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14783594 No.14783594 [Reply] [Original]

Space Tomboy edition:
Previous >>14778443

>> No.14783600

Imagine painting your dick as the handle she's holding lol. Just imagine the perplexed look on her face when she realizes hahaha

>> No.14783608
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/sfg/ is fine and returned to port on her own power

>> No.14783609
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>> No.14783610

Are you excited for Artemis I?

>> No.14783613

hayley arceneaux

>> No.14783614
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>> No.14783618

Berger at it again! https://arstechnica.com/science/2022/08/the-sls-rocket-is-the-worst-thing-to-happen-to-nasa-but-maybe-also-the-best/
Oldspace got fat and complacent on pork. Spacex ate the crumbs from the SLS and will eventually replace it. Also interesting that he keeps mentioning blue origin- seems like they’re really far from viability. I haven’t heard any news of their skunkworks Project Jarvis- literally august 2021 is the last time anyone wrote anything about them.

>> No.14783620

only if there'll be copious amounts of nice photos an videos
I just wanna see more Moon dammit, that chinese rover was underwhelming

>> No.14783628
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>> No.14783630
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>> No.14783637
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how does an erection work in zero G/microgravity?
isn't the bloodflow a bit fucked?

>> No.14783639
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>> No.14783646

Gee Bill! How come your mom lets you wear 2 watches?

>> No.14783653

isn't one the radiation thingamajig?

>> No.14783741

How do i fuck an astronaut (girl)?

>> No.14783754

someone please god answer me

>> No.14783767

Wow SLS and JWST launching in the same year. Christmas came early!

>> No.14783799

You hear that? That is the sound of inevitability and sex.

>> No.14783802


>> No.14783804
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JWST launched last christmas though

>> No.14783812
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>> No.14783843

Could SpaceX be going nuclear?


>> No.14783859

there was recently some work on jarvis that nasasoiface saw. dont remember what exactly

>> No.14783862

no, going nuclear wouldn't lower the cost/tonne to mars, it'd dramatically raise it

>> No.14783869
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>> No.14783871
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>> No.14783875
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>> No.14783878
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>> No.14783882

Is the static like happening soon, it was gonna be last monday at one point

>> No.14783884
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>> No.14783888
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>> No.14783890

too much piping, too much bloat

>> No.14783895

she keeps expanding, goodness gracious

>> No.14783913
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So that "long march 11" launch scheduled last night was actually a Kuaizhou-1A

>> No.14783922
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>> No.14783953
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> NASA's Howard Hu says the main challenge is that the uncrewed Artemis I mission would last 42 days, while the capsule is designed for 21 days with astronauts on board.

> Cabana adds that "42 days puts a lot more stress on all those systems, plus the environment that it's in--longer exposure to radiation, longer exposure to micrometeorite hits. We're going to learn a lot from this test flight."

>> No.14783963

I've seen the centrifuges down in Boca Chica.

>> No.14783969

i fail to see why this deserves a (you)

>> No.14783977
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>> No.14783983

Was Elon Musk on the plane? Short hops like that are usually to move the aircraft itself.

>> No.14783986
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im outraged at his outrage!

>> No.14783990

they don't know and they don't care
their owners say scream and lie about musky man bad, so they will do it without question
They're property, not people

>> No.14783992

Sending a bunch of civilians on orbit to fuck around wasn't the thing that was too wasteful, but a brief hop on a jet?

>> No.14783993

The counterpoint that was raised was that his security detail would never let him take public transit anywhere, and even if they did no human in their right mind would use public transit in the bay area if they had any other possible option.

>> No.14783997
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>> No.14783998

You CANNOT learn the boundaries of something by never pushing against them.

>> No.14784019
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>what could have been

>> No.14784031

Boing hedging kek

>> No.14784033

if they make that pretty core RTLS I will forgive them everything

>> No.14784047

>I'm busy digging through ntrs papers looking for mass estimates of inflatable parabolic structures for satellites.
curious about this

>> No.14784060
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Aww, Bella's all grown up.

>> No.14784068

Does the booster have all engines now?

>> No.14784070

No she is the alien you retard!!!

>> No.14784075

Risking someone as important as EM on a nigger box is ridiculous.

>> No.14784078

It looks so strange when it has no markings whatsoever. Not even a flag or a "QZ-1"
Interesting how they combined the gridfins to give stability on the way up, and control after staging

>> No.14784084

what's the QR code for

>> No.14784086
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Don't be fooled. We have to adopt their armor and weapons to destroy them. It's the only wayy.

>> No.14784090

>Adam Something
Hilarious to watch him seethe about literally any bit of news. He made a huge seethe fest over a tweet made by a Russian Duma member, which is basically like a parliament member in the US making a similar tweet

>> No.14784101
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Nuclear is inevitable, bros.

Methane tards BTFO. Chemical has always been retarded.

>> No.14784127

It doesn't matter. RICH ELON MUSK BAD

>> No.14784132

How would you make nuclear cheaper and more logistically simple than chemical?

>> No.14784133

If I was Elon I'd be creeped out that someone has automated tracking my private jet

>> No.14784139

If I was Elon I'd bribe that someone into not doing it

>> No.14784157

Anyone can do it if they give enough shits.

>> No.14784162

dont call me METHANE TARD >:(

>> No.14784170

That would just cause 100 more people to do it hoping for their own bribes. I think he actually made an offer privately but the guy blabbed about it to the press and asked for more.

>> No.14784181

It was interesting diversion that ended up not panning out.

I was also the guy who was saying dumb things like “space based solar power could be more viable if we just use constellations of power satellites in eccentric polar orbits!” The rest of the idea was that above a certain wattage you get more kW/kg by using a solar dynamic power system instead of a photovoltaic one. Using an inflatable parabolic mirror would save on launch mass and there were some designs for large inflatable radio antennas that I figured I could use as a guide for how heavy these would be. I wanted to try and estimate just how big of a power satellite an Ariane 6 could launch. It turns out an Ariane 64 could (maybe?) launch a 2 MW solar dynamic power satellite.

Then I took a look at the gigawattage of an average European nuclear power station and started counting up just how many 2 MW satellites I’d need to match it. It turns out that SBSP is still not a workable idea.

>> No.14784188

why is Rocket Lab using electric pumps instead of piston driven pumps

>> No.14784192

EARTHER (derogatory)

>> No.14784197
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It doesn't

>> No.14784208

DUSTER (complimentary)

>> No.14784211

do you idiots have anything to say about the landing site candidates?

>> No.14784214
File: 271 KB, 628x1200, 1967.6.14. A.L. - Russian Rocket Towards Venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Launch of Venera-4, which became the first probe to measure Venus' pressure, temperature, magnetic field, hydrogen corona, and atomic oxygen in the first in-situ analysis by a spacecraft.

Notable bit is on the fact that the Venera-4 lander, despite made only for atmospheric analysis, was made to be able to float in case there was liquid water underneath the clouds.

>> No.14784228


>> No.14784231

It is my goal to see this in a vernacular catalog of some sort one day

>> No.14784238

I am about to lose my newspace job in one of the eastern european startups. Any recommendations to where else to go?

>inb4 >>>/adv/

>> No.14784252

To the gun store

>> No.14784274

Starship tourists will land on every single one of those before Artemis 3 gets its shit together.

>> No.14784294

Man, 39B tower segment 7 has been hooked up to that crane for a couple of days with no progress
It's over for SpaceX

>> No.14784300

Have you tweeted at Elon make sure he knows this.

>> No.14784307

He's an extremely salty r*manian, honestly I'm surprised he doesn't shill for Arca out of pure gypsy butthurt at this point

>> No.14784313

Sounds like a right cunt desu

>> No.14784334
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I miss this cutie like you wouldn't believe

>> No.14784335


>> No.14784351
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Could have had its slavic progenitor zooming around since mid 80s but the Soviets, of course, squandered what they had.

