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14794317 No.14794317 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normalfags treat him like some super genius inventor? He didn't invent basically anything and is not even an engineer or scientist.
It's ridiculous how he became the mascot of /sci/ for normalfags.

>> No.14794441

personality marketing

>> No.14794881

I when you provide such a valuable service to humanity as the ability to send money to each over the Internet, the Invisible Hand rewards you with the ability to command numerous intelligent, educated people to realize your visions, and you get credit for their work because you're their only chance to actually work on rockets so they'll sign any contract.

>> No.14794905

SpaceX is cool
Tesla is cool

Musk is kinda cringe but I'm a rocket fan boy and super psyched about starship. Weird that he hit such massive home runs in companies twice.

>> No.14794908

I wonder if in the Marvel universe they also have a "rich man bad" thing going on with Tony Stark.

>> No.14795416

Musk is a physicist and he directed the company that created these amazing reusable rockets that land vertically.
Oh you think hes just some suit in an office? Hes head of research and development. Doesn't mean he did all the work.

>> No.14795425

It became really clear just how much of his fans were bots and shills when news came out he just had another baby, to someone other than his wife. And the comments replying had thousands of allegedly hot young women just pouring over him and talking about what a great father he is.
No young lady is wishing their baby's daddy was as "smart" as him. No 22 year old 10/10 lady is thinking they want him in bed. Yes, many people want his money, but noone is legit feeling they ways I'm seeing.

The other thing you've got is crypto shills, who love him in the hope he pumps their favourite crypto token. Between Shiba Innu, Baby Elon, Baby Musk (yes two different projects), a Manchester United shitcoin that literally didn't exist until Elon tweeted about buying the team and suddenly pumped, everyone looking to shill a shitty cryptocurrency wants to pump Musk.

>> No.14795434

>when you provide such a valuable service to humanity as the ability to send money to each over the Internet

Lol are you talking about Paypal? He had a non-digital company named x.com merge Confinity, which was Paypal's predecessor. He was made CEO in April and was literally fired in October, before it was rebranded "Paypal".

>> No.14795538

>the ability to command numerous intelligent, educated people to realize your visions
you must be on crack or you've taken too many leadership lessons, this faggot is not leading anyone

>> No.14795926

Hes leading all the investors that give him money, i.e the people that matter. He also leads workers when he can sweet talk them into working for low pay in return for shares and the chance to touch a rocket. Most people only get what they pay and from their own pockets. It takes serious charisma to go on a stage and ask the world for billions and cheap labor and get them.
This means Musk fullfills the sociological role of a prophet. He is irreplaceable. He has the vision.

>> No.14795946

>why are normies obsessed with celebrities

>> No.14796001

yeah, no shit, dipshit
All his tweets get get absolutely plastered by bots
be it Pajeet shitcoiners, catfishing scams or TSLAQ bots trying to make profit by short selling his stocks by spreading false info
that's why he's pissed at Twitter for claiming bots are not a problem

>> No.14796059

He is succeeding essentially because he managed to get talented people
He's specially good in making outrageous promises and twitting shit, I guess people like it

>> No.14796548
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Ol'Musky is very good at organizing competent people and keeping them on track for useful projects. That sort of talent is not all that common, and you just have to look at SpaceX's Dragon Capsule versus Boeing's Starliner to see why having that better top level organizing is so important.

Amusingly, if you want a historical comparison, Musk is probably the most similar to Thomas Edison, who was also extremely good at creating and organizing R&D teams.

>> No.14798585

Well obviously because of his marketing. If it is a choice between someone like Steve Jobs or Musk as a posterchild of genius for normies, then I'd prefer it was Musk.

>> No.14798608

The guy did in 15 years what Nasa hasn't been able to do with the space shuttle in 30 years: rapid reusability. And they're going to take a step further with starship. Plus he communicate through meme which is impressive for a 50 yo dude.

>> No.14798611

>is not even an engineer
Not a musk fanboy but this isn't exactly true. He has always paid attention to the engineers designing his rockets and in the process, became something of an engineer himself.

>> No.14798621

>He didn't invent basically anything and is not even an engineer or scientist.
Are you sure? I thought he was, that he actually works on his projects himself.

>> No.14798628

He seems to know a lot about his project. https://youtu.be/t705r8ICkRw
And workers doesn't seem to be embarassed by his presence, it would lead to believe he often see progress by himself.

>> No.14799038

Steve Jobs is a normie who has no technical capabilities
Musk is an autist with technical capabilities spanning multiple hard engineering fields

He's a modern day rennaisance man

>> No.14799118
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>> No.14799220

>He didn't invent basically anything and is not even an engineer or scientist.
Chief engineer and personally lead the development and manufacturing of multiple components like, until recently, the raptor engines.
He is a physicist and you are a seething redditor.

>> No.14799228
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Fuck off reddit tranny ywnbarw.

>> No.14799288

>The guy did in 15 years what Nasa hasn't been able to do with the space shuttle in 30 years: rapid reusability
Wrong. SpaceX defines rapid reusability with a turn around time of 24 hours. The best SpaceX has done is around a month which is the same as the shuttle.

