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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 158x236, IMG_20220829_121355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14802302 No.14802302 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck that toxic cesspool of sociopathic egomaniacs. I wish it all fucking burned to the ground.

>> No.14802316

99.9% of people don't belong in education past Jr. High. Ivory towers need to come back and tradies need to shoo

>> No.14802593

I get you man, you're safe here with us.
Read The No Asshole Rule. Tldr: the humans still don't have an official practical solution to this, but a trouble shared is a trouble halved.
Also remember that a tenured professor is the most interested person in keeping the status quo in his field of study, if he didn't managed to advance it personally. Yes very ironic and sad

>> No.14802661

t. Too dumb for academia
Now go fix my sink Cletus

>> No.14803474
File: 65 KB, 618x597, 1654252672380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck scientists and their sponsors: government

>> No.14803478


>> No.14806136

Fuck you, meow. You can delete my thread, but I'm still living rent free in your head. Don't you have something better to do instead, perhaps some books to be read? What is it about caracals that you dream? I see your face is turning red.

>> No.14806144

>t. Too dumb for academia
>Now go fix my sink Cletus
So smart, but cannot fix a literal tube for water with gravity and air pressure doing all the work.

>> No.14806153

>so smart but can't fix a literal tube of propellent with air pressure doing all the work

>> No.14807015

Yeah, some more retard schizo-posting. There's even the "12000 rpm" idiot popping up to confirm the crackpot-nonsense trademark. LOL.

>> No.14807030

Based and truth pilled. Fuck acadummia. Fuck midwit NPC culture. Science was better when education was a privilege.

>> No.14807033
File: 216 KB, 1366x728, BeliefRepeaters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14807137

LOL. Posted using a complex network of devices that is the literal product of modern science, for which of course we have to thank the academics you so much despise. How ironic...

>> No.14807157
File: 51 KB, 537x500, 6e6czc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you got filtered, we get it

>> No.14807171

academics didnt have anything to do with ancient or modern science pleb mouth breather. How much of a pseud do you have to be to need to be told this? Private industry and military are the innovators not academia half wit

>> No.14807180

And this proves beyond doubt that you haven't the slightest clue how academy or industry work.
Who do you think makes things happen in high-tech firms? Yep, college-trained scientists and engineers. And guess who trains them? Right on spot: academics.

Have you got more clueless-moron nonsense to share?

>> No.14807193

>Those who can’t do, teach.

>> No.14807198

And those who know nothing babble nonsense on the internet. LOL.

I guess you dropped out of high-school and you have a meaningless menial job which is why you are so angry and so desperate to take down those who are so much above you that you can't even phantom it.

>> No.14807203

Noticing patterns everywhere is an early sign of schizophrenia, anon.

>> No.14807208

The problem with modern science isn't science itself, it's social media they are all addicted to, the tribe online they are associated with and fear being ostracized from and the mindset of universities that mindfuck them.

>> No.14807214

>the humans still don't have an official practical solution to this
So why don't we brainstorm one? My take is peer-review should be substituted with crowd-review of the pre-prints. Some system, sorting applied articles by branches, rating of approval, logical consistency checked by ai, facts checked by the same or neighbouring ai. articles kept on servers and as magnet-links.
Multiple courses on each subject are freely available and sponsored by those who has enough of money to approve what he likes.
Virtual reality courses for surgeons and automechanics from the point of view of surgeons and automechanics. As the person have learnt to follow the hands of the master, he can turn to augmented reality assistance to perform his first operations.

>> No.14807215

Science is no longer about the truth, it's now about social engineering. If a scientific fact is classed as hurtful it's no longer a fact.

We aren't allowed to say different races have traits, most blacks have much lower IQ numbers than Jews for example. There is no way to change this outside of race mixing either (which btw is why race mixing is pushed so hard among black and whites so much)

Blacks are far more prone to criminality, more likely to jump to violence, more likely to steal (even if it makes no sense to do so at all)

Women are weaker and more emotional than men.

Men are not women and women are not men.

These are facts, that are hurtful and so longer considered facts.

>> No.14807219

What about those who can sponsor their own research or go to private companies to do research for them?

>> No.14807239

Either you don't know who the "12000 rpm" idiot is or you're him.

>> No.14807254

Enlighten me. I can't possibly know every autistic spammer in this site.

>> No.14807289

For the Force's sake, how much time do you have? I'll try the short version: he is a clueless delusional moron convinced that he disproved conservation of angular momentum by means of spinning a yo-yo in his living room and badly misapplied 1st-year physics. He spent the last 6 years of his life being an obnoxious, insufferable prick who insults everybody, incessantly lies, and generally behaves like an arrogant ignorant idiot which eventually got him banned from basically any platform known to man. This is currently the last place where he can post his nonsense but of course all he gets back is mockery.

>> No.14807930

Academia itself isn't the problem, it's the current iteration where appeals to vanity that imply you're stupid if you have any critique of it have created a sort of midwit cargo cult. Create a mental association between intelligence/status and academic position, and existential problems like administrative corruption or mistreatment of graduate students will never be addressed.