I weep for what could have been.

>> No.14784359

static tomorrow ??!!

>> No.14784360

>cheaper and more logistically simple
NTP is meant for manned missions. You don't go cheap on manned missions. Use chemos for one-way unmanned missions, it will be cheaper.

The logistics depends entirely on the propellant. If we are talking liquid hydrogen, then that needs to be a bit cooler than methane, but in the end it's the same system, with the added advantage of not having to carry oxygen.

>> No.14784363


>> No.14784366

Remember that nuclear thermal rockets (not pulse propulsion) was undergoing live-fire tests during the late 60s.

Scrapped by congress because it was going to power Mars missions, never forgive them for what they stole from us.

>> No.14784367

idkidkidkidkidk maybe today!

>> No.14784372


Lift B7 happening

>> No.14784374

why is the booster going back and forth between the bay and launch mount just like the SLS

>> No.14784377
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HIMARS operator on the Ukrainian frontlines. You do like rocketry, don't you anon?

>> No.14784396

it's been a long road

>> No.14784400
File: 1.39 MB, 1920x1080, Starbase Rover 2.0 Cam SpaceX Starship Launch Complex 13-39-2 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or Lab Padre to avoid the inane chatter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbBeoReu12E

>> No.14784403
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>> No.14784414
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So to speak, she actually has her progenitor zooming around since mid '60s, but we all know how it went.

>> No.14784423

>how does an erection work in zero G/microgravity?
it would be extremely painful

>> No.14784427

>the 34 year old LOOONCHER
>lost his job at an aerospace startup
>self taught rocket enthusiast, has already blown up multiple garages
>will target anyone he's told, Londoners, Russians, Chinese villagers, as long as he can just LAUNCH
>doesn't care, not his department

>> No.14784444
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And I will never, ever, forgive this asshole for cancelling her when she was about 90% done.

>> No.14784446
File: 613 KB, 2560x1440, 7 Starship & Super Heavy Development From SpaceX's Boca Chica Facility_20220823_163600.656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14784455

even for a big guy?

>> No.14784457
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, Starbase Rover 2.0 Cam SpaceX Starship Launch Complex 13-57-47 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14784458

3 engine static fire tomorrow
13 engine sf thursday
3 engine s24 sf friday
full engine s24 sf monday
full stack tuesday
33 engine sf thursday
another one the next monday
launch the next tuesday

>> No.14784464

ambitious but feasible schedule

>> No.14784465

he's anti-trump. that tells you all you need to know

>> No.14784469

How hard would it be to make a Parts Bin Landing Module for the moon?

Just whip out the old lem plans. Then see what you can replace with modern in production parts. Then fabricate the rest with modern materials.

>> No.14784470


>> No.14784479

Knowing SpaceX

3 engine booster static fire friday
starship 3 engine SF monday
B7 rolled back to high bay tuesday
2 consecutive road closures
S24 6 engine static fire friday
B7 rollout to pad monday
B7 20 engine SF
launch in two months

>> No.14784483

No, not willing to stay long term in Eastern Europe like this. And Arca is a fucking meme.
I want to be working on development, not operating american sloppy seconds from a decade ago.

>> No.14784484

You put the rocket in and you take the rocket out
you put the rocket in and you take the rocket out
that's what it's all about.

>> No.14784488
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>> No.14784492

These people would flip out if they realized how often private jets move around with quite literally no passengers. I guarentee Musk wasnt on that jet

>> No.14784494

So they lifted b7 and then lowered it again. What the fuck is going on?

>> No.14784496
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>> No.14784498

Brownie after seeing the shuttle proposal

>> No.14784505

But the proposal was good, it's the shitfest following through the seventies that ruined the shuttle

>> No.14784508


>> No.14784515

Holy fuck it has been fifty years and we are just now surpassing that kind of space capability. Sobering

>> No.14784516
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The SLS is gonna BREAK!

>> No.14784518
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Did she finally fix her shoes

>> No.14784520
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>> No.14784531

Who's "we" and where are they going?

>> No.14784537
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>> No.14784544
File: 52 KB, 758x762, Space Station Silhouette on the Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open the door
Get on the floor
Everyone fly the Dynasoar

>> No.14784552

Unfortunately most of the really good stuff was gated behind cheap, fast microprocessors, or classified bits of data from materials science and nuclear engineering. Elon's fast-iteration approach is the only way to break that logjam.

>> No.14784574

Elon keeps misclicking the "Stage Rocket" button.

>> No.14784584

What are those 4 big ridges up the side of the tank? I don’t recall seeing them on early super heavies.

>> No.14784595

>You don't go cheap on manned missions.
If you're trying to send hundreds of thousands of people to Mars, you do. There is no reason people can't do six months to Mars.

>> No.14784598

Note that I do believe NTP will be used by the military and government, but just not by SpaceX.

>> No.14784601

Also the logistics are much worse, because the starships have to have their engines swapped out in LEO after reaching orbit. Sfg has done the math before and NTP is just way worse then chemical for getting to Mars.

>> No.14784607

Why are you being a Redditor? They stacked it on the OLM, what do you think anybody has to tell you?

>> No.14784640
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>> No.14784643

>How hard
harder than making one from scratch. the lem is complicated.

>> No.14784646

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.14784652


>> No.14784669

I don't get why people come to /sfg/ trying to tell us space is fake and expecting to actually change any of our opinions, when they probably don't even know what ∆V is

>> No.14784688
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>> No.14784689

it's fake????

>> No.14784691

Huh it’s gonna be like the VAB in there

>> No.14784694

almost like nasa did it right the first time and spacex just copies them (dcx)

>> No.14784698

Erections are caused by erectile tissue restricting blood flow OUT of the penis, which only depends on you having blood pressure, which is independent of gravity.
Lack of boners in space is a psyop and a coverup to deflect any notions that astronauts may be fucking and getting fucked up there.

>> No.14784700

i work for nasa, this is 100% false

>> No.14784702

What movie?

>> No.14784703

Correct. 2x performance per transfer doesn't matter if the cost per transfer goes up 10x. Nuclear propulsion would be very useful for getting out to the far asteroid belt/Jupiter though.

>> No.14784705

NTP is like the Space Shuttle. Go pulsed nongovernment propulsion or go home.

>> No.14784710

>Check out our advanced new deep space crew vessel built to take us to the Moon to stay!
>What? No, it's only designed to operate for up to three weeks on its own
Orion is a lockmart product

>> No.14784715

“You could … maybe get a feeling that their [SpaceX’s] system is ready to go. And it’s not yet. We’re in design and development. … We’re still developing. We’re still changing. And we’re gonna get smarter and then we’re gonna have an incredible launch and we’re gonna have an incredible landing.” Lisa Watson-Morgan

>> No.14784716


Two words: orbital tugs

>> No.14784719

One of the scientists in the audience expressed concern about whether the crew actually will be able to get down to and back from the surface to do science. Starship is very tall and has an elevator to get up and down.

Watson-Morgan offered assurances it will work. The elevator is multi-fault tolerant, she said, and NASA and SpaceX are working together hand-in-hand to test it, including with crews.

>> No.14784723




>> No.14784731
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so if 1 SLS can launch as much as 338 Falcon 9, why are you so mad? we should be building the fuck out of sls. my 2 cents

>> No.14784734
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>> No.14784739

zubrin futures not good

>> No.14784744


>> No.14784746

based congressman

>> No.14784747

Who and about what?

>> No.14784750

MSFC's HLS manager in the managing expectations phase

>> No.14784751
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>> No.14784752


>> No.14784756

This reads like a Francis Dec rant, bravo

>> No.14784762

This is the new Bezozian angle

>> No.14784763

Also, fuck the ozone layer.