>> No.14799294
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>> No.14799304

>Thinks worthless children and /sci/zos on 4chan aren't obsessed or admire with him and what he represents.

>> No.14799306

Oh look, a worthless talentless fanboy not like the other fanboys

>> No.14799345

ywngts (you will never go to space)

>> No.14799376

Shuttle costed 2 billions per launch including development costs or 450 millions of direct costs.
F9 is priced at 50 millions. The marginal costs per launch are 10 million for the second stage and 5 millions for everything else. After like 3 flights the booster pays for itself.
The record shuttle turn around was 2 months while spacex is currently below 1 month.
F9 being much cheaper they can also afford to have more than 10 vehicles and launch once per week.
Dragon can abort at any point and the shuttle was a death trap.
Dragon can stay 200 days in space while the shuttle could only stay like 2 weeks.

I will never own an ASML UV lithography machine to make CPUs with 7 nm transistors, yet here I am. Turn off your machine dumb tranny. Better yet turn off yourself.
Or I could just use the air plane analogy. In either case you brain was rotten by estrogen, do nature a favor and off yourself.

>> No.14799388
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>> No.14799398

I accept your concession. Ywnbarw.

>> No.14799409

>Real life tony stark
That would be Leibniz

>> No.14799415
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/pol/'s law

Go back

>> No.14799418

>Why do normalfags treat him like some super genius inventor?

>Real life tony stark

answered your own question there, buddy. and yes, i am sorry to tell you: it's because they really are that simple.

>> No.14799439

Shuttle's reusability turnaround time is 54 days

F9 is at 27 day turnaround time


>> No.14799856

In retrospect I didn’t need to be so mean to trannies but stop raiding the board.

>> No.14799859

>this paid actor on the television is just like this laid actor on twitter
why is there a tesla store in the mall next to the apple store?

>> No.14799909
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and you will love it

>> No.14800156

>acknowledging that the eccentric weirdo pedofile is indeed an engineer makes you a fanboy
Take your meds, freak.

>> No.14800254

Howard Hughes was a better and cooler eccentric rich guy running an advanced tech company. He actually had knowledge about the shit he was building and even insisted upon personally test flying his planes at great risk to himself.

>> No.14800262


>> No.14800268


[math]\iint f(x) \mathrm{d}x \mathrm{d}y[/math]
\iint f(x) \mathrm{d}x \mathrm{d}y

>> No.14800582

Sci's idiocy leaves me speechless . You really think he offered anything else other than saying to his CTO and under-payed over-worled engineers to create reusable rockets?The reason his companies didnt bankrupt is due to goverment aid

>> No.14800584

the cringe... having autism must suck

>> No.14800617

he's an not an inventor, he's an investor
he never said he was an inventor

>> No.14800627

Howard Hughes was an absolute lunatic, Elon is just a fucking nerd who happened to hit it big with Paypal

>> No.14800646

If its that easy why doesn't anyone else have working reusable orbital rockets? Blue Origin has been around for longer than SpaceX, spent more on R&D, and yet is still stuck with sub orbital stuff. Or did Bezos forgot to tell his engineers to hurry up?

And yes, his companies have received government support, but they have been far more effective with that support than other companies who have received more government money for the same thing. For example, the commerical crew capsule program - SpaceX got $3.1 billion, Boeing got $4.8 billion. SpaceX delivered working capsules that have launched astronauts several times, while Boeing's program has been rife with issues, and has not launched people yet. Or for Tesla - back in 2009 the federal goverment gave them a $465 million dollar loan to set up stuff to build electric cars. They also gave Nissan a $1.6 billion loan to set up electric car production. Tesla has plainly done a better job at expanding electric car use than Nissan.

>> No.14800665

Before paypal, he hit it witl Zipit, for which he got ~$20M. Paypal got him $180M after he put in $18M+ into creating the new company that would later merge with another, and then renamed into Paypal.

Paypal is nothing these days. These days, the the hitter is Tesla and SpaceX. Tesla is a trillion dollar company now. SpaceX is $140B company with potential for 1+ trillion.

>> No.14800716
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>> No.14800996

>Howard Hughes was an absolute lunatic
Still a very cool guy. Cooler than musk.

>> No.14801606

SpaceX is pretty cool, until you realize their entire range of success is predicated on doing nothing but making it very cheap and profitable to throw shit into low-Earth orbit, and Starlink is literally disposable satellites. This is great news if you've got Kessler Syndrome on your bingo card.

Tesla is peak Greenwashing. I once got asked by some douchebag about why I'm still killing the planet by driving a gasoline powered car. First I told him that my pickup is from 1996 and will probably be running with the original drivetrain until 2046, while a Tesla battery will shit out in eight years in an ideal climate, and constructing a brand new car is like 100 years of emissions. Then I asked him how many dead Chinese slave children were in the lithium in those batteries.

And then everyone clapped. Or would have if there had been anyone else around in the back-end of a fucking Wal Mart parking lot.

