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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 120 KB, 942x1014, colossal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14789492 No.14789492 [Reply] [Original]

Then it might aswell be eternal in age, Big Bang enthusiasts are already seething over JWST giving us the first clues of that

>> No.14789518

Can't find shit about that pic anywhere online, seems like bs to me

>> No.14789529

It's an obscure pic ig

>> No.14789559

Migt as well yeah, but what is an infinite cardinal?

>> No.14789585

Pic sure, but the fucking concept in itself is obscure? Yeah nah I call bullshit

>> No.14789654

Well yeah, physicalism implies eternalism.

>> No.14789664

It's schizobable concept so yes, it's obscure.

>> No.14789835

the big bang theory is of the most retarded theories ever propagated. Even worse, it is taught as fact. The name "big bang" was literally coined to make fun of the theory.

The JWT is just more proof that the big bang is wrong, but NPCs do not know how to purge propaganda from their minds

>> No.14790002

Studies of the universe rely on measurements of the universe. On the observable universe. JWST hasn't changed anything. But any speculation of what may or may not exist outside it in either space or time is questions of philosophy, not science.

Real scientists don't waste time making wild guesses about what might be but is not provable/disprovable and cannot be tested. That's what religion is for.

>> No.14790006

Someone who gets it, atleast
Turns out /sci/ isn't as hopeless as it seems

>> No.14790492

>stuff is moving away from eachother
>that means at some point it was close to eachother
>oldest/farthest stuff we can see is weird high-energy stuff

>therefore, big bang
spoonfeed me why this is retarded

>> No.14790623
File: 174 KB, 2074x410, Untitled 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not retarded. Every virtual reality begins with an influx of information. The booting up of space and time and this is exactly what the evidence shows with regard to this universe.
It's not infinite in size. It's not eternal either. An actual infinite number of events would have to have passed to get to this point, yet ever dalta t another event is adding. You can't have a an eternal past in a system constrained by temporality.

>> No.14790632

Isn't the second law of thermodynamics alone enough to prove the big bang?

>> No.14792680

Da fuck is picrel?

>> No.14792976
File: 103 KB, 640x480, 1499724448866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously a steady state universe just needs some form of dark anti-entropy force. /s

>> No.14793601

>stuff is moving away from eachother
It didn't, you and all you endless blind retards can't distinguish between measurement and interpretation. Holy fuck why are you all so endless retarded beyond any hope to grasp the most simple things of simple things such as geometry. You have to ignore even simple facts to hold this total stupid theory which and being below to grasp of a toddler.

>> No.14793606

how else do you explain that the farther a star/galaxy is, the more its spectrum is shifted to be longer?

>> No.14793684

Please explain what "stupid facts" are in the big bang theory anon, I'm in the mood for a laugh

>> No.14793733
File: 19 KB, 600x600, 7385278706801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>universe is eternal in age
>life and technology is given an infinite amount of time going backwards to form and evolve
>life and technology is given an infinite amount of time to spread life and technology through the cosmos
>no space mega structures
>no ruins of ancient alien civilizations/crashed ships on planets
>only have earth

seethe and dilate star trek retards

>> No.14793752

We don't know whether or not it's infinite. It could very well be very large but still curved in a way that would not be observable or measurable from our light cone.
Besides that, there is nothing stopping the universe from spontanously being created and expanding to infinite size.

>> No.14793773

In theory all matter and energy could spontanously tunnel to one single point and restart the cycle. Dark energy makes that impossible though as the likelihood of tunnelling that far decreases too fast.

>> No.14793801

Universe is infinitely large. The distance to the nearest civilization or monument is then infinitely close to infinite distance, but not quite.
There are also an infinite number of civilization mega-clusters that are beyond our observation.

>> No.14793826

>The distance to the nearest civilization or monument is then infinitely close to infinite distance

why ?

is there a filter that says life cannot evolve unless it's light years away from another ?

>> No.14793862

either redshifting is wrong, universal expansion is wrong, or the big bang is wrong.

>> No.14793865

if the universe is infinite then somewhere there is a solar system with two planets that both developed sapient life independently, but good luck finding it.

>> No.14793882
File: 44 KB, 353x800, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's a wrap around Pac-Man universe.

>> No.14793898
File: 176 KB, 436x361, 9809086898294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>somewhere out there are billions of civilizations that have developed radio waves and started sending them out into space in the long past
>we haven't picked up a single one

nah I'm thinking aliens aren't there

>> No.14793901

why are you assuming the expansion can be reversed to a point when we already know it's second derivative is nonzero?

>> No.14793910

We're in a zoo for low intelligence planets or the rest of the universe was colonized already by a type 3 civilization that cloaks its assets from the uncontacted hick parts of the universe.

>> No.14793921

wrong person fucko

>> No.14793946
File: 1.07 MB, 2795x2795, 1503605069-20130115-radio-broadcasts-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

assuming higher civs even bother measuring radio waves, everything outside of this circle does not know we exist. any civilization on the other side of the galaxy would have to have sent radio waves 100,000 years ago for us to even pick them up. electromagnetism is literally useless for interstellar communication.

if spacefaring civs exist, they are using a superior communication method that sends information faster than light, as this is the only way to make such a thing viable. we obviously wouldn't know how to detect it, which would make us comparable to people 300 years ago who were completely incapable of intercepting or even recognizing modern communication methods like radio waves and electricity.

