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File: 172 KB, 1200x600, relative-poverty-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14782681 No.14782681 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a scientific way to solve poverty? Why are some places so poor and nothing seems to help, no matter how much money? Considering how much money and time went into these projects youd think there would be some scientific conclusions we could use to make a better attempt? Why did science fail at solving poverty? Can science solve poverty?

>> No.14782722

>Is there a scientific way to solve poverty?
sure, but not an 'ethical' way
forced sterilization will do it within a couple generations
delivered via injection, ideally, under the cover of a global pandemic
sadly, africans mostly did not fall for the ruse and will remain unaffected

>> No.14782759

if vaccines sterilize anyone explain all the fucking covid babies, headass.

>> No.14782789

The western model of growth is fundamentally broken, and when 3rd world places try to copy it they fail. Suburban sprawl and car centric lifestyles are the two main points.

Places which cant afford/dont want to create single family homes in low density areas are usually labeled as "blight" and never given any actual development whatsoever, like the favelas in Brazil. If the government actually accepted that favelas are a valid way to live and tried regulating them or developing around them, then it would be possible to bring people out of poverty.

>> No.14782797

>Modern west was build on cars before cars were invented
>only cities and more government funds can solve poverty
I've read some really dumb opinions on this shitty website but fuck dude, how do you not choke on your own snot?? Are you 9? What the fuck?

>> No.14782800
File: 59 KB, 960x720, hbp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a scientific way to solve poverty?
Family planning.

>> No.14782804

So abortion, contraceptives, and sterilization? Like what we do in the west for some reason?

>> No.14782807

Also, why does "family planning" always mean "preventing families"?

>> No.14782881

>>Modern west was build on cars before cars were invented
The old west was actively torn down in favor of cars.

>>only cities and more government funds can solve poverty
Where did I say that?

All I'm saying is that the west had 500 years to transition from hunter gatherers to civilization, and Europe by far outpaced the rest of the world when they made it. China had civilization for 2000 years yet their contribution to science, math and modernity in general is fuck all. Yet Europe went to Africa, told them not to go from farming to advanced civilization, but from hunter gathers to advanced civilization, and were surprised when they failed.

Instead of growing Africa by importing European city building models, European corporations and European influence/funds, just let them develop organically. OH, but America cant have that because they just HAVE to fund their fucking Petro addiction and stick their hands into every oil well and rare earth metal mine on the continent.

>> No.14782899

You're the fucking retard here. The global south you see isn't "natural" by any means, it's been warped and corrupted to the whims of Europe and the US for the past 500 years.

>> No.14782908

>its other peoples fault!
>the people that live there are just helpless victims
>thats why they constantly kill each other and act like crabs in a bucket and never consider self improvement
So they are not responsible for their own actions? Then who can save them if they cannot affect change?
>inb4 repeating US and EUs fault

>> No.14782917

Why are you so fucking mean
Black lives matter

>> No.14782919

>>the people that live there are just helpless victims
Yes, unironically. Imagine if you went back in time 20k years and saw two caveman tribes fighting each other. You ignored both and immediately set up a hierarchy with you as the ruler (probably by murdering their past chieftains) and siphoned resources off them for your descendants and your defendant's descendants, for a thousand years.

Which is more egregious? The cavemen killing each other, or actually becoming the supreme dictator over ignorants just because they're living 20k years in the past?

>> No.14782929
File: 59 KB, 486x679, 720DA953-963C-4CB7-AFF5-53EF85550BBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The richtest 1% own almost half of the worlds wealth.
>gee, I wonder why poverty is still a problem
>we produce more food than we need to feed the world, yet there's still hunger

>> No.14782935

>we produce more food than we need to feed the world, yet there's still hunger
Accessibility, faggot. Do you want us to cannon food to everyone? And even if we solved the accessibility problem, how would the poorest individuals afford food? Why would farmers just give away their food for free

>> No.14782942
File: 65 KB, 1024x576, brandon brown racer racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are some places so poor and nothing seems to help, no matter how much money?
It's a race issues but media and academia will make up a hundred lies rather than tell you the truth.

