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1478622 No.1478622 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for someone that actually thinks the ethylmercury once used in vaccines correlates, even casually, with autism

inb4 trolls

>> No.1478628

/b/ is honestly your best bet.

>> No.1478632

casually? that seems like the wrong adverb

>> No.1478647


>> No.1478660


I think it means they just hang out with a similar friend on weekends. They don't really know each other much.

>> No.1478666


>> No.1478674


>> No.1478689


>> No.1478730


At least it's not the Jews...

>> No.1478831

bump for housewives

>> No.1478981


>> No.1479004

I'm a wannabe /sci/entist, don't even have a degree yet though.

And you won't find too many people here claiming these things are bad for our health. I personally see no use in them (at least for things like bird flu, swine flu, etc) and I never get vaccinated. I only got the standard ones and beyond that I will most likely never get one again. I've never been sick from anything that other needed to get vaccinated for.

Anyways, my point is, there's arguments going both ways about what it does and doesn't cause, but at the end of the day, just don't take them anyway. At least that's how I see it. Unless you have an extra risk for contracting the virus, or even if you're paranoid, go ahead and take it.

For the average Joe such as myself, I don't take them and never will.

>> No.1479083

the average joe should be shot. There have been no articles in the literature showing a downside to vaccinations.

>> No.1479099

There needs not be.

I doubt there's a piece of literature describing how relying on pills from a day to day basis to avoid pain is unhealthy for you either. Yet only a moron would believe there's absolutely nothing unhealthy about it.

Bottom line is, adding foreign chemicals into your bloodstream *may* cause undesired affects in the future or even instantly.

>> No.1479127

And also, I'm sure there's an article about it somewhere.

I know for sure there's dozens of articles talking about how it can cause autism and other things. Those I don't really believe.

But anyone denying that a vaccine could potentially harm someone instead of help them is an idiot.

>> No.1479130


>> No.1479149


3:30 to skip intro

>> No.1479162

1/166 kids have autism ?? what??

>> No.1479169

If you dont vaccinate you eliminate the benefit to all the other vaccinated persons. You suppress the effect of herd immunity and effectively spread disease. People that willfully infect others with preventable diseases should be removed from the civilized world. Go to Uganda where backwards ass thought like "what doesnt kill me makes me stronger" and get aids.

>> No.1479176

Hey, I'd rather spread a disease that will hardly kill anyone than be retarded.

>> No.1479193

Like polio, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis, etc. Cause these diseases "hardly kill" anyone.

>> No.1479196
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The FDA said there is possible validity for concern about its neurotoxicity

>> No.1479197


The video is from around 2008. In 2009 it rose to 1/110.


>> No.1479211


I rather have the majority of the population be dead than stupid. It helps our species evolve much more.

>> No.1479212

I'm not talking about those.

I'm talking about shots for swine flu and bird flu. vaccines are released almost yearly, imagine the effects on you if you continued to take them yearly

>> No.1479222

esp. if you are still developing, like at ages 1-10

>> No.1479258

Granted most of the population are clinical dipshits, they still have the potential to kill me if they arent immunized. That pisses me off and I would eradicate their kind from my midsts, with a shovel.
Imagine the effects if you didnt, like pneumonia. Just cause you take something yearly doesnt mean its not beneficial. Consider the effects not bathing could have daily.

>> No.1479269


I go without showers and basic hygiene for months at a time and I'm fine.

>> No.1479278

Washing yourself doesn't have any side-effects which can make you retarded, though.

>> No.1479287

Well you and your worms probably have a rockin time together. Remind me to never make contact with you. I'll know from the the rotten egg smell.

>> No.1479290


>> No.1479301


>> No.1479306


>implying removing oil from you skin gets rid of worms

>> No.1479310

>making up for your faggot sage on a somewhat /sci/ related topic

>> No.1479324

I didnt say anything about oil or deworming, prevention is not curing. The voices in your head must be acting up, distract them with cookies.

>> No.1479341

OP here. Very disappointed. I didn't expect /sci/ had so many scientifically illiterate people. All of you fucking morons need to hang, show me the studies or eat shit.


>> No.1479353


>My face when needs evidence that mercury = bad

>> No.1479360

>he said he doesn't shower
>you said he had worms
>you implied he has worms because he doesn't shower
>he sticks a fat one in your pooper when he mentions removing oil from your skin has nothing to do with worms being in your pooper

>> No.1479369


>> No.1479375
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Lots of people get vaccinated and do not transmit disease.
This guy doesn't get vaccinated and thinks it's only because of his immune system, not the acts of other being vaccinated.

my face.

>> No.1479384

I don't think that.

>> No.1479410

Who's to say that it's not the trauma of being held down and injected as a child that causes a psychological regression leading to autism?

