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14778637 No.14778637 [Reply] [Original]

Don't know if this qualifies as science or if just pure speculation, but can anons here vividly recall their first ever moments of sentience? I can in quite some detail:
>Darkness. Absolutely nothing.
>Suddenly, hearing whispering as things turn a cloud white blue, almost as if I'm in some sort of heavenly plain but can't open my eyes.
>Whispering dies down and I slowly materialize above a street in my neighborhood at the time of my early youth, as if I am slowly opening my eyes with a blue tint slowly fading away.
>My vision slowly tilts down as I descend into a fast dive towards me, holding my mother's hand, walking towards a post office.
>I "enter" my body via the head and I am shocked and confused.
>I look around with awe and curiosity as I ask myself "What am I?", "What is this place?".
>I look back at my mother, English library loaded up in the head now apparently, asking: "Who are you?"
>She looks at me confused, saying "I'm your mother, [name]"
>Then everything slow fades away to blue again.
>Rest is a blur, think I gained full sentience around 6-7 in that exact neighborhood.
Anyone else recall any similar experiences at the start of their lives? This is one of very experiences that almost make me believe in an afterlife, but can't confirm if it's just a trip of the brain going haywire during development, giving me trippy dreams, or something other worldly. Don't know any religions that talk about the first moments of "awareness".

>> No.14778641

Consciousness is first experienced when the soul is endowed in the physical body of the mother's fetus, it doesn't build itself from scratch

>> No.14778675

I remember waking up in my mother's bed and thinking at the time that it was my first memory, remembering nothing before this point. this was before kindergarten.

>> No.14778698

I have experiences of very young ages, diaper changes and learning to walk. Don't remember breastfeeding though so probably 1-2 year range. Lots of weird memories 3-5 range. I was told that a neighbor pushed me over in the cradle in the year and a half range, might be the thing that kick started memory though I don't specifically remember that. Played a lot of genesis in the 4-5 range. I can track my memories because of the different places I lived in.

>> No.14778707

I remember crawling on the floor at my old house and eating animal crackers.

Also my mom being pissed because I shit my diaper once and crying because I couldn't sleep in my crib. I don't think it's good to remember shit this early. I think the reason I recall stuff so early has something in common with my I was wake for the one surgery I had and can remember it despite the anesthesia and what I frequently have deep sleep dreams (repetitious half formed thoughts) all night.

It's not particularly a good thing to not be able to forget stuff.

>> No.14778708

your first experience is whatever cortex, gyri, nuclei, bla bla bla that holds memory that happens to not be pruned.

>> No.14778725


I was standing near a very tall broad window facing the garden on the side of my house. I had just come tumbling down the stairs rolling and dancing around the rooms until the window struck me and I went to face it. It was such a large window that it was supported by a white lattice structure. I remember reaching out and touching the cool glass. And the very vivid bright sunlit lime greens of the shrubs and plants just outside the window. And indoors it was seemingly desaturated to a black and white, and mostly soft grays. And I began to question whether I was a ghost, because it didn't seem like anything in the world around me was reacting to me or what I was doing. And I stood there calmly with my toes digging into the carpet and pressed my cheek against the cool window.

Not sure if its significant, but I think it might be my first or earliest memory still because it resolves a sense of ego beyond mortality. I sincerely considered I might be a ghost and yet still existed in a calmness. I believed in a soul and self-identified.

>> No.14778753
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>> No.14778775

The root goes to the source and the electromagnetic spectrum is just another phenomenon. Physical manifestation is several layers down. The tendrils linking the two is not measurable and cannot be because it is anchored to things without part or place. You really shouldn't read that particular author. They don't understand what spirit is and they are sharing nothing but lies.

>> No.14778787

I drove a kiddie scooter down the stairs and smashed my head. I remember the moment prior to dropping in but I knew almost immediately afterwords that would be my first memory, possibly because it was the first thing I could actually remember afterwords, not sure.

>> No.14780674
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>1st moments of consciousness and your experiences
In 6th grade, when I prooved all by myself Apollonius's theorem and the centroid of a triangle.

Before that, Math was something very boring for me, beut after this "revelation", I saw Maths everywhere.

>> No.14780758

I remember being inside the "hallway" of a bus or tram and that I was held by my mother. Everything was black and white but that could just be due to the contrast of sunlight and shadows inside it. The thought of the first memory was fascinating to me as a child and I remember recalling that moment as my first memory when I was like 8 or 9 years old.

>> No.14780966

My first memory was of me sitting in the grass with my grandparents on s rainy day watching my mom ride a horse. I remember the kind of horse, what my mom was wearing, what the saddle looked like, what type of riding she was doing. It came to me as a dream when I was about 7.

I told my mom about the dream at the time and she said it really happened and I was 1 year old at the time. I wasn't remembering any other time because this happened in Kentucky and we moved after my first birthday.

I've had other dreams of memories from before I was 3 but this is the most vivid.

>> No.14780977
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You have a lot to learn, son