>> No.14782945

>magically become ruler
>it was ok when kings did it to other Europeans but not my heckin blackerinos and Indians!!!
>ignore that most wealth is generated by innovation within a group and that slavery never invented cars, engines, computers or anything useful ever
>the poor poverty people have access to medicine, electricity, and knowledge that they would otherwise never have
>but they are heckin victims bro!
>ignore that there are victims within our own societies
>ignore exceptional people have made changed history
Youre just a dumb liar making excuses for bad people and blaming it on others to feel morally superior and offer no solutions but theft and revenge. Fuck off retard.

>> No.14782949

Ok, you take a bag of food and bring it to the starving folk. Shut the fuck up you maggot shit.

>> No.14782952

Abortion is a corruption of the system, it looks like whites can't understand corruption.

-all living beings can cull their population with homosexuality, wars or obsolescence
-animals learn from the traumatic experiences
-Most black men can't learn and they destroy good black men civilizations
-they haven't developed a philosophy so anything would help
So by helping Africa you are turning them into a plague and religious people should teach the philosophy of it and go beyond God is good and everything is fine

>> No.14782956

I dont support sending aid to Africa. We shouldn't be aiding our suicide.

>> No.14782962

Because most sane people, when posed the question of whether to have children, will put it off until they are financially confident of the challenge. Where I live, the vast majority of pregnancies are the result of no planning. It's two people getting horny, fucking without protection and then shrugging and going 'oh well guess we're having kids', regardless of how much it's going to fuck up their lives. Just on a fiscal basis, raising a single child is a significant investment, in an age where most people in developed nations aren't going to be able to own a home. That's putting aside all the other shit, like actually being a decent parent and not fucking up the responsibility of raising another human being to be a sane member of society.

A lot of people don't consider any of the above, hence the difference between them and family planning.

>> No.14782968

How about men and women stop treating sex like a recreational drug?

>> No.14782971

>Can science solve poverty?

it's not a scientific problem or even a meaningful category. Poverty you get for free, its 'wealth' that, if anything, needs explanation. We already have that, more or less: a lot of people working together to build something and then maintain it day after day after day. If that's lacking, there will be poverty, no matter the resources

>> No.14782975

How about we stop trying the thing the church has been trying for millennia in vain?

>> No.14782981

>Why would farmers just give away their food for free
Currently they rather throw it away and pay for the disposal :^)
Also, poverty costs us billions in border patrol, deportation etc. We would save money if we sent it to the starving region and make the people not come here.

>> No.14782983
File: 484 KB, 1195x1728, terrifying-dystopia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in vain
it worked for centuries, it stopped working because people stopped doing it. We live in the most atheistic material world ever and it turns out people become depraved freaks when they lack God.

>> No.14782998

Abstinence is proven to be a complete failure approach to preventing pregnancy. Horny people are stupid by biological and evolutionary design. People are always going to dumb fucking things because of nebulous hedonistic reasons; the only solution is to minimize and mitigate the results of said stupidity.

People didn't overpopulate because they had God, they had attrition rates that created a tenuous equilibrium. Turns out when half your children die before the age of ten and half your male adult population gets killed in wars between local lords, it works wonders in preventing people from outpacing their local resource supplies.

People have been degenerate since the beginning of the species and if you say otherwise, you're a larper. Look at all the historical examples of religious institutions being hedonistic paragons.

>> No.14783004

You mean the thing that failed just hasn't been tried hard enough? :^)
Better keep trying then, just 2 more centuries.

>> No.14783005

society has two stable positions
-shitty dictators
the gap is hard to move over

>> No.14783006

Abstinence is 100% proven effective. Youre just looking for excuses to use sex as a drug. It should be socially shamed, not "haha wear protection since youre stupid!". You dont solve drug addiction by giving safer free drugs.

