problems. I do not recommend anything but a controlled and small dose of SSRI for anything, as has been the advice of literally every specialist doctor I have seen regarding mental health issues. If someone starts by recommending pills, they are either not a specialist, a shitty doctor, or broken by the sort of patients that come in to demand pills and file lawsuits when their demands aren't met.

>> No.14812193

No the oposit. You need to add bacteria to your gut by eating fermented food, so that your ecosystem recovers