>> No.14784773

>muh ozone layer

>> No.14784787

Starship lost the space race. Upvote if you agree

>> No.14784788

MACS typed this post

>> No.14784799

it doesnt matter wat anyone or the trolls say. starship is better and elon musk is a hero

>> No.14784801

You must be 18 or older

>> No.14784805

Get ready to start crying you faggot fuck

>> No.14784812


>> No.14784818
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I just met a guy who tested piloting Apollo capsule sims for the project. He's a cool guy.

>> No.14784820

What race? Race to launch first?

>> No.14784835

Outer 20 Raptors have new QD plates for the methane voonts. Probably another temporary solution instead modifying existing QD and replacing the extending arms.

>> No.14784865

Wallops is sounding

>> No.14784867
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LEAG meeting shares what I *think* is a new photo of the SpaceX HLS elevator prototype.

>> No.14784869

>what I *think* is a new photo of the SpaceX HLS elevator prototype.
we have never seen any HLS prototype hardware before other than the white nosecone.

>> No.14784870


>> No.14784875

forgot to imply the implications.

>> No.14784876
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>> No.14784882

I hate fat women. They're always assholes.

>> No.14784892
File: 982 KB, 3585x1971, Falcon-Heavy-B1055-OCISLY-landing-SpaceX-1-and-2-3877558357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've found a retard willing to listen to an explanation as to why they're wrong about reusability using up >10% of a LV's fuel, first of all lol you haven't, but just for fun here's a preschool level explanation:
We'll give each second an engine fires a "fuel point"
For example, Falcon 9, fires all 9 of it's engines for ~2:30 on initial ascent, so 9 x 150 = 1350
Re-entry burn, 3 x 25 = 75
Landing burn, 1 x 30 = 30
Total reusability related fuel consumption is 105 fuel points, around 7%

>> No.14784899

this is so simple yet is highly accurate.
super heavy will not be doing a reentry burn but a boostback. how long are those?

>> No.14784907

>super heavy will not be doing a reentry burn but a boostback.
It'll be doing both like F9 does on RTLS. They're designed to stage at the same speed (~2km/s).

>> No.14784912

nope. super heavy will not be doing a reentry burn

>> No.14784918

aerocovers with COPVs underneith

>> No.14784923
File: 265 KB, 1579x2000, usnc-ntp (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who has been shilling NTP this video is like watching 20 minutes of nothing of value being said.

He also fucks up why the RL10 has such high ISP, it's because it is an expander cycle not because of hydrolox.

>> No.14784924
File: 105 KB, 612x491, Confused Apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they need an elevator? Can't they just huck down a rope?

Can that be the backup if the elevator breaks?

>> No.14784926
File: 139 KB, 782x758, 3e3-3559896343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooo thunderfoot said that half the fuel was for landing!
> what about overly complicated ISP calculations with exact fuel measurements that make the results skewed towards whatever way you want you can't just time how long an engine fires

>> No.14784932

>Can that be the backup if the elevator breaks?
it will be. unless the nasa soi twigs decide that an astronaut COULDN'T POSSIBLY climb a rope in an eva suit.

>> No.14784933

Climb a rope in an eva suit IN LOW GRAVITY nonetheless.

>> No.14784937

7% is actually an overestimation. The Merlin 1Ds are firing at 100% power on ascent but the center engine could dial it down as low as 40% for the landing burn.

Isn't HLS going to have a redundant elevator? I remember hearing something about it having doors on either side of the ship.

>> No.14784939

Anon you do realize they can't use their legs to support themselves on the rope? The EVA suits don't have that much maneuverability.
Also the rotating waist piece would probably get in the way.
So why not just do something like a winch with a boot loop and a wrist band that lifts the astronaut up incase of emergencies?

>> No.14784943

>The Merlin 1Ds are firing at 100% power on ascent but the center engine could dial it down as low as 40% for the landing burn
it's a huge waste and the only reason they would ever do that is to increase margins to account for wind and waves.
i expect for RTLS and super heavy they'll be close to 100% throttle all the way down.

>> No.14784945

>2x performance per transfer doesn't matter if the cost per transfer goes up 10x

It does if that 2x performance is needed to make the transfer in an acceptable amount of time.

>> No.14784946

Yeah I realized that the landing burn probably used less fuel than a full throttle engine for the whole time, but I kept it simple because there's a throttle down for max Q on accent, and it probably evens out, considering that the acceleration at max Q barley changes

>> No.14784951

It's a bit of both. Even a gas generator hydrolox engine can pull ~425s of Isp. The RS-25 is FRSC but still has 80s better Isp (~450s vs. ~380s) than the FFSC RVac because of the propellant difference.

>> No.14784952

AlrightDave is someone who thinks SLS will drop from $4 billion to $800 million per flight.

>> No.14784953

>make the transfer in an acceptable amount of time
so not mars because 6 months is not an issue.

>> No.14784956

It starts mattering a lot more for the gas giants.

>> No.14784957

AlrightDave probably isn't aware of SLS because thunderfoot hasn't talked about it for some reason

>> No.14784960

I don't give a FUCK about what some niggers on twitter think

>> No.14784962

>the MMR launch system lives rent free in their heads
chuds can't cope

>> No.14784972

on second thought if they really have two elevators i can see them not having a safety rope.
i imagine the rope interfering with the elevator mechanism would be a big concern it can't just be dangling, there would have to be a whole spool thing on the elevator cart to pull it taut during normal operation.

>> No.14784985

The 'fuel point' idea is probably the best simplification for explaining it. It's hard enough to find fuel consumption data for when an engine is firing at full power, let alone when its varying the throttle. All I know is that 40% throttle doesn't have to correspond to 40% fuel consumption.

Given how light a rocket can be after its burned off most of its fuel lighting even a few of the engines at 100% could be enough thrust to make it start going back up again. You can get away with a 100% burn but your timing has to be very, very good.

>> No.14784986

I like how they conveniantly forget about the impact Elon has on reducing emissions to counter these hops (which every plane does btw)

Average annual footprint in the US is 16 tons, so let's be generous and triple this for Elon which makes 48 tons annually.
In 2020 the amount of Teslas sold reduced the average annual emissions by roughly 5 million tons.
With that Elon's annual carbon footprint lies somewhere around -4,952,000 tons. Add to that SpaceX's annual pollution (425 tons in 2020), which makes a -4,127,000 metric ton carbon footprint. These are the figures from two years ago and Tesla has only grown since then, and this is without accounting in the pollution reduced by Tesla batteries and solar cells (~1.6 million tons)

Fags need to find something else to seethe about

>> No.14784990

We’ve seen elevator hardware before—lurk more

>> No.14784991
File: 72 KB, 542x680, tism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped reading right there

>> No.14784996

is elon's son a total retard?

>> No.14784999
File: 71 KB, 586x600, Screenshot_20220315-004325_Samsung_Notes_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by golly you're right

>> No.14785000
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>> No.14785002

pretty sure one of them is a tranny

>> No.14785010

told you :)
As a side note I wonder if Moonship really WAS the least risky option. Obv spacex was a better choice over blue who and dynetics (not to mention the low cost and high capability) but overall it’s very, very dependent on Starship development as a whole. I just think it’s crazy that NASA thought they could get away with getting a lander from ANYONE in such a short time period. The difference in time between the selection and the first planned use of the lander is ball numbingly thin. I guess the plan was to just expect Boeing to win?

>> No.14785013

The man has like thirty kids. Once you starting going absolute quiverfull you're bound to get at least a few duds.

>> No.14785014
File: 59 KB, 706x671, cheers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe when youre raised by...well...you know...a circus clown

>> No.14785022

I want to keep this on topic to the best of my ability so all I will say is that there are countless amounts of catholic families with like 20 children, all of whom are straight edge and don’t go tranny
This will obviously be applicable for something like an off world colony where you need large families. Grow them as secular scientism söys and you are bound to get a lot more basket cases in the gene pool versus raising a colony with some sort of traditional religious foundation. Better to have a few loose screws who focus their autism on theology versus ones who cut appendages off and refuse to work

>> No.14785025
File: 247 KB, 1433x1920, Expedition33_Soyuz_blessing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some sort of traditional religious foundation
like a spacer religion perhaps?