>> No.14783009

>worked until people stopped taking it seriously
>suddenly its not working! wtf crazy!
This bucket worked great until it got holes in it, I guess buckets just dont work!

>> No.14783012
File: 285 KB, 918x848, C4ED31D3-B6F3-4EB6-9262-5B5730FFD188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the more religious, the less extramarital sex and pregnancies?

>> No.14783013
File: 284 KB, 891x858, F1D8B062-41B7-4F7B-9C1C-CCCBC99C4E0A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14783015

>posting graphs of black population density
Racism much?

>> No.14783016
File: 16 KB, 654x74, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again, larper.

>> No.14783018

Its impossible to get pregnant if you dont have sex.

>> No.14783022

Impossible to die from toxic gas inhalation if you just don't breathe. Pick a new larp.

>> No.14783023

Sex isnt breathing, you dont die without sex, youre still alive after 30 years.

>> No.14783024

Pick a new larp. We're waiting.

>> No.14783025
File: 274 KB, 899x828, F0F3455F-B561-4F2E-B490-D800AB44DB6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say the correlation between the first two is higher, but it's not nothing. So whoever advocates religion wants blacks and teen pregnancy.

>> No.14783029

The difference is made up in lantinx

>> No.14783053

Basically a welfare state, and thats never worked before, so..

>> No.14783062

Name a metric. Infant mortality? Literacy? Life expectancy? And then compare the USA to welfare states like Sweden, France, Germany or Switzerland.

>> No.14783070

I concede, you're correct.

>> No.14783213

>$10000 to get snipped -- people with high time preference (correlated with income) will take the offer
>ultra generous welfare payment to childless women -- half the amount given to those with 1 child and further decreasing with each additional child
Solved in two generations max regardless whether poverty is 100% correlated with genetics or 100% due to environment

>> No.14783216
File: 23 KB, 608x456, 42132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poverty was invented by civilization. Your """science""" is predicated on your """economics""" which is predicated on poverty.

>> No.14783222

You and other midwit spergs will be first in line to get snipped. Good riddance.

>> No.14783232

Good point. The men in that (my) group have trouble getting laid anyway. The $10000 should be for tubal ligation only.

>> No.14783237

Eugenics got a bad rap because of the post WWII doctrine of human neurological equality and that the first interventions were coerced. As my post proves there are initiatives to increase the IQ that are voluntary. And it doesn't matter if it's all nurture. They remove children from poverty- and low intelligence-inducing enviroments provided by the low iq and poor.

>> No.14783240

Eugenics got a bad rap because the only people supporting it are degenerate, parasitical, inbred elites and mouth-breathing niggers like you.

>> No.14783246
File: 27 KB, 400x300, Xi_071020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moral investment, what you are seeing in Africa now when a non-capitalist country invests.

Belt and Road is putting up more infrastructure than any of the US stimulus bills for Americans themselves.

You can see how morally sick the pig skins are here. First they enslave the Africans, now they gloat at their poverty and take more and more.

But a new leader has arisen. The West quakes in fear.

You're on the right track, but that thinking was too simple. You should look past simple communism. Marx is essential, and Hegel, but the Red Book as well. After some serious reflection I would urge you to look up Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and then to gaze upon the perfection of political philosophy, Xi Jinping Thought.

>> No.14783254

Regardless of the source of eugenics ideas, the welfare system's current incentives are dysgenic and poverty-inducing.

>> No.14783256
File: 39 KB, 640x360, A-propaganda-poster-of-Xi-Jinping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ali Baba has a great app, Xuexi Qiangguo, for studying Xi Jinping Thought. It is as much a spiritual manual as a political ideology.

BTW, China is working on yet another modern catapult aircraft carrier, something only the US has other than China, but China has been building them quicker.

China's own space station is also continuing on pace as are plans for its Moon colony.

