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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 290 KB, 899x807, OH NO NO NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14803733 No.14803733 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14803736

Diversity is our strength.

>> No.14803746
File: 66 KB, 476x512, smugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Over 2 billion (per launch) btw

>> No.14803755 [DELETED] 

The Russians must have sabotaged the engine. God damn Putin trying to destroy our democracy. We can't let this keep happening.

>> No.14803756

>inb4 racist, misogynistic, conspiratorial, trumpanzee posts

>> No.14803758
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>> No.14803760

Go back

>> No.14803797

>we are (not) going

>> No.14803801


>> No.14803814
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4chin is a free speech website you chimp.

>> No.14803815

That's exactly what redditards should be banned.

>> No.14803823

Got all your braids tangled up, Shaniqua?

>> No.14803827

aaaaaaand here come the incels gleefully shitting on scientific progress. Science won’t go any further without inclusion but y’all ain’t ready have that conversation yet apparently

>> No.14803836

Science won't go any further until we stop carrying on our back all the subhuman, low iq, low impulse control filth that doesn't belong to civilized society.

>> No.14803852

Go ahead and hop off our backs then, we can progress as a civilized society without barbaric racists like you. Don’t y’all always bitch and moan about leaving society and living off grid? Now’s your chance.

>> No.14803883
File: 126 KB, 500x612, nasa-nasa-nasa-first-fat-nigga-in-space-we-did-28189012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14803890

lol, lmao

>> No.14803903

NASAcucks we got too cucky...

>> No.14803907

Why is every incel itt being racist?

>> No.14804447

Elon won.

>> No.14804470 [DELETED] 
File: 741 KB, 610x602, sheniqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you worry, Shaniqua is on it as we speak.

>> No.14804495

We are going b-ACK!

>> No.14804784

Easily up to 4.5bn by now anon

>> No.14804812

>taking the bait

>> No.14804815

If you're not an autistic retard who enjoys deepthroating the bait, why are you on this website?

>> No.14804832

How did they keep fucking up so bad?

>> No.14804843

It's on purpose, NASA is "putting over" SpaceX
It's all kayfabe (space is fake and gay)

>> No.14804857

Any non-shizo explanations?

>> No.14804874
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>> No.14804893

If it's Boing, it's not going

>> No.14805222

So what's the implication here? The jewish cabal is spiting you by calling their puppet Elon?

>> No.14805224


>> No.14805608

rent free

>> No.14805626

Then fix it
Or did AI lie....

>> No.14805647

>Science won’t go any further without inclusion but y’all ain’t ready have that conversation yet apparently
nice bait faggot

>> No.14805651

They don’t have enough men involved.
Men think of solutions on the fly. Women want to think everything over and call fucking meetings all the time, delay, check things hundreds of times for no reason, etc.
If women were in charge of Apollo 13 all of the astronauts would’ve died.

>> No.14805719

Stupid piece of shit rocket is single use and for a “demonstration”
Not even a fucking test launch, a demonstration.
Like nigga we know you can fucking launch rockets, we don’t need a demonstration. Pay Elon whatever the fuck he’s asking for Falcon 9s and send someone to the fucking Moon instead of wasting money

>> No.14805769

Rocketdyne made the engines, doofus.

>> No.14805900
File: 203 KB, 1267x1920, 07f46b3aef584ff59e7fdcfb42c5d2fd.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why this SLS bullshit is so bad compared to something literally made in Elon's trailerpark?

>> No.14805905
File: 741 KB, 610x602, sheniqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! NASA is doing the right thing an embracing diversity

>> No.14806813

That steel silo piece of shit hasn’t made it anywhere and is likely years away from a successful orbital flight. There’s no way it’s tanks/hull are going to survive the forces of liftoff and re-entry and maintain structural integrity enough for re-usability.
I’d love to be wrong on this, I just don’t see StarShip as ever being viable.

>> No.14806828

>>Men think of solutions on the fly. Women want to think everything over and call fucking meetings all the time, delay, check things hundreds of times for no reason, etc.
women do this shallow meaningless work precisely because they know that sooner or later, all their orbiters will do the meaningful work for them

>> No.14807249

>still being this butthurt years later

>Having a problem with mocking inferior life forms
You really need to go back, niggerfaggot.

>> No.14807626

>I just.. I just don't think it will work bro
Baseless assertions.

>> No.14807646
File: 1.05 MB, 2415x3000, S-IC_engines_and_Von_Braun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Science won’t go any further without inclusion

Yeah, science had so much problems advancing without diversity hires!

>> No.14807663
File: 9 KB, 250x187, 1613435530516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white men went to the moon with 60's tech
>diversity hires and wymyn can't even launch a rocket with 2022 tech

>> No.14809216

"our" is them speaking, it's a true statement

>> No.14809317

Damn man I guess the hundreds of engineers working on it are just buttfuck retarded then.
Too bad they didn't go to you first before spending countless billions on the project.

>> No.14809322

>it's going to magically work perfectly the first go despite that never happening to any new space X rocket because... it just is okay!!!

>> No.14809323
File: 58 KB, 460x570, 5618935E-6F18-42C6-85FB-44B49F55DB5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>german men went to the moon with 60's tech
>americans can't even launch a rocket with 2022 tech

>> No.14809325

But it's not a new rocket you retard, did you miss the last two years of SN tests?

>> No.14809330

The first stage is new, and for the second stage successfully landing from a 10km drop is different from surviving reentry.

>> No.14809347

>the first go
Nice strawman you created there.

>> No.14809678

>Baseless assertions.

It's most successful landing to date was off-center, on fire and with broken landing skids. And this was a prototype that only restarted its motors after a few minutes, not after days or weeks in orbit.


Hundreds of engineers worked on the N-1, too.

>> No.14809741

Plus tip

>> No.14809886

Yeah, SpaceX will probably have several spectacular failures before they get Starship working. The trick though, is that they do not have to worry about contractors in dozens of states getting cost+ contracts driving up the cost of everything, and making it difficult to fix issues. Blowing up a dozen starships will be cheaper than the R&D process for the SLS.

>> No.14809971

And they're generally open about that fact. They haven't done anything to hide any of the earlier explosions or to come up with external blame. They simply examine the fault and usually release that information to the public. That kind of openness makes overcoming problems a much faster process.

>> No.14810111
File: 56 KB, 821x960, 1603501863498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting. If this is real, it says that this "Elon" is like a tittle. Wonder from where he got the idea.

>> No.14810273

Fuck anime. Only faggots like anime.

>> No.14810513

>It's most successful landing to date was off-center, on fire and with broken landing skids. And this was a prototype
Exactly, you're saying it will never work because the prototype didn't work. Retarded.

SpaceX regularly land Falcon 9 dead center on target, they know what it takes to land a rocket precisely, they aren't walking blind into the problem of landing Starship precisely.

>> No.14810524


>Fuck anime

So you're a faggot?

>> No.14811278

I get banned like 5 times a week.

>> No.14811317

Thank God Elon is going to BTFO those useless faggot that havent done anything noteworthy since the 60's

>> No.14811321

Hi my fellow 2016newfriend

>> No.14812267
File: 69 KB, 594x789, spacefail1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14812452

ding ding ding ding

>> No.14813945

Who would think a spaceship is really complicated and things could go wrong...

>> No.14814245

kessler syndrome is a meme, and not even a good one