>> No.14785030
File: 132 KB, 1078x807, philosophy of the future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's well aware

>> No.14785031
File: 77 KB, 613x720, mormon-pioneers-westward-expansion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mormonism is cosmic

>> No.14785035


>> No.14785037

mormonism is early-TNG-weird-colony-with-dark-secret-episode

>> No.14785043

>Op-Ed by Virginia (Ginger) Barnes
>Virginia (Ginger) Barnes retired from The Boeing Company as Vice President of the Space.
>Also Boeing's SLS Program Manager
One's a journalist

Another's a PR fluff from the program manager at the defense corporate headquarters

>> No.14785048

The Boeing design wouldn't have been a bad lunar lander. It's shockingly boring in how conventional it is, but not trying anything new or exciting meant that it should have been safer and more reliable than Dynetics's drop tanks, the National Team's in-orbit assembly, or SpaceX deciding to go full fucking Flash Gordon. The only real flaw was that it needed an SLS 1b launch all to itself, and the only way that ever going to happen was if Orion got canceled and its job was handed off to a Lunar Dragon/Falcon Heavy.

The institutional expectation is almost always that the inside will win

>> No.14785050
File: 1.35 MB, 1170x1734, 604DF2BA-6A62-4D8B-9EED-3555D2E96FBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fertile tradcath space waifu WHEEEEEEEN AAAAAAAHHH

>> No.14785051
File: 621 KB, 444x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for some reason

>> No.14785052

i would unironically not hate the SLS if it had a proper upper stage and was fixed price.

>> No.14785054

the CGI from jimmy neutron has aged surprisingly well, truth be told

>> No.14785055

Mormonism is so deep into christian heresy territory that they're three pubes away from being Scientologists.

I really want to hate this rocket. There were so many better ways they could have designed it, even if they were going to be stuck using legacy contractor tech.

>> No.14785058

It's what happens when you stylized something. Anything can look good if its styled well.

>> No.14785065
File: 1.58 MB, 1484x1190, wenjun_xu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the utter disbelief when mars society hosts beheld starship-chan live will go down as one of the cringiest moments in spaceflight. the guy didnt know he was meant to see it. "uh i think youre on the wrong slide...uhh we just see an anime girl on screen"

>> No.14785066

iirc the Mormon church has already stated or implied interest in setting up their own Mars colony once starship is rolling
their deep fucking coffers from tithes will surely help bankroll it

>> No.14785071
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>> No.14785073

I work with a lot of Mormons and every time I ask about the Mars colony they never give me a straight answer

>> No.14785075
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, okey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember watching that live, Jesus Christ.

>> No.14785078

when was this lmao

>> No.14785081
File: 52 KB, 900x507, SLS configurations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really want to hate this rocket. There were so many better ways they could have designed it, even if they were going to be stuck using legacy contractor tech.
It really feels stagnant. Oh, you trimmed down the shuttle and stuck it on top of the orange tank? That's the only change in 50 years?

An SLS heavy - SLLLS or SSLSS - even an SSS would be amazing to watch.

>> No.14785082

I'd like to take a look at the thread, the livestream was on 14.10.2021, but fireden is complete shit and doesn't actually work anymore as an archive

>> No.14785093
File: 139 KB, 1809x493, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most advanced rocket engine ever built looks like a dilapidated piece of third world cookware

>> No.14785095

this baby can hold so much naan

>> No.14785103


>> No.14785112

It tough living on hand me downs.

>> No.14785115

>british humor

>> No.14785116

>british humor

>> No.14785121

>british humor

>> No.14785126

it's funny because it's true! this and SNL still the pinnacle of funny

>> No.14785142

Is that Romanon's tomboy waifu?

>> No.14785150

If you went with an SSLSS you could fly it like the largest Titan: nothing but boosters at launch with an air-started core.

>> No.14785173
File: 2.67 MB, 1800x1668, squidwarddutchman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Venus didn't turn out to be a permanently clouded steamy jungle planet populated with amazonian vixens
We were robbed

>> No.14785190

>the capsule is designed for 21 days with astronauts on board.
what the fuck

>> No.14785193

I would buy 10 more jets and have them fly around the world constantly at random so nobody could ever guess which jet I was using.

>> No.14785223
File: 88 KB, 275x270, 1632722527129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14785247

? Apollo missions lasted <2 weeks each. If they're spending more than 3 weeks to transfer to the Moon then there's some kind of major fuckup.

>> No.14785249

The cosmic silence is the greatest disappointment of space exploration efforts to date.

>> No.14785275

That piece is shit is going to shake itself apart in less than 5 seconds.

>> No.14785291
File: 200 KB, 794x529, Please give me space dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think it'd be better if we were forced to respond to aliens? If their ships were bearing down on our recklessly broadcast radio signals?

>> No.14785295

It'd get shit moving quick that's for sure.
Imminent danger is the second best motivator right after pussy

>> No.14785296

Verbally? Not really. Technologically? You bet your ass.

>> No.14785303
File: 54 KB, 1191x180, 05E8726D-D368-4F44-8A38-40ACBAE48DBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnggggggg I’m off topic but there’s a reason fox is a synonym for sexy

>> No.14785308

Are you some sort of zoophile?

>> No.14785314

Only for things with hooves.

>> No.14785336

One of the SLS VP's wrote an oped in spacenews:

Am I just too deep in the muskrat koolaid or is this woman living in some parallel universse? How can people be so willfully delusional about the reality of SLS - a dinosaur of a rocket that's been holding us back for years?? I want to yell unspeakable obscenities at this person

>> No.14785341

no, just like you can have an erection on earth while lying down just fine. those who say it's impossible in zero-g because blood doesn't flow down towards your legs either have negative iq or erectile dysfunction.

>> No.14785402

Why didn't they go for a integrated second stage crewed space plane?

>> No.14785420
File: 89 KB, 853x1280, 102F5EB4-4EF1-4D66-9C72-7910242D379A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14785430

Based deception artist

>> No.14785436

She knows. You only see pieces like this as damage control when a rival is overtaking a project. Nobody ever had to run one for the Saturn V or the F-4 Phantom or the Nimitz class.

>> No.14785438

Could they make it land upside down?
It shouldn't take much thrust to get it to a high enough altitude to allow it to flip and use its main engines

>> No.14785439

So you're saying if we moved all the women to Mars we'd be there in no time? Hmm, now how do we get all the women to Mars...

>> No.14785444

I call it the Mars-Pussy-Paradox, short MPP

>> No.14785447


>> No.14785451

What if we convinced the world there was hot Martian pussy there, and they won't falsely accuse you of rape. Imagine the turn around!

>> No.14785456

You're just mad you didn't think of it first

>> No.14785485

What does the falsification of COAM and the advent of COAE mean for space flight?

>> No.14785493


>> No.14785505

The falsification of conservation of angular momentum by John Mandlbaurs theoretical physics paper.

>> No.14785516

Don't reply again, you might not now him if you only visit /sfg/, but he's a very active schizo, and he will shit up any thread beyond recognition if you reply

>> No.14785518

Trust me, I've already realized.

>> No.14785529

>artemis is real
>we're actually on our way back to the moon
mild hype

>> No.14785541

why must dalmatians be so mean? they're very pretty.

>> No.14785545

The elevator is pretty simple, and it will probably have a manual crank option as a backup. Even if the elevator gets stuck somehow you could probably cut it lose and jury rig the cables to get up and down in a harness.
They'll probably have spare rope/cables around anyway though, as that's likely something you'd want for surface operations anyway.

>> No.14785552

They should give the astronauts spring boots so they can leap up.

>> No.14785577

They should leave the astronauts on the Moon.