>> No.14783275
File: 373 KB, 320x180, 1660683215294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you aware poverty was greatly reduced during the 20th century? See this for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpKbO6O3O3M
So I wouldn't say it was a failure. Either way, it's well known that political and cultural institutions move slowly and aren't always in tune with the best evidence available.
But if anything, I'd say the biggest issue with poverty are leftists nutjobs trying to force solutions that we know don't work. Although economic growth is THE most important thing to solve poverty, environmentalists and eco-marxists like to talk about degrowth or zero growth...
And how do you get growth? Good education & health care systems; pro-market institutions; efficient, stable and predictable legal system; low corruption, and the list goes. You know, the kind of things you don't see in shithole countries that suffer the most with poverty.

>> No.14783282

Have you tried to kill the poor?

>> No.14783290

Some people are less competitive than others.
Good thing is Ai pretty much makes us all non-competitive, so maybe we'll be payed to survive, so some of us have time and energy to be geniuses who contribute to the advancement of civilization. People will become biologically immortal and then we change our ways so that "Après moi le déluge" won't be as motivating as it is today sometimes. People will be taken care of, simply because they have that potential of becoming something better more than anybody else (maybe if dolphins will be given prosthetic hands and keyboards working under water, they will be able to deliver to our civilization as well)

>> No.14783291

>all the COVID babies
You mean the pandemic baby bust? NTA but birth rates declined despite people being locked down together with nothing but time for making babies.

>> No.14783326

Name one poor place where a lotof money was invested with no results. Hard mode: Something similar to your pic, a horrible slum not some bad neighhborhood of Saint Louis

>> No.14783329

>Source: Lived there

>> No.14783331

>So they are not responsible for their own actions?
>Be colony for 400 years
>Be economic colony for 100 years
>their own actions
Nice try glownigger

>> No.14783342

Civilization is dysgenic. Everything else is cattle playing the blame-shifting game on behalf of the farmers.

>> No.14783372

>Currently they rather throw it away and pay for the disposal :^)
This doesnt happen literally anywhere

>> No.14783389

Not hard enough. Try Congo. Tell me how much money is invested in solving poverty in Congo

>> No.14783449

eat the 1%

>> No.14783506

It's called low intelligence and no, you can't help them. Every attempt to do so results in a small, short-lived positive result followed by either a return to neutral or a negative result.

>> No.14783536

>ugly people bad the picture

>> No.14783544

Lends some credence to that theory, doesn't it? Not that we need pictures to prove it. Science consistently shows that moral and intellectual degenerates are usually physically deformed and diseased.

>> No.14783712
File: 3.97 MB, 2333x5322, RockeUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OH, but America cant have that because they just HAVE to fund their fucking Petro addiction
OPEC is the group who controls Big Oil. For the past 1/2 century, the West has been sending them $Trillions/year, because some geniuses thought it was a brilliant idea to give them endless gibs, so they could use Hundreds of $Billions/year to bring in the resources/labor to build massive Cities in the desert, and be able to buy stonks in Western Markets.
They nationalized the Western Oil companies who originally designed, created, transported, and set up all the infrastructure the Mid-East needed for drilling Oil, because they cried loud enough about "Evil White Imperialists".
Our geniuses thought this was brilliant because "wow, look how popular the U$D is guiz". But they literally just stole $Trillions/year to give to their buddies in Sandland, which completely fucked over everyone in the West, by massively decreasing the value of the money that they earned, due to the "Royalty" in the desert being given unfathomable amounts of wealth for doing absolutely nothing.
But they didn't do absolutely nothing with that money; no. They got to build massive amounts of infrastructure, provide free healthcare, free housing, free welfare cash, and all sorts of well paid government jobs that basically involved infiltrating Western Businesses, Academia, and our Government through their endless supply of money they got from the West. For free.
They started financing the Green Party, in hopes they could fund some decent project(while paying the Researchers shit) that would get lucky and develop some "Clean, Renewable, Infinite Energy", that way they could continue to have endless money, even if Oil runs out, or if another country replaced them as a top Oil Supplier.

