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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 62 KB, 1024x768, cats_20and_20dogs_1_y5lb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1479571 No.1479571 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, what the fuck do I do with my cat. She's an outdoor cat that just comes inside to eat and sleep, the rest of the day she's outside.

I don't have a problem with that, but the bitch always hunts for little cute birdies and mice and rabbits and ducks and shit. It pisses me off.

I love my cat, she's adorable and cuddly, but I had to go to the vet like 4 times the past a few weeks to deliver injured little mammals. Most of the shit she brings isn't even injured and just escapes once I grab her.

She just brought a little rabbit a few minutes ago. As soon as I saw that I raged and threw the bitch into the wall until she let go of him. The rabbit is in the clear.

Bitch cat is next to me eating my food now.

>> No.1479578

>As soon as I saw that I raged and threw the bitch into the wall until she let go of him.

I'd say you're the bitch. It was a gift you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.1479592

I've made it clear to that bitch I don't want her bringing that shit. Yet she insists on doing it.

>> No.1479600

Thats what cats do. Are you retarded?

>> No.1479597

>I had to go to the vet like 4 times the past a few weeks to deliver injured little mammals.

Why would you do that?
They're common animals, there's no reason to save them, put them out of their misery if you truly feel bad for them. Besides, if you try to save them you're interfering with natural selection.

You're cat is a killing machine, that's what it was made to do. Let it do it's job.

>> No.1479610


inb4 cat never comes back to this bitch

>> No.1479607

craigslist for a new home for the cat, or call up your nearest no-kill shelter. you have no business caring for another living being if you can't control your emotions. she brings you gifts and you fucking abuse her? shit, i hope you get mauled by a roving pack of rabid toy poodles, you useless fuckstick

>> No.1479619

I couldn't do that and not feel guilty about it.

Besides, it was minor injuries, not like bleeding to death or shit like that, usually like a damaged wing or something.

Believe me, she does this way more than a cat.
On average, if I let her out the whole day, she will bring a good 3-4 things. If she finds a nest, she brings the whole fucking nest, one by one.

>> No.1479631

>Start mouse hunting business

>> No.1479633

I don't abuse her, just when she has shit in her mouth she doesn't fucking let go and starts gnawing on him harder and harder, so I have to use some force until she lets him go

>> No.1479634

>Punish animal nature with animal cruelty
>/b/ catches wind of this
>Internets band together to find your abusive arse
>Enjoy your v&

>> No.1479650

>implying I abuse the cat

>> No.1479652

Ha, what a whiny little prick! Don't buy a carnivore for a pet next time, dipshit!

>> No.1479665

i can understand this.

he is just trying to release the animal.

it is a tough situation, to be honest, my cat does the same, there isn't much i have found that i can do about it.

>> No.1479664

You threw a motherfucking cat against a motherfucking wall.
That's motherfucking animal abuse, my friend.

>> No.1479663

Are you fucking retarded?

Cats are predators. They hunt because it's what they're made to do. Punishing it for doing what it thinks it's supposed to do and IS supposed to do is cruel.

You may as well ask it to stop defecating or breathing.

>> No.1479670

OP is a psycho.

>> No.1479677

dude cats only bring you animals cuz they love you... DUH

>> No.1479679

Go suck PETA's huge throbbing cawk, OP. Seriously.

>> No.1479681

Your cat is awesome. May I have her?

>> No.1479684


Wow, OP. Just wow. Great way to abuse your cat. You abuse it for being a good hunter. You punished your cat for hunting.

You little faggot.

>> No.1479689

Fuck you assholes, I don't abuse the cat.
I pushed her hard against the wall and she let go of the rabbit. It's not like she's bruised or anything, and the bitch is still cuddling with me like nothing happend.

Also, according to that one poll, 92% of scientists agree with using animals for scientific research. Some of you fuckers probably even got a university that order cats to be put down by a local vet and then uses them for dissecting purposes, etc.

Not that that's a bad thing but...

If someone here says they pushed a cat against a wall because she was killing another animal - OMFG ABUSE REPORT BAN

If someone here says that animals should not be killed for scientific research - OMFG ARE YOU STUPID??? IT'S FOR THE BENEFIT OF HUMANITY!!

Just sayin'/

>> No.1479690

This is what I fear about society, they forget that actions can cause harm. Throwing a cat against a wall to OP is not abuse, possibly not even violent. This perception is dangerous, correlative with serial murderers. Value life OP, for the sake of not getting arrested.