>> No.14785579

there's just one problem with that idea: you can't jack off in a space suit.

>> No.14785581

In my opinion The best future we can hope for based on current trends is somewhere between For All Mankind and The expanse before the proto-molecule.

>> No.14785585

post more SLS pics

>> No.14785595
File: 196 KB, 952x1920, v8p0jgyh86171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can in that one.

>> No.14785607
File: 351 KB, 1200x800, 26937_PIA25238-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 230 members of the Mars 2020 >Perseverance Rover Science Team gathered at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA during June 2022 for a week of in-person science discussions, rover operations, and instrument team meetings. For many, it had been over 3 years since we’d seen each other face-to-face.

>> No.14785608
File: 1.19 MB, 903x664, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's happening here?

>> No.14785620

>no masks
based. maybe they left all the seething unironic communoids on the curiosity team
someone is pretending and failing to be a woman

>> No.14785626

>As the team gathered and prepared to head inside (masks required!) for 4 days of science presentations and discussions, joy and excitement were the dominant feelings.

>> No.14785632

>4 days
>in person
you're literally killing grandma

>> No.14785633

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the badly shopped dude with the cap on.

>> No.14785638

That's just a cardboard cutout of a dude with a headband.

>> No.14785646

>with the cap on
-3 credit wumao

>> No.14785647

behind the cardboard guy is a troon though

>> No.14785652

Fuck you

>> No.14785656

There is no reason to be upset.

>> No.14785659

Why are you taking my credits?
I need those

>> No.14785670

I wonder what janitorial duties are being performed right now.

>> No.14785675
File: 111 KB, 722x2157, spacejannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14785679

Is that total days or days during their current stay?
Because 524 days seems pretty fucking hefty for one stay

>> No.14785692

kek neither, the site ist just wrong. ms-21 has been in space 159 days

>> No.14785698

all of the times are wrong. idk how you can fuck this up

>> No.14785730
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, monty-python-1280x720-LNG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then they'll fix it again!

>> No.14785732

pretty good to be honest. This isn’t star trek where you get free food, free oxygen, free waste contamination, etc. out of thin air. Orion is basically like a big camping tent that can keep about a month’s worth of self-sufficient supplies in the event it needs to function without a destination that has cargo. It could probably be extended with modifications though

>> No.14785759

>Artemis is real, you've seen it down at Starbase

>> No.14785831

>a month
Imagine the smell

>> No.14785843

>isolated for a month alone with a cute space tomboy crewmate

>> No.14785851

>Children conceived on the Moon are mere years away

>> No.14785874

you mean you have people still wearing them?
I've been to an international conference almost half a year ago and the only people wearing those stupid things were Americans

>> No.14785897

No I don't. I just know what kind of people work at JPL on the Mars rovers.

>> No.14785969

you should try the stable diffusion software from /g/ so you can post decent OCs. It would actually look pretty cool

>> No.14785978


>> No.14785988
File: 1.45 MB, 1360x1702, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can write a prompt or upload an sketch to improve it with ai stuff. There are several websites for that if you dont know/cant afford the hardware required.

>> No.14785996
File: 318 KB, 1048x1500, 1633874116387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anything going to happen today?

>> No.14786008

maybe sf. maybe not.
is there a closure?

>> No.14786017
File: 1.07 MB, 1120x873, 2022-08-24 15_56_24-DreamStudio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get it to work with a prompt

>> No.14786018
File: 955 KB, 1141x854, 2022-08-24 15_57_27-DreamStudio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my best attempt

>> No.14786025

Ignore the prompt stuff, you need to process your sketch with img2img. but anyway. lets see if someone from /g/ has the cpu power and good heart to help, i really want to see how would look like.

>> No.14786057

Leverage your experience and switch to designing domestic water heaters

>> No.14786063

If you live in EU, you will have more opportunities in the west.

>> No.14786115

does he think expendable first stages don't reenter the atmosphere?

>> No.14786169
File: 5 KB, 320x180, mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post is too informed to not know what he's talking about. an eloquently-crafted troll post

>> No.14786191

Do they have s*x in space?
I mean, in the name of science and research, this is something that must be clarified.
And, frankly, i think this had come to the mind of literally everyone involved at nasa

>> No.14786193

so did no one here posted how perseverance found life on mars huh? shame on you

>> No.14786197

If it happens, none of the astronauts have admitted to it

>> No.14786200

are they bashful?

>> No.14786204

Considering they're within view of a camera 99% of their time in space? Yeah

>> No.14786206

You never know with women. Lots of them are exhibitionist sluts

>> No.14786207

Just stick some tape over the lens like everybody with a laptop does.
>"Station, please uncover Zvesda camera #5"
>"Station, please-"
>make us, faggot

>> No.14786215

*starves you of oxygen*

>> No.14786217

ground control has no power in the sky

>> No.14786220

enjoy eating eachother

>> No.14786231

Enjoy the empty ISS deorbiting out of control over a major capitol.

>> No.14786236

nah we'll just crash a dragon into it and be just fine, bye bye space janitors!

>> No.14786240

i would just go to the chinese station. it's cleaner and more roomy

>> No.14786247

What was the plan for that obama era asteroid redirect mission? A hab module?

>> No.14786266
File: 26 KB, 595x239, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14786275

Why are there so many women?

>> No.14786276

lol i hate T mobile, but whatever. more $$$ for spacex

>> No.14786277

It's ok anon, I know you haven't seen one in a long while but just act normal and it'll all be fine.

>> No.14786279

All the useful employees are inside doing their jobs.

>> No.14786289

it comes from the japs, and they're strictly into humanized monstergirls, as god intended

>> No.14786297

There really shouldn't be that many women in a stem job unless they weren't hired on merit

>> No.14786302

It's mostly men. It just looks like there's a lot of women because they all crowded to the front of the group. Some of that is because they are statistically shorter, but there are more than a few that are slaves to the feminine impulse to seek out any form of attention or validation.

>> No.14786303

you see masks anywhere where there's still terrorized goycattle
its how you know who to not consider worth talking to

>> No.14786307
File: 42 KB, 326x236, 1531518645824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14786312
File: 230 KB, 763x840, Sinews of Strength Avco Corporation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14786314

Is Clear streaming this?

>> No.14786319

Common retard cope.

>> No.14786325

Mars Guy said desert varnish is inconclusive.

>> No.14786326
File: 123 KB, 1200x777, mommy_sls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shouldn't keep her waiting, /sfg/

>> No.14786330

She's kept us waiting, delay after delay after delay

>> No.14786332

Oh, I didn't realize I was a leak in the hydrogen GSE.

>> No.14786333

Nigger scientists would say aliens are inconclusive if they saw one fucking their wife

>> No.14786356

She looks angry, like she's ready to... explode?

>> No.14786365

What did you do to anger her so?

>> No.14786369

how much does it cost to pay some artist to draw a burnt corpse of her when SLS explodes on the first fly test?

>> No.14786388

NASA has come a long way since the Apollo program when there was only one woman — JoAnn Morgan — working in Firing Room 1 of Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Control Center. Now, about 30% of the staff responsible for launching and monitoring the Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and Orion spacecraft for the Artemis program are women. Under the Artemis program, NASA will launch the first woman and next man to the lunar surface, using the Moon as a testing ground before venturing on to Mars.

>> No.14786396
File: 1.57 MB, 1698x812, Screen Shot 2022-08-24 at 11.26.42 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as seen in Apollo 11 doc

>> No.14786405

At first I assumed this would be starlink thing, but I guess it would say so if it was.

>> No.14786409

>NASA will launch the first woman and next man to the lunar surface
You mean first woman and first basketball american on the moon

>> No.14786410


NASA is not requiring SpaceX to demonstrate that its Starship Human Landing System can take off from the lunar surface before using it for the Artemis III mission and the test vehicle will be a “skeleton” of the actual lander. NASA selected SpaceX to build the lander for Artemis III preceded by an uncrewed test flight, but the head of NASA’s HLS program said today the demo does not include liftoff. She also stressed that Starship is still in the design and development phase with many challenges ahead, not ready to go as some seem to believe.