>> No.14807975


>> No.14807982

>all he gets back is mockery
I've seen at least one person defending him, using the unassailable logic that people on reddit hate him so he must be good.

>> No.14807998

Reddit is a suppurating boil on the sweaty inner thigh of the Internet. Change my mind.

>> No.14808064

Pretty sure it was someone pulling his leg. He falls quite easily for it... did I mention the man is not very bright?

>> No.14808117

literally the exact opposite, you are a clueless donkey. If listed every major invention/advancement in the history of science maybe 1 or 2% at most could be attributed to an academic institution. All the rest was a lone genius, the military or private industry. You are a hack larping like you are some genius when you are in fact a drooling moron that hasnt faintest idea what you are even talking about

>> No.14808149

>If listed every major invention/advancement in the history of science
Go ahead then. I'll wait.

>> No.14808190

Here is a list of the 50 greatest inventions since the wheel. You tell me which ones were done by "academics" (you already fucked up claiming technology was which unfortunately for you I am a computer scientist and know you are retarded and none of the things you claimed to have come from academia actually did)

>> No.14808217

Yup, they are a bunch gatekeeping elitist faggots. Fuck scientists.

>> No.14808233
File: 3.25 MB, 2656x5600, inventions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in fact here I will make it even easier for you. Here is a list of 20. I'll wait

>> No.14808237

>I am a computer scientist
Oh good lord, one of those

>> No.14808244

yah we actually make shit instead of huffing our own farts all day. Remember how you were just taking credit for and bragging about all the shit we do here >>14807137

>> No.14808252

Different anon. Computer scientists are not scientists. They don't use the scientific method. They're merely applied mathematicians.

>> No.14808259

you are saying the field of computer science doesnt use the scientific method?

>> No.14808271

I am saying that, yes. When's the last time you did an experiment?

>> No.14808379

wtf do you think debugging is half wit?

>> No.14808467

A process in which you formulate a hypothesis, make a prediction based on that hypothesis, then conduct an experiment to test that prediction.

Oh no wait, the other thing: fixing typos in equations.

>> No.14808507

You are quite the npc. It's funny you mention mathematics because that is the fundamental science.
Chewed up nonsense.

>> No.14808520

Mathematics is not a science. Google "scientific method"

>> No.14808565

Google /= fact

>> No.14808568

>peer review substituted by crowd review
Yes becuase having the general public vote on what is the best "research" doesn't have any problems
>checked by ai
Same problem with normal peer review, the programmers of the ai that is used for peer review can program in bias
>free online courses
Already exists, MIT OpenCourseware for example. The problem isn't education it's accreditation, and you're probably always gonna have to pay for that
>vr courses for surgeons
Not sure about you but I'm not getting a total knee replacement from an orthopedic who's training comes from playing surgeon simulator on his oculus rift

The practical solution is one that has already existed for hundreds of years: people with money did their own research becuase they were interested in it and for no other reason. Many if not most historical scientific figures (avagadro, Newton, leibniz, lavoisier, I could go on) didn't do science for a career or to gain notoriety they did it purely out of interest and had plenty of money to fund it. This obviously slows development of certain things the government or general public might want, but it solves the issue you're describing

>> No.14808608

I got you this: ≠

>> No.14808669

still waiting

>> No.14809424


Nice try moron: those inventions are all the product of science. You just proved my point and confirmed in the process that you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

>> No.14809426

Some of those are even from before academia was even a thing, the others are all a direct consequence of scientific principles discovered by, guess what, scientists in academia. You just confirmed that you have no fucking clue what science and technology are, retard.

>> No.14809600

>literally the exact opposite, you are a clueless donkey. If listed every major invention/advancement in the history of science maybe 1 or 2% at most could be attributed to an academic institution. All the rest was a lone genius, the military or private industry. You are a hack larping like you are some genius when you are in fact a drooling moron that hasnt faintest idea what you are even talking about

This is a complete made-up notion you cogged in your own noggin. It merely proves that you know fuckall about academia, science, technology and how any of them work.

>> No.14809604

imagine being stupid enough to make a post like this

>> No.14809606
File: 483 KB, 1200x800, sci_fox_and_grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck that toxic cesspool of sociopathic egomaniacs. I wish it all fucking burned to the ground.
sour grapes

>> No.14809735

>fuck academia
>fuck that toxic cesspool of sociopathic egomaniacs. I wish it all fucking burned to the ground
Congratulations. You are now a full fledged academic.

>> No.14810042

I am trying but it is really hard to phantom somebody that stupid: it is a mystery how such a dumb person could even breathe...

>> No.14810943

>And guess who trains them?
Other engineers at the company they work for, either directly through mentorship or absorption over time. Most of the stuff you learn at university you don't even use and it's not always entirely relevant to your job. Generally, you will be trained to on your specific set of products, systems, etc, at your company.

>> No.14810950

>sour grapes

>> No.14810953

>We aren't allowed to say different races have traits, most blacks have much lower IQ numbers than Jews for example. There is no way to change this outside of race mixing either (which btw is why race mixing is pushed so hard among black and whites so much)
You're painting with a wide brush over something as large as "science" based on your political grievances regarding something that is relatively small in comparison to science as a whole. Retard.