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File: 33 KB, 3000x2000, julia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14777637 No.14777637 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of Julia? I've been using it recently and it's been really great. It's also inspired me to learn more about how the JIT works and LLVM in general to improve performance. Julia seems like a no-brainer compared to C/C++/Fortran/python for 21st century scientific computing but it seems like there isn't much traction. Is this because there is just so much already written in these other languages? Do you think there's hope for major adoption someday?

>> No.14777650

The computing ecosystem is infested by clinical subhumans. You can't have good things. You WILL use obsolete, horribly designed programming languages. You WILL deal with 50 layers of unnecessary complexity. You WILL use an IDE that takes 2 minutes to start up on a modern machine. You WILL run all this on a bloatware system that barely holds together.

>> No.14777654

Julia looks good, but there's no real reason for me to use it when I can use python. I already know python, it's just as fast (inb4 "it isn't"), it can be used for any purpose, there are one million python examples on the web etc

>> No.14777680

Python may be "just as fast" in your use case, but that doesn't mean it is in everyone's use case. In particular, stuff like numpy and scipy are written predominantly in C. The goal of Julia is to solve the two language problem i.e. remove the interface between the "easy-to-prototype" language and the fast language (e.g python and C). I do hear your point about millions of examples though, and I really am wondering if there will ever be enough traction for Julia. I have had to dig into source code many times due to bad library documentation.

>> No.14777683

Ugh, tell me about it. Even in academia I am floored by the amount of Matlab shills. I pray that Julia can at least replace Matlab one day.. these people are literally paying thousands of dollars to get fucked in the ass.

>> No.14777706

>I pray that Julia can at least replace Matlab one day..
I don't think praying will help in this godforsaken field, anon. What's needed is hard-headed dedication to do pioneering work with new tools that you see potential in, even if it puts you at a disadvantage relative to people who just slap shit together using more mainstream tools.

>> No.14777707

My uni pays for my MATLAB license. Not my problem. Plus Python/Julia/etc. suffer from the usual FOSS problem of getting what you pay for. There's better quality control in MATLAB and even mainstream libraries like scipy have issues that the MATLAB equivalents don't have.

>> No.14777708

This is something you’ll always see in programming languages
Even if your language of choice that seems perfect to you SHOULD be used everywhere, tough shit everyone else is using the most common language at the time with the widest adoption

The only time this changes is when someone with dominant market share over an ecosystem makes a decree upon high. Think swift vs obj c. Obj-c was the bees knees, and was a bit difficult for the average retard. Early on if you learned it you made bank with iOS. Swift is like javascript, for morons, aimed at morons. Who cares about projects getting delivered faster, what a programmer should be concerned with is getting paid first. But we see how that turned out. Nope lets all decide to work for free like commies in our off hours. No tradesman does this, they always get paid for work somehow. Lamers work these jobs. All the OGs are managers or dipped on this nonsense.

You’re at the behest of a group of shitlords, so you get to use python. That’s what you should focus on. Learning python and be a scientist and not fall into the programmer loser bracket.

Never be a software developer, be a scientist first and foremost

>> No.14777717

>programmer loser bracket
what is that

t r&d eng that mostly translates concepts on paper defined by others into code plus some of my own

>> No.14777720
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>> No.14777735

>am scientist
>younger brother is programmer
>110k/year with no degree
Y-yeah programmer losers

>> No.14777738

>b-b-but muh money
Money means nothing, greedy kike. Nothing can buy you the pleasure of pandering to the establishment for grants, doctoring data to get published and brown-nosing a corrupt """experts""".

>> No.14777773

Thanks anon this is what I needed to hear :'-)

At the very least I'm learning a lot from having to dig a little deeper every time I get stuck rather than just copypasta StackOverflow

>> No.14778129


>> No.14778265

fun to programm in especially for scientific tasks. still niche though, so not really general purpose as it's advertised. also once you try to do anything on a larger scale it becomes cumbersome. No binary compilation, many outdated 'academia' packages programmed only once for some project and HUGE memory footprint. The amount of memory julia uses for trivial programms like 'Hello World' is almost not justifiable.

>> No.14778277

>What do you guys think of Julia?
meme language. just use python

>> No.14778284

>Even in academia I am floored by the amount of Matlab shills. I pray that Julia can at least replace Matlab one day.
An open source language isn't a good substitute for a proprietary language because the point of a proprietary language is paid engineering support. Matlab even has a button in the gui that will send a full report to an engineering team about what you were doing so they can help you diagnose any issue you are having and fix it asap.