>> No.14786414
File: 135 KB, 1080x541, Screenshot_20220822-140642_Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, not anymore

>> No.14786418

>make redundant or pointless job
>fill said jobs with women
Look how many womyns there are!

>> No.14786419

Get with the times; you can just feed that prompt into some AI.

>> No.14786426

Why not have a masculine presenting trans lesbian?
They could also have her be trans racial.

>> No.14786427

HLS is so fucking tall they don't need it to lift off. The astronauts can just jump to the Gateway.

>> No.14786429

>not ready to go as some seem to believe
No shit, we have yet to know if it actually will work.

>> No.14786433

So we're not going to get a minority on the moon until at least 2028? Yikes.

>> No.14786444
File: 446 KB, 1916x2048, CC51DD3A-28C3-4989-9174-0748A45DD486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 33 engines installed

>> No.14786450

Why germany is so behind the space race when they are famous for its engineering? Im learning german now so i was wondering

>> No.14786452
File: 696 KB, 700x700, 141010052310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry jack
no darkies allowed

>> No.14786453

Germany was destroyed and her engineers looted away to foreign lands to grow their fruit there.

>> No.14786458

Are these people for real?

>> No.14786462

stop shitting the thread with twitter/r3ddit shit you absolute nigger

>> No.14786463

Rockets are dual purpose with everyone developing them for offensive uses first.
That should answer your question.

>> No.14786465
File: 37 KB, 731x297, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14786466
File: 695 KB, 600x613, 1371403208289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soo... manned landing fukken when??

>> No.14786469

It's not that easy in shitpostery.

>> No.14786470

obvious troll ya morans

>> No.14786471

we know it's you, go back

>> No.14786474

How? He serious. Thinks rockets shouldn't be privately owned.

>> No.14786477

are you cognitively impaired?

>> No.14786481


>> No.14786486


>> No.14786487
File: 28 KB, 330x357, atari.irc-galleria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14786493

no, are you?
If not this might help :

>> No.14786499

i hope sneed/sneem has an abortion live from the moon

>> No.14786500

Artemis III launches in 2025. Or maybe 2026. Maybe.

>> No.14786503

you lose your sense of smell when in space
you'll regret being alive once you land back on earth though

>> No.14786505

Getting tired of this stupid spectacle circus. launch it or fuck off, Elon

>> No.14786508

I have a friend who thinks that SpaceX should be forced to be a publicly owned company, because of how big it is, that its using NASA tech, it's government funded, and that it has such a large impact on the public without any responsibility to the public (like starlinks effect on the sky). Also that it's going to cause a Kessler syndrome.
Yes there are people that delusional.
He also linked me a Playlist from Adam something on "leaving the alt-right"

>> No.14786509

it became politicized in america, so leftists still wear them to "own" the right

>> No.14786514

>comments turned off

>> No.14786520

>I have a friend who thinks that SpaceX should be forced to be a publicly owned company, because of how big it is, that its using NASA tech, it's government funded, and that it has such a large impact on the public without any responsibility to the public (like starlinks effect on the sky).
I mean, he didn't say anything wrong.

>> No.14786523

how come death rate of leftists is much less than rightists?
right owned themselves.

>> No.14786525

you should probably listen to the play list

>> No.14786534

So, the government (which does not give a single shit about the public) should use authoritarian power to force SpaceX to be beholden to a bunch of wall street venture capitalists (who also do not give a single shit about the public) because that will somehow be "good for the public."

I hate to have to break this to you but I think your friend is a fucking moron.

>> No.14786539


>> No.14786540

You really think companies like Blackrock should have a say in what SpaceX does. Starship would have never left the drawing board

>> No.14786555

because conservatives are almost all old people

>> No.14786563

Your friend is a giant shit-dribbling commie retard who doesn't understand the difference between a "public company" (ownership trades on the stock market) and nationalization.

>> No.14786566
File: 17 KB, 473x266, 1634177256554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS is outdated and it hasn't even flown yet
how long will they cling to it?

>> No.14786576

at least two voting terms after Starship's inaugural flight

>> No.14786579

ACTUALLY "publicly owned" can refer to state ownership or publicly traded. It's ambiguous.

>> No.14786580

I assume you are an Artemis tourist, it's not unusual to do a hotter re-entery than the mission profile would have to test it.
I don't think the extra time is a big deal assuming the fuel cells can handle it.

>> No.14786601

If they fly it once or twice it's looks like a complete failure, if they fly it 12 times over 20 years suddenly it's easier to sell to the public as a vital piece of history.
They will do the later because it's a purely political project and actually getting results for the spending is secondary to the PR spin.

>> No.14786602
File: 852 KB, 380x380, 1491853194202.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, speaking of the SLS- how is it so weak? according to the NASA website it has 15% more thrust than the saturn v, and weighs around 16% less. however, it has a lower payload capacity to both LEO and TLI, and travels significantly more slowly, taking 5 days to get to the moon while saturn v only took 68 hours.
how is this possible? how does a rocket with more thrust, that weighs less, end up weaker than a rocket with less thrust that weighs more?

>> No.14786617

SLS only has 2 stages to Saturn V's 3.

>> No.14786621

By being "low cost" and ditching the 3rd stage that finished the orbital insertion and handles the TLI.
Combine that with the terrible dV of the Orion CSM and they really did everything wrong.

>> No.14786627

it already costs more per launch than saturn v when adjusted for inflation, i don't get the point of gimping it to try and cut cost at the last second
if you're gonna make an overly expensive rocket you'd might as well not have it be underpowered

>> No.14786636

Shittle SRBs have lower specific impulse than the F-1 and the SLS upper stage is a SINGLE RL10.

>> No.14786639

>Artemis 2 2024 probably 2025
What will starship be by then?
Can it get crew rated in 3 years, or will it be like falcon where it will still be going through design changes every few months or so

>> No.14786641

They fell for the Hydrogen meme

>> No.14786645

I love this emergent aesthetic.
It's like a mix between steampunk and cyberpunk. Even if it has elements of the latter, it doesn't feel futuristic/"sci-fi", which is the point that makes it so visually interesting, but it still does not feel completely like current day regular industrial facilities either.
>inb4 just go look at a railroad bridge
Come on, I don't really have the words to explain how I find it looks better/different, I just get the impression. For example, the rounded beams and painted appearance.

>> No.14786646

humans won't be leaving LEO this decade
anyone saying otherwise is coping hard

>> No.14786650
File: 87 KB, 717x548, 1651454945939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first person to step foot on the moon on artemis 3 will almost certainly be a woman. i can only hope she doesn't say any extremely cringey thing like "one small step for a woman, one giant leap for womankind", or some other unbearable feminist platitude.
it would completely poison a moment that has nothing to do with the petty political concerns of the day. it'd be like if neil armstrong after stepping off the lander had said something like "america should leave vietnam!". like, that's all well and good... but shut the fuck up, landing on the moon is more important than your pet political cause

>> No.14786660

I just hope some other nft scam lands people on the moon before nasa.
Would cringe 100x

>> No.14786665

When I land on the moon I'll have only 3 words to say
Soli Deo Gloria
What will you say?

>> No.14786669

Time for some good ol' reconquista

>> No.14786673

"Ladies and Hentlemen. *AHEM*. Fuck Earthers, and fuck space jannies. That is all"

>> No.14786674

>Before he took his final step off the moon, Cernan said, "America's challenge of today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind."
If there isn't any reference to this Apollo 17 quote I'm going to be very disappointed

>> No.14786679

>"I, Neil Armstrong, claim this world on behalf of the American nation and the white race that made this journey possible. No darkies, now and forever."