>> No.14783723
File: 3.10 MB, 4196x3184, SaudisBeingSaudis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "West are just a bunch of imperialists exploting everyone else" is absolute nonsense.
The West is the one who sends $Trillions/year in gibs to various countries/organizations.
The West is the one who tells everyone to come on over, and we'll give you a Home, Food, Money, and well paying jobs.
We tell our own citizens to go kick rocks and cry about how "life isn't fair". Our """elite""" just throw money, money which they have no right to reallocate, at Millions of businesses/NGO's with zer0 chance of ever becoming even remotely profitable, because they believe $ is "just paper, and it doesn't actually mean anything".
To them, it literally doesn't mean anything, but to people who work 30-70hours/week just to afford a place to sleep and food to eat, $ does start to have value.

>> No.14783732
File: 2.81 MB, 2535x2822, NeberEnufGibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever looked into the Bureau of Land Management?
It's kind of interesting the scope of authority they have over our country and even outside our borders.

>> No.14783734
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>> No.14783738
File: 70 KB, 872x872, 1658184786977486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is more egregious? The cavemen killing each other, or actually becoming the supreme dictator over ignorants just because they're living 20k years in the past?
Depends. Are you bringing them massive technological upgrades and significant Quality of Life improvements that you helped create?
Or did one of the Cavemen show you how they made a Fancy Kill-Stick and then you bonked him in the head and threw him the river, and then tried to tell the other Cavemen to listen to you because you made a Fancy Kill-Stick?

>> No.14783748
File: 2.91 MB, 4444x2777, UNschemes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there are certain (((groups))) that literally work towards keeping people in poverty, because it makes it easier for them to go wave a loaf of bread or some cash to party with a mother and her questionably aged daughter.

>> No.14783755


>> No.14783758
File: 725 KB, 1777x999, frenreminder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok, you take a bag of food and bring it to the starving folk. Shut the fuck up you maggot shit.
They actually personally do that themselves.


>> No.14783764
File: 2.50 MB, 5200x1488, DeathCultWorshippers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it stopped working because people stopped doing it.
That's one way to put it.

>> No.14783780
File: 135 KB, 768x1024, Memorial_Antonio_Agostinho_Neto_(19882325368)[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poverty has been steadily decreasing globally, though I don't think it's the realm of science so much as politics. Statistics maybe. There certainly doesn't seem to be a "one size fits all" solution though. A few things, like roads, help universally, but most efforts that work wonders in one place make things worse in another.

Some formally poor countries have had quite a lot of success without resorting to eugenics. South Korea was once totally agrarian, and made a huge turn around come the 60's and 70's. Granted, in that same time, North Korea went from being an industrial powerhouse to a total shithole. Combination of shit management and the sino-soviet funding drying up.

Then there's really weird shit like Luanda, where we find nearly the most expensive city in the world, located in central Africa.

>> No.14783792
File: 858 KB, 2066x2222, muhOil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not our responsibility to babysit the rest of the world when we can't even take care of our own people.
How about you go tell Saudi Arabia to go help out the Millions of "Refugees" that they create by using the American Military to go fuck around in places for them.
Saudi Arabia tells non-Saudi-Arabs tough luck, get fucked. They send us their rapists and troublemakers.
How about we stop subsidizing their bullshit.
>noooo, not the heckin desert dwellers!
>it's White peoples' fault that up until a couple decades ago they had openly legal slavery, and to this day continue forced labor for their massive construction projects and sex-slavery
>They've only had 1/2 century and $trillions/year(for freeee) to develop a sustainable economy, but instead over 90% of their economy still comes from their outrageous market manipulations of petro, and 9% comes from all the stocks they've bought in profitable Western Businesses, and .9% is from financial shenanigans!!!
>Why do White people do this to everyone, can't they see that giving them infinite money is only hurting them, and it's not helping them :(((
>That's how America takes advantage of everyone! We give them loans for Hundreds of $Billions that they can't pay back, so then they just declare Bankruptcy, and so we have to give them more hundreds of $Billions they don't pay back, so they just repeat an endless cycle :'(((
>White people need to stop exploiting everyone else!
It's actually impressive the level of Mental Gymnastics that they've managed to convince the rest of the world to go through.