>> No.1479694

ITT: we all call OP a faggot

>> No.1479705


Face it, OP. All the posts in this thread are AGAINST YOU. NOT A SINGLE PERSON supports what you did. That should tell you how fucking stupid you are and how you need to apologize to your cat right away.

>> No.1479703

Ok, let me get on your retarded levels.

Let's say I abused the cat in order to get her to not kill the rabbit

Why are you valuing the well-being of a cat over the life of a rabbit?

>> No.1479709


>> No.1479713

Answer logically to:

And I will apologize to my kitty.

>> No.1479714


first, self-reporting polls are almost exclusively horseshit


third, how the fuck are you comparing animal testing to chucking a cat at a wall? you are one dense lowlife piece of shit

set up a goddamn throwaway email or something and post it here. find someone to take the cat off your hands, you're clearly unstable and not mature enough to care for it properly.

>> No.1479715


>apologize to your cat

The posters in this thread are just as retarded as OP.

>> No.1479721

And also, the other day there was a thread with a guy posting pictures of the insides of a cat while he was dissecting it

You faggots didn't say shit

Go kill yourselves.

>> No.1479724


lol, look at the rats squirm

cats are awesome, op is a faggot

>> No.1479725

Guy's! Today my human brought me a porn magazine! I threw him against the wall and jizzed in his face! Doesn't he know porn is degrading to women?!

Lol wut

>> No.1479726

You're either an idiot, or you're trolling, or you're just too immature to accept the truth: cats are carnivores and hunters. It doesn't matter if you feed them to the point where they're obese, they still have the instinct to hunt things -- the same instinct that makes them fun to play with by making them chase things -- and being for the most part non-sentient, you can't just "convince" them not to do it.

You have three choices:
1. Find the cat a different home
2. Make the cat stay indoors all the time
3. Accept the situation as-is, and alter your own behavior.

Slamming the cat into a wall to make it let go of critters it's caught and brought home is NOT acceptable and is animal abuse; the cat does NOT understand why you're hurting it, and it's NOT going to convince the cat to stop doing what every instinct it has tells it is normal and natural -- and even FUN -- for it to do.

>> No.1479734

Chucked? I grabbed her belly and pushed her into a wall to save the life of another animal.

It would've been animal abuse if I just let her eat the rabbit while I stood there watching.

>> No.1479742


hey OP

put your fingers into the edge of the cats mouth to open the jaw without hurting it, it will let go (though possibly have a gag reflex)

trust me, works on my cat :)

>> No.1479744


It's official, OP is fucking retarded and should give the cat away immediately

>> No.1479740

So let me get this straight ....

Pushing around a cat - animal abuse
Killing a rabbit - not animal abuse

/sci/, great as usual.

>> No.1479747


false dichotomy. just because you care for the well-being of the rabbit doesn't mean you "care less" for the cat, nor does it work transposing cats and rabbits in that sentence. quit making bullshit arguments and own up to the fact you're an animal abuser.

>> No.1479754

Two points

1: You own the cat, you feed the cat. This means the cat is meaningful to you and the animal responds in kind. If thats how you treat meaningful entities in your life then you need to re-evaluate your values and determine if you really belong in a civilized world.

2: If thats how you try to dissuade a behavior then I implore you to remove your self from the gene pool and NEVER adopt. Humans have value well beyond any other animal and abuse like that will create the next generation or serial murderers/rapists/deviants. Dont fuck up the beings in your life.

>> No.1479757

Well OP, the solution is simple.

Put a bell on your fucking cat.

Other than that, cats kill because they kill. They are Natural Born Killers (lol)

But don't worry OP, at this very moment I'm driving to your neighborhood to snipe your cat with my suppressed air rifle, and then ever other cute animal within a five mile radius.

I'll dissect them all raw, and then eat them.


>> No.1479760

>the bitch always hunts for little cute birdies and mice and rabbits and ducks
>rabbits and ducks

Give your cat to me, it's fucking alpha and you're not man enough to own it.

>> No.1479765


lol at put a bell on your cat

>> No.1479773

Are you vegan, or at least vegetarian, OP?

>> No.1479778



1. Give the cat away to a REAL pet owner

2. Stop caring

3. Kill yourself

>> No.1479785

Ahh I love this.

