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14779662 No.14779662 [Reply] [Original]

we need to solve the electric universe skizo problem

>> No.14779664

consciousness is a property of electromagnetism.

>> No.14779669

your mom is a property of electromagnetism.

>> No.14779772

Wallace Thornhill is actually a computer salesman. They are not scientist, they are fraud. Electric Universe is a pseudo-science.

>God doesn't exist.
>Big Bang is true, we came from nothing.
>While creationism is blue pill, the evolution theory is red pill.
>Fuck, all of woo-woo pseudo-science follower Christians and schizos.

>> No.14779774

Consciousness doesn't exist. I bet you don't even know what electro-magnetism actually mean. Learn some basic Math & Physics, you degenerate pseudo-science worshipper.

>> No.14779815

Why? They're nearly on the right track towards plasma cosmology, so they're worth having around since they guide people away from the modern cosmological religion.

>> No.14779862


>> No.14779875

"Electric Universe" as promoted by Thornhill definitely is, but he's often used as the brush to tar people working on bleeding-edge research in plasma physics and electromagnetism. It's best not to throw away the work of Arp and Birkeland and their modern-day successors just because of some aussie grifter.

>> No.14779930

nobody in real physics has a problem with legitimate plasma physics or the physics of magnetism. those are real fields of physics that everyone in physics respects

it is just really unfortunate that Wal Thornhill chose those words (not even the real physics. just the names) to attach to his pseudoscience. he’s a real pseud who actively injects bullshit info physics media and the fact he picked “plasma” and “magnetism” as his pseud darlings is really sad for real physicists who study those subjects since now you have a pseud cloud between you and the public.

in any case he is old now and will die soon and so i’m sure this pseud cloud over your field will blow over soon

>> No.14779978

Well, he's quite literally right, although not in the way he thinks
Consciousness is a result of electric charge interactions in the neuron network

>> No.14780225

>Consciousness doesn't exist.
you are the same as the electric universe retards by denying actual science

>> No.14780238

the "pseud cloud" is only perceived as a problem by those seeking to grift, i.e. pseuds

>> No.14781174

It's a huge problem for physicists trying to do public outreach, and those with non-mainstream ideas which are valid and testable (unlike Thornhill), or from whom he is stealing research to "make predictions" which turn out correct.

>> No.14781361

What problem?

>> No.14781629
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>relativity drooler
>cant spell schizo
checks out

>> No.14781657

i ask for passing directly into stem but we had some trust issues.