>> No.14778299
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>An open source language isn't a good substitute for a proprietary language because the point of a proprietary language is paid engineering support
What the fuck did I just read? Maybe you should implement a proprietary knock-off [insert mainstream programming language] so that people could pay for you to fix the bugs you introduce into your own dogshit-tier software. I'm sure it'll be super popular.

>> No.14778309

>Maybe you should implement a proprietary knock-off [insert mainstream programming language] so that people could pay for you to fix the bugs you introduce into your own dogshit-tier software. I'm sure it'll be super popular.
You say this like it's stupid, but what you're describing is almost every software company.

>> No.14778316

Here at my uni in Germany its being used in many lectures. In fact I took a lecture which explicitly made you use it and learn it.
The prof that taught the lecture works in an institute that's spending a lot of resources and man hours writting scientific computing libraries in Julia.
Moreover most people in the area know about it.
So im my experience whilst mostly academic, there's a sizable amount of interest in the language and I think it will only grow

>> No.14778317
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>he pays for shit-tier buggy software
They live solely off of suckers like you.

>> No.14778329

Unless you're using loonix, libre office, and all FOSS then they're living off of you too.

>> No.14778330

what german uni uses julia? for all I know they used matlab/python but times might have changed

>> No.14778337

Its by no means a monolitic thing, it depends on the lecture/professor.
If you need to know im in tub.

>> No.14778340

>she doesn't know about torrents
>she doesn't use cracked software
>she actually pays programming-sock-wearing troons and their kike managers

>> No.14778354

Julia ils not mature enough to have a large traction. They often break compatibility between version on major packages. For example CUDA.jl got completely changed I had the rewrite the entire cuda part of a medium size application to update to a more recent version of Julia.

A lot of basic packages are also not really ready. For example for optimisation you have three packages which are competing for supremacy and they are all fairly limited if you want to do complex stuff.

Also debugging is a nightmare in Julia at the moment. Personally I find it easier to just use print statement.

All those factors can scare of new users who are not willing to put the effort to got around Julia current clunkiness. But I am optimistic if the Julia team do not do a major fuckup in the next five years it will have a real shot at becoming a widely adopted language for scientific tasks.

>> No.14778359

>cracked software
This stuff is bad at keeping your systems maintained and up-to-date. If you want to update your software then you need to install a whole new crack just for that update, assuming there is one which there usually isn't, and if you do find one, it doesn't maintain your files and configurations from the last crack, and also forget about using any plugged in cloud computing services. Just about the only files I still have from 10+ years ago are those that are hosted by a mega globo homo corp.
>she actually pays programming-sock-wearing troons and their kike managers
That's right, the trannies and the kikes work for me now

>> No.14778390
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>but what about muh updaterinos!! i can't live unless i have the latest and greats version of Schlomosoft Bloatware Manger
I'm fucking dying here. Please stop.

>> No.14778394

Binary compilation is coming along. In a few years you might be able to ship a Julia binary without needing a few week to do a full precompilation coverage of you code. Julia 1.8 is really going in the right directing on that

>> No.14778415

>no updates
Don't you work on anything cutting edge?

>> No.14778422

People working on cutting-edge projects are the last people to update their software, you filthy LARPer. They prefer to have a stable production environment.

>> No.14778430

But how do you integrate the recent contributions of other people if you never update your environment?

>> No.14778456

I am curious what lecture of yours uses julia? It would be really odd to use julia for machine learning, since python is still the standard. I'd guess numerical computations like optimization or differential equations.

>> No.14778466

I just don't want to compile my whole environment into a package. That's not what compilation is about. It's like shipping your whole OS as a virtual machine. Also you can't make closed source binaries for other platforms like mobile or embedded, the latter being rather important for applications, so there's that.

>> No.14778512

You update it once in a blue moon unless what you currently have is afflicted with some show-stopper issue. Even large organizations that pay for their shitty software and priority support work this way. No one likes having their shit constantly update because in a complex production environment, it inevitably breaks things.

>> No.14778513

Oh cool! I am glad to hear that. Here in France there is a small group of academics really into Julia.. but outside that nothing

>> No.14778521

>It would be really odd to use julia for machine learning, since python is still the standard. I'd guess numerical computations like optimization or differential equations.
You COULD for sure use julia for ml/dl but obviously that would be quite ... Clunky.
Anyways I did use it for numerics, specifically pde numerics and linear solvers

>> No.14778559

I didn't say to frequently update, but using cracked software almost guarantees you won't have continuity from one environment to the other.

>> No.14778566

Never had that problem, but then again, I'm not the kinda guy to use MATLAB.