Stupid nerds telling me I'm going to become a serial killer just because I pushed a cat into a wall in order to save another life.

By the way stupid retarded faggots, I've saved more cats than you can imagine.

In the course of my life, I've taken in 6 cats who were on the street starving and dying, including this one.

So please, don't tell me who is merciless here.

I simply pushed her to get her to release a fucking rabbit.

Nothing interesting happens, she doesn't yelp, she just releases him and he is able to escape.

You guys are all faggots trying to pretend like I'm an animal abuser and you're 'white knights,' but good job, I'm out of here. You guys are pathetically stupid.

>> No.1479795

OP, your cat is always going to do this, it's what cats do.

However, you've made things worse; cats see there owners as a mix of co-inhibitor/mother. As such, it's bringing you back it's kills like it would to it's mother in order to show it's progress as a hunter. Since you're refusing her gifts, she's thinking that she'd not doing a good enough job and is constantly trying to get your approval.

The next time she gets something big, reward her and then DISCREETLY dispose of it. Hell, make her think that you cooked it and eat it. Her kills might not good away, but she'll slow up on the frequency.

>> No.1479793


Even though the op is a piece of shit you gave some pretty fucking retarded advice.

Make the cat stay home all day? What are you fucking retarded? Throw the damn thing against the wall before you do that you goddamn bully.

>> No.1479805

Humans are capable of ethical reasoning, they are responsible for their actions.

Animals aren't ethical beings, they are hungry.

Humans hurting animals unjustly is unethical. Animals satiating their survival instinct is not unethical.

You know better, dont be a douche.

>> No.1479808


>> No.1479814

My grandparents own a cute little kitten that kills moles and frogs. It puts their guts on the doorstep as a little gift! How cute! :)


>> No.1479819


>I'm out of here

good, that was the point. fucking animal abusing prick

>> No.1479820

Ok, fine, I'll answer your question.

Technically I am not a vegeterrian, however usually eating meat disgusts me and I hate the way they murder animals in order to create food. It can be done in a better way.

The last time I ate pure chicken/meat was probably a month or two ago.

>> No.1479822


OP confirmed for faggot

>> No.1479825

dude, life consuming other life is just how it is

All life must consume other life in order to survive, your logic only appears right in very narrow outlooks and falls flat on it's face when you consider the bigger picture.

Your position as a human that can choose to only eat life that doesn't have a nervous system doesn't change the fact that the rest of the animal kingdom doesn't have that choice. Grow up.

>> No.1479830


OP, trust me, just try the fingers on the side of the mouth trick next time.

then you only have one problem to deal with next time on 4chan.

good luck with the problem.

>> No.1479838

Ah, I see.

You're a total, complete hypocrite, if you EVER eat even ONE morsel of meat the rest of your life. Why? Because you either kill animals yourself, *or* you employ a hitman to procure your meat for you (namely, a butcher). Either way you are GUILTY of the same thing you get angry at your cat for, except 1000 times worse: YOU are sentient, YOU are fully cognizant of what you are doing, and YOU continue to do it.

Enjoy looking yourself in the mirror every morning from now until you die, MURDERER.

>> No.1479843


>implying that naturally hunting animals is better
>angry at cat for naturally hunting rabbit

>> No.1479857

If you don't eat animals you are doing them a disfavor by inhibiting natural selection.

>> No.1479860




>> No.1479880

We don't need to bother. OP will punish himself for the rest of his worthless life now that he sees himself revealed for what he truly is.

>> No.1479883

i agree with OP, you guys talk shit about him trying to release a rabbit from his cat, yet you are perfectly fine with putting down thousands of cats daily in order to improve research for fag biology

>> No.1479896

It's why you keep the cat inside at all times.

>> No.1479901

Not me.

Fuck OP and Fuck biology


>> No.1479907

Ok, OP one last time here again.

I didn't really throw my cat into the wall. I just kind of rolled her

God you guys are stupid and easily trolled, though I didn't intend on actually trolling you.

>> No.1479909

What if plants have feelings, killing them would be immoral too.

Survival is unethical, just die OP.

>> No.1479913

Speak for yourself, nigra.

>> No.1479928

Gee, kinda backfired on you though, didn't it? Seeing as how you're a gigantic hypocrite and all..

>> No.1479931


last i checked, proper procedure isn't to fucking toss your lab animal into a wall in order to kill it. yeah, animal research sucks, but at least the animal is treated humanely and with some level of dignity rather than abused like OP's cat.

