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14779536 No.14779536 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else amazed at how unlikely it is that you are alive and posting this? I mean, my own grandfather nearly died on the beaches of Normandy. If he had, I wouldn’t even be here to post this inane, meaningless post.

>> No.14779546

yeah I live la vida loca

>> No.14779547

strong sperm > weak sperm => I was born

>> No.14779580
File: 20 KB, 318x246, 6120790_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father was a corpsman in the navy during Vietnam. For those that don't know, if you were in the Navy during 'Nam, you were safe, unless you were a Marine or a corpsman. Corpsman are those dudes with all of the tubing and chest suction gear trying to patch up guys that just took shrapnel to the chest, a medic.

One day assignment came up for my old man and three other corpsman; Two spots on an ocean survey vessel, two spots in the shit. So they drew straws. My dad got a lucky draw and ended up on a scientific survey vessel giving inoculations to sailors with VD for the remainder of his service. The two that drew short were killed in battle.

My entire existence is predicated on that one game of chance.

>> No.14779654

The probability is 1 since we already know it occurred. Seriously though, low probability is only surprising if the result is special. There is nothing special about you, you're as likely as any other possible outcome.

>> No.14779706
File: 33 KB, 479x208, died-for-israel-444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14779771

He was 18 in 1969. His choices were Navy or wait for the lottery to send him to Nam to die with his friends.

>> No.14779775

I had one philosophy professor years ago during office hours trying to sell me on determinism and convince me to ditch my financee for grad school at the same time. She said something about how it's essentially predetermined that I would get married and raise kids in the suburbs because they must be how I grew up. And I looked at her and told her, I just aged out of foster care three years ago. My odds of just enrolling in college were three percent, forget about graduation, I'm ten times more likely to end up in prison.

Yeah, I've thought about it.

>> No.14779783

The funny thing is that your grandfather could have met my grandfather, but probably one of us wouldn't have been born.