>> No.14778573

Free software is only free if you don't value your time

>> No.14778579

I don't know why you're spitting out this anal-crust-licking corporate slave rheotoric at me again; we've already established that only mouth-breathing imbeciles like you haven't figured out how to use torrents.

>> No.14778587

>pde numerics
Did you use Gridap?

>> No.14778589

Where's the torrent for Maple 2021 or 2022?

>> No.14778596

It's like you're making my point for me.

>> No.14778607
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>> No.14778608

You can compile without the entire environment. It is just really hard to do. It is likely to happen in the future.

For embedded and mobile I don't Julia will ever be a good choice. If you are not trying to do high performance scientific modelling/ computation s or data processing/analysis Julia is unlikely to be the right choice.

>> No.14778645
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>this is the level of the average corporate consoomer
Maybe call 4chan tech support and notify them about this issue. I'm fucking dying.

>> No.14778657

I already tried downloading the Maple torrents from the pirate bay and they turned out to be trojans and cryptominers. So the onus is really on the 1337 warez script kiddie community to show they can pirate anything besides muh vidya games and move consooomtion

>> No.14778665

I'll preface by saying I love julia and hope it continues to improve. Now though, I find it too immature and buggy. It looks like they are pushing for more meta packages to unify interfacing in some domains (like stat regression), which will greatly help usability and hopefully smooth out composition issue between packages, but even in the main language there are errors that make me cringe. For instance: -Int8(-128) silently fails (or overflows) and returns -128 rather than throwing an inexact error or something. I absolutely do not like this as edge cases can now lead to incorrect results rather than no results and an error. In fact, this is the reason the quantile function returns an incorrect value:
Not good. Now I have faith these correctness issues will get addressed but until then I do not think it's ready for widespread industry use.

>> No.14778667
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>I already tried downloading the Maple torrents from the pirate bay and they turned out to be trojans and cryptominers.
>So the onus is on you to find it for me!
Get a load of this goddamn nigger monkey.

>> No.14778682

>For instance: -Int8(-128) silently fails (or overflows) and returns -128 rather than throwing an inexact error or something.
I don't use Julia but this smells like a textbook case of you failing to RTFM rather than an error in Julia.

>> No.14778684

i don't use anything named after women.

>> No.14778687

Well maybe you should use it a bit and read the documentation then get back to me on how this is appropriate behaviour when this is handled perfectly in python. Further maybe you should then go to the core devs and tell them they don't know enough about their own language since this behaviour is leading to errors IN THE CORE STATS LIBRARY. Retard.

>> No.14778697

There's no reason to get mad and chimp out, anon.

>> No.14778699

There's no reason for you to speak on technical subjects you don't know about either, but here we are.

>> No.14778701

>You can pirate anything!
schizos 0 paychads 1

>> No.14778702

>In Julia, exceeding the maximum representable value of a given type results in a wraparound behavior
Did you RTFM?

>> No.14778709

PDE chad, I kneel

>> No.14778711

Did you listen? I'm aware of WHY this occurs, my problem is with HOW it is handled. Not throwing so much as a warning means implementations buried in the core language spit out incorrect results. This is not excusable when it's meant for serious academic or industry work.

>> No.14778712
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>if i can't do it then it's impossible

>> No.14778716

>I'm aware of WHY this occurs, my problem is with HOW it is handled.
It is handled exactly as the manual specifies: it causes a wraparound without any errors or warnings.

>> No.14778724

And my point is their handling is poor and not sufficient for serious work. Once again, as it leads to incorrect results from core functions. Now a statistician needs to audit the implementation of basic functions to ensure correctness.

>> No.14778737

>And my point is their handling is poor
Or maybe you just need to RTFM so that you don't use Int8 and have it wrap around when that's not what you want. The language is clearly doing what it's supposed to do in this case.

>> No.14778752

>Or maybe you just need to RTFM so that you don't use Int8 and have it wrap around when that's not what you want.
You are unimaginably obtuse. It doesn't matter if it's doing what it "should", when this behaviour silently breaks core functionality. Look at quantile(Int8[-128,127],1). This range is entirely within an Int8. Outwardly, there is no reason to suspect this will fail, but it does, not due to any fault of the caller, but due to the implementation of quantile, which a user does not control. Now, is it a good thing for this language to expect users to read the source code before doing anything? Or do you think this will drive people away? A reminder, this is handled perfectly by numpy.