>> No.14793990

>everything outside of this circle does not know we exist.
There's two billion years of our planet signalling out the fact that its atmosphere has significant and unnatural amounts of oxygen in it, which is a telltale sign of life. That means everyone in a two billion lightyear radius around us knows about us.
>electromagnetism is literally useless for interstellar communication.
FTL doesn't exist and never will exist.

>> No.14793991 [DELETED] 

hence the term "long past"

>> No.14793995


>would have to have sent radio waves 100,000 years ago

hence the term "long past"

>> No.14794170

Boundless, but not infinite. Size of it is finite, but grows constantly i boundless "empty" space.

>> No.14794527

Big Bang is a myth and so is the expansion myth

>> No.14795911


>> No.14796647

This is an accurate model, wherever you found it from

>> No.14796673

There was no better theory for years.

>> No.14796676

>Then it might aswell be eternal in age
I've been speaking about it for ages
you're welcome

>> No.14796701

Truth is, there probably was a big bang but it didn't happen on it's own, the beings that made this planet caused it to happen.

>> No.14796710

>The name "big bang" was literally coined to make fun of the theory
schrodinger's cat was a thought experiment to show the absurdity of the copenhagen interpretation
the twin paradox was a reductio ad absurdum of special relativity
soientists just went "lol k whatev that's just philosophy" and now unironically believe the absurd

but absolute space and time in an objective reality are too absurd to believe, of course, and must not be considered

>> No.14796800


>> No.14796983

The problem with quantum fluctuation theories is that it is unfathomably more probable for a fluctuation to create a single isolated hallucinating monkey brain than it is for such a fluctuation to create an entire universe.
For a quantum fluctuation theory to be viable, it must have some plausible mechanism to prohibit Boltzmann brains from being more probable than the universe.

>> No.14797072

if you accept dark energy or anything like it then there's no need for a big bang 14 billion years ago
just because there's a background of microwave radiation (which ALL galaxies emit) doesn't mean it's left over from the big bang
just because we can't see infinitely far doesn't mean that's also the border of space itself
just because we estimate we can resolve objects to 13.5 billion years old doesn't mean those are the oldest objects in the universe

>> No.14797136
File: 20 KB, 500x300, source-s-dude-trust-me-63473323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14798150
File: 150 KB, 1134x1051, DYPznLsXcAAJaCq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least he's not a catholic priest.

>> No.14798261

>Then it might aswell be eternal in age
This is meaningless outside of theology. No time before the big bang and infinite time before the big bang might as well mean the same thing

>> No.14798270

The Big Bang is a theory, do you know what 'theory' means ?

> A coherent group of propositions formulated to explain a group of facts or phenomena in the natural world, and repeatedly confirmed through experiment or observation.

4chan retards can call it a myth all they want, it doesn't change anything. The Big Bang is far from disproven.

>> No.14798275

Cyclical universe is also a valid theory. We have two valid theories with evidence supporting them but those two theories contradict each other. Why should i accept one over the other?

>> No.14798307

I opened this board by misclick but when I saw this thread I wanted to get in here and call everyone retarded because we are clearly the only somewhat smart species around here, even if I'm tempted to call humans stupid regardless of what they invented

>> No.14798313

When did Stephen Hawking get married to the pope????

>> No.14798367

What's with the obsession you niggers have with painting the thing as red?

>> No.14798794

>Hawking trying to get laid

>> No.14799320
File: 69 KB, 1466x733, KotHot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An actual infinite number of events would have to have passed to get to this point
That is 100% false.

>The Big Bang is far from disproven.
Modern Physics is actually observably bullshit, but (((they))) infiltrated Academia/Publishers/Media, so good luck trying to reason with someone who is intentionally arguing in bad faith.

>> No.14799767

its a fractal of multiverses inside an infinite god

>> No.14803133

It's ultra-colossal in size

>> No.14803338
File: 45 KB, 1010x1488, 4chan scianon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14803788

The name name Billy Meier is mentioned in the last sentence of the pic.

>> No.14803931
File: 7 KB, 536x56, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped reading here

>> No.14803933

>predict it is future

>> No.14805816

We still don’t know how all the matter in the universe formed from a “small ball” of energy. When we have things like Neutron stars and black holes, it doesn’t really make sense that the universe started out that way.
But none of the other “theories” explain it any better.

>> No.14805827

If that was true we’d see the same galaxies from different viewing areas. Instead, we see different galaxies all around the planet and also at the north and south poles.

If you traveled in a straight line from earth from different points, you’d never make it back again.

>> No.14805877

>That means everyone in a two billion lightyear radius around us knows about us.
By that logic we should be aware of every earth-like planet with significant amounts of oxygen given the proper tech. Considering we aren't even .01% of the way there, it may very well be that there are 7 billion planets with telltale oxygen sigs in a two-billion year light cone. We wouldn't be very special at all. You're basically using the fact you have no palm trees in your yard to rule-out the existence of coconuts.

>muh boltzmann brains
Its the same problem with the simulation argument and assuming the simulators are using the physics of the simulation.

If I am a mind formed as a boltzmann brain, I have also formed the laws of physics that allow for the existence of boltzmann brains. Does that seem terribly likely, or recursive to the point of absurdity?