>> No.14783811
File: 764 KB, 2288x1727, WHOcuteandfunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good point. The men in that (my) group have trouble getting laid anyway. The $10000 should be for tubal ligation only.
Because of the faggots who literally oppress and kick down anyone else down that they consider to be "genetic competition", to make it easier to expand their personal Harams filled with thousands of girls who can barely walk to ~30 when they're discarded like a useless hag.

Once you realize that there is quite literally an active War against White(Males in particular), things will start to make more sense to you.

>> No.14783821
File: 224 KB, 924x733, AfricaSuperPower2063topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, most of the money goes to Warlords who use it to build themselves mansions and have a bunch of Western property, and keep just enough to financially support a steady supply of poor, starving, personal sex objects.

>> No.14783827
File: 223 KB, 935x553, WHOrapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then there's really weird shit like Luanda, where we find nearly the most expensive city in the world, located in central Africa.
How strange.
I wonder why that is.

>> No.14783864

Think it has more to do with oil and corruption causing all the wealth to concentrate in one place, as while Luanda is a city of opulence, the rest of Angola is still shithole as far as the eye can see. Basically the usual Resource Curse.

>> No.14783923

Stop dumping your /pol/ folder and fuck off already. You're not contributing to the thread.

>> No.14783940
File: 224 KB, 656x822, 1658584730010184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think it has more to do with oil and corruption causing all the wealth to concentrate in one place
It is exactly that, and they have no intention of changing that.
They're currently working towards impoverishing the rest of the world so they can LARP as "Kangz of Planet Urf".

>Basically the usual Resource Curse.
That's just a meme. If the West just looted all the resources in Africa/MidEast like everyone cries about, then we would objectively be in a much better financial position.
At the end of the Civil War, President Grant created Federal Agencies like the Bureua of Indian Affairs(put a Native Indian in charge of it), and filled a bunch of Jews and Blacks in all sorts of Federal Agencies, and wiped out any significant KKK presence by criminalizing and cracking down on them with extreme prejudice, while ironically promoting black-supremacists like the Black Panthers.

The reason people should oppose sending foreign aid is because currently we are literally just financing Criminal Warlords to rape children. That's basically what happened in Afghanistan too. Send $Trillions, a bunch of corrupt kickbacks for various Military Contractors, bribed a bunch of local Warlords to "pls b nice, here's $Billions for u :33" and helped them create infrastructure where they are unable to afford the electricity to function.

I mean, White people felt strong enough about the issue of wanting to end Slavery, that it was a sizeable contributing factor to the Civil War. In the overall Slave-Trade, Whites were a small minority participating in it, and they were basically on the "purchasing" side for field work. Most of the "Dirty-Work" of the industry came from africa/mid-east.

>> No.14783959
File: 1.63 MB, 1272x990, OhNowISeeIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop dumping your /pol/ folder and fuck off already. You're not contributing to the thread.
The thread is about "Solving Poverty". Of course I'm going to have some politically-adjacent posts regarding the subject.

I mean, I don't think pseudoscience is Science, but at any given moment at least 3/4 the catalog is filled with pseudoscience threads.

You guys have turned Academia into politically-charged pseudointellectual nonsense.
If I just replaced some words like "Poor" or "White" with Scientific Buzzwords, I could get published(under a non-identifiable pseudonym) in all sorts of Scientific Journals.

If you have a problem with the thread for being "off-topic", then fine; but I'm at least staying topical to OP.

>> No.14784148

Birth rates declined 20%.

