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File: 89 KB, 422x420, 4ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14787516 No.14787516 [Reply] [Original]

2022 and still no cure for hereditary baldness, lol the whole biotech industry is a joke.

I trust only in the prolactin antibody but in this field putting hope is quite useless.

>> No.14787548

That's beacause they waste time on useless treatments with side-effects and nil benefits in the long term.

The only possible path is give up in natural hair and implant GMO hair or synthetic hair, no side effects.

>> No.14787577


>> No.14787605

side effects with GM implants are very likely at the current state of the art ...

I hope the antibody works in humans as well as it did in macaques (who share many genes with humans and are one of the closest testers). If it has any side effects, I will have lost hope.

If there is anyone who knows about endocrinology tell me what side effects there could be with that pattern of functioning of the antibody on prolactin pls

>> No.14787619

haha OP you're a retard. I've been taking finasteride for 20 years. I'm 42 now and still have a full head of hair

just remember that the vast majority of women find bald men repulsive. even women my age find bald guys disgusting. finasteride is well worth the 3% risk of side-effects.

>> No.14787634

You can take Finasteride, it prevents any further hair loss, and the probability of side effects is very low. For the lost hair, you can use Minoxidil which can grow it back (however you would probably have to continue using it for your whole life - if you stop the hair can fall out again), or you can get a hair transplant which is permanent.

>> No.14787642

This is a bit like saying there's no cure for cancer. Reality there's plenty of cures for cancer as there is for baldness. Sure not every one works for everybody/every sort of cancer/balding but hey that's life.

>> No.14787644

People are literally dying of cancer and other diseases, yet here you are worried about a little hair

>> No.14787660

It matters too, obviously not as much as a cancer cure, but it still matters. Physical appearance is important for psychological health.

>> No.14787683
File: 223 KB, 620x723, fast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doctors and scientists hate Jesus Christ,and the cure He gave mankind: fasting.

>> No.14787691

I don't think it's that easy unless the end game is starving ...

In any case, to get the benefits of the pic how do you manage fasting? how long is it done and how?

>> No.14787704

dry fasting is retarded. normal fasting with water is the way to go. Can go upwards of 4-10 days water fasting. Used to do it all the time in high school to lose weight, and I think I might go back to doing it.
don't eat and drink lots of water.
fasting is a miracle solvent. don't do shit like snake juice tho

>> No.14787713

That is, do not touch your food for 4-10 days?

Don't risk losing muscle mass? Although I have been on break for about a month, I go to the gym.

And then 4 DAYS WITHOUT FOOD sacrilege for me who come from southern Europe, I don't think it's possible on a physical level

>> No.14787729

Fasting is bad for you.

>> No.14787732
File: 15 KB, 633x758, crying_wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh...bros I need help. I have advanced diffuse thinning where you can see the horseshoe. i never took finasteride because i got scared of the side-effects. im only now realizing there is no hope for me without hair. i just can't pull off the bald look

i tried minoxidil but that gave me side-effects. can I do anything at such an advanced stage?

>> No.14787734 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 618x412, 1639034925595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing soientist scum. Sorry Jesus Christ is greater than you will ever be.

>> No.14787749

I didn't take finasteride because I started balding when I was 16, maybe even earlier ... in any case, I think finasteride is shit, it's not worth taking the risk, especially if you take other drugs like me.

it's okay, i'm slightly learning to accept it, sure it will be hard when i'm completely bald but i want to trust that something will come

>> No.14787926

>get on fin and ketoconazole
>great results, hair actually even just looks better because its nice and thick at the hairline
>get a little gyno in one nip, have to quit for a bit
>hair immediately starts falling out very rapidly
>get on fin again about four months later, hairline has noticably receeded three or four millimeters in that time and looks like shit again
it sucks that fin is still all we have for this. it does wonders and nearly halts even very rapid hair loss like mine but the chance of bad sides sucks, and water cum and slightly weaker orgasms also sucks. i wish i never got any sides, all that time i took fin for was basically wasted by the 4 month break from it and i will forever look slightly shitter because of it. would rather have water cum than look like my dad did at 24 though. you're done for socially if you're bald and young, young people say very nasty things about guys with bad hair.

>> No.14788238

Toupeebros... We won.

>> No.14788249


Biotin and finasteride has been the body builder's "keep your fucking hair" stack for over 30 years now.