>> No.1479937

>implying throwing it at the wall is not abuse

>> No.1479941

oh god, ololol i trolled you.
If anyone here got trolled its you.
Prof of you getting trolled

>> No.1479951

/sci/ will take anything seriously.

A month or two ago I made a thread here saying I'll build a nuclear reactor in order to time travel into the future and that I have uranium.

I posted pictures of elements that looked like uranium, they baught the shit.

>> No.1479953

OP don't be a fucking retard cats are hunters and born killers, you buy a cat and don't overfeed to to hell, they will kill for fun, get used to it.

>> No.1479949

>First:I raged and threw the bitch into the wall until she let go of him
>Second: I didn't really throw her,I just grabbed her belly and pushed her against the wall
>Third: I just kind of rolled her

>> No.1479958

OP did get trolled, but he also trolled you guys

i guess he didn't expect you guys to notice that bit of exaggeration

>> No.1479959


your words:
>As soon as I saw that I raged and threw the bitch into the wall until she let go of him
>threw the bitch into the wall
>threw the bitch

you didn't troll anyone. you admitted to seriously abusing that cat nonchalantly, like it's fucking nothing. you're a sick fuck, and you have no right to continue attempting to care for her. give her up to a family that won't fucking hurt her for being a cat

>> No.1479963
File: 52 KB, 375x301, pet-rock1260889534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect pet for OP

>> No.1479964

u mad?

>> No.1479969


Again, are you fuckers retarded or something?

Keep that cat inside all the time? So just give him a life prison sentence? I'm sure a cat would rather be chucked against a wall for 10 hours straight than to be burdened with a solitary life indoors.

Go kill yourself you motherfucker.

>> No.1479991

>he doesnt know about lazy inside cats

>haah waaw

>> No.1480000


yeah im fucking mad

OP's abusing a cat that loves him so much she brings multiple presents a day. fucking cat must have stockholm syndrome or some shit

>> No.1479999

Most of the people I know keep their cats indoors, and the cats are perfectly happy. One friend has 3 cats in a very large house, and the cats even have their own room that they get closed up in at night and when humans are not home to supervise them. I was dubious about that arrangement at first, but the cats are not only perfectly happy and well-adjusted, but they actually *like* having their own space at night. The room has food, water, self-cleaning litterbox, toys, beds and play structures, you name it. Indoor kitties are healthier and live longer lives -- ask any veterinarian.

>> No.1479998

never change /sci/.

>> No.1480011
File: 72 KB, 540x571, 1273434075500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy inside cats only exist because retards like you keep them inside for their whole lives.

I would love to keep you imprisoned inside my house and then call you a "lazy introvert".

Go back to sucking your mom's dick.

>> No.1480020


a cat can be happy as an inside cat dude

>> No.1480026

why are their 3 men with out shirts and no women in that picture?

>> No.1480041

And also, the only reason I even had the decency to mention that I was just trolling you without trying to troll, and that I didn't actually abuse the cat, was because you newfags actually even seemed a bit butthurt.

When I see fucked up shit like that around 4chan, including on /sci/ (yes people have posted, many times, pictures of dead/dissected cats) I ignore it and forget about it, you will learn to do this too or you will leave the board.

>> No.1480042

not once it has been an outdoor cat. they long for the outdoors

>> No.1480044

You got her de-sexed OP? My bros cat used to hunt birds until he got that done, now it doesn't give a fuck and just lets them be.

Otherwise, just keep physically abusing her everytime she brings you sometime. A swift kick to the head can be quite effective.

>> No.1480068

Enjoy playing with fire, faggot. 4chan likes cats.

>> No.1480069
File: 65 KB, 539x359, 1275970076990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure it doesn't give a fuck when you open your blinds and it sees the outside world, or when you leave the house and come back, as it is stuck inside the house.

If you are going to buy any animal you should at least have the decency to care for it correctly.

Buy a cat door, let it decide what the fuck it wants to do.

>> No.1480087

news flash

cats are carnivores. Get the fuck over it

I bet you are a meat eater. Do you know what they do to the animals in farms? Similar shit

grow up

>> No.1480090
File: 52 KB, 250x250, Blue_Box_OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1480152

Cats catch and weaken prey to train their family/young how to hunt. It's an instinct, but most of the stuff they drag i won't be dead - it's there for you to practice on.