>> No.14778810

The most you could say here is that the quantile function is implemented poorly because it (apparently) uses the same type as the argument internally, which gives counter-intuitive results. That's not a bug or flaw with the language semantics (contrary to your claims). There are two ways to handle this issue: one is to hand-hold people like you and convert everything to the highest-precision type available internally, in pretty much every library function, incurring a performance cost on everybody even when it's unnecessary; the other is to just let newbies get bitten by this once or twice so that they remember to use an appropriate argument type.

>> No.14778831

By the way, you could have avoided this problem altogether by not specifying a type at all. From what I understand, Julia uses types for optimizations and doesn't actually require you to ever specify them.

>> No.14778863

>The most you could say here is that the quantile function is implemented poorly because it (apparently) uses the same type as the argument internally, which gives counter-intuitive results.
It gives incorrect results. Not counter intuitive ones. numpy uses int8 internally and returns the correct result. Further, it doesn't even return an Int8, it returns -129 as an Int64.
> That's not a bug or flaw with the language semantics (contrary to your claims).
It absolutely is a bug unless you are seriously arguing the true value is -129. -128:127 is exactly representable by an Int8. A user would have no foreknowledge of this call failing.
> There are two ways to handle this issue
No, there a third, and that's ensure correct handling of edge cases while using the given type. Which numpy does.
>the other is to just let newbies get bitten by this once or twice so that they remember to use an appropriate argument type.
This is the appropriate argument type, and it happens on the end range of every Int type, including the default Int64. Further, it isn't always evident that one is given an incorrect result immediately when this is part of a larger script. This is a huge correctness concern for practitioners running analysis.

>By the way, you could have avoided this problem altogether by not specifying a type at all. From what I understand
No you can't, it happens with -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 for the default Int64. To avoid this you would need to wrap everything in big() to give arbitrary precision.

>> No.14778888

>It gives incorrect results
Your notion of "correct results" kinda flies out of the window once you start doing statistical calculations using 8 bits of precision.

>It absolutely is a bug
Like I said, the most you could claim is that it's a bug with that function. You were claiming it's a bug in the language semantics when it clearly isn't.

>ensure correct handling of edge cases while using the given type
There is no way to handle this edge case except to use the highest precision type available, and even then it would fail when you reach the limits of that type.

>This is the appropriate argument type
You're clearly a retarded Python monkey running into a type system for the first time. Int8 is not the appropriate type for anything except binary data manipulation. It sure as fuck isn't the appropriate type for statistical calculations.

>it happens with -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 for the default Int64
Yes, you retard. The perils of using a computer.

>> No.14778928

>Your notion of "correct results" kinda flies out of the window once you start doing statistical calculations using 8 bits of precision.
Use of Int8 is for ease of demonstration. You're intentionally missing the point, which is edge case handling.
>You were claiming it's a bug in the language semantics when it clearly isn't.
I was claiming the quantile result is a bug. I said the overflow does not raise an error or warning and that I did not like that behaviour, since it leads to errors in the core language. I'm sorry of that wasn't clear.
>There is no way to handle this edge case except to use the highest precision type available, and even then it would fail when you reach the limits of that type.
Absolutely 100 percent incorrect. For quantile, an swap of the subtraction terms, then correcting with another negation would work. Hell it would work in all cases and would be a better implementation.
>You're clearly a retarded Python monkey running into a type system for the first time.
My guy, most of programming is in C.
> Int8 is not the appropriate type for anything except binary data manipulation. It sure as fuck isn't the appropriate type for statistical calculations.
Missing the point, again. Expecting layman to audit source code and then avoid using the total range of their variables is enormously stupid.
>Yes, you retard. The perils of using a computer.
The perils of shitty devs and their lickspittles. This has been handled by like everyone else.

>> No.14778935
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>My guy
Stopped reading.

>> No.14778946

Stop breathing too you oxygen thief.
Also look:
>julia Int8(-128)-(Int8(-128)-Int8(127))
>julia typeof(ans)
Wow, fixed the implementation without type promotion.

>> No.14778948

You sure are a retard.

>> No.14778978

Avoid talking about numerical programming when you don't know anything about it. The fix is trivial. All other major libraries I've used handle this without issue. julia devs had several ways of dealing with this stupidity without compromising correctness, and they chose not to do any of them.

>> No.14779004

Don't care, still using C++

>> No.14779017

I went and looked up what their code actually does:
Look at the '_quantile' function. It does linear interpolation using some parameters you didn't specify which causes the weird behavior with Int8. There is no trivial fix for this. Maybe you could cast 'a' and 'b' into high precision floats but you can still get weird results out of it.