>> No.14784153

>compare a 40% white country to a 99% white one.
uh, ok anon

>> No.14784154

This nigga doesn’t know how loans works. News flash there are catches to loans. Such as: devaluing your currency, subsidizing commodities according to western interests, lower tax tariffs on western allies, e.t.c You know the things that make a country poor retard

>> No.14784255
File: 3.76 MB, 4111x2933, MarketingEmergencyPowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know people can take out loans using fake ID's if they have some buddies in Administrative positions in the government/banks
>He doesn't know he can just use "refugees" to help them with their "social justice NGO", and take out a bunch of different loans by using Fake ID's and endless streams of immigrants
>He doesn't know there are Hundreds of Thousands-Millions of Businesses/NGO's that are insolvent, and that they are Hundreds of $Trillions in the economy that only exists as Debt

Ok anon.... I'm sure 2008 financial crash really sucked for all those bankers since they lost Tens of $Trillions... Oh no wait, the government just Bailed them out, like they did with (((Coof Recovery Money)))....

>> No.14784292

If you mean real poverty like rural India and shit or Sierra Leone the #1 cause is corruption.
Governments, police, courts, everybody wants a bribe to do anything for you in those countries. The poorest countries engage in full on nepotism of hiring all incompetent cousins and brothers to important institutions then they all cover for each other while fleecing the public of their money. Pakistan is a good example, if you want to get into medical school there you must bribe your way in it will never matter what your grades are or potential.

So since you need huge money to obtain an education it's not seen as valuable, you're better off pulling your kids to help you on your farm as slave labor so you can eat. Repeat this cycle forever

>> No.14784331

Poverty isn't a lack of cash, it's a lack of infrastructure.

World would be a lot better if the CIA's foreign policy wasn't destabilizing countries not immediately sympathetic to US interests during the cold war.

>> No.14784339

DRC all that money is bribery from China/USA/EU to get at lithium and rare-earth elements like Coltan and other 'fourth industrial revolution' metals that DRC is filled with. The entire north of DRC is a persistent warzone of expelled militias from Rwanda and god knows what other child soldiers and criminal shit. It's kept this way permanently because (surprise) north Kivu and related areas is where a lot of mining is so China or US can just prop up some death squad to guarantee them cheap access to the materials. 60% of the world's supply of Coltan is in that warzone area.

So anons asking why there's still poverty there after billions in handouts, and access to nearly all of the very expensive and rare-earth elements, it's because all our countries are paying for permanent unrest what we don't want is for the Kinsasa regime to get their hands on it because they're likely only to sell to Hezbollah or China/Russia so France and US and Brits, we're all in there stirring up shit hey you want to run a terrorist group that seizes a Coltan mining operation to exclusive sell to us? Great here's some intel and supplies, plus startup income.

>> No.14784554
File: 45 KB, 640x638, nnmiatbvywp51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fellow wizard, this logic is absolutely irrefutable

>> No.14785298

Post scarcity.

>> No.14785301
File: 2.51 MB, 4416x3640, 1604725997129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw they are still in poverty after post scarcity

>> No.14785432

Keep societies sex segregated until a certain age and education requirement level. Equip them during the education process with knowledge of human biology and disease control, financial management, basic economics, political systems, etc. Make sure that each person is on a pathway towards a career role. Minimal interaction between the zones outside of being around family at home. Anyone found violating the rule is shot on sight. Teen pregnancies are immediately terminated, with violators receiving social shame and punishment. Poverty is increased by unnecessary population growth and stupidity.

>> No.14785446

The cavemen are cavemen. You can bring technology, but they wouldn't have any idea what it is or how to create it on their own, nor would they be able to maintain it if you left. Any life "improvements" are short lived and completely dependent on you being present to rule over them.

>> No.14786110

Reduce opportunities for rent, improve the economy overall, reduce income inequality, sterilize anyone who has kids they can’t afford and put their children up for adoption, banish vagrants, criminals and drug users instead of imprisoning them, reduce government waste

>> No.14786216

Poverty is integral to civilization. Without the threat of material scarcity/hunger you can't make people work for you. Non-civilized peoples literally had the whole earth beneath their feet. No borders, no park rangers, just exist hunt and harvest. Death by stone axe? At least you had a good life