I was honestly hoping that the Starship HLS program would outrun Artemis so badly that dearMoon 2 could land people first. Then the first person off the elevator could be some cringe social media influencer. Artemis III could land a few months later and spout some "we come in peace for all womankind" and no one would notice, care, or remember.

>> No.14786686

The first words have to be "We're back."

>> No.14786695

>China has had secret moon rocket
>Launches before artemis 3
>land first woman after their first man
Her first words are "The age of Men is over. The time of the Bug has come"

>> No.14786701


>> No.14786717

>The time of the Bug has come"
first beetle on the moon when?

>> No.14786720

They're being cucked by the real upper stage not being ready

The ICPS is puny in comparison to the EUS it's supposed to have, and they're launching with essentially 30 extra tons of payload to LEO going unused

>> No.14786739
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>> No.14786742
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>> No.14786755

If China really wanted to they could pull off a moon mission using four CZ-5s. At the rate Artemis is moving they could probably finish the CZ-5DY and then do a mission in two launches.

>> No.14786757

Not interested in sexualizing a goddamn astronaut

even i have limits

>> No.14786759

pepper your angus

>> No.14786762
File: 71 KB, 480x360, beatles-ron- chapman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Paul or Ringo could survive the journey

>> No.14786765

why does it have a sphincteer

>> No.14786767

We can only dream

>> No.14786779

the non-cgi parts look amazing

>> No.14786787

Hope it goes well and leads to something instead of being shelved and forgotten in a couple of years.

>> No.14786810

lmao very carefully not showing pad 39B

>> No.14786814
File: 59 KB, 318x640, Hard_Science_by_Pat_Rawlings_1993_S084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climb a rope in an eva suit

>> No.14786815


so what special thing do you think it is ?

>> No.14786826

too risky for nasa, unless it's an expendable multi-billion space-grade rope made throughout all 50 states

>> No.14786829

Depends on how dumb T-Mobile is feeling these days, and they are pretty dumb

I'm guessing 5G over Starlink (either as backhaul or some picocell integration with the dishes)

>> No.14786831

Please share the canonical links instead of your slow as balls nitter instance

>> No.14786832

these two images have nothing to you do with each other

you scizophrenic botposting nazi

>> No.14786833

opioid epidemic in rural areas

>> No.14786835

Every video they release, I get more excited for it to blow up

>> No.14786836

i dont have a twitter account
so i use this shit

>> No.14786838

"We convinced t-mobile to give us SO much fucking money"

>> No.14786839

You can still share the twitter link, so I don't have to add a URL rewrite rule for every nitter instance out there

>> No.14786840


>> No.14786842





>> No.14786846
File: 31 KB, 326x302, tired2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first voiceover is some random black actress

>> No.14786847

elon musk made a shitty rocket that can't even lift as hard as the saturn V

fuckin loozer

>> No.14786850

that's because it gets really hot and has like hot gas coming out of it lol

look at the tailpipe of a car

>> No.14786852

Parts reused in Artemis 1.

>> No.14786855


>> No.14786856

replace the URL nitter dot net with twitter dot com, simple as.

>> No.14786872

im not him or white but that deutchland song rammstein video increased my nigger fattige by orders of magnitude.

>> No.14786878
File: 320 KB, 1536x2048, sls kneels to gaben.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came across this on my DVR while tidying it up this morning...
(sorry, looks like PBS has taken the main episode off their streaming)
...first thing, I was like "Vector who?", and "Where is Astra?"
It's funny, people were talking about SLS being ten years in development, and that was over three years ago.

>> No.14786880
File: 104 KB, 1920x1080, 80a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post yfw artemis ruds

>> No.14786885
File: 68 KB, 980x661, george bush does not care about black people-Kanye West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14786893
File: 187 KB, 1123x1200, 1631539107181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are they going to catch boosters with this? The arms move very slowly and the booster is wider at the bottom. The precision needed is extreme, maybe 1 meter margin of error.

>> No.14786896

Automation has come a long way since the robots you're thinking about

>> No.14786903

What robots?

>> No.14786931
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>> No.14786935
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>> No.14786944
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Attempt no landing here

>> No.14786962
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>> No.14786990

>I would like to thank our sponsor, RAID: Show Legend

>> No.14786994
File: 1.57 MB, 300x257, 1655778187385.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14787015

Kys nitter hater

>> No.14787023

I use nitter too, retard, and I'd rather write one redirect rule to an instance that doesn't suck than a million from all the instances that exist, plus it's just the cleaner way of doing things

>> No.14787053
File: 595 KB, 1170x853, F6F83B3D-7CE5-4D40-8EDB-8776A26A648E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14787056

Thats just a leeway so to give SpaceX bare minimum runtime. Between the Demo and actual HLS launch will have Starship flying another ~50 launches which will give them more room to further optimize designs

>> No.14787058


>> No.14787060


>> No.14787061

You shouldn't be friends with communists

>> No.14787064
File: 204 KB, 320x532, Screen_Shot_20210505_at_11.49.00_PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14787065

Why are people so un optimistic about starship even making it to orbit? Historically SpaceX is extremely experienced with ascent, and starship/raptor has never had major issues on ascent, only on landing.

>> No.14787067

and I should care why?
because FSD is a scam

>> No.14787068

Static fire incoming

>> No.14787070

NSF youtube chatters predict 33 engine static fire is happening today

>> No.14787074


>> No.14787076

it's called consensus

>> No.14787080

the AI-generated rocketgirls still look like shit, damn looks like i'm going to have to wait a few more years

>> No.14787084

more like consensYOU because YOU are the only one who cares. There are real rockets out here waiting to do some actual test flights

>> No.14787087

No. calm down

>> No.14787093
File: 108 KB, 1216x684, mountainchickenfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is spaceX able to launch now? What about the launch license thing?

>> No.14787097

it's called monkey see monkey do. average IQ of NSF viewers is like 90 at most

>> No.14787101

>"We return to the moo-OH GOD WHAT IS THAT THING? AAAAAAAAA *static*"

>> No.14787103

why is this thread now full of redditors?
you have to go back

>> No.14787105
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>> No.14787112
File: 156 KB, 838x628, cd7ae5721d476c8c29ec2be1eaca79ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is completely unrelated but I feel a strange, urgent need to call to your attention the 1987 Iain M. Banks short story, "Descendant". I have no basis for my motivation.

>> No.14787115


>> No.14787138
File: 262 KB, 822x1280, 5087BD3B-07C9-4B45-B8DE-1242E5E03530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know who the fuck this company is?


Apparently they are testing a reusable rocket

>> No.14787146

looks like VC bait

>> No.14787147

Startup founded by SpaceX and Blue Origin vets. Looks like their primary purpose is point-to-point suborbital flights with reusable rockets. All I can say is good luck with that.

>> No.14787150

why nobody cares about important undevelop space shit like spacesuits and moon/space structure building and go for the even hardest to make/earn money of.

>> No.14787152

cause the shots are called by either jews, who care only about riding fads until they can take their personal profits and run
or autistic engineers, who are totally incapable of long term critical thinking and planning

>> No.14787156

MCC literally has full control of power systems

>> No.14787160

what does FSD have to do with SpaceX? i was told by tslaq people that musk is not involved at all with spacex beyond being the ceo

>> No.14787165


>> No.14787168
File: 32 KB, 1040x573, SLS lightning strike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like primitives of old, they should fear the weather.

>> No.14787182

The men of Tomorrow will eliminate all weather.

>> No.14787194

Not if the weather of tomorrow eliminates the men

>> No.14787200

>a fucking ring
it's a scam

>> No.14787212

it will work.

>> No.14787222

road's open, it's over for spacex

>> No.14787234

SLSbros, we won

>> No.14787245
File: 48 KB, 1100x619, 1661387033746..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS live stream in NASA tv
>It is a woke program despite Orion not being crewed
>Rocket takes off
What are the chances of witnessing this?