>> No.14801687

Instead of making it expensive and unprofitable?
Also Starlink satellites having such a short live span due to drag is actually rather nice, because it makes Kessler syndrome impossible (or rather extremely short duration)

>> No.14801693

The thing about the energies of orbital motion is that it's really easy for impacts to create spall that flies off into higher orbits.

And the grand majority of junk up there isn't useful to humanity. It's just capitalism at work, doing what makes money at the expense of everything else.

>> No.14801796

Debris from a starlink breakup would still spend a good portion of its orbit in low altitudes, so it will deorbit in a reasonable timeframe, unlike some chinese asat test debris.

I'd says that communication and earth observation is useful to humanity, but that's just personal preference

>> No.14801874

Plenty of civilized countries have connected their citizens with fiber lines, just because the USA doesn't do that doesn't mean starlink is required. It just means the capitalists sometimes work together for a common interest. The government doesn't provide necessary infrastructure to rural areas, Musk does (so long as it continues to work, anyway), and then he funnels money to their re-election campaigns.

>> No.14801908

What about the uncivilized countries?
Does Africa not deserve fast internet?
Of course star link is not required in a strict sense, but it sure makes things simpler in a lot of cases.
And I'd think that Musk will invest a lot of resources so that starlink will continue to work, he'd be stupid to let his biggest (second biggest after tesla?) cash cow die

>> No.14801923

Bold of you to assume rural Africans can afford the dish and the electricity to run it. Some Americans can't even do that.

>> No.14801969

600 $ for hardware + 110$/month for 160Mbps is pretty stiff for a single person, but it should be manageable for schools or groups of people, especially when considering that its speed is about 20-40x the usual sub-saharan internet speeds (according to some quick googling at least)

>> No.14801994

Multiple very smart engineers and scientists who have worked for Musk have said he knows his shit and is heavily involved, at least with SpaceX.

>> No.14802002

>their entire range of success is predicated on doing nothing but making it very cheap and profitable to throw shit into low-Earth orbit

This is a much bigger deal than you're making it to be

>> No.14802010

>He didn't invent basically anything and is not even an engineer or scientist.
Delusional cope created by a mediocre majority that wants to feel better about their insignificant lives by shitting on someone that's way ahead of them.

>hE dIdN't iNvEnT nUfFiN
Cool. You're still not special.

>> No.14802011

Rocket reusability has always been and will always be a meme. Looks good for a while, a good long while even, until things start exploding left and right.

>> No.14802022

kek. remind me when falcon 9 started exploding left and right?
oh you're talking about starship? well none of those prototypes were even on their second flight

>> No.14802024

It's been looking good for around 5 years by now, some boosters have been reused over 10 times by now.
When will things start randomly exploding?

>> No.14802030

It could be. But it won't be.

You're right that he is "ahead" of most people. But that's because he was born in a family of absurdly wealthy owners who profiteered from African slave mines long before Musk was even born. His early adventures in entrepreneurialship were marked by frequently going bankrupt and his mommy and daddy bailing him out for millions of dollars.

This is like saying he hit a home run, when he started out on third base and the catcher had his knees shot.

>> No.14802044

Honestly, the rich background doesn't bother me. Most rich kids would just do cocaine and be bored on a yacht or something. He at least wanted to do something legendary.

>> No.14802045

Not that anon but betting on a reusable launch system catastrophically failing at some point is a pretty safe bet still. At the end of the day, the entire point of reusability is saving money at the cost of safety.

>> No.14802068

I'm not saying that there will never be failures
I'm responding to the "things start exploding left and right" part.

But reusability doesn't have to come at a cost of safety, nasa even allowed crews to be launched on reused boosters (which isn't proof, I know, but it shows that they don't have any big concerns)
While reused parts suffer from wear, they actually eliminate all stupid problems like pieces of cloth being forgotten in the turbo pumps, as you can confirm that everything works during a test flight (or uncritical cargo flight)

>> No.14802206

You're not really saying anything. Can you actually point to something concrete he has personally achieved?

>> No.14802223

>Can you actually point to something concrete he has personally achieved?

Making re-useable rockets? He didn't just Steve Jobs it and yell at nerds in a lab. He was literally part of the design team

>> No.14802226

Because he is able to attract smart geeks due to the persona he projects onto the public as le real life iron man.

>> No.14802229

What aspect of it was he responsible for?
I am starved for details.

>> No.14802236

>You really think he offered anything else other than saying to his CTO and under-payed over-worled engineers to create reusable rockets?
yeah, I do

>> No.14802237

You don't seem like a person who understands how the engineering design process works.

>> No.14802250

Oooo Gottem
Admit that you dont know shit. I dont know shit neither but i dont make any firm claims.

>> No.14802863

then you should drive a new car every time you need to travel by car.
Just in case

>> No.14803965

SpaceX if anything is massively underrated among normoids.

>> No.14804277

Lefties have been seething at Musk for the last 3-4 years now. Ever since Tesla stock rose, he became a target.

>> No.14804442
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Are you familiar with the concept of bathtub curve failure rates? I would much rather fly on a rocket that has launched safely several times, than one on its first flight. Same with airplanes, for that matter. Have the first few launches be replaceable cargo, and then humans/expensive cargo launch in the middle of the curve.