>> No.14779040

Nope. Guess thats a triangulation tool? Cant be bothered to look it up right now.
If it is, for triangulations I used interoperability with python and used some triangulation library from it, iirc theres some other ways to do that stuff but I havent touched this stuff in a bit

>> No.14779082

Parameters are for specifying the quantiles(s). Dropped for demonstration, fix is essentially the same (i.e. inverting it). Chase it down in the debugger if you don't believe me.

>> No.14779088


>> No.14779111

I think it's this line causing the problem:
>return a + γ*(b-a)
What do you want to do with it?

>> No.14779134

You are correct. It becomes
>a - γ*(a-b)
Due to quirks w/ floats distribute gamma:
>a - (γ*a-γ*b)
Which I'm getting correct results with.

>> No.14779160

I suspect that now you're spitting out a float which, like I said earlier, can still give you unexpected results when what you arguably want is one of the numbers in your original vector. Probably better than -129, though, so good job. Submit a PR or something. I don't use Julia and I don't even have it installed.

>> No.14779173

the issue is open for some time now, but it was found and mentioned by someone

>> No.14779185

It will certainly spit out a float for any gamma not 0 or 1, this is ok though and necessary as we are defining a continuous uniform distribution in this case (instead of discrete).
>julia> quantile([-128,127], 0.99)

>julia> (Int8(-128)-(0.99*Int8(-128)-0.99*Int8(127)))
From testing, accuracy seems to be eps or close to it. Debugger shows no unnecessary type promotions.

Looks like it yeah. They haven't touched the repo in months which doesn't inspire confidence.

>> No.14779198

Oh. Now that I look at it more closely, I don't really get why it doesn't get promoted into a float in either case since 'gamma' depends on 'aleph' and 'aleph' depends on 'p' which is declared Real. What type is your -129...?

>> No.14779204

>What type is your -129
Fucking Int64 of all things.

>> No.14779210
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Cool. Alright. Maybe Jualia is broken.

>> No.14779259

There might be hope. When I was in grad school not that long ago we still used Stata for all sorts of stats and now R has surged in marketshare.

I think one of the key advantages open source has is that it can then be interfaced with by other proprietary packages.

So for example, I've been developing this
new concept for the social sciences where papers are published as interactive dashboards. People can run all sorts of robustness tests, hit your data with different tests, see it visualized, all with a button click. The use case is big public datasets, because that allows me to have the data automatically refreshing, and then each refresh is a Bayseian update. Also standardized a nomenclature across multiple states so that it's a very large n set.

This is possible because Microsoft's Power BI has plugins for R and Python and is free if you make the report public.

Open source gets you the ability to have your work interface easier.

You also get people doing hobby horse projects they sometimes produce novel new things that company's won't take as a loss leader because it isn't going to generate enough cash. The flip side is flawed add ons though.

>> No.14779314

pls gib library

>> No.14779317


>> No.14780156

kek, I work in industry I don't need to brown nose. I just have to pretend I don't see all the things the engineers do wrong/skip to get products out.

>> No.14780164
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Why not solidity?

>> No.14780202


>> No.14780212

why are you here posting your low tier post? isn't reddit enough?

>> No.14780549

>I just have to pretend I don't see all the things the engineers do wrong/skip to get products out.
heh, yep

>> No.14780625
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>> No.14780714

>indices starting at 1

>> No.14780737

JUST USE VIM. It is literally faster at doing everything, is preloaded on almost anything, and is as lightweight as you can get besides just using notepad. It takes like a week to get somewhat proficient and your efficiency only increases the more you use it. You can even use it in vscode if you really can't get used to navigating directories in the terminal.

>> No.14780742


>> No.14780749

Nearly every new software update on any piece of software written by coding monkies at FANMG breaks everything/isn't backwards compatible/includes free security vulnerabilities. You are wasting likely thousands of dollars a year and are coping by saying you actually 'own' these companies because you shill them 20% of your paycheck. I guess those poor rednecks that smoke 10 packs a day control the tobacco industry too?

>> No.14780753

Linux, the backbone of essentially every backend is still written in C89.

>> No.14780760

Yep, that is definitely what you are anon.

>> No.14781061

> filtered by small offset of one
more like dropped out, you're clearly not a scientist let alone mathematician.

>> No.14781071

He's not wrong. 1-based indexing is disgusting.

>> No.14781114

a scientist writes down his formulas on paper before implementing them. there is nothing disgusting there and it really doesn't make a difference, just a change if variables. most arguments rely on C styled programming with pointer arithmetic, where you will most likely make overflow mistakes because of the indexing. not in julia.

>> No.14781153

>there is nothing disgusting there
Why do you lie?