>> No.14787250


>> No.14787256

i think pretty high actually, SLS looks rotten, and i dont mean by just the colour.

>> No.14787263
File: 646 KB, 4032x3024, 1636880441001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I saw [Starlink] in the Nevada desert after one of the first few starlink sats launches.
>It's what I assume it felt like for my dad when he saw Sputnik for the first time minus the cold war fear.
>There is something surreal about seeing something artificial out in the stars. I have seen satellites before and the space station shoot across the sky. So I have become desensitized to that appearance. I knew those were artificial satellites but I didn't feel it. They were always apart of my sky, so they felt natural to me.
>But the starlink train of lights is unlike anything you have ever seen before. It's so clearly not aircraft and in space but at the same time you could never mistake it for a satellite or planet. It's an artificial action that really shows that humanity has made a dent in the heavens.
>That's why I say it feels like a Sputnik sighting, even though there have been satellites for decades. These starlink satellites trains are so unnatural that it shocks you. Even if you understand it and you understand the math and science behind everything it still elicits a feeling of awe to see stars move in a conga line across the sky.

the game has changed

>> No.14787270

>it will be. unless the nasa soi twigs decide that an astronaut COULDN'T POSSIBLY climb a rope in an eva suit.
This will be a factor in designing systems unless we decide to never send women to the moon.

>> No.14787279

It really is.

Megaconstellations were a thing of the past scifis. And yet, we're living this moment. I was utterly dissapointed by the reaction from the general public. The apathy to the derision. Its like they've lost sight of reality and live in their own ideological world about rich people bad nonsense. Instead of seeing the marvel of technology, they just see their own ideological failings, for which they lash out.

>> No.14787287

Why do you think flerf/"space is fake" is the new hot schizomeme? If we have a new frontier to explore and conquer, all the bucket crab nonsense goes away.

>> No.14787292

>Just a third of those living in the US are curious about what happens in space (35%) – compared to 54% of Brazilians, 48% of South Koreans, and 44% in China and the UAE – though this does rise to 44% among Gen-Z Americans.

>> No.14787297

Corn syrup effect

>> No.14787299

50% either it will go or it won’t

>> No.14787303
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>> No.14787309

I thought this rocket was supposed to be as big as the Saturn V. Why is it smaller than jet airplanes?

>> No.14787311
File: 356 KB, 1284x1905, C8061ACB-F442-46F1-9791-DE2EEB907299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tslaq people seem smart

>> No.14787312

is there a static fire today or not

>> No.14787316

actually only space is real; earth is fake

>> No.14787318


>> No.14787319


>> No.14787328


>> No.14787330

i'm sorry anon, but there will be no static fire

>> No.14787338

it's just because the jet is close and the SLS is far away. it's a trick of perspective

>> No.14787340
File: 81 KB, 960x642, giga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fox 2
gigachad nooooooooo

>> No.14787349

>$4BILLION dollar rocket
>barely takes astronauts to LEO

>> No.14787354
File: 41 KB, 1018x603, kind of cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that it looks like a scam, but their architecture is surprisingly neat. It looks like a DC-Y, or Bono-esque vehicle with a Falcon boost stage.

>> No.14787355

You're not an astronaut until you fully leave Earth orbit

>> No.14787359

They will, just not on SLS

>> No.14787361

I give em 18 months until they come out with a stupid crypto or some NFT campaign

>> No.14787362
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>> No.14787364

Point-to-point ballistic cargo does seem like a market with interesting possibilities. I'm not sure how well it'd stack up against air freight or oceanic container shipping, but being able to send a drop pod full of goodies to a remote location on short notice is the sort of thing the DoD would be willing to throw a few tens of millions of dollars at.

>> No.14787365
File: 40 KB, 820x654, 1651092766715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearty chuckle desu

>> No.14787368
File: 545 KB, 2560x1440, 7 Starship &amp; Super Heavy Development From SpaceX&#039;s Boca Chica Facility_20220824_202954.346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird lights

>> No.14787370
File: 998 KB, 1024x615, 782080DF-D499-4AD4-A272-CC625527E653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That T mobile announcement was happening at at starbase so maybe it’s related

>> No.14787372
File: 155 KB, 2048x1137, 186A26A6-E24E-4808-920C-05678CC59256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is starship viable for a manned flyby of Venus?

When would be the best window for a mission?

>> No.14787377

>Is starship viable for a manned flyby of Venus?
Yes, its viable for anywhere in the inner solar system really.

>> No.14787378

How long would it take to go from Ceres to Jupiter using Starship?

>> No.14787381

Well in excess of two weeks

>> No.14787388

Uh Starship cannot capture at Mercury, even if refueled at Earth-Moon L2

>> No.14787395

This implies that they're actually doing everything they can to avoid sending anyone besides white men, only doing so if it's absolutely mandatory.

>> No.14787407

Go here: https://trajbrowser.arc.nasa.gov/traj_browser.php

Uncheck "NEOs with constraints"

Type "Venus" into the custom list field

Set mission type to Round-trip/flyby

Make the launch year 2023 to whenever

Show "all trajectories" so it doesn't give you just one result

adjust other settings to taste

All you need to do then is compare the trajectory's delta-v requirements vs. the hypothetical numbers we've got for starship

>> No.14787413

Zoomerchads... our time is now

>> No.14787434
File: 505 KB, 2560x1440, 7 Starship &amp; Super Heavy Development From SpaceX&#039;s Boca Chica Facility_20220824_210555.362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14787469

we have enough white man on the moon

>> No.14787480

About time a wireless carrier started using starlink for there cell tower backend.

>> No.14787496

Mercury is not part of the inner solar system. It's part of the sun.

>> No.14787502
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, f86_atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if it's 4 billion dollars of government pork. I love the sight of jets and rockets.

>> No.14787518

It is going to be the largest rocket to fly since the Saturn V that launched Skylab back in 1973. That's something, at least.

>> No.14787536

If you add a solar sail it can

>> No.14787556

more accurately, the Sun is a part of Mercury and only partially gets leased out to the outer peasants

>> No.14787572

starship is too fat

>> No.14787573

People don't know this, but they do

>> No.14787575

staging when

>> No.14787576

Mini-Starship is the future

>> No.14787580
File: 380 KB, 2509x1019, 54FE7249-1244-4A28-ACD3-FE6FE6107238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brasil porra!!! Hexa caralho melhor do mundo!!!

>> No.14787584

cuántas copas tenés?
Tronador II > VLS-1

>> No.14787591

The fact that Alcântara isn't erecting rockets for a daily launch cadence is all the evidence I need to know we live in a cursed timeline.

>> No.14787596

It’s called VLM1 now.

Brazil is buried under a mountain of bureaucracy and interventionism. It’s basically impossible to innovate or grow a business.

>> No.14787602

I want to kiss rocket girls ..........

>> No.14787604

i believe the moon landings happened yet this video pisses me off extremely

>> No.14787606

It didn't help that when Europe tried selling them some ariane engines they got slapped so hard by the state department you think they were the Russians trying to sell engines to India.

>> No.14787607

Because it's just a propaganda channel. Even when they make something that's objectively correct they still sound like they're spouting bullshit. I guess it's like the boy who cried wolf.

>> No.14787611

no staging?

>> No.14787613

i dont know shit about this guy and will avoid him going forward

>> No.14787616
File: 261 KB, 396x730, foustchungus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do it

>> No.14787623

It wasn't just selling some flight articles - it was complete tech transfer of the Viking engines. Would have been a great deal for Brazil. Uncharacteristically generous of the French to make a sweet deal like that. They must have really been scrapping with General Dynamics at that time.

>> No.14787625


>> No.14787669

>Starship with a solar sail
Do you have any idea of the size it would need to be in order to accelerate something with such a high mass?

>> No.14787731

Weather balloon

>> No.14787928

overpressure notice for today!!!!!

>> No.14787991

That fag did a video on EVs and it was full of bullshit