>> No.1479417

And also, let me add on to myself.
I'll start off by saying I'm from Croatia.

Well, here's the story. The Croatian health association ordered over 150,000 swine flu vaccines last year. Yes, the swine flu emergency was as big there as it was here in USA.

Once the vaccines were released in hospitals, less than a percentage of them were put into use. The government had to destroy them as they had no use.

There was no pandemic in Croatia. The population wasn't infested with swine flu.

Basically, the same shit ended up as the result of this 'pandemic' in Croatia AND in America, only in Croatia they didn't take the shots and in America they did.

>> No.1479428

Then again, I'm just talking from a personal experience.

I can't say I'm 100% sure how the situation would've been here in USA, but I can only make a hypothesis from what happend in Croatia and relating it to USA.

>> No.1479437

Swine flu/Bird flu is media hype. Its just like any other influenza strain. Croatia should have vaccinated as they would for the typical flu.

Whooping cough on the other hand is not media hype, it kills. Just cause people are stupid doesnt entitle them to threaten my health.


>> No.1479454

Polio vaccines are available in droplet form. Drop it on their tongue and give them some apple juice to wash the taste away. This is possible with other vaccines if monies werent funneled away by anti-vaccine scare mongers.

>> No.1479460
File: 15 KB, 191x214, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Drop off backpack in class
>Go to bathroom
>Come back
>Room closed for swine sterilization
>My face

>> No.1479462

you could just, you know, wear one of those anti-radiation suits. go to and fro work in those.

don't ever leave your house.

there, now none of those inferior people who didn't vaccinate threaten your health.

>> No.1479491

Murderous rampages are more my style for weeding out the undesireables, bio-hazard(wtf does radiation have to do with this?) suits are so last Tuesday.

>> No.1479492

I considered doing this once. The problem is that gas mask filters need to be replaced fairly often so this is an expensive way of life that one shouldn't do unless one lives in the zone.

>> No.1479525

eh couldn't think of the name of them.
though i'm sure an anti-radiation suit would have the same affect
mah point being...
you can't technically blame anyone else for you getting sick, since you always have the option to completely avoid society (or just going to work and come back in a bio-hazard suit)

last year at my school, there were idiots wearing clinical gloves and shit. i don't even think the swine flu spread through physical contact but rather from respiratory shit.

>> No.1479582

I can and will blame others. Even if I were to move to the middle of a deserted field in rural bumfuckia eventually civilization will creep and infest my environment. Societies and the diseases they carry are unavoidable, like the viruses we vaccinate against. Mitigating their harm to the people in those places is more plausible/efficient than moving to, say, the moon. No one wants to live on the moon, right? Too bad that isint plausible and in an established civilization its no longer a matter of if you dont like it leave, its how to we mitigate the harm that this could create. Vaccinate.

How bout if you dont like living in a world with vaccination you move to the moon? I hear the land is cheap, but the commute is a bitch.

>> No.1479782

I find it amusing that while Swine Flu was responsible for a handful of deaths, regular flu strains kill millions of people across the globe each year, and they are rarely reported.

It's like the flavor of the month, but with diseases instead.

>> No.1479810

The solution is obvious. Vaccinate yourself against everything you can afford, then become a plaguebearer.

Carry the diseases with you and spread them wherever you go. You'll eliminate thousands of idiots who refuse to vaccinate.

>> No.1479872

I laughed a little, rly. You think that once you are vaccinated you are a walking plague. Ignorance is not an excuse for such stupidity. Trolling is the only answer, and not even very good trolling at that.

>> No.1479957


>> No.1479989
File: 7 KB, 222x227, you..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your face when you realized that adding an organic ethyl group to mercury renders it soluble and non bio accumulating.

or did you skip gen chem?

>> No.1480091

I'm a microbiologist with immunology specialization.

You people make me sad... why do i keep bothering making vaccines to save your mediocre lives... well i guess the pay is good...

In any case, this trend is always gonna plague us like a disease: people get vaccinated, the disease regresses, people doubt vaccines, some shit study "proves" something and convinces the public vaccines are bad, people refuse to take vaccines, diseases go rampant, you all beg us for help.

Seriously, take your fucking shot. Why the fuck do you ingrates think there is no fucking polio, measles, mumps, rubella and smallpox? CAUSE WE FUCKING VACCINATED FOR EM, WE FUCKING ERADICATED SMALLPOX IN THE FUCKING 70s!

And fucking shut up about mercury, jesus christ, learn some fucking organic chemistry: >>1479989

And for those that still doubt the flu vaccines, fucking get the flu, feel like the fucking shit you are for 2 weeks, bed-ridden, vomiting and luckily not in the hospital with ARDS and STFU.

>> No.1480098

MD/PhD student in support. Forward, scientia!

>> No.1480105
File: 28 KB, 755x1255, troll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please explain the mechanisms of hemagglutinin and neuraminidase and the use of anti-virals

>> No.1480108

Name one time, in recent history, that we had to come back begging for help to a microbiologist because people didn't take the flu vaccine.

I've never taken a flu vaccine
I've never gotten the flu

I guess it's just me. Oh well.

>> No.1480118
File: 220 KB, 853x1551, troll'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digress for a moment and explain the mechanisms behind viral recombination and subsequent alterations in pathogenesis

>> No.1480120


You're the cancer killing the evolution of humans.

>> No.1480134

MD/PhD fag here. The two are unrelated, though jenny mccarthy may assume casual relationships between such variables indicate that not getting a flu vaccine means no flu. Lrn 2 science

>> No.1480141

>I dont get sick therefore I dont potentially carry the disease
If the failure in logic doesnt jump out at you then you need to remove yourself from civilization.

>> No.1480145

No, that's not what I'm implying at all.

I'm implying that I didn't need the vaccine.

>> No.1480146


You're presumably a healthy young adult.

You're the least susceptible to the seasonal flu.

Also, single point of data.

>> No.1480147

half the people here don't belong on a sci board.


>> No.1480149

Nah, I'd rather stick around and get ya'll sick while I'm working on my physics major

Shit's so cash.

>> No.1480166


>> No.1480169

Why do people automatically freak out when someone dies? Don't fucking save them let them die. The people with natural immunity deserve to live.

>> No.1480175

Why hello there fellows that have taken virology classes.

Until you get it, you cost the company you work for some days off cause you feel like crap and potentially hospital fees. Why do you think third world countries have such a hard time to develop their economy? Because they don't have the luxury of obtaining cost-effective vaccines and either die or fail to perform work.

>> No.1480179

what's the link between quantum field theory and feynman's scattering matrix

>> No.1480188

I think you mixed up the posts you were referring to. I am the MDPhD faggut with the troll faces

>> No.1480207

Who fucking cares if 1/110 kids have autism? What effect does autism have on society?

>> No.1480212

What if you're kid got autism

>> No.1480216


>> No.1480219

I mean your, not you're.

>> No.1480220

Well, autism is a spectrum, and the least autistic people still on the spectrum (known as Asperger's Syndrome) can be of extreme productivity to society. See: Bill Gates

>> No.1480227

emotional arguments dont work on /sci/.

try again.

>> No.1480230

My kid has autism, i will blame it on the first thing that comes up... A STUDY CORRELATES AUTISM TO VACCINES!!!! LET'S LYNCH A PROM QUEEN!

>> No.1480231

Completely irrelevant. What it at stake gentlemen is the future integrity of the scientific method. If were to progress as a technological society, we must retain a level of standard. Non-science is nonsense and anti-vaccine people and creationists practice the same nonsense.

>> No.1480237

here, here!

>> No.1480250

the study didn't even have correlation. Andrew wakefield's "study" was redacted by the Lancet in february. He practiced bad science and corrupted his data. He had his medical license revoked.

>> No.1480257

he does not have aspergers you dumbfuck

>> No.1480262

Not only that he abused little kids at birthday parties. Lumbar punctures suck dick.

>> No.1480332

he was a ridiculous asshole. A disgrace to the profession.

>> No.1480404

bump for hilarious idiocy

>> No.1480482

This thread will also include creationists

>> No.1480505

I think were quite done with this fool. Let sleeping dogs lie.

>> No.1480528


>> No.1480536

>I think were quite done with this, fool. Let sleeping dogs lie.

really one comma and you cant figure it out?

>> No.1480582

that one comma derailed your sentence and allowed a double entendre to sneak in.

>> No.1481127


be warned squeamish folks

>> No.1481174

Lol, I just watched the Frontline episode on this a few hours ago.

>> No.1481204

what are your thoughts

>> No.1481215

Jenny McCarthy is an attention whore.

>> No.1483155


>> No.1483161


>> No.1483176

For the love of god... why...
It'll become pointless

Most of /sci/ will claim that it's good for you and GOGOGOOG take as many vaccines as you can

A few citizens of /sci/ will protest and say that it's bad for you and that you shouldn't take them

>Vaccinators claim they are threatening their health
>Non-Vaccinators say at least they won't be retarded
>Vaccinators claim at least the stupid people will die off
>Non-Vaccinators say they won't die

It's a retarded argument

>> No.1483181

no profit in it

>> No.1483282


>> No.1483456

Sir, I think you missed the original proposition. Do you think the ethylmercury once used in vaccines correlates, even casually, with autism?